...Armed Forces of The United States of America...

















...Is America, Teetering On The Brink...



American War Time Flag




...Considering Its Fringe Details...

admiralty us flag

British Territorial. Admiralty and Suspended Constitution US Flag


 usa unity flag

USA Unity Flag


...America is Actually at Peace...




PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Stocks soared 59% in 2024 ... and so have their new 2025 personal car insurance premium rate increases for many ZIP Code areas, based on many parameters established by your specific originating sales agency

By: James Allen of the Homyak family

It can be your best choice to shop around and try going 'company direct' to avoid middle-man markups.

January 4, 2025

This is a developing exposure, to be updated soon. Read the links in this article to broaden your comprehension of these important topics.

Written on October 11, 2024 by GENNA CONTINO, we see a little bit of writing as to "the how and why" your/our PROGRESSIVE CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY has seen a 59% share price appreciation as well as 377% profit growth. The company has leap-frogged ahead of much of its competition in the insurance sector, as GENNA describes these matters. (American's ESTATES actually own all corporations as silent STATE partners without even knowing this... with your STATE AGENCIES happily standing in as beneficiaries within the framework of their CHARGEBACK which they profit by ever since 1913.)

The plot now thickens....

At the same time we see this public facing testimony, we also discovered how the [COMPANY] conducted its risk assessment over various [ZIP CODES] to adjust 59% premium increases accordingly via the actual independant insurance agent.

For a retired and disabled man (one who isn't identifying as a PERSON) with a 42 year clean record of using his car; one who uses his private automobile to travel to his clinic appointments, the grocery store and the homes of his family members... The man's previous 6 month premium period ending later this month was $340 dollars and he used his car for less than 4,000 miles during the entire 2024 calendar year. No tickets. No accidents. No claims or losses.

Now to continue the same policy coverage into the future, the new rate is now going to be $540. THIS IS ALSO A 59% INCREASE!!!  

Will try going direct to the source instead of paying sales commissions buried in the rates and fees charged by independant brokerages. I can handle the inflation of these rates in going from $340 to $360 or so, which would be around 6%.

At the same time, the disabled and retired senior man received a 2.5% annual cost of living increase on his social security repayment (this is well-documented as being owed back to him over the coming several years of his life, as if he was at some point a Federal worker as he paid in to this federalized social insurance ponzi scheme).

The man uses his PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE for all of his PRIVATE AFFAIRS and is not using his automobile for any sort of PUBLIC FUNCTION nor any employment purposes in commerce. He has lived on limited funds for over 16 years, which amounts to less than 78% of the median poverty level for a one man household annually.

Let's spell out some state-sanctioned racketeering as we move along in this discussion. This matter affects any one who keeps and uses their gasoline powered, diesel fuel or battery powered mobile travel property such as a private automobile.

Despite the fact that many advertisers claim car insurance can be as low as $29 per month for people who travel very little, there are a number of money motivated factors that make this increasingly impossible, namely greed -- as evidenced by a whopping 377% profit at the same time [They Were] assessing presumed risk 59% higher depending on a tiny rural ZIP Code which is situated over 1 hour away from the nearest 'fifteen minute city' with all its public transportation to almost every street corner. Talk about fraud! Talk about absurd!

The UNITED NATIONS PLAN is for nobody to own a private automobile by 2030... and for everyone to live in a fifteen minute city. [THEY/They/they] are also steadily using the INSURANCE INDUSTRY to acheive such objectives by pricing people completely out of the market.

Another aspect of massive insurance fraud comes to us by way of many various websites offering speedy rate quoting. How is this? These sorts of service websites all do something very similar to your identity right under your noses.

  • Transform all your text entires to UPPER CASE,
  • Transmute your names into LAST, FIRST MI,
  • Converting your home state, such as Minnesota into MN to place your addess into a Federal Person's Zone and Jurisdiction, consistent with their linkage to the USPS Agency sub-contractor such as MPLS, MN 55401.
  • Force binary genders 'Male' or 'Female' (not man or woman),
  • Force your application of commercial terms onto yourself,
  • Convert you into a STATUTORY PERSON quietly,
  • Presume Law, Citizenship, Standing upon you quietly,
  • Presume you're a business customer,
  • Assume your car is going to be used in business for profit,
  • Demand you enter a ZIP Code,
  • Expect you are an employed slave of the STATE,
  • Look-up in various databases to validate your ADDRESS and convert your entries to a NAMING style that is NOT what you've input or identify with,
  • Agree to provide a garaging location, which gets transmuted,
  • Presume that you are a RESIDENT PERSON,
  • Deny you the right to buy insurance in your lawful proper name,
  • Assume your private auto is a commercial motor vehicle,
  • Expect the entry of a valid Social Security Number,
  • Expect the entry of a valid Driver License number,
  • Presume that you are a DRIVER and also a Business Agent,
  • Offer you few choices, consistent with their press-ganging
  • Force a private state man into contrived FEDERAL STANDING

Yes, the less learned people among my audience can read these points and think, "Dah, you moron, this is just fine with me, otherwise how else can the rate quote be accurate? Get with the program! Stop with your conspiracy theories!"

The point is, that if we all just blindly go and accept all of these presumptions and assumptions without any rebuttal, then it serves us right to continue on living in enslavement on the FEDERAL PLANTATION.The online rate quoting services are filled with numerous presumptions; offering no ability to rebutt any presumptions in order to set the record straight.

When your insurance agent or company converts your name into this style:     JAMES ALLEN HOMYAK

  • your STATE AGENCY needs to pay the premiums, not you!

  • your INSURANCE AGENT or INSURANCE SALES REP needs to accept you as a commoner instead of a STATE FRANCHISE presented by the ALL CAPS NAME messes they've created!

  • if you rebut or debate the Agent to challenge their use of  incorrect terminology with you, they will escalate into a philosophical argument for less than 5 seconds, insult you by accusing you of making philosophical arguments and then hang-up on you to end your discussion.

The solution to this dilemma is for all of the Corporations of Government [the de facto SYSTEM] to be completely dismantled and for all of the valuables of all Americans to be returned to us from the likes of Prince Phillip's ESTATE, who received $950 Trillion Dollars (recently deceased) during 2017, a mere 3 days before he exited government in Ottawa, Canada. We should all then receive documents and information from the Reconstructed States, such as Minnesota State, which explains that Driver Licenses, License Plates, Registrations and Automobile Insurance are not required for non-statutory, non-resident alien, non-domestic, free state civilians, who are not standing in their falsified COMMERCIAL PUBLIC CAPACITY when carefully, freely and peaceful using their private automobiles for basic needs.

The entire INSURANCE INDUSTRY mischaracterizes people because we do it to ourselves first, unknowingly.

  • Birth Registration
  • Social Security Application
  • Filing IRS Taxation Forms
  • Applying for State Licenses
  • Entering Public Office
  • Serving in the nation's Military

Stay tuned for more research and depth into the massive insurance swindle because we do it to ourselves by thinking we must do these tasks in order to be or remain a law abiding citizen.

There has been a massive racket taking place, especially since the Franklin Pierce Administration. TPTB have got Hollywood into the mess too, where they obscure the meaning of 'law abiding citizen' by creating a movie named with that phase as its Title with a lousy non-sense storyline to waste our time and shift our focus away from the ball.

Insurance companies are earning massive profits by lying to 92% of all Americans who want to travel using constitutionally protected modern modes of the present era, instead of horse-drawn carriages.


Law Abiding Citizen: Any man, woman, Corporation, LLC, Trust, Entity or Enterprise owing a duty to government -- where for most of us, there aren't any actual duties until after you've register to vote, gotten yourself involved in the political process, registered to serve jury duty or entered public office to be employed by a government agency, or entered the military to serve there. A citizen of a government is diametrically opposed to being a member of the Kingdom of God. Why? Governments have been infiltrated to the extend that God has been replaced by the Administrative State demanding your complicit worship. The tables got turned so that you owe good-faith service to Government servants instead of the founding intent where the good-faith service is owed to the people via the protection of your rights to own and control your property; to include your private automobile.

STATUTORY PERSON: A State Licensed Insurance Sales Agent is an example of a statutory person. They are play-acting in the role-play of standing in the Office of Person, created and sanctioned by a STATE (that itself had gotten itself INCORPORATED into the reinvented UNITED STATES) that was foisted off onto Americans decades ago -- not making it alright just because of being sooo long ago!

ZIP Code:  Federal Zone Improvement Program -- used as an adhesion contract to institutionalize, federalize or nationalize everyone's identity and to gradually and intentionally prevent us from knowing the unlawful conversion done to all Americans as we volunteer to utilize ZIP Codes

UNITED STATES: A Federal Corporation doing business at the District of Columbia

PERSON or Person or persons, etc.: Read here to wake yourself up!

Resident:  A british Territorial Merchant Mariner or Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine service to the British Crown Corporation

The United States of Americaour actual physical and geographical country is not a Federal Corporation -- proven to be running criminal enterprises and so-called intelligence agency mercenary activities as the de facto Congress does daily

Minnesota:  the free and independant territory west of the Mississippi River, which is not a democracy, such as Washington, DC is, but was intended to be a republic union state comprised of free people who are not serving in government capacities and don't intend to enter into public office via the cheating BIRTH REGISTRY process under the Dead Baby Scam.

STATE OF MINNESOTA: an Incorporated FEDERAL CORPORATION and fictional entity which came into de facto effect quietly during the 1950's as myriad lawyers re-established the STATE quietly under Uniform Commercial Code without asking permission to any Minnesotan.

ESTATE:  A STATE created functionary used to fleece people quietly for our entire lives upon the moment of a 'Birth Registration' from any one of their hundreds of foundling hospitals in America. The STATE OF STATE converts a man into a standing silently in the position of Trustee and the STATE silently operates its matters as the Beneficiary from an administrative a profit motive perspective.

BIRTH REGISTRATION:  Sounds harmless, and isn't everyone doing this with their newborns as a presumed matter of law? Think again. The reason to steel our boys and girls comes back to money, lots of money. Especially FIAT CURRENCY.

INSURANCE POLICY:   A commercial contract between commercial parties; containing an expected level of performance and committment from all parties to the contract / policy / agreement. A common man apparently cannot buy an Insurance Policy without providing tacit procuration to a "LICENSED AGENT" from an equally propped up standing of being automatically presumed to be a STATUTORY PERSON THUS DRIVING A VEHICLE FOR GOVERNMENT PURPOSES OR OTHERWISE IN COMMERCE.

Doctor of Law:  Read here for much more...

The Great Fraud: Read here for much more...

Right to Travel: Read here for much more...

Male: a chicken, a horse, a dog, a cat, etc. that inseminates the female of its species to produce offspring; produces fertilizing biology

Female: A chicken, horse, dog, cat, etc. that carries the embryo through gestation; inseminated by the male of its species; produces fertilizing biology

Man:  God made man in his image. A man was a boy who had reached his adult age beyond 18 years old. Godly men are generally proven to be "with the program" from God's word.

Woman: God made woman from the rib of man. A woman was a girl who had reached her adult age beyond 18 years old. Godly women are generally proven to be "with the program" from God's word.

D-O-B: The date your inchoate STATE OF STATE (ie STATE OF IOWA) processed "the so-called Birth Record Information (from an informant)" into the STATE PROBATE COURT REGIATRATION SYSTEM, giving Berth to the LEGAL PERSON to become your FRANCHISE TOKEN at various junctions in your life by placing your matters into the LAW OF THE SEA JURISDICTION, known as Admiralty/Maritime. If you consent to answering the question, "What is your Date of Birth" by simply receiting your hearsay date, THEN whammo!  You royally screwed yourself, having NO CLUE what you've done to your self over a long period of time throughout your lifetime. My own date my mom's gestation ended was 7 days before the STATE OF STATE did their deed to obscond with my future by coverting me to trustee and presuming the actual baby died already, and taking everything you've got through probate.

Bottom Line:   It was apparently never the actual 'James Allen of the Homyak family' who purchased his own car insurance to cover himself in case of losses. Realizing now, that it was always JAMES ALLEN HOMYAK, a STATE OF MINNESOTA FRANCHISE ESTATE that purchased both the automobile, registered it, and insured it. Making me their useful idiot to stand-in for this constructive fraud. Any loses get paid to the state first or the party with the largest loss amount, often leaving me (or the insured) with absolutely nothing.

Note:  Applicable to all postings and content on Unruly States of Affairs ---  If you would like to provide input to my articles, drop me a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that I can rework with your suggested additions or editing. Thank you!