...Armed Forces of The United States of America...

















...Is America, Teetering On The Brink...



American War Time Flag




...Considering Its Fringe Details...

admiralty us flag

British Territorial. Admiralty and Suspended Constitution US Flag


 usa unity flag

USA Unity Flag


...America is Actually at Peace...




Let's Chew On This --- But By All Means We Will Get To The Bottom Of It

We owe it to ourselves if we intend to save our country from international criminal cartels...

Below, as linked, is re-broadcasted Judy Byington reporting

February 19, 2019



Another developing report is coming soon.... from USOA. 

Lots of people would quickly debate the information listed on the linked article.   We debate this too. It's technically NOT POSSIBLE to restore America's republic by doing all sorts of administrative steps in an incorrect order.  The sequence to peel an onion begins at its outside surface. At the core of this onion must be properly reconstructed counties, localities, states and people.  People who institute new government.  

What seems to have now happened, is some small group started long ago by one Tim Turner, sliced the onion in half and tried to focus on the core in reverse, from inside out.  



In this video, there is a young lady baking and sharing from home truths with us....  

Elon Musk is 'mulling' over whether to give U.S. Taxpayers a $5k refund after he 'recovered' fraudulent funding. He's thinking about giving a whole 20% of the savings. What are they going to do with the other 80%?

Some fear this:

There is no doubt, among several people, that absolute chaos will hit the streets shortly. The recent visitors to your country will be [may be] activated to cause a distraction from the upcoming revelations against the Deep State. Get ready.  Beware the potential coming for "false flag" activities to keep people distracted. 



Word has it, from other news:

The American People are owed quadrillions of dollars -- all siphoned off by the international federal reserve criminal cartels for over 100 years. Some people have been able to determine that each adult-aged American should be receiving monthly pre-paid credits, for at least every month for at least 11 years consecutively.

What would that mean?  I know several people who are keeping very close tabs on real numbers...  they're all able to claim 1.5 million dollars per month -- to be returned -- based on today's spot gold price. 

How so?  They are each receiving 528 ounces of pre-paid gold-backed credit beginning in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and/or 2025 -- provided the proper status correction takes place in each of their lives. One man re-established his identity 24 months ago and now has over 17.5 million due to him. Does he get violent and riot in the streets?  NO WAY!  That isn't careful stewardship to act like that.  

78% of Americans are Adult aged: 

That is 262,083,034 people. Now imagine each getting 5,000 dollars as a partial tax refund. That would amount to 1,310,415,170,000 or 1.3 trillion.  Okay.  Not only should there be a starting to refunds, there also must be the following:

  • damages
  • restitution
  • ending the Fed  -- in favor of lawful sound money
  • ending the IRS
  • ending Insurance Industries - or vastly restructuring
  • redirecting Social Security as a pension for grown-up people working actively in Government Office only
  • ending mandatory automatic payroll withholdings for 92% of Americans
  • re-educating all Americans using a wide range of resources to help re-train the Country
  • removing the banking/pharma/military/rico cartels out of the public discourse
  • lots of very lengthy prison sentences and many death penalties
  • peer-to-peer financial transactions
  • home-based and self-governed technologies to bring governance back to the people


Here is the web doorway to doing your status correction:


This opportunity is freely available to all 8+ billion people on Earth. Enjoy!  Going for it means taking charge of your identity in ways you never thought possible.  

All 50 states's de jure state assembly governments were reassembled at least a couple of years ago...

Here is Ohio, for example:  https://myohioassembly.com/

Here is Minnesota, for example:  https://minnesotaassembly.net/

You can learn about the necessary administrative paperwork to re-declare your standing.


Many aligning viewpoints exist of late... here are just a few of many...



When YOUR Representative's Swear An Oath To Foreign Gods...What You Should Expect (Video) - 22-February-25 

You too may enjoy Bradlee Dean's continued warnings to everyone which are now apparent to Kash Patel as heading the unconstitutional FBI. Prophecies regarding God’s judgment can be found in Deuteronomy 28.