Notice of Retirement
July 1, 2008 AD (Gregorian)
To all who receive this NOTICE/Notice/notice
Effective upon the date of this notice, I am no longer in business of any kind, although I may still buy and/or use goods and/or services for me the man to use and/or dispose of lawfully as I see fit.
My retirement has started early, due to becoming disabled and losing my mind in "purported" mental illness. I have become a "vulnerable" adult while remaining a parent who claims to own the physical body of one lawful child, my son Nicholas (who will reach adulthood by 2014 to become his own man) and while remaining the husband of my lawfully wedded wife, where together we are householders in common.
I am no longer in the workforce -- at far too early a time in life for me. This is very unfortunate for me as well as those INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE agencies who thought nothing of the fact that I was deceived by public opinion for the years of 1980 through 2008. I have ended my formal gainful employment during June 2008 and achieved poverty and non-taxpayer status over the forseeable future.
I am no longer acting in the capacity of “voluntary transactor in commerce” and have taken myself private both physically and administratively. I can no longer be construed as "a Federal Person" nor "a subject" nor "a statutory citizen" as per my records indicate I had never served in any public office INTERNAL to that east coast government edifice with its 185,000 various sub-contracted entities inside its own internal chain of command -- which have been proliferated to rise up against the American people. Learning all of this has helped precipitate my early retirement and my divorce from local, county, state and national entities.
In retirement going forward, I am no longer administrating for any trade or business "in the United States" or "in the States" here outside that foreign Washington, D.C. realm. All of your Foreign, Domestic, Non-Profit or Commerce communications of any kind, directed to my former identities, will be met with my face turning to a blank stare as I may not respond to implied contracts, presumed contracts or administrative process. Written communications to the “former identities” [Administrative Personas, LEGAL PERSONS, etc.] may be returned as refused for being mischaracterized or may be entirely discarded without any return service for being misaddressed or deemed unsolicited mail. I will respond in the flesh if I accidentally injure any one or damage any property.
Here are the three former identities I had unknowingly administrated for in a public or private capacity, as styled here for readers or representatives or agents or principals to carefully note these three distinctions:
JAMES ALLEN HOMYAK (foreign fictional persona that I had been expected to stand-in for)
 – a foreign LEGAL identity created by one STATE OF MINNESOTA PROBATE COURT during 1966 (and perhaps will continue into the future, but this is NOT me) (I’ve retired the THING)
JAMES HOMYAK (not-for-profit fictional persona that I had been expected to stand-in for)
– a non-profit Catholic Church persona created by one HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and then presumed upon by a variety of business enterprises wearing a cloak of non-profit during 1970 (and perhaps will continue into the future, but this is NOT me) (I’ve retired the THING)
JAMES A HOMYAK (domestic fictional device that I had been expected to answer to and stand-in for)
– a domestic transmitting utility identity created by one U.S. Government entity which [it] then shared with other related entities and agencies without my foreknowledge or consent between 1980 and 2008 (and shall not continue into the future, as this is NOT me) (I did not create such THING) (my late parents never created such THING) (You are to cease and desist your use of such THING).
In retirement, I the man, James Allen Homyak, no longer provide “a signature” upon the business document(s) created "for" any of these above fictional personas. However for my one living natural “self” I may provide “my autograph” to indicate my intention to take your written communications, goods or services into my possession for the purpose of keeping records and/or using goods or services that I want to have and/or use. For example:  In the future I may decide to rent a place to live as my shelter and where then I would write "my autograph" onto the document(s) needed to form a two-way relationship where I gain  rights to inhabit and to undertake stewardship to care for my household and respect the space and property of those involved -- such as property managers, property owners and any or all neighbors. 
I have now begun to reject or decline any or all goods or services that I do not want. This keeps things simple. If I am incapacitated, we turn over command of my body, my possessions, my personal effects and my labeled private property to my next of kin, my living family I grew up with, as documented in records they now retain for such purpose. They too recognize my written directives in retirement.
I can only engage in lawful activity. I reject all LEGAL AFFAIRS activities. You may be charged with felony crimes for coming after me offensively with LEGAL AFFAIRS or LEGAL MATTERS of any kind. If I should be forced to undertake administrative due process in my defense, I will see to it that all comers face liens and/or be forced to stop, by my applying the full force and effect of the public law to any one in their, or its, full capcity in public or private while engaging a trial by jury.  
Expressly Reserving All My Rights as a peaceful Minnesotan, as a non-domestic American, as a non-combatant, as a lawful natural being and non-citizen common man gone back to being the sovereign Minnesotan as a non-individual, as a non-person, as a non-occupant, as a non-registered voter in any election or jurisdiction public or private, as a donor/beneficiary, as I see fit via fully informed disclosure. 
I do not consent to being governed or managed. 
By: James Allen Homyak, retired, private, free inhabitant, beneficiary