Causal Factors In Unruly Behavior

By: James Allen Homyak 

September 18, 2024

Causal factors can play a part in our lives, perhaps, far more than we realize. Take for instance a sudden almost unruliness cropping up in someone's personality or sudden behavioral imbalance. Quickly we may wonder what had gotten into a person to give us such pause. 

"Whoa! What is the matter with you today?"

Often these can be our first words we're likely to blurt out. Many of us know intimately that we are likely to encounter such a board mix of generational differences. Oh, what to do?

We don't always have the time or patience to dig in to what can cause unruly situations.

What makes people tick? How are people affected by causes which we might not fully appreciate? As in "we weren't there to witness what went down."

Take for instance the youth in our lives. What goes on in their day? What crazy event has potential to really be upsetting?

Our young people can often be impacted by situations in which they actually may even have some idea what do do or think in their minds as a reaction.

Perhaps at a later time after experiencing any given matter, we can all act out in a particular manner given our various personalities and emotional maturities.

In the case of our loved ones we get accustomed to their underpinnings so well that we know them to generally share their mind and thoughts -- or bottle them up inside to stew or simmer. It can be a real mixed bag anymore.

Recently this occurred to me: We humans and our animals are now experiencing a shift in both energies and consciousness all around us -- concepts in esoterics or metaphysics of late,  where we could not possibly have prepared for all of this during any of our own upbringings. We base our lives upon our knowledge & our wisdom & our decisions & our capabilities -- or what have you.

Some of us are now turning to more recent discoveries in science, technology, the humanities, cultural uniqueness and prevailing social constructs. My point being, people have now realized the ability to turn to a plethora of tools and resources, of late, to help us figure out -- perhaps why -- junior needs another neutral influence to step up and handle a matter -- as we've gotten ourselves to wit's end. Unified front needed, etc. etc. 

Can we blame it on the moon? Do we scan our memory to figure out if we did something wrong?

Now is where I've personalized the thought process to delve into some ideas I've tried in order to get a clue about our little  situations in life. Nothing is new. It has all happened before.

I realize everyone can turn to our spiritual awareness -- even our Holy Books, etc., etc. Yet the truth is these sort of guides were produced so long ago before technological measurement had even been devised. We can only hope that we've gotten a handle on as many of those teachings as possible to equip us for balance and moderation.

We need to know...

We need grammar, logic and rhetoric pretty much always. Topics such as arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy are likely to be the farthest from our mind when we are simply fed-up by unruly behavior. Yet these seven disciplines form the entire core of our classical liberal arts which we're supposed to grasp in public school. These days it has gotten fairly routine for people to conclude we've all been affected by knowledge and wisdom (and lack thereof) which has been messed with (read: corrupted) by forces all around us.

Therefore, I feel compelled to propose some ideas to try out for yourselves in better understanding everyone or any one. After all, the more we know about people, the more we can pickup on clues and hints to move ahead in the right direction -- that is, if it's our responsibility to act or react.

Ask yourself this question:

Have I somehow been blocked from certain concepts that could actually help us? In the case of relying on God's Word regarding our interpersonal relationships we are only as prepared as to the degree in which we apply the Word to our daily discourse.

However, I am one to believe it is time for everyone to awaken to the very real knowledge that we've gotten wrong information from nearly every front imaginable. So it has been said, "the stars are aligned" or "the planets in our solar system affect the aether... just seek deeply into Nikola Tesla!" or as it has been written, "great signs and wonders will occur in the heavens in the last days."

Control over people has been so deliberately engineered across all generations that we're left unaware.... if all we do is get up, go to work, earn our keep, make a buck, pay our bills, rinse and repeat, just like everyone else.

Tools, Tools & More Tools --

Almost everyone has smartphones these days. Some are dumb phones too. Yet when caught unaware, we seldom give it a second thought regarding a simple-to-download, install and try-out various free powertool apps.

Take for instance The Biorhythm Charts -- which scientically  follow us over our entire lives. Moreover, there are free astrology apps to enjoy the tidbits of intrigue one may find. It is possible to input specifics about ourselves into these mostly free tools... and if nothing more, to unlock capabilities that hardly existed back when over 4,000+ denominations were authored and sermons were heart-felt.

There are countless times in my own life that DH / Daily Horoscope by Comitic (specifically this one) has completely nailed it in producing a reading for my particulars relating to my life, what happens with me, etc. Then I get hints about what to do or think in my own little vacuum between my ears.

As mankind, we all have technologic measurement taking place to know full well that massive energy changes (metaphysical) are taking place between the earth and sun and moon. The whole topic fits under the heading "natural law" yet our world has been shaped by 'the robber barons' who did not want us to know much at all. Why was that or why is that? Control. Profit. Dominion. Power. Falsehood. Malevolence. Servitude.

I've proven to myself that we've got a strong degree of manipulation behind everything we thought was both true and real. Our youth have become completely surrounded by every imaginable factor... that it's no wonder anymore. Diversionary forces are at play to destroy families. Pulpits mislead. Educational matters are controlled. Current schoolbooks can and often do lie, or bend and distort reality. Youth today have almost no skillets publicly available that were deemed essential to our recent ancestors. Obviously that is a subjective statement. Kids are dished up the topics they have to deal with. Some topics they're nudged to not even tell mom or dad about such as gender disphoria. 

 That's how come I tell everyone...

  • broaden your horizons to what has been blocked
  • open up to new ideas in how we operate 
  • realize the many truisms which had gotten occulted on purpose (read: deliberately hidden from view)
  • notate the day/time you were born as precisely as possible to put into your biorhythm chart... take note to check up on yourself and your loved ones, as mom's know fairly accurately when baby was born down to the minute
  • open up to tools that give hints into the 16 personality types as discovered through the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicators. (MBTI)
  • formulate new questions to carefully ascertain just how vulnerable we are; our sons and daughters; to chaos and confusion and misinformation.
  • in all of this, it can be very possible to get to the bottom of our unruly states of affairs. I can assure you that it won't be 'anti-Christ' to try some of these ideas. The lives you save could be those of your own family.

Read up on these terms:

  • gut microbiome
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • human parasitology
  • bifidobacterium in humans
  • kitchen cures from grandmas gone by
  • good health & wellness starts in your gut, your kitchen, and not the pharmacy
  • adrenal fatigue and endocrine disrupters
  • antibiotic effects on
    • aging
    • metabolism
    • endocrinology
    • gut balance
    • homeostasis
  • prebiotics and probiotics
  • deep sleep while lighting is turned off

Later on, I may revise this work with deep studies on causal effects that we can better address in our lives. This is enough now for all my loved ones. 

Take good care, and watch out for tailgaters and gang-stalkers. 


P.S.  Here's a glimpse at "how deep the proverbial rabbit hole goes" if I really broaden things out both far and wide:

Causal Factors

Definition of Causal Factors

Causal factors are significant, unplanned, and unintended contributors to an incident or negative occurrence. These factors, if eliminated, would either prevent the incident from happening entirely or reduce its severity and frequency. The term encompasses various elements associated with human performance or safety management systems, which can be broken down into direct causes, root causes, and contributing causes or extenuating factors.

Importance of Identifying Causal Factors

Identifying causal factors is crucial for industries as it allows them to understand the underlying reasons for incidents. By recognizing these factors, organizations can develop effective strategies to prevent similar events from occurring in the future. This process involves a thorough analysis of the circumstances surrounding an event to pinpoint what went wrong and why.

Examples of Causal Factors

For instance, in industrial settings such as oil and gas operations, pipeline ruptures may occur due to several causal factors. A faulty electrical wiring system could lead to a fire; here, the faulty wiring is the direct cause while inadequate maintenance might be identified as the root cause. Contributing causes could include the age of the building or improper installation practices.

In another example related to pipeline integrity, corrosion or damage may result from insufficient maintenance or inspection protocols. Additional contributing factors might include environmental conditions like soil composition or weather patterns that affect pipeline durability.

Methods for Identifying Causal Factors

To effectively identify causal factors associated with an incident, several systematic approaches can be employed:

Root Cause Analysis (RCA): This method involves asking a series of “why” questions until reaching the fundamental cause of an issue.

Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram): A visual tool that categorizes potential causes into different categories such as people, processes, equipment, and environment.

CLC Analysis: This technique analyzes the life cycle of an event chronologically to identify key events and their corresponding causal factors.

5 Whys Technique: Involves repeatedly asking “why” (typically five times) to drill down to the root cause of a problem, provided human attitudes don't fly in the face of loving care.

These methods require a structured approach and a commitment to investigating deeper underlying issues rather than merely addressing surface-level symptoms.

Causal Factor Charting

Causal factor charting is also known as fault tree analysis and involves creating a diagram that starts with an incident and works backward to identify root causes and contributing factors systematically. The steps involved in this process include defining the issue at hand, identifying outcomes resulting from incidents, determining direct causes based on evidence collected during investigations, identifying contributing factors that led to those direct causes, creating a visual representation through a causal factor chart, analyzing relationships between identified factors, and finally developing preventive measures based on insights gained from this analysis.

By employing these methods effectively within Root Cause Analysis processes, organizations, households, families, etc. can enhance happiness, transparency,  safety performance by preventing future incidents through informed corrective actions.

Blah blah, right?  Alrighty then!

Unruly Behavior

I leave this definition up to you, my readers. May you find your inner peace. Example of unruly behavior that is awash in causality. 


Here's the September 18, 2024 Taurus reading from DH, which I pasted in here to illustrate my point above....

Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Sep 18

Learning something new can be challenging, especially if it's something you are not naturally inclined toward. For example, if you are not tech-savvy, just about anything technology-related might be intimidating. In reality, though - for a smart person like you, Taurus - it is the self-consciousness about a learning experience that is the toughest thing of all - and also the most limiting. If you relax and don't worry about being judged, and you apply yourself to studying and then using your newfound knowledge, you will pick up a new lesson quite easily.
Copyright © Daily Horoscope.
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Here is a biorhythm chart website


Biorhythm Technologies

Ordinarily long-winded Australian Podcaster touches on devices coming to those markets. First 18:45 mins is a sales pitch. Balance of video is a related guest.




Ask any question you need answered at but be prepared to iterate and re-iterate to help you sift past erroneous responses. 


Is a literary work authentic or did an author plagiarize another writer?  Well, Perhaps. Let's find out.  Here is how to find out using Google.  Grab any text with your mouse pointer in between double quotes (make sure your search phrase is run inside double quotes that you'll have to type in) and copy -n- paste into Google Search. If no hit comes back, it is getting more certain the origin is unique to the writer. You will see if nothing was found. Example: "Grab any text with your mouse pointer in between double quotes"