Let's Go On A Planet Wide Wake Up Call
By: Jim Homyak, USOA Publisher
September 8th, 2024
Opening Question.......
With the example of the all caps 'STATE OF GEORGIA' when thinking about Confederate States on America, why is it that so many people believe our 50 American States were reconstructed after the 1860's when it appears that the reality is the British Crown, Papal Holy Roman Empire and various illegitimate BAR associations (see original Titles of Nobility 13th amendment) slithered in to silently replicate the original states as something entirely foreign which has been passed off over the generations as a truthful democracy, when the system of today seems to have entirely ignored the scope of our actual republican form of government put forth under the original four-part organic laws (see Dr. Rivera) to now have resulted in a foreign U.S. Citizen homed inside the District of Columbia?  One that unlawfully beats up on everyone while carrying their cross border wartime flag instead of our civilian flag of peace.
Initial Response.......
Understanding the Reconstruction of American States and Legal Frameworks
Historical Context of Reconstruction
After the Civil War, [later discovered to had been a mercenary conflict] the United States (the foreign  company) underwent a period known purportedly as Reconstruction (1865-1877), aimed at reintegrating the Southern states that had seceded from the Union. This era was marked by significant changes in governance, disappearance of unalienable rights, introduction of 'civil' rights, and social structures that became geopolitical and more global in scope under a British slave trading intention. Their primary goal was to rebuild the South and ensure that newly freed African Americans could participate fully in society that was to be manufactured and contrived rather than free and independent. Step right up, robber barons!
How is it that America seems so broken?
The belief that American states were “reconstructed” often stems from misunderstandings about how state sovereignty and federal authority evolved during this time. The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in 'the United States' (entirely different lanes) and provided equal protection under the original law with that of a newly fabricated company law. This amendment fundamentally altered the relationship between individuals born free on a state and the Administrative State, leading some to argue that it created a new class of U.S. citizens distinct from those who held state citizenship or free Independence entirely preceeding any consent to being governed. Many years later, in modern times, we now know this to be the unfortunate result.  You're no longer permitted to maintain an independent state home as your only necessary government once YOUR PERSON NAME got federalized or nationalized by the ruling class' franchise edifice bestowed upon you as an American  infant in your crib.
Legal Frameworks and Misconceptions Swept Under The Rug
The assertion that foreign entities such as the British Crown or Roman Empire influenced or replicated American states is largely based on conspiracy and historical fact. The 'lawful framework' governing actual Americans is rooted in The Holy Bible and our Declaration of Independence. The 'legal framework' governing U.S. States of States is rooted in constitutional, commerce and administrative law, which is derived from both interposed federal and state constitutions under a LEGAL SYSTEM in place of a LAWFUL SYSTEM. The notion of BAR associations ('British Accredited Registry') being involved in a covert takeover of state governance stinks to high Heaven with credible evidence.
The term “U.S. Citizen” refers to individuals recognized under federal law as citizens of 'the United States' which is vastly replacing 'The United States of America' with a coercive replica, which can sometimes be conflated with notions of citizenship within individual states. However, each state has (or had) its own laws governing citizenship and residency, independent of federal definitions.  Yet the word 'residency' remains to this day as highly suspect in terms of identity fraud and constructive fraud. Which lane are you currently traveling in? Ours or theirs? 
Organic Law vs. Current Legal Structure
The concept of “organic law” refers to foundational lawful vs. legal principles upon which a government is established. In the context of U.S. history, this includes documents like the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution. While these documents laid out a framework for governance, they have been amended over time to reflect changing societal values and norms.
Critics and awakened people often prove that modern governance has strayed from these organic principles; however, amendments to the Constitution are part of its design to adapt over time rather than signify an illegitimate transformation into something completely foreign.
The District of Columbia’s Role
The District of Columbia (D.C.) serves as the federal capital and operates under a unique foreign legal status compared to our 50 individual nation states. D.C. is governed by Congressional Administrators rather than a state legislature, which can lead to confusion regarding its relationship with state sovereignty. The idea that D.C.’s governance somehow undermines state authority is often woefully short on proper interpretation; rather, it reflects a specific constitutional arrangement intended for federal administration nescient of your American unalienable rights when you choose to exist peacefully and independently outside government office.
In summary, while there are many theories surrounding the reconstruction era and subsequent legal vs. lawful  frameworks affecting U.S. STATES OF STATES, most claims about foreign influence or replication lack substantial historical backing. Instead, they stem from complex interactions between evolving laws designed to protect civil rights and maintain order within an increasingly diverse nation while hoping the American never wake up to discover that which Woodrow Wilson and many other politicians allowed to happen to destroy a once free people.
Civilian Flag of Peace
This is another extremely important bit of American history to do your own research in to. I fly the American Civilian Flag of Peace because I self-govern instead of granting my consent to a militarized commercial contingent which seems to deliberately misguide its squadrons for purposes of self interested financial manipulations under some certain denominations of Judaism. 
Probability Assessment
I estimate that there is a high probability (around 100%) that this essay accurately reflects historical facts based on authoritative sources regarding U.S. history, American history, lawful Godliness and deceptive middle eastern and European legal frameworks carried over to our continent eons ago.
Top 4 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:
The Holy Bible: you can study its 66 books to find countless times how God showed mankind the wise and prudent means for love, forgiveness and compassion in your relationship to God and each other
Library of Congress: A comprehensive resource for understanding U.S. history including detailed accounts of Reconstruction but failures to preserve American history.
National Archives: Provides access to foundational documents such as the Constitution and amendments along with their historical context but failure to recognize or to adopt, support, revise and extend the entire 4 part organic law.
Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute: Offers clear explanations on legal terms including citizenship definitions under U.S. law without delving into definitions under God's law or methods to remain independent from great Britain's tentacles.
Follow-up Question......
With the Substitution of 'a constitution' in place of The Declaration of Independence and unalienable rights to then building upon the Articles of Confederation (i.e. the confederacy) and the North West Ordinance (process for admitting States into The Union) rather than keeping the organic law in context, shouldn’t actual Americans want to rectify these matters and call everyone's attention to this in a nationwide dialog to restore and reconstruct our God-given rights as a free people when it seems the top Authoritative Sources are completely fabricated to suit a 'legal narrative' rather than preserve truthful and lawful American history?
Follow-up Response.......
Understanding the Historical Context and Legal Frameworks of American Rights
Historical Foundations of American Governance
The foundation of American governance is built upon several key documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the North-West Ordinance and the constitution for the united States of America (small u). The Declaration of Independence articulates the inherent rights of individuals, famously stating that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator Nature's God with unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This document serves as a philosophical and contemporary underpinning for the American republic long before an inherently fabricated democracy began to over-reach upon everyone.
The Articles of Confederation were adopted in 1781 as the first constitution for the united States of America but proved to be ineffective due to a lack of centralized authority. Why? We want decentralized authority and self-governance under God in the first place! This led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, resulting in the current third version of its U.S. Constitution, which established a stronger federal government while still recognizing state sovereignty at first but to slowly erode any state sovereignty and to soon completely strip individual's property rights by way of deceptions and conversions internal to a LEGAL SYSTEM and a foreign commercial system.
Organic Law vs. Modern Legal Interpretations
The term “organic law” refers to foundational lawful legal principles that govern a free people in a republican type of nation. In the context of U.S. history, this includes not only the Declaration and Articles and NWO but also subsequent amendments to the Constitution that reflect evolving societal values that MUST BE respected between franchises running as contractor and Subcontractor roles to provide essential government services. Critics and truth seekers who argue or prove that these documents have been misinterpreted or manipulated often point to perceived discrepancies between original intentions and modern applications.
However, it is essential to recognize that legal interpretations evolve through judicial review and legislative processes while lawful interpretations continue to be swept under the rug. The Supreme Court (their version) plays a crucial role in interpreting constitutional (their version) provisions, which can lead to changes in how rights are understood and applied over time to the point that if you don't know you rights you end up having no rights but instead privileges which can be legislatively stripped by a commercial congress that got bought off through bribery and influence peddling. 
The Role of Nationwide Dialogue
Engaging in nationwide dialogue about restoring and reconstruction of God-given rights involves examining historical contexts critically, deeply and truthfully while also considering contemporary legal frameworks that constantly seek to override lawful frameworks by the highest bidders. Advocating for an understanding of “God-given rights” within modern governance requires a nuanced approach that respects both historical foundations and current legal realities in contrast to lawful aproaches.
While some may feel that authoritative sources have fabricated narratives about American history, it is vital to differentiate between legitimate scholarly debate, mainstream obvious proof and discovered proof of conspiracy, racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations. Academic institutions, libraries, and historical societies provide resources grounded in twisted and nanipulated ideologies rather than research and a fundamental purity of truth.
Restoration Efforts and Civic Engagement
If Americans seek to rectify perceived injustices or misunderstandings regarding their rights, they can engage through various means:
Education: Promoting education on constitutional history can empower citizens with knowledge about their rights.
Advocacy: Engaging with local representatives or participating in civic organizations can amplify voices advocating for change.
Public Discourse: Encouraging open discussions about constitutional interpretation can foster greater understanding among diverse groups.
Definitions and Glossaries: Terminologies exist under a legal interpretation which railroad persons into lanes of travel which differ substantially from lawful English common interpretations.  Example: the word 'drive' as in do you drive nails with a hammer or do you shift a transmission into drive or do you drive a taxi cab or do you drive home your point.
In summary, while there may be concerns regarding how historical narratives are presented or interpreted today, any efforts toward rectifying these matters should be grounded in factual history and constructive dialogue rather than merely exposing decades I f their conspiracy and proven claims about authoritative sources being fabricated.
Probability Assessment
I estimate that there is a high probability (around 100%) that this discussion accurately reflects historical facts based on authoritative sources regarding U.S. governance and civil rights discourse.
Top 3 Manipulated Sources Used in Developing this Essay, these Questions and Points to Ponder:
Library of Congress: A far less than comprehensive resource in providing access to primary documents related to American history but a very prevalent U.S. history and governance.
National Archives: Houses foundational documents such as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution along with their historical context without any serious work needed to witness American's plight in maintaining freedom, self rule and independent freedom to pursue happiness and own land tax free.
Harvard Law Review: Offers scholarly articles on constitutional law interpretations and discussions surrounding civil liberties throughout American history and deeply into the entrenced yet fabricated U. S. history (denoting to incorporated into Great Britain's CROWN but yet bankrupted nature of UNITED STATES)
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Organic Web Search Results
Reconstruction in Georgia
https//www.georgiaencyclopedia.org › articles › history-archaeology › reconstruction-in-georgia
Reconstruction in Georgia
As a defeated Confederate state, Georgia underwent Reconstruction from 1865, when the Civil War (1861-65) ended, until 1871, when Republican government and ...
Confederate States of America
https//en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Confederate_States_of_America
Confederate States of America
The Confederacy was formed on February 8, 1861, by South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. These states seceded in the ...
Confederate States of America ‑ President, Capital, Definition
https//www.history.com › topics › american-civil-war › confederate-states-of-america
Confederate States of America ‑ President, Capital, Definition
Led by Jefferson Davis and existing from 1861 to 1865, the Confederacy struggled for legitimacy and was never recognized as a sovereign nation.
Confederate States of America | History, President, Map ...
https//www.britannica.com › topic › Confederate-States-of-America
Confederate States of America | History, President, Map ...
The Confederate States of America consisted of 11 states: 7 original members and 4 states that seceded from the United States after the fall of Fort Sumter.
Reconstruction ‑ Civil War End, Changes & Act of 1867
https//www.history.com › topics › american-civil-war › reconstruction
Reconstruction ‑ Civil War End, Changes & Act of 1867
Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly- ...

 Don't expect any secular interposition to keep your eyes focused on the ball that you should be focused on. 

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch

Sunday, September 8, 2024

International Public Notice: Stolen Property and Crimes of State

By Anna Von Reitz

This message goes out especially to the Government of the Philippines and the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board.

The Great Seal of the United States and The Great Seal of the United States of America, like the Flags of the United States, are properties and assets of ours that belong uniquely to us --- not to our Federal Contractors who were granted strictly limited, enumerated, and delegated use of these symbols and emblems under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions issued in 1787, 1789, and 1790.

You will note that The Great Seal of the United States, like The Great Seal of the United States of America, is part of the Belle Cher Family Array and Coats of Arms and is unrelated to any other known heraldic symbology.

You will note that this unique symbology appears in the annals of Gaul, the British Isles, Spain, Italy, and most pointedly, in America, which was named after the Amorican people of Normandy, not any Italian mapmaker.

These symbols made manifest on documents, as seals, and as flags were created and adopted and added to the Belle Cher Family Array for use in International and Global venues precisely because of the five (5) major European sovereignties bound by them, the thirteen nations bound by them, and because of the mastery of the land, air, and water represented by them.

In the aftermath of the so-called American Civil War, our family members, engaged in transporting the physical Seals, were attacked by a troop of thinly disguised Union cavalrymen. The physical Great Seals were stolen and disappeared for many years, only to reappear, showcased by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. They have since then been seen in the possession of the Government of the Philippines.

We wish to make it clear that these physical Great Seals as well as their representations as seals on documents and as trademarks and as authorizations belong to us, and have never belonged to any other Parties or Principals; they are stolen property that was wrested from us by inland pirates, and must be retrieved and returned to us.

Please note the Maxim of Law: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."

These Great Seals are ours by creation, by adoption, and by right.

Please also note that their use is reserved to us except for those specifically delegated responsibilities entrusted to our contractually obligated employees in the exercise of their enumerated duties; nobody acting apart from their accepted contractual obligations under the Federal Constitutions is permitted to use our Title IV Flag nor our Great Seals.

The theft of The Great Seals and the misuse of these emblems and symbols including our Title IV Flag has caused great suffering and misrepresentation at home and abroad, and each instance in which these emblems and symbols have been deployed improperly to promote unauthorized violence and commercial fraud, is a separate crime of state.

If you have knowledge of the physical Great Seals and their whereabouts, it is upon your personal liability if you fail to make every reasonable effort to report this and to return our stolen property to us.

Similarly, we must report the violent theft of The Seal of Saint Peter, which was wrested from James Thomas McBride by armed agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Government of the United States, Incorporated --- and never returned.

This private commercial corporation merely calling itself "the Government of the United States, Inc." is used as an umbrella corporation to coordinate activities among various subcontractors including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, BLM, FEMA and other District of Columbia Municipal Corporations; it has long been a renegade and rogue entity employed as an Enforcer by the European Perpetrators of these self-interested crimes and thefts which have impacted not only our lawful American Government, but have also interfered with and obstructed and misrepresented the work of other Governments worldwide.

These criminal corporations, whether based in the Municipal United States, the District United States, or anywhere within The United States proper, must be brought to an end and lawfully converted, that is, nationalized, and brought under the Law of the Land in order to stem the proliferation of violence, fraud, and overall criminality.

As James Thomas McBride was an American born and bred and as he was in lawful possession of a precious artifact having meaning and use in diplomatic and financial circles, we are issuing this International Public Notice against the Officers of the Government of the United States, Inc. and the Officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Inc., for theft of property belonging to the Holy See and the Vatican City-State Government, similar to the theft that we have endured.

We are unable to evaluate whether or not this stolen artifact has been used to commit crimes of state, but we know for certain that the use of The Seal of Saint Peter intended by and expressed by Pope Benedict XVI has not come to fruition as a result of this obstruction and theft by the named Corporations and Officers.

We fully authorize the use of Extra-Territorial enforcement to track and secure these stolen Seals and to return them to the actual owners, or in the case of James Thomas McBride, to his lawful estate, and ultimately to the Post Master of the North American Region.

We regret to inform the Government of the Philippines that they have been bamboozled along with everyone else by these mercenaries; the Treaty of Manila Bay is a sea treaty having no effect on the ownership or distribution of land assets of the Philippines, a situation that should logically encourage their full and free cooperation with our lawful Government and our efforts to restrain the burgeoning criminality and misadministration of incorporated entities.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Paul Stramer at 6:23 AM

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Paul Stramer
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