...and Documentation...

...and important first steps you can take...
to Stop World Control!
and to end legalized slavery which has fully enveloped everyone
Before thou can solve and resolve the many problems plaguing thy home state, such as Minnesota, and America at large, one needs to identify the problems at thy home state which begin within one's own household -- the problems which stem from a systemic flaw in thy beliefs, systems and information thou've been taught to rely on:
- Shocking problems (layers of lies, omissions, half-truths and failure to produce an established set of documents) have existed in this country and our home states, right under our noses, for over six generations, beginning in the 1820s. You cannot expect the criminal base to alert you to the devices and policies used against you daily which also succeed in covering up their crimes of financial gains that only ultimately benefit themselves....afterall, they've become highly successful by being gradual.
- 92% of Americans (I'm not referring to 'We The People' contrived U.S. Citizens) have gotten ourselves lulled into complacency by our illusionary socio-economic system that fails to promote us writing about and establishing our self-governance. Never in the past, have educational curricula pointed you to a solid future success in managing your self-governance administrative documentation - foreign, domestic, not-for-profit and municipal. Instead we are lied to continually, we are passified with plausibly workable solutions, and lying to ourselves, being hoodwinked profusely -- 24 / 7 / 365 -- into acceptance of the status quo and the system. Status Quo: Go to work, pay my taxes, vote for politicians -- just like everyone else.
- From a public policy perspective, literally everything is now governed under the Uniform Commercial Code. Everything. Period. What used to be our unincorporated organic home grown government, by design, has been converted (read: impersonated) over to systems that really do work well for District and Municipal Corporations (read: holders of the public purse) provided that we each administratively stand-up to stand-in (read: float the high seas while play acting) our Dual Citizen PERSON (read: fictional game token) in the District as its "Citizen Person" on board THE SHIP OF STATE as a Post Officer or inside Office of Person, on resident assignment to your compliant home district to minister for the church publicly and personally, for example, as we role-play in the theater in a position of employee, etc.
- Talk of declining birth rates, national debt, economic slavery, federal taxes and agonizing death has become so commonplace that we hear our collegues make jokes about all of this to passify our plight. People realize problems are increasing but few are presenting you with any workable solutions. We keep getting asked if we vote Republican or Democrat? Sadly, it makes no difference.
- Over 25,000,000 state citizens across the actual 50 states rise up to declare peace and to become successful in resolving most of the initial problems for themselves, one household at a time. You don't see them rioting in their streets or shoplifting businesses around their community. The first part of this is realizing the huge mountain of lies we live with everyday everywhere. Entire families have been rebuilt by ending serious problems of previously not declaring properly who they are, by now knowing of their true state citizenship powers. People have been discovering "The Private Non-Statutory Common-Law Contract Trust Entity (aka Express Trust) that they can each create for their househoid and family -- thus rising their standard to a higher form of self-governance. People have also been learning how to assemble their state and to then re-create their jury and court system all over again -- according to the organic laws for this country instead of a foreign BAR credo from across the Atlantic.
- Over 150,000,000 men and women have now been reading and reciting the laundry list of lies our mainstream media and elected officials are parroting -- and we state citizens and state national civilian populations are putting a stop to it, one household at a time.
- The 50 American states administratively grant all newborns what is known as "birthright American nationality" which generally always get administratively converted to "State Citizenship" yet parents mistakenly give that powerful initial state-based nationality away to federalized and commercialized corporate state and federal sub-contractor agencies before you're even a week old.
- Their System converted you into a whole new set of statutory language, where instead of rising as men and women, we are all religated to "standing-in" the office of "person" where we are seated in the District (beginning at Washington, D.C. under the original North West Ordinance (NWO) that was ratified July 13, 1787), (and the Federal Corporation as described in U.S.C. 28 Section 3002 subpart 15) and we are deemed to "reside" in a residential area, as zoned by the federalized and commercialized County Zoning Commissions and the United States Postal Service, to act as its "Residents" wherein we get presumed to be a registered voting constituency who moonlights to provide essential governmental services all the time as we live out our days. How else can we volunteer to become taxed internals? We let ourselves "reside" and "vote" and receive "privleges" and "benefits" -- and whammo!
- We're here to get you back to where you belong -- home on the land and soil jurisdiction. Note this: As Americans get converted administratively into contrived U.S. Citizens, we continue to take action every day to futher participate in enormous fraud. This is so bad, that even the government agency staff, at the "customer service level" have no clear idea what egregious fraud their policies have become. These facts of the matter are not going to be found in their very detailed policy manuals at all. Not in their training either.
- The only solution becomes to revolutionize yourselves as you STOP COMMITTING FRAUD AGAINST YOURSELVES AND YOUR COUNTRYMEN AND WOMEN.
Read this section for great solutions... if you see duplicate headings, that is on purpose. Allow yourself to remain calm as you need to let this sink in. You are going to have to dig in to natural law. Or, just say "whatever" and go back to sleep.
As James Allen (Jim) Homyak presents information to you, you can then begin to learn what the solutions need to be:
- men and women, according to our public education transcripts, were never taught how to properly declare our "self" as among the living, with full ownership for our living, breathing flesh and blood; as people who now claim our body and soul as a member of our household and our biological family from the time we are born -- from the time our sons and daughters are born, etc. -- a much better recognition for our people aside from corrupt governments, shall be created;
- learn to perform a far better record for your newborn sons and daughters than the false tokens (registrations and certificates) that our wonderful federalized states are creating;
"Oh gee, congratulations, how cute! What is baby's name going to be? We need to get baby registered and get a social security number...";
Yippee another U.S. Citizen, infant decedent, informed upon, presumed upon, to be stripped of its statehood independence!;
Yippee skippy! Sign baby up to its human services indenture under the grand hoodwink... (wink wink) - make baby grow up to be a plantation slave owned by "the Virginia Company" and paisting all the civilly dead commerce terms to its forehead, aka MARK OF THE BEAST; - learn to properly document your new and revised status declarations as American and from your home state;
- learn how to fly the correct state flag above the national flag, and learn about the American Civil Flag of Peace;
- learn how to make a political status declaration that empowers you ahead of your typical voter registration;
- learn to properly record your new status declarations where anyone can look you up in the record as an American;
- learn how to demand that your county recorders do their jobs of granting you access to the public records of property ownership that spans way beyond the "real property" and includes your sons and daughters and valuable belongings;
- learn to perform a far better record for your newborn sons and daughters than the false tokens (registrations and certificates) that our wonderful federalized states are creating;
- the legislative language used against common everyday ordinary people is a very large list -- the solution is to rise up and demand such "language of the mis-characterization" would cease immediately!;
- Imagine giving your Town, County, State, District and National government a cease and desist order, one where they have no choice but to concede to your own governance over your own property -- cars, land, kids, possessions, etc. -- where the agency has to stand-down because you ARE in fact outside their jurisdiction, as you do no harm to any one or anyone or any thing or anything;
- Here are some of those words of art, where the essence of our freedoms have been taken away -- voluntarily given away too, because we are doing this crap to ourselves! How are we? By going along to get along; doing just like everyone else.... and well, it's The System! and it's the Public Policy;
- men, women and sons and daughters are now converted into PERSONs -- aka a persona, an actor, playing the role of person in person and in taxable office of person as incohate STATES created duplicative variations of your original given name;
- using your automobile to get groceries to survive is now DRIVING A VEHICLE IN COMMERCE;
- voter, resident, parent, person, taxpayer, debtor, citizen, constituent, driver, consumer, weapon, [more colorable words coming soon] [these kinds of civil dead language place you inside fictional company standing;
- men, women and sons and daughters are now converted into PERSONs -- aka a persona, an actor, playing the role of person in person and in taxable office of person as incohate STATES created duplicative variations of your original given name;
- Almost all of the "old-time" language need to come racing back to the fore -- words to be restored to get people back to properly respecting each other;
- Of vital importance: Putting yourself back in charge of your self has nothing to do with combining these two words together and grouping yourself under the oxymoron phrase: sovereign citizen;
- If you catch yourself or observe yourself wanting to take offensive or violent action against public officials or others, you too may then be in need of disciplinary action; you only can defend yourself -- of course that means multiple clips can quickly be unloaded into and through your body;
- This list could be expanded however, scroll down to expansion of the solution in each of the next sections;
- Reference: Anna Von Reitz July 4, 2021
...Let's All Realize...
...We Are A Civilian Population...
Let's amaze ourselves at what we all can accomplish... by ditching that falsified 'U.S. Citizen Moniker' created as a statutory likeness of our names. Together we can enjoy a cancelation of evil, greed, lies, distortions, controls, price fixings, on and on. We can write a fabulous five minute speech to be read at a press conference. How about we write a speech for an acting President of an American elective office?
What would the theme of our speech be?
How fast we can disconnect an American from Great Britain again, administratively this time.... pulling them out from under the indentured servitude foisted upon America via Woodrow Wilson's deeds -- and coming forward in time from that point. We can even dip back to the 1860's (era and window of opportunity) and come forward from thoses messes as well. Heck, even the 1820's.... as back in those times, the fully functioning systems were, at least, still fresh in people's minds -- those in the know.
Lets hear the Tenets of a Second Declaration of Independence as it restarts a new resounding joy in us all.
Reference: Educated In Law