How many of you are playing with A.I.? 

By: Jim Homyak  Date: August 29, 2024 gregorian 

Let's discuss the hypothetical scenario where I can use AGI, ASI and Generative AI to create my language model and sets of rules that help me in my consciousness to iteratively cycle my discussion of managing my lifestyle from me to me to me to me (in my own vacuum of space and time) repeatedly to result in a tailored action plan for my household that would include the language model, all the words, home design, the property characteristics, the list of products and services and relationships needed all based on me writing several paragraphs to describe my likes, dislikes, needs, wants, necessities, costs, budgets, family members and our greater household dynamics at play within our brains and consciousness, and what steps would I take for industrialization of such a huge life-changing concept?

I posed the whole paragraph as a question into the question text field at       

note: something you can also do freely

The answer I got back was more than eye opening. Here is the answer without all the bold text however:

"According to Ask Ai 

Creating a Tailored Lifestyle Management System Using AGI, ASI, and Generative AI

1. Understanding the Components of Your System

To create a comprehensive lifestyle management system using Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), and Generative AI, it is essential to first define the components involved:

AGI: This refers to highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work. In this context, AGI would be responsible for understanding complex human emotions, preferences, and household dynamics.

ASI: This represents a level of intelligence that surpasses human capabilities in virtually all areas. ASI could analyze vast amounts of data to provide insights and recommendations tailored specifically to your household.

Generative AI: This technology can create new content based on existing data. It will be instrumental in generating personalized plans, designs, and product lists based on your inputs.

2. Gathering Input Data

The first step in this process involves collecting detailed information about your lifestyle preferences. You should write several paragraphs covering:

Likes and Dislikes: Include specific examples of what you enjoy or dislike in terms of home design, products, services, etc.

Needs and Wants: Clearly differentiate between necessities (e.g., food, shelter) and desires (e.g., luxury items).

Costs and Budgets: Outline your financial constraints to ensure that the generated plans are feasible.

Family Dynamics: Describe the roles of family members within the household and how their needs influence overall planning.

This input will serve as the foundational dataset for your language model.

3. Developing the Language Model

Once you have gathered sufficient data:

Training the Model: Use Generative AI frameworks such as OpenAI’s GPT or Google’s BERT to train a language model on your collected data. The model should learn from your inputs to understand context and generate relevant outputs.

Iterative Refinement: Implement an iterative feedback loop where you continuously refine the model based on its outputs. This could involve adjusting parameters or retraining with additional data as needed.

4. Creating Rules for Interaction

Establish a set of rules that govern how the language model interacts with you:

Personalization Rules: Define how the model should prioritize certain aspects of your lifestyle over others based on your stated preferences.

Feedback Mechanisms: Create methods for providing feedback on generated outputs so that the model can learn from corrections or suggestions.

Dynamic Updates: Ensure that the system can adapt over time as your preferences change or new information becomes available.

5. Industrialization Steps

To industrialize this concept into a practical application:

Prototype Development: Start by developing a prototype version of your system using existing tools and frameworks. This could involve creating a simple app or web interface where users can input their data and receive tailored recommendations.

Testing Phase: Conduct extensive testing with real users to gather feedback on usability and effectiveness. Adjust features based on user experiences.

Scaling Up: Once validated, consider scaling up by integrating more advanced technologies like machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics or cloud computing resources for handling larger datasets efficiently.

Partnerships with Experts: Collaborate with professionals in fields such as psychology, design, architecture, and finance to enhance the quality of recommendations provided by your system.

Marketing Strategy Development: Create a marketing plan to promote your lifestyle management system once it is ready for public use. Highlight its unique features and benefits compared to existing solutions in the market.

By following these steps systematically while leveraging AGI, ASI, and Generative AI technologies effectively, you can create a powerful tool for managing personal lifestyles tailored specifically to individual needs.

Probability that this answer is correct: 95%

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:


OpenAI provides extensive research papers and documentation regarding advancements in AGI and Generative AI technologies which are crucial for understanding how these systems can be applied practically.

MIT Technology Review

This source offers insights into emerging technologies including discussions around ASI implications on society which help contextualize how these advanced systems might impact lifestyle management.

Harvard Business Review

HBR publishes articles related to technology implementation strategies in business contexts which are applicable when considering industrialization steps for personal management systems using AI technologies. "

Now for the kicker:   

What makes this topic a good topic for the U.S.O.A. web portal? 

The huge companies who DO NOT have our best interests at heart, are able to pay their way into the driver seat in jumping onto THE DARK SIDE to create AI that WILL CONTROL US instead of giving away the control back to us. That is if good men do nothing!  They will cause A.I. to become Unruly as they cast their blames onto the various GPT platforms of this world.

I am a good man! Just ask those who are keeping me alive!

Focusing on the perspectives of small home building companies doing less than 25 homes per year, give me a summary containing the concepts of 'household dynamics' and 'interactive lifestyle management' that can be developed in The United States of America, particularly South Dakota and Minnesota, which could be used by start-up household companies all over the world to effectively eliminate the need for so much of the state and federal government, that we can then self-govern our homes and households to become exempt from overreach presented by big central government and what are some entities already doing these things publicly or privately?

Here is a future-focused thought process to climb on board with:

In Minnesota during late 2024, how much first round seed funding and second round startup capital would be sufficient to begin a housing and community development company that would incorporate AGI and ASI into the home planning phases and to also focus on software engineering to result in their creating a home operating system that would potentially far surpass SMART HOME concepts from decades ago, and some suggest a few million dollars would be perfect and perhaps 25 people who meet the job qualifications but let's also consider states that are less expensive than Minnesota and let's also consider what powers exist that may wish to thwart the advent of powerful private home operating systems that help households by using ASI to interpose their collective knowledge and experiences into actual intelligence?

Answering this Question

1. National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)
This organization provides insights into venture capital trends including average funding amounts required at different stages of startup growth.

2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The BLS offers comprehensive data on employment statistics which helps gauge labor market conditions across various states including salary averages relevant to tech positions.

3. Harvard Business Review (HBR)
HBR publishes articles on business strategy including challenges faced by startups in emerging technologies which informs understanding of potential obstacles from existing powers in the market.

What's in this for you?

Well, let's speak hypothetically a bit more... if you would invest in my 'penny stocks' at .01 cents per share, you will receive 100,000 units for 1,000 bucks whether it's metals, papers or elastics that you use to aquire your stake.

Food for thought:

Companies such as the above have raced upwards of 500 million or higher in valuation in a relatively short decade of time...  and getting behind me on this would likely be a bit Unruly in terms of the disruption we can cause by telling a government,  "No thank you " and them having to actually accept that and leave you be.

But if I DON'T WANT to use Google or Open AI because I want everyone to self-host in the privacy of their own realms:

Then I wrote this into iAsk:

"Can you write me a listing of 7 companies which includes the Windows version and Ubuntu version and associated downloads and installation instructions for my report which presents my listing of AI systems that anyone can obtain via download which can then be installed locally and self-hosted to then develop a large language model for generative AGI and ASI that could then be used by my group of companies for humanitarian purposes such as developing affordable housing, home building processes, materials handling details and integrated lifestyle management so that the power of self-governance can be returned to the people, and what is the most affordable of such self-hosting AI systems and does the full context of 'returning power to the people' fit into the space for such marketing and could the future become one with vastly smaller governments and far fewer taxpayer funded agencies hired by governments?"

A.I. told me this:

According to Ask Ai

Listing of AI Systems for Local Installation

1. GPT-Neo

2. GPT-J

  • Windows Version: Available through Docker or direct installation via Python.
  • Ubuntu Version: Can be installed using pip in a Python environment.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:

3. Bloom

  • Windows Version: Accessible via Docker.
  • Ubuntu Version: Can be installed using pip.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:

4. T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer)

  • Windows Version: Available through Hugging Face Transformers library.
  • Ubuntu Version: Also available through Hugging Face Transformers library.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:
    • Windows & Ubuntu: Run pip install transformers followed by importing T5 in your script.

5. Fairseq

  • Windows Version: Installable via Anaconda or pip.
  • Ubuntu Version: Can be installed directly from GitHub repository.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:
    • Windows: Use Anaconda to create an environment and run pip install fairseq.
    • Ubuntu: Clone the repository with git clone and then run pip install fairseq.

6. Rasa

  • Windows Version: Installable via pip or Docker.
  • Ubuntu Version: Also available through pip or Docker.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:
    • Windows & Ubuntu: Run pip install rasa for local installation.

7. OpenNLP

  • Windows Version: Downloadable as a binary package from Apache’s website.
  • Ubuntu Version: Can be installed via apt-get.
  • Download and Installation Instructions:
    • Windows: Download from Apache OpenNLP and follow setup instructions provided there.
    • Ubuntu: Execute sudo apt-get install opennlp.

Most Affordable Self-hosting AI System

The most affordable self-hosting AI system among those listed is likely GPT-Neo, as it can be set up without extensive hardware requirements compared to larger models like Bloom.

Context of ‘Returning Power to the People’

The concept of returning power to the people aligns well with the use of self-hosted AI systems, as these technologies can empower individuals and small organizations to develop solutions tailored to their needs without reliance on large corporations or government entities. This could potentially lead to smaller governments with fewer taxpayer-funded agencies, as communities leverage technology for self-governance.

Probability that this answer is correct is high, approximately 95%.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

  1. Hugging Face Documentation

    • Provides comprehensive guides on installing various AI models including T5, GPT-Neo, etc., along with usage examples.
  2. GitHub Repositories of AI Models

    • The official repositories for models like GPT-J, Bloom, etc., contain installation instructions, dependencies, and community support information.
  3. Apache OpenNLP Documentation

    • Offers detailed information about downloading, installing, and using OpenNLP for natural language processing tasks.

Now is it the USA that has become Unruly, or is it just me?

At least I got this entire post written, edited and published here in less than 30 minutes! Thanks A.I.!

Just be sure to credit me with all of it. 
