Biden Kamala and Fed (bankrupted Federal Reserve foreign cartel) Conspiring to Control YOUR Money?!

Cash is a thing of the past?  It has already been a thing of the past after the loss of the old silver certificates from the early 1960's...  but just to go along with their sharade....  we'll go with the word "money" here.

Now, Biden & Harris and the Fed (all British Crown and Vatican papist and Israeli controlled) are conspiring to finally kill off the debt notes (aka replace the dollar) starting this year 2024 with their own controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency -- CBDC...  Central Bank Digital Currencies. 

It's legal (for BAR belivers) thanks to Executive Order 14067 that Biden's infinite property management  schema quietly signed into quasi-law under color of law. This mess however is all unlawful, as gold and silver coinage is the only lawfully permitted spicie of actual exchange medium. 

Essentially destroying cash, all over again, replacing it once again, this time with a digital version giving the fake Fed and fake government 100% control over your fake money.

But you don't have to stand for it and you don't have to sit down for it either. Instead, you need to safeguard your buying power of your faked money from the woke fingers of the faked government and company.

Get your free information kit NOW, before it's too late.

Inside those linked resources, you'll get the 3 secret strategies you can put in place starting today, so "they" don't control your (FED PRINTED AND COUNTERFEITED military scrip) money tomorrow.

All that aside.... 

The U.S.O.A. Site will help you see through the layers of crap under a whole new light. 

Cutting through the crap so that you learn that you will also have to...

Plus at this little old time basic Unruly States of Affairs website, you will get countless other secrets you weren't ever supposed to figure out on your own.