Sweet Homecoming

By: James Allen Homyak - February 11, 2022

What a ride it has been!

I am once again a lawful Minnesotan after spending most of my life away from home, so to speak, and living as though I were civilly dead and lost at sea -- metaphorically. My lawful self had been mothballed and my legal person was standing in a contrived fictional role without having those important facts disclosed to me in order to obtain my consent. Forget teaching me what to do about this through any kind of media. 

It seems like I've been working on this forever:

  • writing my political status correction documents
  • preparing to have my documents notarized
  • getting my documents notarized and recorded in public

I've finally done it! Fully documented!

After having studied Anna Von Reitz since the middle of 2016, I've had the #928 templates in progress since living in Wyoming and Montana between 2016 and 2019 -- knowing full well that I wanted to correct and record my status as a State National at my home state Minnesota, and at my home county Scott County. Between then and now, I've blown out my renal system, lost kidney function 100% and died twice for several minutes each time in the E.R. at one local hospital. 

Here's a bit of history, as to when my eyes were partially opened about the plight of America. 

I was sitting at home in Brooklyn Park Minnesota during 2008 when Fox News carried a story about Countrywide Home Loans getting into securities fraud trouble with the states. My wife at the time and I had just recently finished refinancing our home loans through Countrywide because it seemed they were offering such a terrific deal. Or so we thought.

I began reviewing our home loan paperwork, and became confused about what I was looking at.

So in early 2009, soon after going into early retirement, I took it up myself to contact a local twin-cities company to begin a loan package audit. It turned out that doing it my way was going to take a pile of money to have a professional job done. The better half didn't think we stood a chance, quitted her claim and walked. Prior to that time I had wrapped up doing computer systems consulting and changed everything. It turned out that this financial investigations company needed a lot of computer work done too. We traded work and I was off to the races learning about a whole lot of fraud that had taken place on the home loan paperwork. I also became a financial fraud crimes investigator's quasi-assistant volunteer much as a law firm uses a paralegal.. 

That whole period of time opened my eyes to what is really going on in America.

I began to really study deep into the work of several authors:

In later half of 2008 I had begun to keep a directory on my hard drive named "sovereignty" and over time since then I have amassed over 2,100 files (and over 4.8 gigabytes) of content which had been the work of proving that American's have been duped into believing that we have a valid government of The People, by The People and for The People. We actually have corporations of government operating under the Uniform Commercial Code and we have banks operating under GAAP, and they all operate on the premise that we are all just fine with them stealing our names and creating franchises named after us that they use to manipulate us into opening our checkbooks to them for anything and everything.

As I was contemplating filing a lawsuit (one in which I was bringing to the courts), my family life completely disintegrated. That was due to me being glued to my chair in front of my computer literally 20 hours a day, 7 days a week for several weeks.

By the late part of March 2010, I knew my wife was seriously contemplating leaving me over my changing beliefs. She was no longer willing to subscribe to the same new beliefs I was then learning to be factual based on corroborated research I had uncovered. So I let her go. Rather than try and stop her, and commit the deadly sin of trying to change a woman's mind, I decided that if she wanted to keep her head buried in the sand, then so be it. She took my kids and left my on April 1 of that year. So I then decided to put away my efforts and go and do something else for the rest of my life. I went on an extended vacation after buttoning up my house and belongings. 

I was rambling around the western states between 2010 and 2019. During the summer of 2016 I had met a muscial duo; a married couple; at Cody, Wyoming. It turned out they wanted to get forty of their family songs converted from Cassette Tape to CD. I worked out a barter with them, where I would move to their home, set up my music studio, and as a trade, I would produce their music in exchange for room and board. It worked out great. I think they had a better turnout than they would have if I just lived there and paid rent. 

During that time, I also had become aware of Anna Von Reitz. I had learned that she was devising a whole gamut of documents, now known as the Article #928 Documents. I had contacted Anna during August of 2016 to inquire about helping from a technology standpoint. She was reluctant to turn me loose and to put any trust in me. I had aspirations to create a letter-writing system whereby the system visitor could input a number of fields of information in order to have the letter templates completely tailored to that visitor, and then make a download PDF file, which could be printed and completed for each visitor as they sought to correct their political status.

Then major health problems blew me off track for over four years and I accomplished absolutely nothing.

Anna's team continued her dream to reconstruct America and here we are today. It is now February 2022 and I have finally corrected my political status and have been officially welcomed home to the land and soil jurisdiction at Minnesota by our McLeod County Recorder and Minnesota Assembly Recording Secretary Mari Grack. 

Stay tuned as I continue to input helpful and entertaining tidbits to get you moving in the direction of
home to the land for yourselves and your posterity.

This has been a sweet homecoming.