...Armed Forces of The United States of America...

















...Is America, Teetering On The Brink...



American War Time Flag




...Considering Its Fringe Details...

admiralty us flag

British Territorial. Admiralty and Suspended Constitution US Flag


 usa unity flag

USA Unity Flag


...America is Actually at Peace...




Some Had Said, "The Antichrist Has Arrived And We Welcomed Him With Open Arms"

but the content had since disappeared





As the antichrist shows up, promising stability, there comes to pass man made natural disasters, medicine induced plagues, financial collapse and war.

The world is more violent than it’s ever been at any point in human history.

Who meets this instability criterion? The Deep State and Donald Trump.

“By their fruits, ye shall know them.”

Trump’s “fruits” are pretty obvious:

Records indicate that he flew to lolita island with his pal Jeffrey Epstein multiple times.
Mysteriously, Jeffrey Epstein dies in jail and ruled suicide. All under President Trump’s watch.
Throughout his presidency, he lied about draining the swamp and locking her up and he built just enough wall to give the illusion that he was serious.

He reached out to Jesus’s followers then fully caters to the Jews who hated and rejected Jesus. It was the Jewish Rabbis who demanded the killing of Jesus by demanding the Roman's to nail Him to the Cross. But the Jews actually didn't do the killing. It was Roman Centurians and Armed Guards.

He lied about Covid promoting the Bio Wapon vaccine that caused more deaths in America than any other nation in the world.

Trump’s grandfather’s name when he emigrated to America to start a whorehouse in the Pacific Northwest was “Drumpf,” which he changed to Trump. John in German is “Johann.” Therefore, his “actual” name is Donald Johann Drumpf–each name having six letters 666.

His uncle inherited 80 cartons of research documents from the estate of the late Nikola Tesla. Then left that to Donald Trump.

He armed the Saudis for their merciless bombing war against Yemen which has five million people facing famine as the Saudi military blocks food arrivals.

He fooled millions of evangelical followers of Jesus, just as the Beast is supposed to do.

His “fruits” tell us all we need to know about who he really is.

In light of these comments, the legal teams guiding this man have managed to prove it impossible to convict Donald. Lack of corroborating witness testimony and evidence or  coupled with Presidential Immunity, he is still a free man. 


His family owns 666 Fifth Avenue.

• The Trumps purchased the most expensive building ever bought in the US, at 666 Fifth Avenue, a street symbolic of money (Mammon). It goes without saying that no true Christian would purchase the property at 666 Mammon Avenue, so the Trumps were always sham Christians. Then Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism, which does not recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Nor does her father, who claims to be “the only possible savior” of Americans.

• The Trumps paid $1.8 billion for the 666 tower. And 18 = 3*6 = 666. The 666 tower was acquired by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. Kush was the patriarch of Babylon, which the Bible relates to the Antichrist in its final book, the Revelation of St. John. According to the Gospel Coalition, “The Whore of Babylon is the spirit of seductive culture, actively engaged in the deception and destruction of God’s people.” Trump seduces Christians away from the teachings of Jesus Christ via television, tweets and other social media. Revelation says supporters of the Antichrist will be tortured with fire and brimstone, a sobering thought for those who believe the Holy Bible and its prophecies.

• The famous Trump Tower is 203 meters tall according to multiple reports. And 203 meters = 666 feet.

• The Trumps are also in the process of building a $666 million tower at One Journal Square. According to multiple reports the height will be 666 feet. This was reported by NJ.com and other sources.

• Donald Trump inherited his grandmother’s real estate empire when she died on June 6, 1966 = 6-6-66. Her name was Elizabeth Christ Trump. The name Elizabeth means “vow” so her full name means “vow for Christ to be trumped!” How did the Trumps become rich? Trump’s grandfather Frederick Trump was a German pimp who made his money via brothels during the California and Klondike gold rushes. When he returned to Germany to marry, he was deported for draft dodging and tax evasion, two family traditions The Donald carried on.

• On the Ides of March, Trump had 666 delegates. The Ides of March is when the Roman empire mutated from a republic to a dictatorship. Trump would go on to attempt to a coup on Jan. 6, 2021, seeking to dismantle American democracy and establish himself as the first American dictator. He will no doubt try again, if elected president in 2024.

• In the first year of Trump’s presidency, fiscal year 2017, the budget deficit swelled to 666 billion dollars! (Per Fox Business and other sources.) Trump tweeted his congratulations for the budget passage on October 27, 2017. The bavister.org Julian Date calculator confirms that Trump’s tweet occurred on a Julian date of 6666.

• On the day Trump allowed the Nunes memo to be published—in a blatant attempt to protect Trump from justice—the stock market dropped 666 points.

• Trump has been endorsed by Baptist pastors like Jerry Falwell Jr., David Jeremiah and Robert Jeffress. The Baptist Hymnal ends with hymn number 666.

• Trump spends hours watching and being influenced by the Fox network; the letters in “Fox” add up to 666 multiple ways! To see how, please click here: FOX 666.

• Trump’s fearmongering comments about “rapists” and “drug dealers” vaulted him to the top of the polls on June 6, 2015 = 6+6+(1+5) = 666.

• Trump announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015 = 6+(1*6)+(1+5) = 666.

• The 2016 election was “all Trump all the time” and 2016 = 666+666+666+6+6+6.

• The January 1998 cover of the pornographic adult magazine Genesis (the title of the first book of the Bible) asks: “DONALD TRUMP THE NEXT PRESIDENT?” And 1998 = 666 + 666 + 666.

• Donald Trump’s name in various formations equates to 666 in Jewish gematria, English gematria, Sumerian gematria, and ASCII computer code. This can be confirmed with simple Google searches like: Trump 666 gematria.

At the 2023 CPAC event, Trump used the biblical “I am” repeatedly, telling conservative Christians who should know better: “In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution. I am your retribution.”

So we should not be surprised that at the 2021 CPAC event we saw a “Golden Calf” statue of Trump holding an occult wand tipped with a pentagram star, as Trump worshiped himself and his cultish followers did the same. The Hebrew prophets predicted that even the very elect would be misled by the Beast, and would bow down to him and worship him. We are seeing it happen exactly as predicted.

Was God trying to tell us something about Trump?

New York City became the epicenter of the plague, and that is where Trump was born and raised and erected his Babylonian Trump Tower. When Trump moved the Republican Convention to Florida, his second home and location of his gaudy Mar-a-Lago estate, Florida became the epicenter and the convention had to be scrapped.

When Trump arrogantly held a rally in Tulsa, Kevin Stitt became the first American governor to contract the coronavirus and Herman Cain died from the disease shortly thereafter. When Trump persisted with a second rally at Mount Rushmore, his eldest son’s girlfriend became infected. When Trump continued to hold rallies, he and his wife and son became infected, as did Hope Hicks, who seems like an adoptive daughter to Trump. If there are no accidents with God, what does all this mean?

When Italian and German Christians abandoned the example and teachings of Jesus Christ to follow Antichrists like Mussolini and Hitler, their nations were destroyed. Was that an accident of fate, or God’s judgment? Why has the United States been singled out for the worst horrors of the coronavirus — far worse than Russia, China and North Korea with their godless rulers? Is the answer staring back at us in the picture below?

Please note that the face of Trump’s Bible is blank and completely black. The Bible being held by Trump is the Revised Standard Version, which has been rejected by evangelical Christians because it replaces “virgin” with “young woman,” denying the Immaculate Conception. Trump has also been accused of holding the Bible upside down and backwards during the grotesque photo-op.

“MAGA” means “Magician” or “Sorcerer” in Latin and multiple other languages and it’s the highest rank in the Priesthood of the Satanic Order.

He put his own red-hat MAGA mark on their foreheads.

What does God Almighty think of Trump? The coronavirus seems like a major clue.

Trump is connected to the most powerful groups in the world through his business dealings.

In another article Who Towers Behind Trump?, Piper reveals how Trump acquired 93% of the voting stock in gambling company Resorts International in 1987:

“Resorts International was established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their “enforcers” in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its allied intelligence agency, Israel’s Mossad.

What made the report so explosive was that this newspaper pointed out that the illegally rigged casinos were being operated with the collusion of “respectable” politicians, law enforcement officials, Wall Street financiers who floated loans to finance the gambling resorts and the high-profile gambling resort operators themselves.

… [M]any of these casino resorts run by the mob through a variety of front men have actually been engaged in a de facto partnership with behind-the-scenes mobsters who have assisted the CIA and the Mossad in massive laundering of drug and gambling profits that have been channeled into covert operations of the two allied intelligence agencies. In return, the CIA and the Mossad, using their own influence, have provided “protection” for the illegally fixed gambling operations, preventing law enforcement authorities from cracking down on this corruption.”

It’s an old game. Get control of government, set up and control secret military agencies that effectively operate outside the law to become your personal goon squad, then control illegal industries like gambling, drugs, arms and prostitution. Anyone who has closely studied the origins and operations of the CIA will know that the agency has barely ever or never represented the American people, and in 1953 quickly grew (under the control of JFK assassination mastermind Allen Dulles) into a private hitman group to protect the interests and investments of the wealthy.

So what is Trump’s role in all of this? Resorts International was formerly a CIA front company (Mary Carter Paint) that Trump took over. Piper sources an article from The Spotlight magazine, which researched the investors behind it:

“• Meyer Lansky, the acknowledged “chairman of the board” and chief financier of the underworld gambling syndicate, who maintained his own longstanding ties to not only Israel and the Mossad, but also the CIA and the American intelligence community (and who was another figure in the JFK assassination – ed.);

• David Rockefeller, head of the Rockefeller financial empire, who provided his family’s clout and CIA and global banking connections to assist in the operation;

• The Investors Overseas Service (IOS), then the world’s largest flight-capital conglomerate, controlling assets worth $2.5 billion.

• Tibor Rosenbaum, who was not only the Mossad’s Swiss-based chief financier behind covert arms deals but also the head of the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, the Lansky syndicate’s chief European money laundry; and

• Baron Edmond de Rothschild of the European banking family and a personal business partner of Rosenbaum in Rosenbaum’s Mossad-related ventures ranging far and wide; and lastly,

• William Mellon Hitchcock, one of the heirs to the Mellon family fortune (one of America’s largest private family fortunes, which, for many years, has also maintained close ties with the CIA).

Most importantly, the voting public needs to do its homework to check out and investigate the history and connections of any would-be leader, especially insider Trump. There’s no doubt that he will never bite the hand that feeds him.


Trump’s teen models, powerful men and private dinners:

Trump with his nine-year-old daughter Ivanka

The Evidence is Overwhelming That Trump Was Chosen To Fascilitate The Transition Into The New World Order Antichrist Reign On Earth.