Think About Where You Are Keeping Your Valuables

By: James Allen Homyak
First Published May 14, 2023

For openers, I am not somebody who is keeping anything of value in places where the items are at the behest of anyone else.

I try not to do much of anything where it is someone else's prerogative to watch out for me or to clean up after me or to obscond with my things while I am not looking.   

I cannot say the same for you. 

Many of you are keeping your valuables in harm's way.


Let us define "valuables" for ourselves to begin with    

If you work at something (your occupation) to earn something back to you in exchange for your time and attention, what are you calling that result?   

I hope you are regarding that result one of your valuables.   

In the case of going to work for a company, who has written down for you that your compensation will include money set aside for your later years in the form of a pension, then yes, that too is one of your valuables. A deferred valuable. But, still a valuable. 

You did the work then and now to get the value later in life. This kind of value can also be matched by the company to make it even more valuable for you.  There is a value in working hard to make all of this happen.  You don't want your value to slip away. 


Now the plot thickens

However, I have uncovered the large amount of work done by one man, Clint Richardson, who in 2018 put a large amount of time writing about what is happening and what is designed to happen to public and private employee pension funds before the pensioner ever gets his or her payback. 

I am so astonished by what Clint has produced, that I've decided to republish his work here from just one large essay -- nearly in its entirety.  I've done this because of the huge eye opener and all the supportive references included. 

So, here you go....   >click here for the original blog post<

Also note, that as Clint wrote this work, he included website links to many places. Since that time many of these links may have changed or may no longer be accessible. In the event a link doesn't work, you may need to copy/paste that section of the text and put it back into your search engine to find the original or similar online information.  Sorry, but as of today, I have not done this work for you. But still, you can learn so much.  


Sometimes the solution is simple, but time consuming

My text is written this way, regarding a "solution is simple" because the act of using modern word processing techniques has gotten so simple.

Opening an new document and typing into it has gotten so simple. 

Putting paper into your printer and loading your ink or toner has gotten so simple. 

Going to the internet and opening some information to use in making your own pages to print has gotten so simple.

Borrowing freely upon the work of other people, especially when they are giving away their knowledge for free, has gotten so simple. 

Taking your printed pages and somebody else from your family with you to a Public Notary is also still very simple.

Purchasing a red pen, a blue pen and a red inking pad is still so very simple.

Purchasing some postage and some envelopes and some supplies to accomplish your own letter writing campaign is also real simple.  

Americans are in a world of hurt because our going along to get along has gotten so redundant and time consuming. A huge threat remains. The simple part is "the system" is at work, 24 / 7 / 365 -- always on the take. Our country, our state, our county, our city, our town, our land, our home, our car....    it has all been taken from us.... but yet we still have the illusion that we own those valuables because we can still see them as right here.

People ask in confusion:  "What are you talking about?"  

There are literally as many authors trying to wake you up as there are days in a decade.  However, there are less than 1% of those authors who are actually publishing the solutions once you are awakened. 

Even this following author hasn't done anything to offer the simple solution such as what you will find in Chapter 17 of my book Administrative Record. >here is that work free of charge<

Taking your pension and rolling it over to another form of asset can also be fairly simple too, that is, if you are ready to part with some of the value in order to do so.  Better to lose a little of it than to lose all of it. 

Now the last comment I make before Clint's work, is that I know he has put way too much content into a paragraph. As this reading exercise comes at you, please be patient and careful to follow along....  

For a lengthy video on the subject from 2011 >here<


(NEW) Endgame: Globalism Through Public Pension Ponzi Schemes Now Manifesting… CalPERS and News Outlets Caught Lying To The Public Again!

By: Clint Richardson
Friday, May 11th, 2018

UPDATE: Note to my readers: This is a new post with the same title as my last one. That last unedited, incomplete version was posted accidentally by myself a few weeks ago without my realization. It should be as of today read again due to so much more background and information that has been added and now finished. For those that commented on the last post I apologize for those being lost. Sorry for the confusion, and please know that I consider this to be one of the most important blog essays I have put out to date. It really explains in detail all the pieces involved in our collective societal breakdown, with the intent to start the “New World Order” or world government we all hear about but can’t quite see how it has been constructed. This is the blueprint. I give it to you now.

–Clint, Friday, May 11th, 2018



“In order that all men may be taught to speak truth,
it is necessary that all likewise should learn to hear it.”

–Samuel Johnson


This will be my last entry with regards to The Great Pension Fund Hoax and all it entails.

Quite frankly, there is nothing more to reveal.

The gig is up.

The endgame is apparent.

Unless all current, un-retired members of all pension funds withdraw what they have voluntarily given (contributed) as the law allows before their actual retirement, and until taxpayers collectively stop allowing their local, state, and federal taxpayer dollars to be funneled away (as required municipal corporation pension contributions) so as to destroy any support in this global investment scheme with the goal of total, centrally organized control and corporate governance worldwide, there is no way to prevent what is and always was the intent of these pension schemes toward globalism and world government.

The transference of wealth as the collective possession and ownership of the majority of corporate shareholder stock has now sufficiently been passed into collective, international government hands through these public investment schemes.

I’ll waste no more time warning and calling upon deaf ears nor hopelessly believing that anyone will bite the corporate, governmental hand that feeds them.

This is therefore my last ditch, last minute attempt to spell out in the greatest of detail and foundational understanding the whole plot of this international public pension ponzi scheme and why it is and has been the number one financial stone supporting this modern move to global governance.

This is not just some empty statement to frighten you, though it should [spur you into action], but is merely a statement of known fact.

The time for willful ignorance is over. For we must come to understand that through many decades of continuously taxpayer supported pension fund investments, governments around the world are the majority shareholders of nearly all corporations, with very few exceptions.

This doesn’t merely spell socialism or communism, but complete global corporate governance by the world’s governments acting collectively under the unified laws of private, non-governmental associations (NGO’s) and other private functionaries and sets of non-governmental law.

These rules have already been put into place, and the financial reporting structures of governments by the CAFR system is in full effect.

While the names change from nation to nation, the accounting structure for all governments and organizations, including pension funds, are now being set to a globalized standardization. Social Security is also now in over 140 countries, coordinated through the United Nations and World Bank by the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

The full list of International Social Security Association member countries can be seen here: And yes, this does in fact mean that communist China has the same “Social Security” system as the United States, United Kingdom, and most other countries, and yes the system has been globalized to entrap all common people into a digital identity and complete dependence upon international investment pension schemes such as these.

The goal:


16.9 – “By 2030, provide legal identity for allincluding birth registration.”

—United Nations Sustainable Development 2030 Target Goal 16.9


No community should be considered to be outside the span of this new agendaWhatever your ethnicitywhatever your livelihoodwhatever your lifestyle or locationall of you are inside the agenda. We need to inform everyone that these goals are the heart of a plan for the future of the worlds peopleas well as for the planet itself… Peace and securityhuman rights and justiceand sustainable development, brought together within this 2030 agenda.”

—David Nabarro, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General of the United Nations, from a speech on April 15th, 2016


World Bank:

“Overview: Providing legal identity for all (including birth registrationby 2030 is a target shared by the international community as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (target 16.9). The World Bank Group (WBG) has launched the Identification for Development (ID4D) cross-practice initiative to help our client countries achieve this goal and with the vision of making everyone countensure a unique legal identity and enable digital ID-based services to all.”

—United Nations 2030 Agenda, from a World Bank publication entitled, “Identification for Development”


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape… so warns the Bible.

Birth certificates (the creation of legal persons/artificial identities) are printed on bank notes. The certificate assigned to myself is printed by “Midwest Bank Note Company.” You can look it up for yourself, though Midwest has now merged with Colonial Banknote Company, here:

To understand why this is so, we must only look at the definition of this banking term of art. What is a certificate?

CERTIFICATE – Paper establishing an ownership claim(—Barron’s Dictionary of Banking Terms)


Why that’s what we do for our dogs and cats, isn’t it? We certify them through registration as property? We chip them with digital identity! But just who is establishing ownership of our vital statistics turned fictional persona (legal status)?

Perhaps you’ve never noticed that there is no line item on a birth certificate that establishes paternity rights or ownership of the child itself?

This is not a form filled out by a parent to declare property of the child, but is a certified abandonment of the illegitimate child and paternal rights to the nation state by an “informant” as its ward, usually the mother, while witnessed and signed by “doctors” like former congressman Ron Paul.

The birth certificate has nothing to do with the actual child, and is not attached to the child in any way until the parents invoke that legal entity that is created thereof, the person (status) of a United States citizenship.

Once this use of the name, number, signature, and other benefits is utilized by the parents until the age of consent, the child is then brainwashed into believing he or she actually is that person, that status, that legal name, and that he or she is in fact identified by a pension number called Social Security like a marked beast of burden, like cattle.

Once adulthood is reached, the infant carries on in that false, legal identity so as to function in the false, legal realm of interstate commerce controlled and policed by the United States and its agencies and municipal corporations.

We cannot know any better because our parents didn’t know any better.

We become volunteers under the strict legal matrix code without even realizing it, aging from 17 to 18 in an unnoticeable moment upon the artificial Roman calendric timeline, and we simply continue using the name and number (mark) of citizenship to the United States as if it were perfectly natural and morally correct.

We are even taught to believe this to be the sign of freedom, even as they call us subjects, tenants, consumers, taxpayers, and customers.

Out intention is made express by our action of using the status of US citizenship, signing in its name, and receiving its benefits and consumer protections.

This is how we become agents, and potentially the enemy of everyone else.

For in the legal realm, the law is competition, greed, and amorality. We exist therefore in complete opposition to Nature and Its Law, lost in the circular matrix of legal fiction. Hell, we are even tricked into praying for money (mammon)!

Of course the fictional persona (legal status) assigned from the vital statistics of each man (male or female) at birth is a creation of the United States (the principal) under its agency, and so of course a birth certificate must be established to both prove identity (fictional persona, legal sameness) and also claim original ownership upon that newly, artificially created entity of the legal fiction.

The person (status) thus created at this birth certification process is like the car or shoe avatar on the monopoly board — we use it and are responsible for its credits, debts, titles, fees, and taxes.

But in the end all the pieces and all the money (credit) go back in the box — back to the central bank (government).

We are not the words (vital statistics) printed on these birth certificates, for words are form without substance, existing nowhere in Nature, purely the artful creations of man.

Of course, no man of flesh and blood is born from a birth certificate, only a digital copy to be operated commercially in the legal, commercial matrix. Persons have no blood.

Persons are not men, though men may choose to pretend to be bond and surety of persons.

Insured commercial persons, not men, are then hired under flattering titles like bank teller, doctor, or fireman.

Men cannot be hired in the United States without first possessing a fictional, legal identity (personhood) under bond and surety within the United States.

No person, no contract. No person, no signature. And of course, on the inverse, with no contract the devil (legal fiction/artifice) has no power.

To be a hireling is not a good thing.

We are all being used by devils in suits and ties and nothing else… but some of us get better rewards for it, say, like the illogical, unreasonable, completely artificial interest and gains (usury and engrossment) created in the purely fictional stock and bond “markets” from the investments in public pensions.

HIRE –verb transitive – 1.To procure from another person and for temporary useat a certain price, or for a stipulated or reasonable equivalent; as, to hire a farm for a year; to hire a horse for a day; to hire money at legal interest2. To engage in service for a stipulated rewardto contract with for a compensation; as, to hire a servant for a year; to hirelaborers by the day or month. 3.To bribeto engage in immoral or illegal service for a reward. To hire out one’s self, to let; to engage one’s service to another for a reward. They have hired out themselves for bread. 1 Samuel 2:5. To hire or to hire out, to let; to lease; to grant the temporary use of a thing for a compensation. He has hired out his house or his farm. – noun – 1.The pricereward or compensation paid or contracted to be given for the temporary use of any thing2.Wagesthe reward or recompense paid for personal service.The laborer is worthy of his hire.Luke 10:7(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

PROSTITUTE – verb transitive – [Latin prostituo; pro and statuo, to set.] 1.To offer freely to a lewd use, or to indiscriminate lewdness. Do not prostitute thy daughter. Leviticus 19:292.To give up to any vile or infamous purposeto devote to any thing baseto sell to wickedness; as, to prostitute talents to the propagation of infidel principles, to prostitute the press to the publication of blasphemy. 3. To offer or expose upon vile terms or to unworthy personsadjective – Openly devoted to lewdness; sold to wickedness or to infamous purposes. Made bold by want and prostitute for bread. – noun – 1. A base hirelinga mercenaryone who offers himself to infamous employments for hire. (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)


You see, the word hire is not just defined as working for money, it is defined as the very form of money to be paid, be it wages or some other reward or compensation, as trading favors for favors. We are all prostitutes in this sense, and its time we stop denying it.

Even the word soldier in its etymology comes from the name of a Roman coin, for a soldier of the nation is a mercenary that protects the corporate nation against the States (People) that created it, just as it was in the civil war.

But I must also truthfully ask, though I doubt I’ll like the answer, just how many reading this would give up their legal (artificial) contracted “rights” to the rewards of Social Security payments or other public welfare like public pensions, including the standing armies of the United States and its completely corrupt Veterans Administration, despite the knowledge that it is literally the carrot on a stick leading us all into the very mark of the beast/global slave system forewarned about in the Revelation? To be a hireling is to work for mammon and the gods (magistrates) that create, credit, and administer it.

This is a self-evident truth. We can deny it no longer.

After all, what is the one thing that defines a nation? It’s unique currency and the valuation of that currency internationally, of course.

Government owns the money, owns the printing presses, owns the copyright, owns the central bank to which all others are subservient members, and it owns the ability to set the statutory value of that currency while controlling the markets that set the artificial, commercially driven “market” value. Governments are the only actual bank, the only actual source of money. All others are merely users of governments main product — money.

And as we can see, each government uses its citizenry (persons) as the source of money creation. They call us collectively as human capital, the word capital coming from the Latin capita, meaning by the head. This is how a rancher counts his herd of cattle, by the head, within his own fences that create a capitalist society of captured and subservient cows. This is an excellent synonym for what is the typical public status of each US (national) citizenship.

But I work for the post office, you say… how can I possibly be considered a prostitute; a mercenary?

Don’t shoot the messenger. I am not judging anyone, lest I judge myself. I am merely defining terms as they are, not as I want them to be or falsely, patriotically believe they are or should be. We must learn to speak these truths about ourselves, about our own actions, and therefore we must first hear the truth without prejudice and with a neutral mindset.

We must admit our own defeat and open-air internment before we can free ourselves. We must learn the language of the creators of fiction, of artifice, of lies, for only then may we protect ourselves from their artful terms. We must be sincere in all things, never allowing what is the Real thing to be fictionalized and thus legalized into the empty name or title of that thing, so we may be always in harmony with Nature, with self-existent Truth, with God, which are invariably the same words (meanings).

All “employees” of all corporations are hirelings, prostituting themselves as workers for hire (mercenaries). Remember, these are neutral terms, not meant to evoke emotion, only Truth. An employee is an agent of its principal, without exception. A public (national) citizen is an agent of its principal in franchise (legal freedom). Both exist to benefit the mother (creator of person/status) corporation. Another word for mother is matrix, an artificial womb offering false security and safety, but never Natural (True) Freedom.

A citizenship of the United States is in prostitution to the United States, a foreigner to the 50 States holding no land (territory), always in modern, feudalistic tenancy by contract. One cannot be a national citizenship and also have perfect title to any land in any State. Why? Because anything registered in a United States person (name) is property thereby of the United States. The user (agent/employee) is never the allodial owner, and can therefore only hold anything (as registered property) through the legal name of its principal.

The principal holds, the agent uses and pays taxes for that right to use. And this process of rebirthing men into persons of the United States is how the land was stolen from ourselves and our forefathers that were tricked into placing their legitimate children into an illegitimate national citizenship (wardship/apprenticeship). In total neutrality, as a definition of terms, this cannot be disputed. Emotion and personal opinion have no place in legality, nor in its language. There is no love, no devotion, no care, no charity, and no patriotism in the legal realm nor in its terms of art. It is strict and applied strictly. And most importantly, the constitution does not apply to or protect United States public citizenships (subjects), only private “People” in the several States.

And so as a pensioner, you should know that there is no constitutional law that will protect your contributions (gifts) given when they start declaring municipal bankruptcy and start taking it away. You fell into a financial trap, and you must either live with the consequences or remove now what you have “contributed” while the corporate law of these organized criminals still allows it. That law can change tomorrow, as you tacitly agreed to when you started contributing.

And hey, by the way, government’s most important office is in fact the Post Office and System, for through that corporate structure its official summons, informations, and notices of corruptions like foreclosures are delivered to helpless victims of the very money and investment schemes we are speaking of now. The post office is like a court without a bar, where preliminary business can be conducted and contracts can be signed and delivered. It is where most people get bad news, where they are informed of their audits and seizures from the illegitimate (de facto) IRS, and where banks warrant and deliver their interest and fees (usury), a criminal activity made legal by man’s law and ultimately protected by the sheriff (executive branch of the state) as our homes and possessions are sold at auction in “sheriff’s sales” on behalf of these banks while we end up homeless on the streets… To protect commerce and serve summons.

But you are just a lowly post office worker, the automaton we interact with, right? No responsibility there, right?

If one thing has been stripped from our society it is indeed the ability to consider and self-actualize responsibility for our own actions, for just doing our “jobs” as mercenary prostitutes for hire, and for treating each other with respect and dignity. We pretend to be lowly even though we are like bolts holding the machine together and the fuel causing it all to operate. The legal system and its support and protection of mammon as its life-blood is the foundation of this curse. We are agents for government, be it in citizenship or in employment. All we do is in support of it and its global corporate investment schemes.

Ask yourself this question: Would you continue to do your current job if you were no longer paid to do it? Of course not. You do it only because you are paid, because that’s what prostitutes do. Charity is our Natural State of Being, and I am willing to bet that every single reader of this essay would seek a more charitable engagement if no money were involved so as to help other men rather than suffer another day at whatever one’s current, corporate job is tracking, using, selling, and all-around harming their customers per capita with a capitalist fake-smile and in the most inventive of propagandist comforts. Only through monetary compensation can we be made to work, labor, toil, and fix that which is against Nature and our own moral compass.

We are as of late working for the AI, doing its bidding to make it stronger, mining its digital currency, and giving it all our personal, private information to share publicly and build upon our digital identity. But some of us tell ourselves and others how much we love our jobs as wage-slaves, perhaps the greatest self-deceit we’ve been programmed to endure. To this self-aggrandizing lie I call bullshit every time, and refer back to the original question. If you Truly love it, you’d do it for free, in love, charity, and good will. You don’t love the job, you love the money. And it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, the very lifeblood of mammon.

I didn’t say the Truth doesn’t hurt. But it really hurts for those living their own lies. Truth is the best medicine for all disease, especially the chronic liar and idolator.

One may not believe that working for the “state” is a lewd or vulgar use of one’s time and labor at all, and may find some agentic comfort or even some reprehensible sense of moral superiority by their temporarily granted, hireling flattering titles. The house-slave, after all, is quite content and even proud of his flattering title of slave status as long as he is the limited master of at least some of his fellow slaves. Ah, the idiocracy of that middle management cess pool…

The popular reputation of the typical DMV employee is certainly a sign of how such flattering titles in prostitution (employment) utterly destroy any notion of dignity, respect, and charity to ones fellow man. For these employees do not deal with men, they deal with men acting in persona (mask/status) seeking benefits they believe are rightful and even of God (Natural), and whom often are equal in their contempt for the DMV employee by nature of their own low but delusional worshiped status, that of a US citizenship. Slaves that believe they are free even as the stand in line to pay extortion fees and taxes to the DMV. LOL! Imagine if God exacted taxes for each breath of life and each blade of grass? Taxes and fees are self-evidently not a part of Nature, and DMV fees and charges certainly don’t come from heaven. Let us be clear — ONLY PERSONS CAN BE FORCED TO PAY TAXES. And this is why the scriptural Law teaches never to respect or act as a person (status) other than thyself. The reason for this highest and moral Law of Nature, again, is self-evident. For a person is never of a source in Nature. A person is always a creation of man, and men will always rule over persons, just as Nature and Its Law will always be Highest without exception. For without Nature and Its Law, there would be no men, and with no men, there would be no government, no lies, and no fictional (legal) law that opposes Nature and Its Law. This we call the Law or Word of God, not because some anthropomorphized version of religious art supposing the form of God spoke these words, but because God (Jehovah) is actually defined as “God is Truth.”  Whatever is spoken by any man that is self-evident Truth of Existence in Nature, in the Universe, and not the concepts of man, is speaking the Word of God. The metaphor cannot be mistaken as literalism, lest the Truth be lost as it is today behind kings, popes, and presidents (false gods).


“Of a truth, God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice.”

–Job 34:12


To avoid wrath, live in Truth, never acting against Nature and Its Law. How simple can it be?

Nature and Its Law is the only Truth. Nature is the epitome of neutrality. It is not good and it is not evil, which are only the conceptions of man. It is Existence. It just Is, as I AM. I Exist without words, without names, without numbers. And this is how God (Jehovah – Lord in English, JHVH in Hebrew, Deus in Latin and Portuguese, etc.) is defined, as a verb of All Being that is the Universe, all of self-existence, and most importantly all that is not an artificial creation of man. If only this aspect of what is God is understood, then the Law of Nature can be almost completely understood. Art (artifice) and Reality are never the same, and always oppose one another even in their simulation. Likewise, the legal name, title, number, and identity of everything in Nature is a creation of man, recreated solely for the intent to control all of Nature and Its Creation (man and other Creatures, etc.) outside of the Law of Nature, to pull everything away from its Source. The demonization of the Bible was the most important step in this process, for the Bible is provably the very foundation of the “unwritten” common law system, where to break that Law of Nature as total self-governance and total charity and forgiveness to others is to enter into the legal matrix system and its false code (law). To obfuscate and replace the Bible Law, they created corporate (organized) religions and caused the public minded commoners to believe that the Bible is religion, not the Law of Nature. And it worked like a charm… literally. The Truth was hidden behind priests and judges in long robes, and religions were thus incorporated under the state, despite the fact that the Bible Law is to be under or replaced by no other doctrine (law of men). And so, as we will discover, moral action against immoral legalism was made illegal. The church and state are inseparable.

All we need to do is to go back to the Truth. This is another way of saying back to God. Sadly, no matter how well I explain this, many will have stopped reading this at the mere mention of these words Bible and God, which is proof positive of how conditioned we all are to remain as the low, vulgar beasts of burden we are currently acting as — consumers akin to a swarm of insatiable locusts, a cancerous growth that denies itself any remedy that might interfere with its pointless, unspiritual growth. We are killing ourselves surely but slowly, and all because we refuse to accept and Live in and as part of the Truth (God). Jehovah (JHVH) is a verb, not a person, place, or thing (noun). And in our Natural State of Being, so too are we nameless and pure and therefore immune from man’s law of legal fiction. For the laws of men only rule over the persons, places, and things (nouns) that man creates, which are always fiction. There are no words in Nature. And this is the ultimate of occulted knowledge. Without words, men are as helpless as animals. For without words men are neutered, having True Born equality in Nature. Only respected names and titles (nouns, as persons places and things) can cause inequity, which is why they are strictly forbidden under the Law of Nature, for without words, there can be no contracts, the tool of the devils (evil geniuses) that men have become. This, again, is self-evident.

Our sole problem is that everything we do, everything we work for, everything we strive to achieve or manifest, is valued in money. We live for the lie that is valuation, in the god of mammon we trust. This wicked disease is so simple to cure, and yet the cure has been made so elusive to us by those who keep us in the darkness of legalism and valuation (mammon). The cure is simply Truth. Life without fiction and lies, which can only be accomplished by total self-government by all men upon themselves. This is the Law. And all governments recognize this fact, which is why they do everything to keep us regulated and sedated from the Truth, from the Bible as Law (not religion), and from a self-governing mentality.


It is impossible to enslavementally or sociallya bible-reading people.
The principles of the bible are the groundwork of human freedom.”

—Horace Greeley, founding editor of ‘The New-Yorker’ and ‘New York Tribune’ newspapers


“Today, not only in philosophy but in politics, government,
and individual morality, our generation sees solutions
in terms of synthesis and not absolutes.
When this happens, truth, as people have always thought of truth, has died.” 

— Francis Schaeffer


“I believe that in the end the truth will conquer.”

–John Wycliffe


“Let us rejoice in the truth, wherever we find its lamp burning.”

–Albert Schweitzer


“Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.”

–J. C. Ryle


“As a matter of honor, one man owes it to another to manifest the truth.”

–Thomas Aquinas


To suggest that Truth will prevail or conquer is almost immature or self-evident, for of course nature will continue long after the lies, fictions, and arts of men die. Truth (Nature, the Universe) is the permanent foundation of all things, even lies and liars, while man’s inventions therein are always temporary. So yes, it is a 100% safe bet to say that Truth will conquer. For no lie can exist without the very Truth it pretends and emulates in darkness. What is a lie without some Truth to harm or obfuscate? Truth is, of course, the very Real source of every lie. What lie can exist without some Truth to defy? What would be the point? Truth (God) will prevail. The Universe (God) will continue unending. And unfortunately, that means with or without us. It is our own power of choice by the gift (or curse) of free will that shall ultimately decide our own fate. And most, even the self-proclaimed, flatteringly titled “atheists” will ironically blame God instead of themselves for the consequences of the choices they individually and collectively made, while the Christians will in turn blame the Atheists (absence of God), even though they never followed the Law of God themselves, lost in their false (flattering) title and idolatry, never acting “christian” in any way and thus offering no example that the atheist would seek to emulate. But what is God by definition but the Nature of the Universe Itself in a state of reclamation, reclaiming that which stands opposed and in disharmony with Its structure and Law?

Unless we choose to always speak in what is called as the Word of God, which is nothing more than the Pure and self-evident (not man-made) Truth of all things at all times, and unless we act only upon that Word as Truth, then not only our fictional creations but also ourselves shall perish from this Earth. Some would call this God’s wrath, but It’s really just Nature taking its reasonable course, like the body’s immune system fights an infections disease. To impose a pretended “religious” conscious and intent to Nature (God) is only useful for the blame game, for blaming God when we each are the problem together. Call it what you will… the Truth will remain as hopefully will that remnant of the meek Living in It as inheritors.

To manifest the Truth is to manifest the example of a man following God’s Law, which is of course Jesus the Christos (anointed). This, again, is not religion. It simply means that the “return of christ” will happen when men start acting christ-like. This is the True message of the Bible hidden from us. And so, as soon as we begin manifesting the Truth and Its Law through our own responsible actions, we shall be witness to the return of the Son (Law/Word) of God. Thus, the Bible instructs us to become the “sons of God” as well, meaning that we should follow the example and heed the Law of Truth (God). You see, eventually one realizes that all of these terms are defined as the same thing, the same concept. God is Truth (the Universe), Jesus is Truth manifested as a man following the Word/Law of God, and so man is to become each and every one a son of God as well, by emulating the example, not by worshiping it as an idol as the corporate church does. The story of God’s Law personified through Jesus Christ’s example doesn’t seek fans, but followers. This, again, is self-evident. To follow Christ is to Follow the Law (Son/Word) of God. It’s not rocket science, and it ain’t even religion. Just common, Natural sense. Religion is nothing but incorporated idolatry; a big, multi-cultural, inter-denominational, membership only fan club for sinners. The Bible is Law. Its followers are sons of God, True and self-governing Christians.

All of this is explained and detailed from the lexicons and concordances and Bible dictionaries in my book, Strawman: The Real Story Of Your Artificial Person. Please download it for free, here.

Now, let us examine this agentic delusion more closely so that we may understand the nature of pension payments as a reward for our prostitution to the legal, corporate, de facto (illegitimate) state…

A cop, for instance, may believe he or she is acting lawfully while at the same time exacting his fellow citizens through tickets, though this is obviously an extortion and unlawful summons to appear. One may even state that, well, my department is good compared to the others, as if government is not a complete and whole entity, and as if working for the part is not prostitution of ones self for the well-being of the whole.

A checkout employee at the local grocery store may believe he is acting lawfully, morally, merely doing the simple job description he is paid for. He or she may even do it with a smile, with “service” above and beyond his employee handbook, getting his picture on the wall of shame as employee of the month. Imagine that: prostitute of the month… Little does he or she contemplate that in fact every action taken and every hour worked on behalf of that “grocery” store or other “retail” story was once a crime against all people, before it was made a protected criminal activity by government license. The word retail is a feudalistic term, of course, referring to the profits of landlords over their vassals. But what exactly is a grocer, just what is this modern form of retail sales, and most importantly, why do we accept it as completely normal, reasonable, customary, and even lawful?

GROSS – Great; culpable. General. Absolute. A thing in gross exists in its own rightand not as an appendage to another thing.

GROCER – In old English law, a merchant or trader who engrossed all vendible merchandisean engrosser. See Engrosser. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ENGROSSER – One who engrosses or writes on parchment in a large, fair hand. One who purchases large quantities of any commodity in order to acquire a monopolyand to sell them again at high prices.(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ENGROSS – To copy the rude draft of an instrument in a fair, large hand. To write out, in a large, fair hand, on parchment. In old criminal law. To buy up so much of a commodity on the market as to obtain a monopoly and sell again at a forced price.(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ENGROSSING – In English law. The getting in to one’s possessionor buying up, large quantities of corn, or other dead victuals, with intent to sell them againThe total engrossing of any other commoditywith intent to sell it at an unreasonable priceThis was a misdemeanorpunishable by fine and imprisonment(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

HIGHWAY ROBBERY – Theft taking place on a public road. Slang for a transaction where one party has such leverage over the other and can demand such a high price so that it is akin to a robbery taking place.(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 2th Edition)


This certainly gives new perspective to our “friendly neighborhood grocer” now doesn’t it? America: the land of engrossment. What a gross situation, literally!

It actually makes some sort of vile, reprobate logical sense to us in our entrained, educated, entertained public-mindedness to sell or buy something at more than its actual value. It’s built into the economy. It is, in fact, custom. But even “customs” have been made into a taxable, commercial, legal thing – the customs house. Yes, they found a way even to tax customs, for today, all of our customs (even Christmas) are valued in the usury of mammon! Yet this action of engrossment is perhaps the single source of all our problems! Simply stated, engrossment is the opposite of charity, and charity is one of the Highest of all the Laws of Nature. Engrossment only exists where some form of money (mammon) exists. And in truth, the same thing can be said about needless suffering, poverty, and inequity, which cannot exist without such gross behavior and custom. Even more to the point, the flattery of titles of nobility are as well pointless without the control and hoarding from others (engrossing) of the money supply, whatever it is that is called as money. In other words, without money, there is no purpose for a de facto (illegitimate) government as the “United States” corporation and its district as a monopoly. For money is in fact a non-governmental tool, meaning not a de jure (lawful/legitimate) reason for the existence of any government, especially one claiming the God of the Bible as its excuse for existing!

What was once considered the public crime of engrossing is now made legal (licensed) in corporations that government holds significant or controlling shares of stock in through its pensions and other investment schemes… does this not ring of a conflict of interest to your ears? And not just a mere conflict of interest, but the ultimate one.

The point here is that whatever we do as an employee (agent) of this government-owned and regulated corporate structure, we have been entrained to overlook or to be completely ignorant of the harm we all do and the pain we continuously cause to each other. The “economy” thrives on this societal ignorance of greed, usury, engrossment, and extortion (exaction) toward each other. We literally call it customer service as we rape each other. And government calls us not as taxpayers but as customers, because most of what municipal governments do nowadays is labeled in the CAFR (audit) as non-governmental, for profit commerce, from golf courses to water and sewer districts. And even the most pointless or seemingly harmless and redundant jobs we partake in cannot be excused morally just because we are not CEO’s or Boards of Directors or even managers of the collective corporations we agree to prostitute ourselves to. They could not exist without us grunts, which is why they are pushing to replace us with AI and robotic labor, with self-checkouts and self-paying tickets, with a cashless world society where all men are required to have the mark of digital identity to even purchase or be in possession of a smart-dusted loaf of bread. The harsh reality is that we (the public) are doing this to ourselves, for not one part of this global system could be implemented and carried on without the base hireling at the ground floor selling, fixing, maintaining, servicing, and assimilating us into that which we are prostituting ourselves in mammon (money) to support. It just our jobs. We are paid to screw each other in every way possible, ignoring in every respect the scriptural, moral law that opposes it.

But I digress…

Only persons (legal status) are borne from such a certificate. That we choose to carry that legal identity (sameness) throughout childhood and into adulthood (legalized adultery) is voluntary (avoidable). But the use of that birthed, certified legal identity (name, title, number, mark, signature, etc.), as the property of government, causes us to act in agency under a contractual relationship with government, as virtual employees, and thus to act in accordance and under the administration of its laws. The creator (principal) controls its creation (agent). The user of a creation stands always subservient to its creator. Thus the avoidable use becomes an unavoidable debt, called a performance debt because the user must perform by the law of the person he or she uses. Enforcement of that legal system and law of persons is thus authorized by the volunteer, just as anyone that joins the military as a volunteer agrees to the violent and mental oppression that will be delivered after volunteering (contracting). And this concept is the cause of all our problems, for pension funds are created by government, not us. We are mere users and taxpayers. Of course, one only can be made to pay taxes when one uses that which belongs to another. In the end, all that we do as common US citizens is in persona, in the property of government, which means that in Reality (Nature) we own nothing. What is done or purchased in person belongs to government, for the person is certified by government as property. This is how everything was stolen from us — by tricking us all into acting as that which we are not, as a fictional person of (belonging to) the “United Sates” corporation. We are as art; cartoon characters controlled by the hand of legal artists, for a person is made of words and can only exist by words. Persons exist and have artificial life only in legal jurisdictions, the equivalent of an imaginary cartoon realm. It is in this imaginary, fictional legal realm that all money and property exist as well, for there is no such things as these in Nature.

Don’t believe it? LOL! Whose name is your home registered in? Your automobile? Your children?

When you work as an employee, do you think you own the title you use, or is it an agency (property) and office of the corporation (principal) that hired you?

Simply put, if you don’t own your public, legal name (status), which of course you Lawfully cannot, then you don’t own anything purchased or registered as property in that name either. To register a car in that certified (state-owned) birth name and number (legal identity) in exchange for an empty certificate of title is to claim ownership of that vehicle in a person (status in agency) owned by the United States (principal). Likewise, to contribute to a pension fund, being a taxpayer or pensioner, is to do so while acting as and in the property (persona) of the United States. As a man (male or female), you have no right to that which was contributed in the person (property) of another, any more than an employee can claim ownership of an employers product or property. This will become more clear as we progress, but should be at least basically understood here so as to comprehend the complete picture of how and why these pension funds were set up for “public” purposes. What is public is property of government, to be used and enjoyed by its proprietary citizens but never owned by its citizens. Citizens are public, are property, for citizens are fictional persons created and certified by the United States. What is public is never property of any one person, but of the principal that offers it in contract. Citizenship is a contractual relationship offered and accepted. Our use of the signature in the persona (status) is prima facie proof of our individual consent to the law of persons.

The title “pensioner” is as well property of the state, as is the title and office that employs the federal, legal persona you voluntarily use. And guess what? The state would not hire you without a legal persona it can control and extort taxation from! For every person of the United States is required to pledge allegiance to it and its constitution, its law, and all its de facto (illegitimate) corporate structure. Of course, this allegiance is not a choice, but a character built into the person (status). A man that accepts and uses this status (person) is presumed to understand all of this, though most stand as merely unaware users that never question or bite the feeding hand of their chosen legal masters (false gods).

When we speak of this term “government” in its present, de facto (illegitimate) form we are not speaking of those traditional institutions romanticized from history, but the current corporate, public structure under uniform commercial rules in the administration of international and interstate commerce and trade. We are talking about the universal incorporation of all the world’s corporations under one body politic, controlled by an internationally assembled, unelected, governing body of private, non-governmental associations. E Pluribus Unum… out of many one. For corporations are persons too, remember?

Look at any board of directors today, and you will find nothing less than the representatives of corporations and corporate interests. But it’s how these corporate executives arrive in such positions of authority, as electing board members, that we must come to understand. For if government is the main shareholder of any corporation, and shareholders vote to elect by proxy shareholder voting rules the board members of all the corporations they hold stock for in pension and other investment funds, then government is by default the major holder and thus collective electorate of all boards of directors of all stock-owned corporations in the world. Its really simple math, though with a globalist twist…

If you own votable corporate stock, you get a vote. Done.

As simple as this seems, this is the very heart of globalism, basically defined. And only through these pension fund schemes could this total control and collection of corporate stock have been pulled off. Why? First, they tricked us all into voluntarily contributing to their globalist investment goal, which is the most brilliant deceit imaginable. So there is no illegality here. We let it happen without a whimper. Secondly, they prevented each of us from investing on our own in good conscious, in moral causes or charities, or even in good companies run by good and moral men, in effect causing us to trust them to invest for us, on our behalf. This is called a legal trust, not to be confused with Trust (faith) in God. All legal words are opposite to their Natural counterparts.

They stole our choice with our expressed, contributing consent, and in turn invested in the worst of the worst corporations and elitist investment groups, those that most of us would protest against and hate if we cared to examine them close enough. Today, we continue to let this happen, and now the endgame is apparent. Global corporate governance is key to governance of all economies and social structures. For to control the entire commercial structure of the world is to control the harvesting, resource management, manufacturing, wholesale, resale, price-fixing, and the power of monopoly creation and trust building. For when the lawmaker, the regulator, is also the corporate owner bound by that law, then in effect there is no Real law or regulation, only a global system of organized (legalized) crime through extortion, exaction, engrossment, taxation, and usury. This we call as “government.” And as main shareholder, government’s main purpose is by government law to make a profit for each corporation’s shareholders, which again is mostly government. I can think of no worse situation to be in than this, for laws will be passed to ensure corporate health and welfare (profit) over consumer health (Nature) every time. This is indeed a crisis of unimaginable proportions. But we must remember that government is in control of corporations, never the other way around. The total power and authority lies with government in every way.

Now, when you hear shock-jocks and news outlets make claims that “government is owned by corporations,” you may understand that this is so far from the provable facts that it is laughable. However, you also must realize that it is in the best interest of both corporations and government to let such lies be as prevalent and apparently true and accepted as they are. The fact is, corporations cannot own government, because government has no ownership stock. This, again, is a self-evident Truth. The synthesis of government and corporations, on the other hand, is very concerning, to the point that to be a politician (regulator) is not much different that being a general board member on all corporations. For the regulator is the owner of that which it regulates, meaning that the regulator is bound by law to ensure profitability to each corporation, and thus may not pass laws to cause unprofitability.

So… do you now comprehend why oil spills aren’t cleaned up, why government doesn’t force oil companies to go broke in cleaning up their messes, or why pharmaceuticals are allowed to charge 300,000% markups on drugs that often maim or kill those that take them? This is the very nature of the global, corporate governance world we are allowing to be built all around us.

What is somehow not well-known publicly, though it appears fairly obvious, is that all governments from the district, city, county,  state, and federal level are also municipal or other corporations. Artificial persons. Thus, I named my first documentary and website as The Corporation Nation. If this is hard to believe, just look at your city, county, or state seal:



Why is this important? Consider this… when under a corporation, one is not self-governing but instead under a contract to perform under strict (contract) law. There is no room for moral diversion or disobedience in a contractual performance debt such as citizenship. The maxims of law state clearly and without confusion that the contract makes the law. That’s why the allegory of the devil is said to be powerless over men without a contract, for in no other way may the devil turn good men away from the protections of God’s Law. In other words, while you are made to believe that you are under the constitutional and common law systems through entertainment and public education, you are in actuality under the public laws of municipal corporations governed by the state in interstate commerce, not the constitutions or so-called “law of the land,” as they say, which is just a romantic term for due process of law. These are, in other words, creations of government, illegitimate corporations created by government, not the legitimate governmental (constitutional) institution itself. Ignorance of this fact is key. A municep or provincial citizen was of course the name of a common Roman without respected higher status. As synonyms for what a provincial or municep is we find peasantrusticone-horse, unsophisticatedhickjerkwater, and bumpkin. You may wear a suit to work as well, but you are no less unsophisticated in your status than anyone else, just a bit more brain-washable and controllable. You may seek to emulate and follow the corrupt example of your false, legal, corporate gods by dressing like them, because you seek to be like them, to earn their income and share in their pensions and bonuses, but to do this you certainly must leave Jesus in the dust of any righteous path.

MUNICIPAL CORPORATION – A public corporationcreated by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

MUNICIPAL FUNCTION – One created or granted for the special benefit and advantage of the urban community embraced within the corporate boundaries. Sometimes called a private functionas distinguished from a public or governmental function, which is one conferred or imposed on the municipality as a local agency of limited and prescribed jurisdiction to be employed in administering the affairs of the state, and promoting the public welfare generally. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS – A term referring to the internal business affairs of a municipality. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

CORPORATE LEGAL INDIVIDUAL – Municipal corporation possesses two kinds of power, governmental and public, and proprietary and private, and in exercise of former, corporation is a “municipal government,” while as to latter, it is a corporate legal individual.” (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

POLITICAL CORPORATION – A public or municipal corporation; one created for political purposes, and having for its object the administration of governmental powers of a subordinate or local nature(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ENFRANCHISE – To make free; to incorporate a man in a society or body politic.

DISSOLUTION (Of Corporations) – The dissolution of a corporation is the termination of its existence as a body politic. This may take place in several ways; as by act of the legislature, where that is constitutional; by surrender or forfeiture of its charter; by expiration of its charter by lapse of time; by proceedings for winding it up under the law; by loss of all its members or their reductian below the statutory limit….

GUILDHALL – The hall or place of meeting of a guild, or gild. The place of meeting of a municipal corporation. The mercantile or commercial gilds of the Saxons are supposed to have given rise to the present municipal corporations of England, whose place of meeting is still called the “Guildhall.” (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

GUILD – A voluntary association of persons pursuing the same tradeartprofessionor business, such as printers, goldsmiths, wool merchants, etc, united under a distinct organization of their ownanalogous to that of a corporationregulating the affairs of their trade or business by their own laws and rules, and aiming, by co-operation and organization, to protect and promote the interests of their common vocation. In medieval history these fraternities or guilds played an important part in the government of some states; as at Florence, in the thirteenth and following centuries, where they chose the council of government of the city. The word is said to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon ”gild” or “geld,” a tax or tributebecause each member of the society was required to pay a tax towards its support. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


Not a government, but a voluntary guild for commerce (federal and state business, enterprise), a municipal corporation granted subservient administrative powers…

But wait, government isn’t a corporation, it’s a body politic, isn’t it? How much clearer can it get, man? Did you miss the definition above as to how a body politic (corporation) dissolved?

The question you should be asking is, how did I become a member of my local municipal body politic (corporation)? How the hell did that happen? And the answer, again, is that you are not. Your assigned legal identity (persona) is. And because of that, you (the user but not owner of that person/status) must follow the laws of membership in bond and surety to it. For together, we all constitute an artificial person in law, called a body politic. Congratulations on your unwitting collaboration with this very tricky legal system. And every bad thing that municipal corporation does is in mine and your name, every war and illegal occupation done in our name as one body politic with only one voice, out of many one, E Pluribus Unum.

Yes, corporations are persons too. So don’t feel very special about being an “individual” person. Many natural or individual persons make up a single artificial person but with little or no individual responsibility for the corporations actions or harms. An artificial person (corporation, association, etc.) is never made of only one natural person, except as a corporation sole such as the corporations of the Queen of England and the United Kingdom, the Pope, and the Mormon “corporation of the president.” All of us are just the taxpaying tributes of the municipalities, no different that those of Caesar’s realm. Anything goes and any Law of Nature can be pretended to be broken here in legal land. Where else can men pretend to have limited liability for the damages they cause other men while pretending to be protected behind a corporate name and persona (mask), LLC? Where can doctors practice really bad medicine freely and without consequence unless they have limited liability through the malpractice insurance of a corporation (person) that represents them, allowing those doctors and their fleet of vaccine wielding nurses to harm and kill without consequence or even censure? And where can priests molest freely their trusted non-consenting, underage membership without the corporate protection and veil of the artifice of legal church sanctity? The priest is only one part of the corporation, after all, not the whole. We shouldn’t blame the whole person (corporation) for the actions of just one individual, or at least that’s the bullshit we are taught to accept because its supposedly a sacred institution. LOL!


“I prayed for a bicycle until I realized God doesn’t work that way.
So, I stole a bicycle and then prayed for forgiveness.”

–Emo Philips


What is a government issued license? Permission to and forgiveness of committing a crime.

Though the difference here between legitimate and illegitimate governmental structures may seem subtle, I assure you that this is the difference between having that now dead American dream of self-governing Liberty under God, and basic, feudalistic serfdom. But oh, to put this into comprehendible terms… What government creates (e.g. independent municipal corporations and religious corporations) are automatically subordinate, beneath, and therefore subject to that creator (source) government and its false, legal (anti-God) law. Thus the magistrates of governments throughout history have been labeled as “gods,” having nothing to do with religion and everything to do with undue authority. The word god, in fact, is a generic term, used often in law, the Bible, and in history to describe men with higher legal standing and with illegitimate power or authority, as kings, popes, judges, governors, etc. This is general knowledge, though perhaps not commonly known, which well be discussed and qualified (proven) further as we progress.

The same rule of language and Law is to be said about Nature, as all that is not man-made, being a “Creation” of God. Insurance policies, for instance, may or may not pay for an “Act of God,” meaning any Natural disaster or what is not caused by the agency and interference of man. This stands as absolute proof that government recognizes a higher power than man, and thus a higher and more authoritative Law of Nature. This provable fact is all we need to know for our purposes, that this Higher Law and its God cannot be defeated. Unfortunately, most common men have lost this knowledge and understanding to modern religious institutionalism and false doctrines (laws). Here the maxim of law states simply that the creator controls. Thus, to be under such a subordinate municipal corporation (city, county, state, district, etc.) created by the already (legally) existing government, which all municipalities (cities, counties, etc.) are, the public US citizen-ship is automatically and from the beginning so subjected as indirectly governed municeps under that municipal, independent, districted corporation. This common, public status is to be under and subject to that government, not to be the creator and power over government. To be under a municipal government is to be or carry a public status, not private. It is voluntary servitude to the false gods (magistrates) of government.

In a nutshell, this equates to the doctrine and law of agency. Just as an employee is an agent for his or her principal employer, so too is a municipal corporation (city, county, state, etc.) an agent for the principal government that created it. To be under the agent is to be under the principal and law of that agent. For more on agency, check out my book free @

And so a pension fund member, for instance, is completely subservient to that fund and its management over its own affairs, just as every other public citizenship has no control over the Social Security Fund most contribute to. When government is higher in status than the people (acting as persons) it governs, then only tyranny and corruption can take hold. A free, self-governing man is foreign (private) to any and all governments, not under their public law but in standing as the private creator of it. We call these “the People,” or in other words, the private States (People) united, which are each foreign (private) to the corporation nation called “United States.” For detailed info on this subject, please get a copy of my book at the link just provided.


“A thing is private which is not common.”

—RES PROPRIA EST QUAE COMMUNIS NON EST. Le Breton v. Miles, 8 Paige (N.Y.) 261, 270. (Black4)


“A ‘US Citizen’ upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in ‘interstate commerce,‘ as a ‘resident‘ does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.”

–Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)


“The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.”

–U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873)


The Importance of the Birth Certificate – Birth Registrar Certification

Do you know the purpose of a birth certificate?

“The legal portion of the birth certificate shows the child’s name, date of birth, and parents’ names, among other things. It establishes Texas RESIDENCY and US CITIZENSHIPIt provides legal identity. A birth certificate is required for Social Security, Medicaid, school enrollment, driver’s license, social services such as a marriage license, and more. In addition, it serves as proof of relationship to parents, which is required for child support services, inheritance, and eligibility for benefits…”

Source –> Texas Government website:


“The governments of the United States and of each of the several States are distinct from one anotherThe rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other…”

Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404 at 429


“The distinction between citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a State is clearly recognized and established. Not only may a man be a citizen of the United States without being a citizen of a Statebut an important element is necessary to convert the former into the latter. He must reside within the State to make him a citizen of it, but it is only necessary that he should be born or naturalized in the United States to be a citizen of the Union.”

—Mr. Justice Miller, 16 Wall. 83 U. S. 72, in treating of the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, as quoted in United States v. Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649 (1898)


I could go on and on, but the story is told in just these few official quotes. The birth certificate establishes residency, not citizenship, in the State. It establishes citizenship (domicile) in the Nation, the district of the United States de facto corporation structure and jurisdiction, but not in the State. In other words, to be born in that which is called the United States jurisdiction is to be born in a place (jurisdiction/district) foreign to whatever State (People) inhabits that territory. There is no land in the United States, in the public, just like on the monopoly board, and we go round and round without ever touching any land of our own. US citizenships are foreigners in all 50 States.

Another word for private is foreign. In short, to be common is to be non-private; to be a property of another. To be a common citizen of the United States is to belong (as property) to the United States. To be common is to be public property. There is no Real privacy, only that which is revokable as granted by the authority of the legal gods (creators) of these strawmen, these public persons (legal statuses). And this means one very important thing… all common US citizens are foreigners to the State in which they reside. This is why US “federal” law always trumps state law regarding public, common persons (status). All of the several States are also by law foreign (private) to each other. The “United States” in Washington DC is as well private (foreign) to all 50 States. In this way the federal states’ (municipal) worker public pension scheme we are exposing here can be executed without a hitch. Foreigners have no protected rights in states, and it is in fact illegal for a state to interfere with the forced rights and laws governing US citizens (as properties of the United States corporation). These common rights are not a good thing — not the God-given or Natural Rights of man we believe them to be. The rights of the legal fictions (natural persons) we call as public citizenships are not optional, are forced and enforced at gunpoint, and exist only in the status (persona), never the man. The private (foreign) States cannot protect US citizens against the very fraud being conducted by the federal areas known as “states” and municipal governments thereof. To deny a US citizenship its required and enforced rights per that legal US status would be to break the US constitution and federal law. Protection is an illusion, as is peace and safety (security). Its a well-laid legal trap, a cold comfort based on status (legal personhood), and we have all been caught up in it. Pensioners, however, get an extra bonus, a retirement (death) retainer to keep them quite and numb despite their equal status with all the other common citizenry. They are paid off as prostituting state hirelings to betray their country, to destroy the posterity of their own people in favor of the federal (global) state government and its corporate, de facto municipal structure. And yet it seems that most have no idea they are doing so, standing instead within the arrogance of ignorance caused by public education and entertainment, exactly what we should expect from the common, vulgar class that we have allowed ourselves to become. They’re just doing their jobs, as we say, and as if that slave mentality is some legitimate excuse for total irresponsibility of our actions while employed (in agency).

COMMON – adjective – 1. Belonging equally to more than one, or to many indefinitely; as, life and sense are common to man and beast; the common privileges of citizens; the common wants of men. 2. Belonging to the public; having no separate owner. The right to a highway is common 3. General; serving for the use of all; as the common prayer. 4. Universal; belonging to all; as, the earth is said to be the common mother of mankind. 5. Publicgeneralfrequent; as common report. 6. Usualordinary; as the common operations of nature; the common forms of conveyance; the common rules of civility. 7. Of no rank or superior excellence; ordinary. Applied to men, it signifies, not noblenot distinguished by noble descentor not distinguished by officecharacter or talents; as a common man; a common soldier. Applied to things, it signifies, not distinguished by excellence or superiority; as a common essay; a common exertion. It however is not generally equivalent to mean, which expresses something lower in rank or estimation. 8. Prostitutelewd; as a common woman… Common in gross or at largeis annexed to a man’s person,being granted to him and his heirs by deed; or it may be claimed by prescriptive rightas by a parson of a church or other corporation sole. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language)

COMMONS – The class of subjects in Great Britain exclusive of the royal family and the nobilityThey are represented in parliament by the house of commons. Part of the demesne land of a manor, (or land the property of which was in the lord), which, being uncultivated, was termed the “lord’s waste,” and served for public roads and for common of pasture to the lord and his tenants. Squares; pleasure grounds and spaces or open places for public use or public recreation owned by towns; in modern usage usually called “parks.” (–Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition)

VULGAR – noun – The common people. [It has no plural termination, but has often a plural verb.] The vulgar imagine the pretender to have been a child imposed on the nation. – adjective – 1.Pertaining to the common unlettered people;as vulgar life2. Used or practiced by common people; as vulgar sports. 3.Vernacularnational. It might be more useful to the English reader, to write in our vulgar language4.Common; used by all classes of people; as the vulgar version of the scriptures. 5.Public; as vulgar report. 6.Mean; rustic; rude; lowunrefined; as vulgar ninds; vulgar manners. 7.Consisting of common persons. In reading an account of a battle, we follow the hero with our whole attention, but seldom reflect on the vulgar heaps of slaughter. Vulgar fractions, in arithmetic, fractions expressed by a numerator and denominator; thus 2/5. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language)


Do not miss the most important aspect of being common as listed above. We are always represented, either by a legislature, municipality, or by an attorney in court, never self-governing or self-responsible. We exist not in a constitutional system but an administrative system. Public persons are always administered, for public persons are under strict law, having no legal right or standing to make moral choices. We are all wards of the state by birth certification (abandonment). But what you likely don’t know is that to be represented by another (agent/attorney) is a sign of incompetence, of a vulgar mind, or one not regenerate or versed in the law or higher functions — in other words, one that is not self-governed. This is not merely the author’s opinion, this is the structure of legal, US law. If you don’t know the legal language, you cannot be free from its clutches and trickery.

The following quotes and citations tell the story of how the common citizen is considered by his low, mean, vulgar status in public, legal persona:


“The practice of Law is an occupation of common right.”

–Sims v. Aherns, 71 S.W. 720 (1925)


“The practice of Law CAN NOT be licensed by any state/State.”

–Schwarz v. Board of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238,239


“Between 75% to 90% of all lawyers are either incompetentdishonestor both.”

—Earl Warren, former Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court


“(a) The controlling rule is that “absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be imprisoned for any offense… unless he was represented by counsel at his trial.”

–Atgersinger, 407 U.S., at 37. Pp. 5-6. —Alabama v Shelton 535 U.S. 654


“…the trial of a misdemeanor starts that no imprisonment may be imposedeven though local law permits itunless the accused is represented by counsel.”

–Argersinger v. Hamlin, 407 U.S. 25, 40 (1971)


“He is however in a sense an officer of the state with an obligation to the court… His first duty is to the courts and to the publicnot to the client, and whenever his duties to his client conflict with those as an officer of the court, in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the later. Clients are also called ‘wards of the court‘…”

—7 Corpus Juris Secundum, Section 4, on “Attorneys”


“His (an attorney’s/public defender’s) first duty is to the courts… not to the client.”

—U.S.v Franks D.C.N.J. 53F.2d 128.


Clients are also called ‘wards of the court‘ in regard to their relationship with their attorneys.”

—Spilker v. Hansin, 158 F.2d 35, 58U.S.App.D.C. 206.


“Wards of court – Infants and persons of unsound mind.”

—Davis Committee v. Lonny, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190.


If you can’t practice law as your public right because you are ignorant of its terms and usage, then you are of unsound mind, which means you must be represented and placed in wardship. This is 99.9% of all US citizenships. Ignorance of law, both of God and of the legal state, and the resulting ineptness that ignorance causes, is key to the whole administrative, corporate state’s existence and business model.

The practice of law is a common right, meaning it belongs to the public. In other words, you give up that right the second you hire an attorney to re-present you. Only incompetent, unlearned, unregenerate men (acting as public persons) need representation. In other words, the second you contract an attorney, you become a ward of the court, for the attorney cannot act on your behalf unless the attorney is hired. Yes, attorneys are the ultimate prostitutes of the corporate state. It’s their job description. They do not work for you, the client, they work for the court, the state, and its profitable interest. This is to say that the second that attorney speaks on your behalf within a court (at bar), this very action sets the jurisdiction and status of the client (you). Once the first word is officially spoken, the client becomes a ward of court. The attorney literally cannot speak and would not unless the assumption of that courts jurisdiction was upon himself as your representative. To put it even clearer, to be a ward is to be subject. In other words, you lose the second you receive and accept representation. You are lost in the legal matrix code at this point. And as we can read, this step is crucial for the administrative process, for it cannot in its de facto (illegitimate) state of commerce and contract law do anything to you unless you accept representation. It cannot throw you in a for-profit prison without representation. There are no exceptions to this rule. So remain ignorant of the law that governs your person at your own peril.

I cannot relay unto you how you and I have been tricked and robbed of all natural right and dignity unless I can cause you to understand that everything we have been tricked into doing, into acting, and into speaking, is vulgar (common). We speak the vulgar language called English, which is also known as the vulgarity of dog-Latin. We therefore read the Bible in English, which is referred to above as the vulgar version. We act in the lowest and thus most vulgar of legal status (persona), which is a common, national citizenship instead of a private, self-governing Statehood (People). Another word for national is listed above as common, which again is why US citizens are not part of the private States we reside in. And we interact in every way and with everything in the most vulgar of intent and purpose, which is on the behalf of money and this artificial value system that can only be expressed via the monetary revaluation of all Reality, and which is referred to as mammon — where all things and all men (under status) have a price, including our own morality, dignity, posterity, choice, and fate. In mammon, even the acknowledgement of Truth can be sold to lies. We have been devolved into this state, even as we are tricked into the delusion that US citizenship is an elevation in status. In fact, there is no lower status than national (commercial) citizenship. We can get no lower, for we can get no farther from being a moral, self-governing people. With this understanding as the basis of exactly what we have been voluntarily subjected to, only then may we come to understand these pension and other financial schemes and why they are created and executed in the distinct and corrupt way they are. Volunteerism, that is, choice, is everything, for it is simply the choice between the Law of God (Nature) or the legal law mammon (money). What is priceless (i.e. a Creation of God) is legally recreated (corrupted) by men into that which carries a price, a valuation in artifice, the fiction of law that is currency, credit, and debt.

This essay is not merely focused on the subject of its title, as should be apparent at this point, but stands as a summation of all my previous exposures of the CAFR accounting system and global pension fund schemes, as well as my free documentary films and CAFR School articles and videos found on this blog and at my other website: It also reflects the years of research that went into my book series on law entitled Strawman. It’s now been eight years since I released my first documentary film, aptly entitled, The Corporation Nation, with the in depth follow-up called, The Great Pension Fund Hoax, with CAFR School made shortly thereafter. And, in looking back at this seemingly fruitless adventure in attempting public exposure and action, it’s this authors resulting opinion that we are approaching a time when all these plans heretofore exposed by yours Truly have now reached their pinnacle, a boiling-over point, finally proving themselves as the ponzi schemes they have always been, and thus finally coming to their intended fruition. We are entering into the climax of the story, the end as it was always planned by the authors of these pension “plans.” I offer this essay now not because I feel there is still a time to ward off what is to come, but for the purposes of providing a clearer understanding of the complete story, to leave at least a documentary essay of this almost inconceivable puzzle as a whole, as the incontrovertible truth in all its pieces to those few souls that seek to discover it no matter how uncomfortable and self-damning it may be to those brave enough to comprehend it and thus take equal responsibility for it.

I can only suggest that we have already entered into that not long ago foretold Orwellian time of a dystopian hell on earth, where telling the truth is a revolutionary act, and where, as Arthur Schopenhauer once predicated:


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.“


What I present to you herein is exactly that, being the self-evident truth of our collective, societal disposition under a not-so-new globalist or “one-world” government and just how it has happened – but more importantly how it could not have happened without this globalist pension fund hoax (scheme) and why it was all perfectly “legal.” My name and efforts have been ridiculed and violently opposed by many that have a stake in such pension schemes, as should be expected, even while we are experiencing the reality of its undeniable truths today. Those who shall have their so-called “retirements” washed away into eventual nothingness will watch it all disappear like a ship sailing off into the horizon, a modern great flood caused by the angry and zealous demi-gods of money, the de facto government itself.

Yet make no mistake here, for all of us are complicit. All of us are to blame, myself included. Nothing stated in this essay does not include myself nor dismisses my own publicly imposed ignorance on the subject, which I have happily corrected and at least tempted to share with you. Why is this True? We have all contributed voluntarily to our own collective dystopian transformation into globalism, a corporate new world order, and even now the intolerable consequences of our collective ignorance and inaction are nigh. There is no need to utilize or promote fear, for that time has passed. Fear is only useful for cause or prevention, not for the already manifest consequences of purposeful ignorance. If anything, the reader may find merely a purpose for preparation against what is this globalist scheme. I offer within this exposure no hope, just the truth. For when the truth is known and adhered to, no hope is needed, and no lie can defeat us. I do not hold out any hope that things will change from within this system, only without. And deep down we all know that only each of us alone can change, stop participating, and stop contributing to our own economic enslavement. But this most essential key of the realization and actualization of self-responsibility has been stolen from us, reeducated away from us, to the point where at all times and in all events, everyone else is to blame but never ones self.

In essence, this is exactly the dependent mindset and lifestyle desired and designed for us by those who seek to control us. And so far, it’s been a flawless execution, as we have performed our parts (as debtors) with graceless fanaticism and strangely misplaced patriotism.

The easy version of this essay is simply that all governmental corporations, from the city to the state and national level, have unofficially merged. Not the common people, just the artificial persons (e.g municipal corporations). We must understand though that these are but tools, agents of the actual governmental structure, being incorporated entities thereof and under its umbrella of international law. In other words, these are not governments in and of themselves. Yet they are tasked by the source, de jure (legitimate) government to stand in its place, in its name, and under its law. Chicago, or the incorporated City of Chicago, is not an independent government, but one completely subservient to its creator (state/nation) its law. These, including the so-called “United States” municipal corporation located outside of and foreign to the 50 States united in Washington D.C., are called de facto governments. One seldom if ever finds a system of government in any nation that does not have both, the legitimate always justifying and creating the illegitimate due to reasons such as war and emergency, where constitutional law is all but suspended.

But don’t take my word for it, just read what Congress had to say about it:

Since March 9, 1933the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency… These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powersordinarily exercised by the Congresswhich affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing mannersThis vast range of powerstaken togetherconfer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.“

–93d Congress 1st Session – SENATE Report No. 93-549 EMERGENCY POWERS STATUTES: Provisions of Federal Law Now in Effect Delegating to the Executive Extraordinary Authority in Time of National Emergency – introduction section of the REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE TERMINATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY UNITED STATES SENATE NOVEMBER 19, 1973. Link–>


Now stop and think about these statements by Congress for a moment before we move on… and no, they did not fix this problem. In fact, they are quite content with it because it takes any responsibility out of their hands. They can pretend that their hands are tied while the president runs rampant. And no, nothing has changed since this congressional publication, though it has gotten much, much worse.

What, in peace time, controls such things as property management, production, commodity storage and distribution, transportation and communication, private enterprise, travel, and all the other plethora of commercial activity of American citizens?

Why corporations, of course. Why is this true? Because corporations are creations of and under government law. As fictional, legal, artificial persons (corporations), they simply cannot exist without their fictional, governmental source. But most importantly, in peace time, we must ask who owns these corporations that run the commercial world? The answer to that question is the entire basis and intent of the creation of the pension fund scheme. For he that owns stock in a corporation, owns that part of the corporation. Through pension funds, government is now the owner and thus controller of most corporations worldwide not merely in war or emergency, but in peacetime (which is just another word for free-flowing international and interstate commerce). And this is how the illegitimate governmental structure, a creation of the legitimate constituted government, took over its creator in both war (emergency) and peace times. For the distinction between what is a time of war and emergency and what is peace has been so blurred that most common folks have no idea that no war has ever been declared legitimately by congress since World War II, and that all military actions since have been illegitimate Executive Branch (presidential) actions done through the doctrine of emergency, through Presidential Directives and Executive Orders. All that death and destruction on both sides was all done despite Congress, or in other words, without the representatives of the States. And that’s just how they like it.

NATIONAL EMERGENCY – A state of national crisis; a situation demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal actionCongress has made little or no distinction between a “state of national emergency” and a “state of war.” (Black’s Law Dictionary)

DE FACTO – In fact, in deed, actually. This phrase is used to characterize an officera governmenta past actionor a state of affairs which exists actually and must be accepted for all practical purposesbut which is illegal or illegitimate. In this sense it is the contrary of de jurewhich means rightful,legitimatejustor constitutional. Thus, an officer, king, or government de facto is one who is in actual possession of the office or supreme powerbut by usurpationor without respect to lawful title; while an officer, king, or governor de jure is one who has just claim and rightful title to the office or powerbut who has never had plenary possession of the sameor is not now in actual possession. So a wife de facto is one whose marriage is voidable by decree, as distinguished from a wife de jure, or lawful wife. But the term is also frequently used independently of any distinction from de jure; thus a blockade de facto is a blockade which is actually maintainedas distinguished from a mere paper blockade. As to de facto “Corporation,” “Court,” “Domicile,” “Government,” and “Officer,” see those titles. In old English law. De facto means respecting or concerning the principal act of a murder, which was technically denominated fact. (–Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition)


So how does a ruler that is unrightfully a dictator at heart, that is, a president or bloodline of rulers that hold only non-plenary (non-possessive) positions in a legitimate government, as non-landholders, become the opposite, as illegitimate plenary holders of that over which they govern? Simple. Turn all legitimate government agencies into illegitimate ones, all established cities into incorporated tools of the dictator (bloodline). In other words, incorporate the world! Turn all Real things into artificial persons, places, and things (nouns) by legal status and place them under your system of law… including all the common people. All common people must become “natural persons” of the illegitimate, incorporated district government, the corporation called “United States,” while at the same time still be made to believe they are part of the source, of the legitimate People of the foreign (private) 50 States united. But the “United States” district corporation is foreign to each state, just as each state is foreign to all others, also called private or several. Please see my free-to-download book, Strawman, for a full, neutral breakdown of these legal facts. They are not disputable but by the ignorant, patriotic believer that holds no evidence for those beliefs.

Whatever you may think your “government” is as it manifests in these corporate, municipal entities, I assure you, they are not the same as what you are taught in history class or political science. Education is a process of dumbing down, not a lifting up. Nor is the securities and exchange scam and pension fund ponzi scheme in any way a legitimate governmental operation. In essence, we have allowed over many dumbed down, tricked generations, the de jure form of government to manifest itself within its own evermore de facto shadow, to the point where the original and rightful government and its constitution sits absentee from most commercial, international operations of its de facto corporations and municipal districts, standing only when it need to justify its shadow in the light of scrutiny, as is the honorary position of all so-called “rightful” kings (legal gods). Congress is too busy with the management of its created, de facto, corporate empire called “United States” to bother with anything legitimate (de jure) anymore. And the reason for this is quite clear and simple… the common people have lost the art and ability to govern themselves, and have become completely dependent and in love with the illegitimate money, credit, and commerce system created by congress into this de facto (illegitimate), non-governmental structure of international and administrative law. By turning the legal status of all men and all things (properties) legally illegitimate (artificial) as well, including our de facto marriages that can be suspended by decree (divorce), causing all our children to be re-born without recognition of blood-right into this de facto district of the corporate municipal states (federal areas/districts) and under that corporate “United States” through birth certification, and leaving us all standing only as national (corporate) foreigners in the States (territory/land) we reside (without ownership).

Yet we still believe that as incorporated, contracted, completely commercial and subservient US citizens that we’re somehow also “Free” as “We, the People.” But those “People” only exist in the States, not in the corporation nation. This, of course, is why Federal (“United States”) commercial (interstate) law trumps state law in every way, for a US citizenship is not protected in any way from “United States” because that legal, national status belongs to its creator, the “United States” corporation and district. This is not a self-governing status in Nature, in blood, but a fictional persona (mask) worn by common (vulgar) people that cannot govern themselves or has been so dumbed-down that self-governing is impossible.

To be clear, there are two forms of freedom. The first is Natural Freedom, being a state of spiritual Being self-governed under the Law of Nature (God), being totally self-responsible, and without legal protection or respect of anything artificial (creations of men). The opposite version is citizenship, or political freedom, called by the legal terminology as freedom, which is defined as enfranchisement – to be free in a legal, public, open-air prison called a district (e.g. that of the District of Columbia). The slaves were not freed naturally, but nationalized by enfranchisement. They were made US citizenships (persons), given protective legal status. But with protection comes subjection, a maxim of law. US citizens, white or black, believe they are naturally free (self-governed) under subjection to God’s Law (the Law of Nature) when in fact they are enfranchised (legally free) under subjection to false, legal gods (magistrates) and their army of administrative agents. And so to understand these international pension fund and globalism schemes, this difference between what is Natural and what is artificial (legal) and political must be understood. For a subject has no rights under God (Nature) as a man, carrying only the contracted to legal rights assigned to his person (legal status) in society, in agency (enfranchisement). Only the self-governing man under the Law of Nature (God’s Law) is and can be Naturally Free. Again, this is not disputable, and stands as the foundation of law. More importantly, we must know that by law and even logically, a person (status) cannot be Truly Free in Nature, for a person is not of Nature, not of the God of Nature. A person (legal status) is a creation of man, not a Creation of God (Nature). Nothing that is legal is of Reality, of Nature. This is self-evident, though it may be ridiculed and violently opposed by those so corrupted by their own legal person-hood that they believe they Truly are that persona. You may believe that you are the mask (persona) you wear (use), but you are not. You are Reality, part of Nature, and nothing of fiction is of Nature nor of man. Pension funds are created and administered on behalf of persons, not men. Men have no right to pension benefits, only persons do. But persons have no rights other than what is bestowed them contractually. This is how men are taken from their Natural element and “God-given” Rights of blood inheritance and rebirth into the legal realm of fiction. In other words, men have no Natural Right to claim anything of the legal fiction, for Natural Rights are said to be God-given and thus unalienable. To make legal claims to fictional properties (persons, places, and things), one must subject themselves to such a status as is recognized by the de facto state (district), which is opposed to Nature and thus Nature’s God (Creator). Remember, this is not religion, but there very essence and structure of law. The legal gods cannot control men of (Creations of) God unless they turn away from God’s Nature and accept legal fiction as their false reality. And this is the whole essence of the Bible and why it is accepted as the foundation of law. Once the Bible (moral) law is broken by men that accept personhood (legal status) for gain in mammon (commerce, money, etc), then the Law of Nature is broken, and the man no longer has the unwritten protection of God’s Law. In other words, he can no longer be self-governing under God’s Law of Nature because he is using the artificial property (fictional title/name/number) of another man’s recreation, not that of God’s Creation of Nature (Reality).


The true name of Satan, the Cabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversedfor Satan is not a black godbut the negation of GodThe devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the Initiates, this is not a Personbut Forcecreated for goodbut which may serve for evilIt is the instrument of Liberty for Free Will.”

—Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma,’ Page 102


“May the Force be with you…”

—Line from Star Wars, a proverb spoken universally by Jedi on both the light and dark side


It’s all about using the force, a power created by the negation of God and Its Law and Laws of Nature. Power without Law, without God. In other words Super (above) natural power. Authority without conscious or moral checks. What appears as the light leads irrevocably to the dark side and back again, for the light is artificial. And even Satan (darkness) appears as if the light, lies as if Truth.

All sound familiar? Did you actually think the Star Wars saga was a good thing?

Better read between the lines to see the real agenda…


“…We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stabilitythe Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empirefor a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An Empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen for lifeAn Empire ruled by the majorityruled by a new constitution!

By bringing the entire galaxy under one lawone languageand the enlightened guidance of one individual, the corruption that plagued the Republic in its later years will never take root. Regional governors will eliminate the bureaucracy that allowed the Separatist movement to grow unchecked. A strong and growing military will ensure the rule of law.

Under the Empire’s New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let the enemies of the Empire take heed: those who challenge Imperial resolve will be crushed…”

—The Declaration of a New Order,
a proclamation by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
as an Extraordinary Session of the Galactic Senate
and then to the general populace,
proclaiming himself Emperor of the galaxy:
from the science fiction movie series ‘Star Wars’


Very familiar indeed. Agenda 2030 as an organized world government within the United Nations is expressed here in its bitter totality. Be it a galaxy of planets or a world of nations, the goal is the same. UN Peacekeeping forces will and certainly are enforcing international law even as we speak. But just does it work?

“The UN has no military forces of its own, and Member States provide, on a voluntary basis, the military and police personnel required for each peacekeeping operation.

Peacekeeping soldiers are paid by their own Governments according to their own national rank and salary scale. Countries volunteering uniformed personnel to peacekeeping operations are reimbursed by the UN at a standard rate, approved by the General Assembly, of a little over US$1,332 per soldier per month.

Police and other civilian personnel are paid from the peacekeeping budgets established for each operation.

The UN also reimburses Member States for providing equipment, personnel and support services to military or police contingents.”



When the public subjects (contracted, money-driven agents) can be convinced to militarily force-govern themselves to follow a foreign international law, the law of nations and declarations of the United Nations (global governance), and actually believe that this false offering from the legal gods of “peace and security” is a good thing, then any scrap of private sovereignty and freedom is lost. The national military of the United States (a de facto standing army in peacetime) now contracts and works for an outside force, which was the biggest complaint within the Declaration of Independence.

The typical fool that is the common US citizen would call this unconstitutional, never realizing that the corporate “United States” is strictly an un-constituted commercial entity, and thus already wholly unconstitutional (de facto). The constitution established a union between States (People), not a corporation. Congress created the “United States” later, eventually moving the seat of government to the foreign district of Washington DC, while wearing two very different hats.

What is artificial? It’s a simple equation, really. Artifice is anything created by man. Be it words or inventions or devices, what is man-made is necessarily opposed to Nature and Its Law, designed either to harness it inharmoniously or thwart it altogether. This too is self-evident. It is neither good nor bad, it just is. The Law of Nature only protects that which is belongs to and emirates from (as a Creation of) Nature, which is said to be the continuous Creation of the Living God. Again, this is not religion, but stands as the basic foundation of law as used in all nations. Man’s law only governs man’s inventions (creations) and nothing else, and this includes the names/nouns of all persons, places, and things, for names don’t ever occur naturally, being always manmade. A fox is not born into nature as a “fox” but as a nameless, priceless (without mammon) Creature (Creation) of God and nothing else, as is each man and each flower and each tree. Once the foundation of Law (the Bible) is ignored, one of the most important of those Laws of Nature (God) stating over and over throughout the scriptures that man should never act in or respect persons (names/nouns) or flattering titles (names/nouns) over the Reality they represent, then man can no longer claim any Natural Rights as listed in the Declaration of Independence. For Natural independence and Freedom requires men (male and female) to be self-governing under the Law of Nature (God). Once again, this is a self-evident Truth. One cannot be owned as property and also be Free and Naturally independent of its owner. And the only thing that proves Natural Freedom is the Law a man follows. To this, we may use the correct verbiage of the word religion, where man follows the Law of God (Nature) religiously without err. All religions are legal corporations with their own constituted doctrine (law) against that of the Bible. Again, the Bible is not religion, but is a Book of Law to be followed religiously, just as one might religiously drink a cup of coffee every morning. Religions, as corporations (artificial persons), are property of the state and thus under the legal law. And why is this important? Because the legal law stands only in direct opposition of the Bible as a Book of Law. That’s the whole point. Choice. Volunteerism. De jure and de facto. Religion is a legal replacement for spirituality, causing us to never act according to the Bible Law, but instead paying mammon to a corporation to conduct legal charity. Charity is part of spiritual self-responsibility, not a thing to be passed to another. It is a spiritual action, not a legal property.

For total understanding of these fact, we only need understand just what the totally misunderstood legal term “freedom of religion” actually means as applied to legal law. For this, I refer to my own book, wherein I have already broken down these terms of art (artifice) for what they truly mean:

Begin Excerpt:

To get a clear comprehension of how a man acting in the incorporation and agency of legal persona necessarily and by law chooses government as his religion over that of God’s Law in scriptural teachings, we must understand what it means to have True “Religious Freedom” as a reserved Natural Right as opposed to its adversarial legalese word-magic of positive law terms of art licensing generally the legal right of “freedom of religion.” Just a simple rearrangement of words and the whole meaning changes. Here we find the substance of Religious Freedom juxtaposed to its adversarial legal form of freedom of religion as a purely legal concept of the franchise of public servitude. This positive law recreation of a negative law absolute is reworded and redefined as legal (anti-God) law in the United States district specifically for public performance debtors, as the legal right and obligations of voluntarily enslaved “citizen-ships” (vessels in prostitution to the gods of the nation), which are the subjects of government and its false gods. And these false gods will allow no other gods before themselves, for their law is opposed to the Law of God’s Nature. The choice is clear, Reality with self-control as self-governance under the Natural Law or fiction with military rule and forced governance under the artificial law of gods of mammon.

This is one of the most important lessons in this work. Please ensure full comprehension between these two very different “freedoms” before you proceed with this work. For as a citizenship of the United States, the attachment to your strawman as property under the law of persons only allows you to fall under the “freedom of religion” as a limited legal outlet of commercial franchise. In other words, “Religious Freedom” is against the law of the United States for its subjects (persons). Notice the different phraseology and how important they are here. For remember, to have the “freedom of” anything in a legal society means to have the “franchise of” the altered, fictional concept of whatever that government allows.

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – Within constitution embraces not only the right to worship God according to the dictates of one’s consciencebut also the right to door forbear to doany actfor conscience sake,the doing or forbearing of which is not inimical to the peacegood orderand morals of society(Black4)

FREEDOM OF RELIGION – Embraces the concept of freedom to believe and freedom to actthe first of which(belief)is absolutebut the second of which(action based on belief)remains subject to regulation for protection of society.(Black4)


Now you tell me, what good is religious, moral belief if you are not allowed to act upon it? To be clear, this state of confusion at bar is the very purpose of nations, to prevent self-governing, moral standing in men. For no moral man would allow a nation as this to continue in its abhorrent actions against God (Nature) and man. But the moral man is cowed and pacified by his surety to the law of his persona (mask), afraid to bite the hand that feeds it. We are so smitten and proud of our nationality (false identity), our personality (reputation) in public that we don’t dare risk doing what is Right and Lawful in and under the Law of God (Nature). This is unmistakably and self-evidently the work of the devil (the attorney class) and its scribes.

These are completely separate definitions, on separate pages of the dictionary. They are not at all the same thing. As citizenships of the “United States” corporation, you better damn well know the difference before proceeding herein, and before you try and act morally in a society that strictly forbids moral actions without artificial, legal license from the state.

Freedom of moral thought, but not freedom to act upon that conscious moral thought… This is what public, legal freedom (franchise) is when defined by the commercial gods — a legal corporation called government. It is not the Natural  Freedom of religion under God, but franchise of religion under the legal state. These are as the rules set for employees (agents) by their employer (principal). This is not Natural freedom under God, which is described above as Religious Freedom. This is tyranny named (noun) as “freedom,” where the ability to practice religion is confounded and limited to the franchise it belongs to (of), as freedom (franchise) of (belonging to) religion (memberships to legal corporations, as the legal, anti-God definition of religion as an artificial person in law). In the “United States,” the very opposing lack of a moral standing in God’s Law (religious, spiritual Life) is the official state religion, as an enforced, amoral lack of It. Legal freedom is only a franchise allowed to fictional persons. Governments cannot control in totality your thought processes, only your actions (anti-pro-verb) while in its property. Specifically, we must recognize absolutely that the purpose of the legal law and the institution of corporate (state licensedreligions is to prevent man from acting upon his moral thoughts and beliefs.


“No one is punished for his thoughts.”



“It’s impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government.”

—Congressman George Hansen, quoted from “In Caesar’s Grip,” by Peter Kershaw


“The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religionnot freedom from religion.”

—Billy Graham


End Excerpt.

Which one of these is listed as a Natural Right protected also in the constitution? Religious freedom.

Which one of these is a legal right of US citizenships? Freedom of religion.

Freedom belonging to (of) religion is the more correct way of saying it, meaning to be under the legal sanction and false liberties of the false doctrines of corporate religion, all of which pay homage and tribute to the legal law of the land over the Law of God, as opposed to the True and moral God-given Freedom to express religiously the Law of God as the highest moral law that causes True Freedom from man’s devices. “Freedom of religion” is a noun (in name only), while “religious freedom” is a verb (action). This difference is everything, and it applies to those so-called freedoms of speech, press, ect. These are but well-told lies. And as Orwell deduced, freedom within and under the government corporation is certainly just slavery by another (legal) name.

Here is a perfect example from history that shows what freedom of speech really is, and how the Executive Order is used against any legitimate practice or congressional approval of law:


You will take possession by military force of the printing establishments of the New York World and Journal of Commerce… and prohibit any further publication thereof… You are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison … the editorsproprietors and publishers of the aforementioned newspapers.”

—Executive Order by President Lincoln, May 18, 1864


And that, ladies and gentlemen of the goyim, common class, is a True look at the actual history of how freedom of the press is just another patriotic fallacy.

Oh, but Lincoln was a hero, right? That’s just more idolatry of this bloodline of false, legal, flatteringly titled gods (magistrates). There is only one hero, one you can emulate and become just like. And Jesus wasn’t even super (above) nature like the rest of the superheros. His powers came only from Nature (God), not above it. Wow! So can yours, if you learn and follow the example.

Or you can pray that your pensions stay outrageously and unreasonable secure. Yep, pray to God for more money. Pray to Nature to invoke its nemesis, mammon. Ask Reality for fiction. That’s the answer… Yet turn on any evangelist on television and that’s exactly what they are instructing the vast wasteland and idocracy of false christians to do!

And you dare to ask why society has degraded as it has? This legal “right” of not being allowed to express your thoughts applies to all moral concepts and scriptural, spiritual Laws, regardless of origin. So declaring oneself an atheist will cause no change in this rule, but rather strengthens the fact that one needs to be a ward in public servitude, for an atheist necessarily decries the Bible as common Law, an act that actually used to be unlawful in public. What would you do with such an idiot that would publicly declare himself to be against the very foundation of law? You’d make him a ward, of course, or perhaps in other countries you’d publicly execute him or her as an infidel and a devil. Ironically, it is the law that protects the lawless from themselves. And from what I’ve seen, every self-proclaimed atheist may dress the part, but acts as a good little citizen complete with driver’s license and social security number. Like the corporate Christian wearing a cross, the title nor the clothing nor the bearing of symbols and idols make the man. One either follows the Law or one follows the anti-law (legalism). There is no in-between, despite what you may call yourself. Again, the Truth may hurt, but only if you live in a lie. Like it or not, my statements here are not only neutral, but backed up by the Bible and the legal system. I forgive any who choose to shoot the messenger instead of facing Reality.

To stand openly in non-belief of “God” is still a religious belief, unprovable and misguided as it may be. The legal law is strict and does not allow moral opposition in action, only in thought. That’s why most religions are called protestants. They protest, but don’t anything about it. Protestors seldom accomplish anything, including the incorporated religions designated by that title. And so to declare that your morals come from a source or no source at all, they are still illegal to act upon. So a public declaration of being “Christian” or “atheist” is in fact, in law, a mute point. Even if it were true, you wouldn’t be allowed to practice your beliefs (or non-beliefs) if they conflict with the legal law. The only Truth is that we are all in this together as duped, contracted common US citizens, regardless of what flattering title (Christian, atheist, etc.) we call ourselves. The Bible does not tell us to be Christians, only to follow the Law by example of Christ. We are not to to be fans (idolators). A slave is a slave by any other name. And that’s why the Bible Law is so adamant that we never call our True Self as anything but a part of the Whole, part of God’s Nature, for the law of man only applies to legalistic names and titles not originating in Nature. This is so simple, so self-evident, that I am astounded we have all been so utterly tricked into worshiping legalism (fiction, artifice) over Reality (Nature, God), and also that it took me so long to figure it all out by untangling this web of deceit and its terms of art.

Let me be clear that there are many men acting as gods (government and church magistrates) in the Bible, all given the name of “god” by the English King’s transliterators.

We merely need to read the Bible itself to understand this:


“Now I know that the LORD (translation: Jehovahis greater than all gods (translation: elohiym): for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them.“

–Exodus 18:11, KJB


Natures God is always highest, thus so is Its Law. We can plainly read the comparison of these two different notions of just what a god or lord is. Each use of the word god in the Bible carries up to 20 different meanings, most of them referring to men acting as kings and magistrates (legal gods). Yet those that read the Bible are convince that only the God of Nature is referred to therein with each usage of the generic word. And so God (Nature) in its neutral existence is blamed for the evils of men acting as legal gods, as popes and kings and judges. Why is this important? Because we are worshiping our own false gods, in president Trump and in congress and in the administrative judicial and supreme court. They are lords. Gods. But I assure you that each of them know well their inferiority to the God of Nature and Its Law, which their legal designs and opinions can never defeat. This is not religion, but is the essence of our system of law. Only the self-governing, Bible-reading, Spiritually Lawful man (son of God) may defeat these false, legal gods and their designs by not participating in their schemes. But the deed is now done. This is our story. His-story. It is the entire structure of our system of law. To ignore it is to volunteer to legal enslavement. I don’t desire to cause you to believe in any God, for God is defined as Existence, and so to not believe in God is literally to be a nihilist, to believe that existence does not exist. This is the foolishness of atheism, yet another well-laid and completely irrational legal trap, almost as clever as corporate membership Christianity by a flattering title in idol worship under membership. The de facto (illegitimate) commercial governmental structure can not thrive without causing total ignorance of the Bible (foundational) Law, which is total moral, spiritual, and temporal self-governance in and under Truth (God).

To be clear, if one acts upon the moral, scriptural law, this is considered in the legal realm as a thought crime. The state acts always immoral, or at best, amoral (without moral consideration). The legal law is amoral, while the scripture is purely moral. The two cannot be mixed, only used to prove or disprove the other, or as a check and balance. To act legally is to act against God’s Law of Nature, for what is legal is not of Nature and thus cannot be controlled by Its Law. This is once again a self-evident Truth. This is the very essence of choice, which legally is called volunteerism, or the doctrine of Master and Servant. One is either a servant of God’s Creation of Nature and Its Law or a servant of man’s creation of artifice and its administration (legal law). If the reader cannot somehow accept this because of a lifetime of indoctrination in public schooling and entertainments designed to keep this knowledge from us all, then the reader should consider him or herself a success and should stop reading this and get back to the dissimulation of persona we have been brainwashed to be accustomed to. For those that can get past the metaphor to realize the moral story and its application to Reality, then pleas proceed to get the full story of how we’ve all been duped by false, legal gods (magistrates) of the legal realm, the re-creators of mammon.

Here we stand, unified in our collective ignorance while the entirety of the earth is fictionalized (renamed as legal nouns – persons, places, and things) and purchased (legally conquered) out from under us through such schemes as the world-wide public pension and Social Security systems, the globalism of which would be impossible without the modern creation of digital identity – a global matrix of commercial, legal (artificial) life represented as digital information in what is quickly becoming the central AI, the internet of all legal (artificial) persons, places, and things (names/nouns). We are experiencing its emergent growing pains with every cry of de facto corporate government oppression and mismanagement.

For the purposes of this essay and lesson on CAFR (government audit) reporting and this collective public pension fund scheme designed to rob the middle class government employee and the entirety of the collective taxpayer base that supports them, the following three quotes strike a fatal resemblance to our currently staged, so-called financial crisis.


“If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom;
and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more,
it will lose that too.”

—W. S. Maugham, English playwright, novelist and short story writer


“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one
in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.
The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled.
With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.”

—John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-born economist,
Harvard professor, from ‘Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went’ (1975)


“The king bankers put in motion, in 1907, a great scheme. They had gambled and speculated on Wall Street  until so many watered stocks and bonds had been manufactured… The king bankers knew the condition and informed the favored of their friends what was to come. There was to be a panic in the fall of 1907 that would be advertised as the result of our bad banking and currency laws.”

—Charles Lindbergh, Congressman from Minnesota (1907-1917)


History doesn’t simply repeat as if it was a sentient entity or programmed mechanical contraption. Good history at its best is but a well-told lie by the victors, by the contrivers and schemers, the conspirators behind the story. As an excuse, history is a perfect scapegoat and a wonderfully powerful obfuscation. Only the moral man substantially learns from history. The immoral man seeks to represent it in its sameness under the disguise of modern technique and dress. Thus the value of history to its teller is as a treasure map, a blueprint of criminal design, while to its listener it is merely a form of religious, unprovable belief understood only in the most vulgar of terms, just as a dog understands the simplistic commands of yes and no. History is a game card that is played over and over again under slightly different disguises. For a scheme by any other name is still a scheme. And yet, even though pension funds are literally and popularly known as pension fund “schemes,” this perfect description seems to be ignored by its idyllic worshipers — its members and contributors. But let us be clear… other words as synonyms for the word scheme are contrivanceplanconspiracyplot, a waiting game, to connive, a bubble, a falsehood, and an untruth. The judicial system, as well as our current and past economic and social systems, and any other form of social organization, are also called as schemes.

What is a conspiracy but a plan between two or more people to do harm to another?

Hey, we’re so dumbed down that we don’t even understand this country was founded on a conspiracy!

CONSPIRACY – Criminal law, tortsAn agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful actor an act which may become by the combination injurious to others… (Bouv1856)

CONFEDERACY – Criminal law. An agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful actor an actwhich though not unlawful in itselfbecomes so by the confederacy. The technical term usually employed to signify this offense, is conspiracy.(Bouvier’s Dictionary of Law, 1856)


The great scheme is not necessarily the details and schematics of these legal and monetary systems and plans themselves, but rather the control of public opinion. If the end of conspiracy (confederation, combination) is to condition the public hive-mind to believe that usury (interest), grocery (retail), and direct taxes, fines, and fees (exaction, extortion) is somehow not harmful to the public good, or at least not a crime if government does it “constitutionally” or makes it legal (licensed) for corporations to have such privy, and thus to ignore the fact that these are all absolutely crimes against the Law of Nature in every religious, spiritual, and moral teaching (except of course Judaism), then any technical scheme created after this mass social conditioning will likely succeed without even a whimper. What is a nation but a conspiracy? Perhaps you haven’t read the Articles of Confederation (conspiracy)?

A federal government is a state formed by means of a league or confederation. What else needs to be said?

This can only lead to the grossest of behavior and custom…

This word grocer, being the act or organization (incorporation) of the crime of grocery, is a perfect example of how social conditioning schemes (including nationhood) play a most important role in the perfection of such technical schemes as pension funds (i.e. ponzi schemes). We are sold on the idea that we should purchase our food and supplies at our “Friendly Neighborhood Grocer” as if this is a wonderful privilege and convenience (sometimes even called as convenience stores), and as if the grocery store is somehow our friend. But when we uncover the mystery of this word grocer, we suddenly realize how truly dumbed-down we have all been made, how socially organized and schematically controlled we actually are.

We may also discover that the word retail means something quite sinister as well, much akin to usury and extortion:

GROCER – In old English law, a merchant or trader who engrossed all vendible merchandisean engrosser. See Engrosser. (Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ENGROSSER – One who engrosses or writes on parchment in a large, fair hand. One who purchases large quantities of any commodity in order to acquire a monopolyand to sell them again at high prices.(Black4)

ENGROSS – To copy the rude draft of an instrument in a fair, large hand. To write out, in a large, fair hand, on parchment. In old criminal lawTo buy up so much of a commodity on the market as to obtain a monopoly and sell again at a forced price.(Black4)

ENGROSSING – In English law. The getting in to one’s possessionor buying up, large quantities of corn, or other dead victuals, with intent to sell them againThe total engrossing of any other commoditywith intent to sell it at an unreasonable priceTHIS WAS A MISDEMEANOR, PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. (Black4)

HIGHWAY ROBBERY – Theft taking place on a public roadSlang for a transaction where one party has such leverage over the other and can demand such a high price so that it is akin to a robbery taking place.(Black2)

TAIL – Fee-tail, as descriptive of an estate in lands, was borrowed from the feudists, among whom it signified any mutilated or truncated inheritance from which the heirs general were “cut off. (Black4)


Every retail store is committing a crime called engrossment. This is not in any way up for dispute, nor is it denied by the self-proclaimed “retail store.” One cannot engross without adding a tail (fee), or re-tailing the products they sell.

So how do they get away with it, and why do we accept it as somehow normal (customary)?

Oh, pardon me. Didn’t I mention that government is the main investor in all grocery and retail chains? This is where your contributions, as a member and a taxpayer go to after all, through not only pension funds but all municipal corporations (governments and districts). Thus, it is understandable that these retail engrossers have permission from government to screw us all, considering not only the return on stock investment and corporate bonds (low or no interest loans) for government, but as well the exorbitant amount of taxation generated from such inflated prices. For government, it’s a win-win!

Let us be clear… when a crime is licensed (made permissive to a certain few) by government, the crime is wedged into the delusion of public opinion as being socially acceptable and even seemingly normal, though still obviously, morally outrageous. Usury as well becomes just an apparent part of our lives, which is the most ridiculous concept imaginable when usury is understood as the anchiently recognized crime it is. This trickery, this educated state of accepted victimhood under organized crime (corporate governance), in a nutshell, is the story of our lives. This is exactly how we are conditioned socially to accept such technical economic and financial schemes as the globalist pension fund ponzi scheme we have all been unwittingly contributing to as taxpayers for decades. We support, in other words, our own victimization without comprehension of the causal, social influence that clouds the reality of the consequences of not merely our individual but collective (pooled) actions in ignorance. Such causalities defeat any modicum of moral or even lawful choice we may otherwise manifest. We choose not only to ignore the truth purposefully, but to suppress it even in our familial relationships with our children and friends (as unorganized and organized social groups). Today, the topics of religion and politics are practically taboo amongst the superficiality of public gatherings. Yet these two topics were considered to be the measure of a man in the former generations and centuries now past.

Of course, public school doesn’t even touch on these topics, for public school is specifically designed to teach and keep us all public minded. This, as well, is self-evident.


“Education is useless without the Bible.”

—Noah Webster


“I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.”

–John D. Rockefeller, who created the General Education Board (GEB)
in 1903 to dispense Rockefeller funds to “education.”


“The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.”

–H.L. Mencken


“The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.”

–“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” page 7


A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and SCHOOLTEACHERS”…Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution…”

–Aldus Huxley


“There is no authority for the common statement that the primary sense of education is to ‘draw out or unfold the powers of the mind.”

–Century Dictionary


“Education” is not the word you think it is, as usual, and certainly not what parents are entrained from childhood to believe it is. Etymologically, we find that the words education and training are similar, and that under no pretense should it be assumed that public education is designed to allow free forming thought, moral aptitude, or the ability to self-govern. Education, from, is a noun from the: 1530s, “childrearing,” also “the training of animals,” from Middle French education (14c.) and directly from Latin educationem (nominative educatio) “a rearingtraining,” noun of action from past participle stem of educare (see educate). Originally of instruction in social codes and manners; meaning “systematic schooling and training for work” is from 1610s.

We are trained for a life of useless labor and technical nonsense, filled with information that is not knowledge of anything Real, merely technical training (empty information) to fix and maintain the fictional legal matrix that contains us, just as the lower slave-classes that built the ancient stone megaliths, tombs, and pyramids to their own detriment, in honor of their own ruling class of gods. Today, however, we are being trained (tricked) into building the very fictional, cashless control grid and social construct that enslaves us, much of it completely intangible, existing only as pure information and code in the now global computer mainframe and internet of things. Form without substance — a digital world without (outside of) reality, without foundation. We are but “animals,” even according to the US CODE and various registered patents.

But why is this important? Why is being labeled by mans law an “animal” a bad thing? After all, technically it’s true, right?

In fact, no. Remember, words are not Reality, and tyranny only exists when words (nouns) are given respect over their Reality (verb/adjective) the represent. One must understand intent behind all things, and the intent of those gods of government is to be “gods” over their own creation. To be a god, all others must be made lower in status. And since all men under God (in Nature) are said under the law to be “Created equal,” there is only one way to break with that Law of Nature. Men must be assigned persons. A person is always form without substance. A person is always only a status, never the actual man (male or female).


“The fact that the human being can have the representation “I” raises him infinitely above all the other beings on earthBy this he is a person… that isa being altogether different in rank and dignity from thingssuch as irrational animalswith which one may deal and dispose at one’s discretion.”

—Immanuel Kant (between 1772-1789), Lectures on Anthropology, Akademie-Textausgabe, Berlin. Reprint Cambridge University (2012)


Here are a few examples of the “Man or other animal” (MOOA) declaration of legal status in the US Code for US citizenships, keeping in mind that the “Pure Food and Drug Act” of 1906 in Section 6 defines the words “food” and “drugs” to apply to “man or other animals,” and precedes to define man to be in fact “animal” for the purposes of that code:


“(2)(b) Food – The term “food” means (1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.”

“(2)(g)(1) – The term “drug” means (A) articles recognized in the official United States Pharmacopoeia, official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, or official National Formulary, or any supplement to any of them; and (B) articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals; and (C) articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals…“

“(d) Animal – The termanimal” means all vertebrate and invertebrate speciesincluding but not limited to man and other mammals, birds, fish, and shellfish.”

—21 U.S. Code § 321 – Definitions; generally
—15 U.S. Code § 55 – Additional definitions
—7 US Code § 136 – Definitions


These definitions are clearly defining man as animal, as equal to “other animals.” Not man, but man-kind, as hu-man beings. Adam… meaning the fallen man or hu-man. In other words, we are considered as mere soulless beasts of burden by these lawmakers of the nobility and majesty of the god corporation (We, the People as a singular entity/voice). This concept of lowering common men in rank and status has been at the center of debate before even Plato, and is what amounts to institutional slavery (voluntary servitude).

What status (persona) is a public citizenship? Well, what is it that separates the human animal from the mammal, the reptile, and the crustacean? The answer to this question, in man’s written law, has no moral Source. The answer, my fellow educated mass of illiterates, is purely one of legal status (person-hood) in fiction. It is them, the self-aggrandized nobility of blood, against us. One cannot be a god without subjecting all others to being a lesser animal. And the best way to accomplish this is to educate men that citizenship raises ones status in society instead of lowering it. Nations, by definition, are the domain of the goyim. For the law of legalism is as well but a scheme by its creators, a conspiracy of the pretended legal gods.

To be clear, the opposite of the word scheme is truth, or a truism. Public (free) education is of course a scheme designed to create workers, not thinkers. It’s just that we are never told that the legal definition for the word “free” is a franchise. To be free in a nation (district) is to have liberty in an open-air debtor’s prison (the public) to pursue ones own course, as long as the organized criminal government gets its cut (tail). We receive a franchise education, and it is certainly paid for through forced taxation (extortion such as property tax). Everything becomes clear when the actual legal (fictional) meaning and intent of words is discovered and correctly applied. My own and your  own personal opinion means nothing, for you we are simply not the creator of this legal system or the terms of its language (terms of art). You are but a user, a citizen (subject), and it (they) your master. Never forget this legal maxim of law, that protection requires subjection, and that the creator of anything controls and defines that thing and the law that controls it. The user of another’s property (persona/legal status) is bound to the creator of and thus lawmaker of that property. A citizenship belongs to government. The user of that citizen-ship is using the property of government, like renting a car (vessel), in order to conduct commercial activity and carry insurance therein. The law is attached only to the person, causing the man bearing (carrying) that mask (public persona) to then perform under that law in person (mask). This is called bond and surety.

To be clear, no member of any pension scheme (municipal corporation) owns the money or equal investment device (stock, bond) in any pension fund. Whatever money was contributed was severed from the person at that point of voluntarily contribution. A contribution is a gift, not an investment. The pension fund accepts the gift and then invests it, offering a reward for such stupid behavior so as to entice one into the scheme, like cheese for a rat into the pension cage, making ultimately impossible promises of future prosperity and wealth.

So what is a contribution?

Well, the root of this word is TRIBUTE!

CONTRIBUTE – To lend assistance or aid, or give something, to a common purpose; to have a share in any act or effect; to discharge a joint obligation. (Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


The synonyms for the word contribution are giftdonation, and offering. So tell me, what do you think your contribution is? When you donate to a political party, do you then have property in that party? NO! When you make an offering in church, do you then have property in that church? NO! When you give a gift at Christmas or on a birthday, do you do so with the intent of keeping any ownership in that gift? NO! So then, when you contribute to a pension fund, what in the hell makes you think you have property or equity in that fund?

Now perhaps you can see the value of a public education… not so much for your own self, but as a benefit for these schemers in the organized criminal government that keep you ignorant through a lack of such knowledge, information, and moral checks and balances?

Bottom line: you’ve been tricked. What you have given to pension funds is not yours. And so whatever benefits you receive can disappear at any time. This is the nature of contributory membership. The church, the political party, and the pension fund can close its doors to you at any time with a simple declaration of municipal bankruptcy.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves…

In this expose’ we shall now examine the particular truths about the scheme we call as public pension funds. To do this, many aspects of law and government must obviously also be examined. For this, we must face not only the harsh facts about pensions and their not-so-hidden intent, but as well we must reveal the most uncomfortable self-evident truths about ourselves, both individually and as a collective, ignorant hoard ripe for the raping and pillaging of our posterity, prosperity, and abundance.

To know thyself is to know thy own worst enemy.

And so we begin…

CAFR’s, CalPERS, And The Great Political Lie Machine

Nothing disturbs a primary researcher like myself more than when so-called mainstream and alternative “news” outlets report quotes and so-called “facts” without verifying their veracity, or for that matter even bothering to comparatively vet them at all to any primary source. Such irresponsible reporting in an open, public fashion is exactly what Mr. Galbraith warns us about above, causing the simple and verifiable truth to be disguised by rhetoric. A lie well placed can do wonders in the promotion of public illiteracy towards government and its financial schemes.

There exists today, despite my own exhaustive efforts and documentary research, a strangely apparent and seemingly willing denial of the audited information located and easily accessible in the CalPERS pension fund Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) published each fiscal year, and for that matter the same audited report disclosing all government agencies and municipal corporations (cities, counties, districts, states, federal, pension funds, etc.) in their financial standing. All governments and independent agencies of government everywhere are required to complete a CAFR, which shows not only the yearly budget (income/outcome balance) as the more common annual budget report does, but as well all investments and extranious funding for each specific government since its inception — since any government was first municipally incorporated. If the yearly budget report were only the accounting report of the checking account of each government, the CAFR would comparatively be the total or “comprehensive” reporting of the checking, savings, investment portfolio, and any and every other asset not necessarily shown on the budget report. To purposefully ignore the CAFR when speaking of anything regarding the financial markets worldwide is like Helen Keller trying to describe an elephant she can’t touch, see, or hear. Without even a basic understanding of the CAFR accounting system, especially in public pension funds, no one can possibly comprehend the rational behind the purposeful fluctuation and seemingly out-of-control stock market in any way (as ordered chaos), since government is the main investor and thus proxy shareholder voter in all corporations through control of domestic and international equities, mutual funds, mortgage-backed securities, bonds, foreign currencies, precious metals, real estate and real estate investment funds (REITs), bundled debt instruments and loans, and other toxic-debt-type financial “products” of these financial markets and of their own making. To exclude the CAFR from any and all reporting whatsoever about the commercial, governmental, and financial world, the CAFR being the audited financial statements of all corporations including all governments, equates to a blatant, blanket lack of vetting and verification of any and all information emanating from any source, news agency, or other propagandist. Its not just bad reporting, it’s patent laziness and profound, often purposeful ignorance.

Case in point… I was sent a recent link (below) to just that type of irresponsible reporting. As expected, none of the quoted “facts” presented by the CalPERS board member and propagandist were fact-checked. No sign of the CAFR (audit) was presented or referenced in any way, though the subject of that publicly disclosed information can be found easily in the CAFR, which completely debunks those callous, legally protected public lies presented as political “facts.”

Unfortunately, the fear porn industry is alive and well, especially when it comes to finance and public/private pensions. You can’t scare the public with the truth about this global pension scheme, for the truth reveals nothing but massive profits and gains within public pensions. In order to first hide and then legally exact more money for governments’ massive, combined, globalist investment schemes, it takes everything but the truth according to the audited source, including political punditry and pandering. Fear missed with ignorance of facts is the only trick that creates this kind of wind funnel designed for the “legally” extortive strip-funding of the taxpayer base fed into this global pension fund scheme.

From a recent “report” by entitled CalPERS Is Near Insolvency; It Needs A Bailout Soon” – Former Board Member Makes Stunning Admission we get a first hand look at just such second-hand reporting. Even the title is full of anticipation and dread — a real click-baited eye-catcher! And this type of reporting is the perfect example of why you should never trust a politicians’ public rhetoric when his federally required, independent audit is so readily available to expose his blatant lies. And this is the perfect example of why the CAFR is never discussed and never utilized by such armchair reporters, and certainly rarely if never referred to publicly by any politician. Audits are boring, complete, neutral, and without emotion or much speculation. They state the facts with blatant, required accuracy required by law. So why would anyone bother fact-checking their spin-jobs in such a proper fashion?

Well that’s what I do. Call me crazy… or just a bore. Anal? Fine. But I gotta know the truth at all costs!

Now, this statement shouldn’t lead one to assume that one should ever trust a politician or attorney in any situation, that is, in any public situation. Go to the source — the audit, not the puppet mouth-piece. The source is what is required by the highest legal authority under oath, as written in the federal law, which is the CAFR (audit) and only the CAFR. One only need do a token bit of research to discover that, while lying to congress or any government agency or administrative court under oath is a punishable crime of perjury, lying to the public is no crime at all! So a fund manager for the largest pension fund in the United States, for instance, can say anything he wants about the fund he manages and represents, as long as he is not “under oath” to tell the “truth” about his fictional accounting numbers — say, like to some self-proclaimed reporter or when “tweeting” on Twitter. All the public forums are a stage, and the stage is where actors and magicians go to perform their lies and illusions under the illusion of prestige.

PRESTIGES – noun – [Latin proestigioe.] Juggling tricksimpostures(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

PRESTIGIATION – noun – [Latin proestigioetricks.] The playing of legerdemain tricksa juggling(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

PRESTIGIATOR – noun – A jugglercheat(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

PRESTIGIATORY – adjective – Jugglingconsisting of impostures(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

PRESTIGIOUS – adjective – Practicing tricksjuggling(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

IMPOSTURE – noun – [Latin impostura. See Impose.] Deception practiced under a false or assumed characterfraud or imposition practiced by a false pretender. –Form new legends, And fill the world with follies and impostures. (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

LEGERDEMAIN – noun – [See Light.] Slight of handa deceptive performance which depends on dexterity of handa trick performed with such art and adroitnessthat the manner or art eludes observation. The word is sometimes used adjectively; as a legerdemain trick(Webs1828)


Yes, universities are ranked by prestige, and so is the papacy. But then so are doctors, lawyers, judges, congressmen, and presidents. And lets not forget actors (professional, paid liars), say, like Ronald Reagan, actor and spokesmodel extraordinaire!


“I’m sending Chesterfields to all my friends, that’s the merriest Christmas any smoker can have—Chesterfield mildness plus no unpleasant after taste – Ronald Reagan.”

—Excerpt from a 1940’s magazine advertisement for ‘Chesterfield’ brand cigarettes, including a picture of a young Mr. Reagan employed to smoke a cigarette as he writes his Christmas cards with a huge smile on his face as he sells smokable chemical poisons.


But presidents aren’t just actors, are they? Wake up, man… even George Jr. was a fantastic and intelligent orator and debater before acting as the lame-brain president we were tricked into believing:

Holy crap, Batman! Bush speaks normal.


The CAFR report is submitted to government under a prestigious oath by its employees and the verified (audited) by independent auditing firms, which in all cases will be charged with the serious crime of defrauding the federal government if they knowingly and inaccurately report their financial position and holdings. A politician, on the other hand, while speaking publicly, to a reporter, or to the public at large and thus not “under oath,” can basically lie through his fake, perma-smile teeth until the cows come home (whatever that means). And so the purposeful, occultist (secretiveness) obfuscation (silence) and confusion (lies) put forward in the public about the audited, verified information within the CAFR will never be part of the typical politicians’ rhetoric, either on or off the public stage. There is no law that requires that “truth” be told to the general public, and there’s no court that will charge anyone for lying to the public, including every news agency out there, unless it causes some consequence or harm. That harmful consequence, though, doesn’t include the incredible profits and gains governments created for their organized criminal activity. For Mr. Bush, there is certainly no law preventing him from acting like an idiot while being quite the opposite, a wolf in sheeps’ clothing.


FabiansSocialists_oligarchical-collectivismThe original Coat of Arms of the Fabian Society, a wolf in sheeps’ clothing


This is not to say there aren’t problems with the CAFR when considering its difficult-to-read, highly specialized, coveted terms of art. It is only to say that, like any other field or profession of expertise, anyone that learns the art in order to spot those problems by studying the accounting language they are written in, which we can call collectively as the “creative accounting” non-governmental, private practices that are legalized and required only for government corporations under permissive licensure, will most certainly find what one seeks. The simple reality is that the CAFR, like the UCC, the stock market, and so many other commercialized and centralized systems, were not created for or to benefit the average, common citizen (goyim). They aren’t meant to be read by the public, though required to be publicly available for the one in a million that actually do read it. In fact it’s quite the opposite. Government agents and bankers play by different rules than the public citizenry. And so to pretend knowledge of government finance, the stock market, or for that matter any and everything governmentally regulated without learning to read its audited financial statements and the terms of art they are written in is like playing the game of Monopoly without knowing the rules, the player pieces (agentic avatars), or what the fake-money (an oxymoron) is worth. To then predict its future happenstance… well that is nothing but a purist form of sophism – the prediction of fictional events! And this describes just about every source for “news” and “speculation” out there, including this one.

WORDS (TERMS) OF ART – The vocabulary or terminology of a particular art or scienceand especially those expressions which are idiomatic or peculiar to it(Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


For accountants in government and in private corporations, the main rule of the game is quite basic: simply hide any assets behind any and all possible and even faked liabilities. To be more exact, the goal of the game is to hide any current assets as to their current monetary valuation by comparing them (balancing their numbers) to imaginarily predicted future actuarial debt amortization schedules with no foundation in reality. And what if they can’t find any liabilities? Easy-peasy, just make some up. Start a new investment fund, say for a possible future bridge to be built, that you have no intention of using the funds for it building, and then just transfer the value to another investment fund ten years later after collecting millions or billions. There are many, many ways to cheat with legerdemain trickery and juggling of monetary valuation the unwitting, ignorant public through non-governmental schemes.

Now, to get started here, let’s first read the stated quotes and commentary utilized in this stylized fear-porn reporting job posted on, so that we may then discover the repeated and unchecked lies provided by quite simply looking them up to verify their veracity in the CAFR for CalPERS (or any other local or national government municipal corporation, agency, district, or pension fund). Remember, the CAFR is the AUDIT of every incorporated government entity out there, no matter how big or how small, no matter where it is located, and is a requirement of congress as federal law to be accurate under penalty of perjury. That’s every city, county, state, district, and pension in legal, corporate existence. They can’t lie in this singular case, and that makes the CAFR the biggest open secret of these organized criminals in government. Be mindful that the majority of city council and other common political persons are unaware of what is in the very CAFR (Audit) they vote to pass each year. They have unelected accountants and city managers for that. The councils are just yes-men, often completely ignorant of what they actually vote for.

And yes, by the way, the CAFR of the Federal Reserve is the official and federally required audit of the Federal Reserve, and quite easy to find. The entire End The Fed and Audit The Fed mythos is built on what appears to be nothing more than a purposeful, shared set of lies and ignorance of its CAFR (audit) and of the law that created and maintains it, which has been reported and publicly published and easily accessible for many decades. Omission of fact, and worse, the purposeful ignorance and thus omission of this legally required and easily accessible source of fact that is the audit, is to this author the greatest of journalistic crimes. The blind trust put into politicians like pork-master Ron Paul, who never revealed in any substantial way the official AUDIT of the Fed, in the form of the CAFR, is a perfect example of how lying, and especially omission of the most relevant fact, is rampant and effective, causing good people to become activists trying to achieve pointlessly what is already required by law, an audit (CAFR) of the Fed. To this author, this is just a perfection of “alternative” mass mind control.

Here is a link to the CAFRs (audits) for the Federal Reserve Board and Banks.



Please note that the Fed even lists this report on the Federal Reserve Board website link above as the “audited annual financial statements,” another common name for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report [CAFR]. And yes, everything you are told by that Audit and End the Fed movement that apparently isn’t audited is plainly reported in the CAFR (audit), as required by federal Law. It’s even on a Fed webpage called “Audit.” This is where the insert of a “LOL” would be well-deserved, but then I’d be laughing at my former, foolish self and any other fool that has been caught up in such frivolous, pointless activism against something that isn’t even true, without doing research into my own borrowed, blankly parroted opinion.

Here’s the congressional law requiring the audited CAFR:




Please take notice of the title of this quite old, already existing code: “31 U.S. Code § 714 – AUDIT of Financial Institutions Examination Council, Federal Reserve Board, Federal reserve banks, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Comptroller of the Currency.” Also notice that this audit, of course, goes straight to the hands of Congress, meaning that Congress is fully aware and in control of everything the Federal Reserve is doing. But they will do anything to cause you to think they have no control over their own created corporations, including, you guessed it, lie directly to and confuse the public, which is perfectly legal and in the best interest of such state secrets. A government is nothing without its secrets and the appointed (not voted for) state and other federal Department secret-aries that keep them.

Listed below are my own depths of primary, sourced research articles about the Fed, serving as both a correction and a heavy criticism upon all who continue to parrot such nonsense for no other reason than the peer pressure of its shock-jock popularity.

Link–> Stop The Religion Of The Fed –>

Link–> The Incontrovertible Conundrum Of Dr. Ron Paul –>

Link–> Today’s Creatures From Jekyll Island –>


Yes, you’ve been lied to by omission this whole time, by the likes of Ron Paul, Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffen, and collectively anyone else that is a false prophet or believer in and supports the End The Fed and Audit The Fed campaigns. Many of the quotes you’ve been hungrily fed to support your unfounded, unsourced mindset, including my own, surrounding the Federal Reserve and its creation through radio, poorly researched documentaries, and from badly, secondarily-sourced books are provably false. The lies are passed from one documentary source to the next, solidifying the lie into the public-minded and yes “alternative” consciousness, where celebrity is used in replacement of vetted reliability. You’ve thus been led to unwittingly lie to yourself and others as false-prophet-activists! Why? Because it is no crime to lie to the public, especially when it happens to be in the best interest of protecting Congress from taking the blame for the actions of the elitist, organized criminal corporations and independent boards it creates, like the Federal Reserve System, of which congress has total control over as its lawmaker, as a congressional incorporate creation. The lie is so powerful that the reader might even now find him or her self actually defending the lie, defending what the programed perception of the Fed is instead of fact-checking ones own beliefs with primary instead of secondary and word-of-mouth sources. And so just as it was in the early 1900s, as the stock market was sucked dry (crashed) by profiteers (government pirates) while being blamed on bad banking practices, the Fed is being used just as then to be the pretended bad guy, the apparently out-of-control banking industry head that is the main cause of the artificial market and its inevitable downturn. And the supposed evil Fed will be blamed instead of those profiteers behind it, just as it was when Mr. Lindbergh was quoted from above — before the central bank was once again recreated after its previous defeat to control the then out-of-control banking industry. Now we have controlled, organized crime instead of just that common, individual crime networks (gangs). The crime of usury was nationalized, and all members get a cut.

In fact, congress even passed its own law over itself limiting its own ability in public congressional forums and inquiries only (but not private/closed ones) from questioning the Fed director, so that no information would be disclosed to the public in public forums, and so that the illusion of natural “independence,” as quasi-sovereign privacy, political separation, and even competition in government could be maintained, as if the congress (the gods/lawmakers of the United States) somehow does not have control over its own creation. More sophistry. Lie after lie after lie… and it works still to this day, despite my own continuous exposure of the 100% required CAFR auditing system by all government entities and agencies, including the Fed and its board and banks.

But I digress, for all these proofs are in my former research articles listed above.

Today, while fear excites and sells…

The boring but piercing truth sleeps. The fear-killer that the CAFR is simply cannot be used to foment misinformation and crime, for it disproves the tactics used to cause that fear.

Why this particular website ( is even referred to as an alternative news site is unclear, since it seems to merely be “predicting” the future by suckling from the creamy mainstream rags and political propaganda we can all get at any Piggly Wiggly or television station, and then saying I told you so… For instance, the state-wide mainstream newspaper The Sacramento Bee also recently reported:

California public pension shortfall one of nation’s largest


May 02, 2017 05:10 PM (Updated May 03, 2017 07:50 AM)

Throughout California, local government and school district officials are writing new budgets and confronting rapidly rising costs of pensions.

Many have seen their costs double in the last few yearslargely consuming revenue increases that the state’s expanding economy have produced. For instance, a projected $1 billion increase in school districts’ teacher pension costs in 2017-18 will more than equal projected revenue gains.

However, as the old rock song says, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”…



Yes, I’ll take the Fear-Blue-Plate-Dinner special with a side of irrational predictive programming scariness, please. Oh, and on the side, could you provide no supporting or counter-evidence please? Audits just ruins the taste of a good piece of fear.

But is it true? Or rather, are the facts behind all of this true or even provided? For like everyone else, it seems the Sacramento Bee does not report on the CAFR audit to the public. I was informed long ago by Walter Burien at that all the major news agencies are fully aware of the CAFR, but are required to keep the open secret at the highest levels when it comes to this type of reporting – that is, the long con, the big non-governmental taxpayer investment and pension fund scheme. Why? Because government is the main investorvoterand regulator of the media, of course! Thus, it is rare that one might find such audited information that completely counters such blatantly one-sided reporting. And of course the lies have that infamous trickle down effect, bleeding into all of the alternative sources out there. And in the end, it turns out not one agency, news outlet, or armchair blogger has actually checked the only required-to-be-credible source — the audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

Thus web trafic is increased, as is advertising. It’s like watching moths nosedive wide-eyed and entranced into a flame. People pay money to be scared in the movie theatre, and apparently it’s the same with their news source. Everyone screws everyone in their own subtle way, not merely carrying the lies but spinning them to suit the needs of their particular platform and commercial (capitalist) sales model. Lying is legal. Who needs morals? For the art of the lie is the very foundational nature of a capitalist (value per head) government and those in its citizenry hopelessly caught up by its corruption and greed.

From the absolutely unverified and un-vetted report we read the following quotes:

Tweet: ✔@SteveWestly

The pension crisis is inching closer by the day@CalPERS just voted to increase the amount cities must pay to the agency. Cities point to possible insolvency if payments keep rising but CalPERS is near insolvency itselfIt may be reform or bailout soon.


The preceding tagline for this tweet as a commentary by states:

“…having reported over and over and over (and over, and overagain that public pensions are in deep trouble, two days ago none other than Steve Westly, former California controller and Calpers board member – manager of the largest public pension fund in the US, made a stunning admissionconfirming everything…“


This is obviously and admittedly not the first time such fear tactics have been reported by about the so-called “public pension crisis” while calling it as news. It continuously pretends to be in the know while in fact knowing nothing but what other news outlets, politicians, and market analysts publicly report (lie) and tweet. Round and round the parrots repeat each other, spinning their opinions while imagining their own not-at-all uniquely re-reported perspectives are somehow actually to each their own original analysis, just as the bird in a cage fallaciously squaks “hello” over and over without any substance or experiential knowledge of what that term actually means. This type of reporting is akin to a see, I told you so mentality, reporting over and over the glib and often false or even planned predictions that others make, in order to put forward the illusion of ones own newsworthy correctness over that which is not at all demonstrable or predictable.

If I say it will happen in the future because other “experts” do, then chances are it will, at least in some inevitable form or the other and in an unlimited time period, and I can then say I told you so… This is the same reason one might invest in the stock market, because Warren Buffet says I should. Of course this only benefits those already invested, driving up the price of the stock in the short term as the public lemmings emulate their false financial gods.

Predicting an up or down boom in these volatile financial markets sometime in the future is like predicting a politician will lie to the public. It’s a self-evident certainty, and ultimately just a matter of time… Of course it will crash, dummy! Of course it will rise, idiot! For these are the only two possible options that can actually happen! And so by predicting both will eventually happen, one really can’t lose. It’s like predicting the sun will rise. And so another false guru is thrust on the unwitting public telling us so.

But therein lies the very heart of the game…

You see, they bet against it before it gains or crashes. They cover their bets, their options, and they reinsure what they already have insured. They can’t loose, man! The market must go artificially up so that it can then be brought artificially down. The lemon must grow to ripeness before it can be squeezed to make lemonade and the seed replanted for the next squeeze. This is basic organized crime 101. There is no right or wrong prediction. It’s a continuum; a fractal without totality, without sum, a cancer that keeps growing and being cut back down ad infinity. But more importantly… it’s without (outside of/opposed to) Reality. Super-natural. It’s fiction. And in any fiction, the artist (creator) creates the future, not the neutral randomness of Nature, and certainly not those reporting on its history.

For those that don’t quite understand the basic con game of reinsurance and its various forms, let me give you a generic example of what happens behind the scenes:

  1. In the U.S. (or any nation) I (through government) legally collect taxpayer money (or other capital from any and all willing, ignorant suckers) by incrementally placing taxpayer money into a public investment fund.
  2. When I reach $10 million in my local or state investment fund, it is now time to “legally” steal that money from the public.
  3. I now open a dummy corporation in Zimbabwe, where I place $10 million in capital.
  4. Back in the US, my $10 million of taxpayer money is enterprise fund (non-governmentally) invested in or “bet” on a certain stock or portfolio thereof in the similarly performing stocks.
  5. I, of course, have inside knowledge (or create it) that the stock market or certain sectors thereof will take a nosedive or “crash” soon, as planned. And so its time to extract the excess wealth from these now purposefully over-priced companies.
  6. I then invest that $10 million from my obscure, unreported dummy corporation in Africa into the American stock market. But I bet against (via put options) the same stock I invested public funds in back home, just like they bet against airline stocks for the day of 9/11/2001 with apparent pre-knowledge of the “event.”
  7. The market crashes, just as I fully expected and have planned (insured and reinsured) for.
  8. I lose $10 million of my governmental taxpayer fund balance in the United States, and look to the taxpayers to bail out my apparent mistake, pretending (lying to the public about) a total loss, and may even have the gall to ask for bailouts or bonds (government sponsored loans) to cover it.
  9. But at the same time I gain that same $10 million (or much more) in Zimbabwe, and cash out.
  10. In the market itself, nothing looks suspicious. Just business as usual, where a few win, most lose. Some, however, play both sides. The loser always pays the winner.
  11. I launder and convert my holdings, pay my accomplish in Africa the value of $1 million under the table, and simply close that dummy corporation so it cannot be traced back to me. And no one in the idiocracy of the public, taxpayer base is ever the wiser. The balance has not changed. One bet pays another. The criminals protect each others private prospects. This is merely a laundering of money from the taxpayer base into an offshore account, done within the appearance of (de facto) “illegitimately legal” legitimacy using this organized criminal platform called the worldwide stock markets. What is constantly exacted as investment-based and other losses from these public funds is constantly being gained somewhere else. It’s a quite basic, completely legal con job.
  12. And this is why our incestuous, nepotistic congressmen within their familial accomplices (the People) have vacation homes and investment properties all over the world, sitting arrogantly on each other’s boards and laughing all the way to their offshore banks.


On a micro/macro-cosmic scale, this same model is the basis for both the wealth of the organized criminals calling themselves as a de facto (illegitimate/militarized) “government” in pretended legitimacy compared to the absolutely controlled poverty level (called “welfare”) of the common class. If I insure one thing I reinsure it in the background. In other words, I insure against the insurance, betting against what the original policy or other investment pays out for. Thus disaster or no disaster, I am covered and will come out ahead, especially if I can cause the law to require and sanction taxpayer funding of one of my bets and coverage (bailout) of any losses. For the financially illiterate goyim, as the limited common citizenry, there is only the gamble of insurance or no insurance. Yes or no. But for this upper class, all bets are covered. There is no easier way to explain this. But this is also why there is no easy way to explain the ups and downs of all financial markets, for we are not allowed to see their game-plans, their blueprints for the continual, perpetual destruction and rebuilding of their own artificial markets. They care not the value of corporate stock, only that they have the majority and thus control of it and the company it represents. They and their corporate funders are the beneficiaries of the financial phoenix they create and recreate as it burns and is reborn with every click of the market ticker and every computer-generated, purposeful flaw they take precise advantage of through techniques in arbitrage.

ARBITRAGE – Transactions of bankers and mercantile houses by which stocks or bills are bought in one market and sold in another for the sake of the profit arisirg from a difference in price in the two markets(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


Why do pension funds and government investment funds hold so much in all foreign currencies traded on all different (foreign) markets/exchanges? Because of arbitrage, a constant buying and selling so as to capitalize upon the continuous, minuscule mistakes in pricing from exchange to exchange. Of course high-speed computers are set up to catch every single mistake as it happens, as what is ultimately missed by human disadvantage. The action of an arbitrage exchange can happen in a 10th of a second, multiple times — beyond what the human eye could possibly track.

They buy yen for one dollar on one exchange and sell it at the same time on another foreign exchange for $1.01 before the two exchanges have registered the change, and they can do this all day and all night long in various 24 hour time zones. Sound illegal? Remember, it’s government taking advantage of these little cheats.

Who ya gonna call?

While we watch that impressively complicated shit-storm, distracted by the volatile and fiery inferno of constant market activity that upon appearance means nothing to us, they are profiting from every change in market valuation. The magicians, the illusionists always work by the art of distraction, keeping their audience the fools and stranding them behind their own wonder and awe, amazed by their own ignorance of what lies behind each trick and yet utterly confident that something just ain’t right here. Yet still we need to believe it’s all real, even legitimate, and not just the long-con Ponzi scheme it always has been…

But what we do have access to out here in la-la land is the CAFR. We can see what they did after the fact each year and on a continuing basis. This audited report is a thorn in their side, of course, and yet their collective crimes cannot be “organized” without it. It is a necessary evil, or necessary good, depending on whose hands it gets in to. In my hands, for instance, the CAFR is their Achilles Heel, the shining light to their projections of darkness through lies. The CARF simply cannot be denied, though they certainly try. It can, however, be ignored and made publicly invisible by simply never referring to it in any public forum, including congress. For the CAFR is the great false mystery that is the holy grail of government accounting; that metaphoric, governmental fountain of youth (rejuvenation) that are these collective, extortive investment funds kept out of the public spotlight.

Let’s read from this latest CAFR, for instance, about how CalPERS invests, holds, and profits from one of the most toxic debt instruments ever invented:


“CalPERS holds investments in swapsoptionsfuturesrightsand warrants and enters into forward foreign currency exchange contracts… The fair value of international currency forwards represents the unrealized gain or loss on the related contracts, which is calculated as the difference between the contract exchange rate and the exchange rate at the end of the reporting period.”


Do pensioners care what their governmental or private pension fund invests in? Well, I cannot in good conscious venture to guess what this group of dependents on state and federal welfare for the middle class personally care or don’t care about. However, in appearance, it seems that as long as their extortion and usury-based retirement checks keep coming in, they certainly appear to not have a care in the world just what their collective contributions are invested in, let alone the resulting globalist control or illegal, permanent state of occupational world war it causes. Hell, most have no idea where to even find the list of corporations and holdings invested in! Many have never even logged in to the CalPERS website, let alone contemplated that their own retirement payments necessarily represent nothing but mass profiteering and pirating from the worst of the worst companies from around the world, as well as the debt of most of their fellow citizens. They have no idea they are handing the entire control structure of corporations around the world to government.

I invite you, the “pensioner,” and you, the “taxpayer,” to pull up this investment holdings report for CalPERS, with the understanding that this is just one of many thousands of such pension investment funds worldwide. Look at the stock holdings and the market values, and allow yourself to grasp the importance of being the collective holder of so many shares of stock in any and all substantial corporations around the world. Imagine the power of being the main shareholder through collective bargaining and proxy voting, while at the same time being the government, lawmaker, and regulator (and de-regulator) of all corporations, having the ability to ruin any rogue, moral, uncooperative company in the world.

One cannot imagine the scope and size of this organized criminal network until this particular report is seen for oneself. Look up the worst corporation imaginable and it is there. Look up the main banks, investment firms, and corporations in communist China and other supposedly “enemy” countries, and there you will find massive, controlling, United States and other globalist government pension and other organized fund investments. Like it or not, this applies to all of us, for whether you are a pensioner or a taxpayer or both, you individually are equally complicit in this self-destructive, globalist scheme. Ignorance is no excuse. If you do not look, you will never believe that you have been played as the fool. If you are a pensioner and do not look, you will never contemplate just how much your own false piece of mind in such a false sense of security as this retirement scheme in mammon has caused the entire world population. You will never imagine your benefits are gained solely at the expense of everyone else in the world, let alone your fellow majority of extorted taxpaying citizens. And you will never understand just how this monstrous, monopolistic, corporate world governance structure came into power as it has.

Seriously… do a search in this report for the word China. You think America imports cheap Chinese crap from just Chinese companies? Well, I have news for you sunshine… those corporations in China were built with American investment capital from such investment funds as your own. The proof is undeniable, listed right here in this investment holdings report:


Where do you buy food? Governments own the majority share of its corporate stock and by collective shareholder proxy votes for its board of directors, etc.

Where do you buy clothes? Governments own the majority share of its corporate stock and by collective shareholder proxy votes for its board of directors, etc.

Where do you bank, get gas, and what television news, magazines, and newspapers do you subscribe to? Governments own the majority share of their corporate stock and by collective shareholder proxy votes for its board of directors, etc.

Of course the board of directors of each corporation elects the CEO and other officers, in accordance to what government collectively desires. After all, the board does the shareholders’ bidding, and its even the government’s law regarding these for profit corporations that that corporation’s board must make profits and gains for the shareholders (governments) its top goal.

Again, no corporation owns government, as the empty rhetoric of propagandists and alternative newsie parrots have been conditioned to believe. By law, and by evidence of stock certificates and participation in mutual fund activities, government provably owns shares in all corporations and expresses its will through proxy shareholder voting, and this cannot be disputed.

In fact, there is a whole section of the CAFR and the website for CalPERS devoted to its activities in “corporate governance,” the general term used to describe such governance of corporations through stockholder voting, or in this case, governmental agency stock-holders.

From the CalPERS website we read (links active):

Proxy Voting

As a long-term shareownerCalPERS sees voting our proxies as the primary way we can influence a company’s operations and corporate governance. This is why it’s important for shareowners to vote and make their decisions based on a full understanding of publicly available information.

For more information on CalPERS proxy voting, read the CalPERS Governance & Sustainability Principles (PDF).

Proxy Voting Decisions

To view a record of all CalPERS global proxy voting activity, visit Global Proxy Voting Decisions.

CalPERS also publishes additional voting information for high profile votes and company-specific shareowner campaigns. Visit Key Decisions for additional details. All votes are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice.

For more information, read the related article Proxy Access Gains Ground as Companies Reach Pacts with Shareholder Proponents.


And for their corporate governance page, see here:



Note that CalPERS admits here to being a “long-term” shareholder and voter of its invested in corporations. Yet it openly obfuscates this fact when reporting on bad years in the stock market, as if the yearly performance of a stock or portfolio thereof is somehow its infinite state of valuation, as if one year accounts for the past or next 50 years of performance while that stock is held in the long-term. More trickery… for what goes up will come down, and what goes down will go up again. But oh the propaganda and falsified taxpayer bailouts they can create in between.

When we take a photo on vacation, do we believe somehow that this single snapshot is the entirety of our experience, or do we consider the whole vacation before we assign such a valuation? The snapshot is the budget, while the whole vacation experience, with all its ups and downs, is the CAFR. A budget report is like the accountant’s voluntary, monetary alzheimer’s disease. Selective statistics are used to prevent accurate information in the yearly budget alone.

To be clear, all bad news that these accounting magicians report to the public is always of the short-term or budgetary (yearly), but never of the long-term or comprehensive (from inception). This is the essence of word magic, the delusion of creative accounting at its best. The temporary, short-term results can always be used to hide the long-term Truth by omission of long-term facts and totals, or by simply hiding those long-term results from the public discourse, from the yearly budget. And this is especially the greatest difference between the budget report and the CAFR. There is no hiding anything in the CAFR, for all assets must be reported, even if that reporting standard is done so in what I call creative accounting language. As with any commercial art, one must learn the language, the terms of art, and accounting tricks before one may fully grasp the scheme. And it is perhaps this fact alone, the lack of proper use and understanding of terms of art, that wholly disqualifies just about all reporters and alternative websites on the planet. Public ignorance of the accounting and legal languages is key to success.

One never teaches ones slaves ones private language, lest the slave become equal with the master, for words are the only chains that bond us in surety.

Here we read that CalPERS uses “global proxy voting activity” to “influence a company’s operations and corporate governance…” In other words, this is the definition of global governance. Globalism – the Order in the New World of centrally controlled, fictional finance.

Can you dig?

In fact, I here and now defy you to find a public corporation not listed as a government-held US or international equity on this report! Maybe then you may begin to comprehend just how the world of finance and corporate governance actually works — besides what those government owned news outlets publicly report to you. Maybe you’ll get why the practice of usury (interest) and grocery (retail) is so accepted and protected by government, for the profiteer is after all always government and those who suck upon its teat the hardest. After all, and as we will discuss in a moment, government is also the largest holder of toxic debt instruments and loans. Debt, it turns out, is one of the most profitable investments one can make! Investing in debt is how billionaires are generally made. And yes, these are also listed in that asset holdings report, for debt is certainly an asset to the purchaser, and thus by proxy, the creditor.

CONTRACT SYSTEM – As applied to state prisons, this phrase signifies that the labor of the prisoners is utilized by private persons or contractors, who thus secure the profits of such labor. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


What happens when eventually, through these investment schemes, government purchases all our debts, both corporate and personal? Why debtor’s prisons, of course. For the lawmakers and their prescriptive legal laws can only become more corrupt as more and more industry is subsumed by the master corporation nation that are organized (united) national and world governments. As the main shareholder, it is in the best interest of government to pass laws allowing debtors to be imprisoned, as forced labor. As the regulator of corporations, which by law must make a profit for its shareholders (i.e. government), government must create ways to extort money from debtors that cannot pay their debts, and thus again debtor’s prisons are a logical solution. This is the purest construction of conflict of interest.

I was shocked to learn that the “Made In America” symbol is placed on products made in US prisons. And to me, nothing could be more telling of our societal and moral degradation and ignorance than that! But then again, the 13th Amendment to the US constitution did make “involuntary slavery” perfectly legal for punishment of crimes, so this would be the logical conclusion. Oh, and you thought it fired the slaves? LOL! It nationalized slavery in the form of the 14th Amendment citizen and allowed prisoners to be used as labor force. If that’s your idea of freedom then just shoot me now.

In any case, what we are most certainly witnessing today in the public sphere is the mass-induced fruition of such quotes and warnings as these:


“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.“

–Martin Luther King, Jr.


“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

―Søren Kierkegaard


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.“



“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”

―Benjamin Franklin


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.“

–Aldous Huxley


“Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing his cleverness forbids.”

–John Steinbeck


“The two pillars of ‘political correctness‘ are, a) willful ignorance, and b) a steadfast refusal to face the truth.“

–George MacDonald Fraser


“But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them. It can’t last.”

―Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451


“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidityignorancegreedand love of power.”

―P.J. O’Rourke


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

―Isaac Asimov


“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession – their ignorance.”

―Hendrik Willem van Loon


“The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar… Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.”

―Aldous Huxley


Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow the truth wherever it leads.”

―DaShanne Stokes


“He didn’t believe that, surely.” “Of course not! But he had to pretend he did, as otherwise he would have had no choice but to be insulted. And since there would be nothing he could do about that, being insulted would only lead to humiliation. And since he didn’t want that, the simplest path to follow was to believe what I said.”

―Isaac Asimov, Foundation’s Edge


“The moral complexity of the situation had grown past his ability to process it, so he just relaxed in the warm glow of victory instead.”

―James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes


“The more you can escape from how horrible things really are, the less it’s going to bother you…and then, the worse things get.”

―Frank Zappa


“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”

―Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead


“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.“

–Daniel J. Boorstin


“Willful ignorance and endless laws become the replacement for self-education and self-restraint, because ignorance and laws are easy.“

―Holly Lisle


“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”

―Thomas A. Edison


And so the armchair bloggers and digital alternative newsies call out in their illiterate, parroted spin with the type of arrogant ignorance only an unlearned conspiracy theorist could love. But in reality these are just useful idiots helping in the spread of these lying fear campaigns created by those seeking to spread such propaganda for their own benefit, turning the self-proclaimed “alternative” reporter into a valuable mouth-piece for the opposition, into a necessary tool (unwitting agent) for the accidental spread of perfected misinformation. Problem, reaction, solution.

And when the trigger is pulled, this cushioning effect of so many parroted reports and warnings about bankruptcy, insolvency, and the undefined “pension crisis” will allow these organized criminals in government to steal what was promised to the collectively foolish pensioners and taxpayers that voluntarily contributed to these funds in legal trust. The cushion of constant fear and threat in effect causes pitchforks, and for that matter guns, to remain locked up instead of used in revolt against such corruption in government. Like good, patriotic subjects of the state, the mass of middle class fools in their love of servitude will once again outweigh the loss of financial security in retirement once promised by the slave masters. The constant fear propaganda softens the blow, so that revolt or revolution appears to be too little, too late, even as the globalist government mafia laughs all the way to the bank. To live in fear and anticipation is to accept that which is feared and expected when its planned fruition commences. This is simple, Orwellian dystopia mixed with Bernaysian propaganda and public relations.

Ever asked why a government needs public relations? Why the military has commercials?

Ever considered that only that which keeps secrets, lies, and seeks to mislead or cheat the public would possibly need a public relations office?

One that tells the Truth relates the Truth at all times, and therefore needs no agency.

This insanity of an idiocracy seems to mirror the American and Italian propagandists in their support of the leftist social democrats, being labeled as quite “useful idiots” for their then blind support of foreign communism, while the similar term “useful innocents” was used by the Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises in his 1940’s pro-war book entitled Planned Chaos, a term that was used by communists for liberals, whom von Mises describes as “confused and misguided sympathizers.” In the end, such blind support and repeated spreading of these emotional and fear-driven public perceptions as political “facts” (legal fiction), though they are easily provable lies, ends up helping the organized criminals cause instead of harming it. And after so many years of being in the middle of this cornucopia of “alternative news” armchair reporters and disinformation websites and radio networks, some innocent and some not so innocent, this spreading of lies seems to be the entire unintended, oppositionally-controlled purpose and certainly the result of the so-called alternative truth movements. We ultimately and without reason serve to expose without any consequence whatsoever of that exposure, except to further excite false information and reveal public actors as agent provocateur personalities as if they are the actual players behind the crimes. We then say simply, I told you so… No one gets busted because no truth, no secrets are being reported to the organized criminals in government. Only lies are given, which are then imagined to be facts by that public, alternative or mainstream. And so we all end up believing this is exactly what was supposed to happen, no matter how obviously criminal its design.

Again, the “truth” about the Fed is the perfect example — so many empty lies that with just a token bit of research are destroyed as patriotic myths designed to re-direct blame away from the legislative gods (creators/lawmakers) of all governmental agencies, corporations, and banks, which is the “United States” corporation Congress (a de facto board of directors).

This alternative network of ineffective reporting is like solving a Rubick’s Cube. One solves the puzzle and puts the pieces together in a pattern, only to realize later that there are 5 other sides to solve at the same time. And when one correctly, finally puts all those sides together, one realizes that there now sits a solved puzzle, one which serves no purpose except in its perfect representation of a perfectly played out plan. When all sides are seen, then one may finally see that what was apparently broken or out of order wasn’t broken at all, but is instead a well-oiled and perfectly operating machine. In governments case, as the premier purveyor of police and military protected, organized crime, the ability to read the CAFR through all its creative accounting and terms of art is like solving that Rubick’s Cube. And so one comes finally to the only accurate conclusion one can, which is that this is all legal. They make the rules. They set the standards. They lie to the public with their own permissions and protection. And they have organized and are currently playing out the end of one of the biggest ponzi schemes in the history of all scams. And its all legal, because those perpetrating the scheme are also the lawmakers, law enforcers, and beneficiaries that would otherwise stop such a crime.

And what is the end? Why, its not the end at all, just a transitionary stage with severe growing pains. For what is the end for us is just the beginning of a totally controlled globalist government modeled after this one. Same scheme but on a world-wide scale. Thus all men must be marked with a digital, biometric, legal identity and forced into the global social security pension fund scheme in order to continue the grand ponzi scheme. And those willing to cooperate will of course be given the opportunity to do it all over again, to contribute into new globally managed pension funds in exchange for global taxation on all global taxpayers to further purchase the controlling share of all corporations world-wide.

Don’t you realize that congress is the bank, and that all corporations calling themselves as banks and men as corporate bankers are under the unified umbrella and law of the only actual bank that exists — government?

Who prints the money? Government.

Who holds copyright on the money? Government.

Who controls that money’s circulation? Government.

Who allows and disproves banks to participate as members of the Federal Reserve? Government.

Who passes all laws regarding money? Government.

And don’t forget that Nelson, Jay, Winthrop, and Winthrop P (Jr.) Rockefeller and of course the Rothschild cousins were also politicians, not just bankers… and they pretend to be both Democrats and Republicans!

So what don’t you understand?


“Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country… It remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by this relatively small number of persons… It is they who pull the wires which control the public mindwho harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world… As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.”

—Edward Bernays (1891–1995), Author, Propaganda, and Chief Advisor to William Paley, who founded CBS in 1928


Is it really so difficult to imagine this, even as we watch with every new administration the same corporate shills and CEOs flowing freely in and out of public and corporate office, only to later be hired or rehired back under the same or higher office and title that he or she was before responsible in regulating (read de-regulating)? When bankers become Fed Chairmen, Monsanto executives become head of the FDA, and even when only Zionist, duel-citizen, warmongering Israeli “Jews” become chiefs of staff and sole advisors in trust for strictly Arab nations, we can see there is a grave fault in this regulatory, legal, and political system. A fault, indeed, but not to those organized criminals in tow. For again, the system is running as smoothly as can be imagined from an extortive, criminally minded perspective, the litmus test being not only these obvious rewarding and stratigic corporate moves in and out of government, but the exact control of public opinion and purposeful ignorance spoken of above.

Consider this: what was and still is a “bank” before these very modern buildings we have so named as such were constructed, before fiat currency and digital credit systems? Just like the church is not a building created by the hands of men but is the righteous people thereof, so too is a bank not just a building built by men, but the incorporated persons thereof. The bank is government! For all corporations are under, registered to, and premised by government. A bank only exists because government says it can, and for no other reason. Always has been this way, always will be, for there is no purpose or power to any legalistic, corporate government without control of commerce and its monetary tools.

BANK – A bench or seat; the bench of justice; the bench or tribunal occupied by the judges; the seat of judgment; a court. The full bench, or full court; the assembly of all the judges of a court… (Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition)

FIAT – [Latin from fio.] Let it be donea decree; a command to do something. (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)


“A banker is one who makes merchandise of money
An act to be done by a bank means an act to be done
by those who have the authority to do it.”

–W.C. Anderson’s Dictionary of Law, 1889, Definition of Bank


The root of all evil is not money itself as a tool of exchange, but making money from money and changing that which is valued in money into merchandise. The money-changer is evil because he changes the intention of money into that of usury (interest) and grocery (retail). If money and its creation were at all times and by law not for profit, most of the worlds problems would be solved. Mammon would have no cloths. And none of this cancerous, out of control, never payable growth and debt would be possible. To be clear, without debt (contract), no man or government would ever have power over another. This will become very clear as we proceed.

Most use the word fiat as attached to any currency without knowing its actual meaning. Of course, a fiat currency is simply the will of the king or head of the church and state, or in our modern sense, the “government” as defined and constituted. The government (under the head magistrates of congress and president) writes (appropriates) a bill, and out of thin air valuation (mammon) is created by these false gods (creators of artifice), a fictional value to be later manifested by and represented as fiat currency, with the caveat that this creation from nothing is actually a debt upon the entire public realm, which in Reality can never actually be paid without destroying the “economy.” Once the negative value is positively placed (balanced) into the legal accounting or doomsday book, it can then be printed into some form of certificate of debt, as legal tender.

It is said that only a god can create something from nothing. Well, government is a legally constituted god you fools! It is master over what it creates…

One only need understand one’s own disposition in court to understand the master (god) and servant relationship between a citizen and a magistrate (judge). For today we may use the word plea or plead in official standing, but it still means the same as it did from its inception. The citizen can know only one, legal god, for the citizen is not of Nature and thus not part of or under the Law of Nature.

When we plead to a judge, we are actually, legally, praying to a god (magistrate). The fact that the reader may deny this in any way shows how ignorant, how “imbecilic” we have all been made as to the very law system that governs our persons.

PRAYER – The request contained in a bill in equity that the court will grant the process, aid, or relief which the complainant desires. Also, by extension, the term is applied to that part of the bill which contains this request. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st Edition)

PRAY IN AID – In old English practiceTo call upon for assistance. In real actions, the tenant might pray in aid or call for assistance of anotherto help him to pleadbecause of the feebleness or imbecility of his own estate(–Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st Edition)

PRAYER OP PROCESS – is a petition with which a bill in equity used to conclude, to the effect that a writ of subpoena might issue against the defendant to compel him to answer upon oath all the matters charged against him in the bill. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st Edition)

PRAYER OF PROCESS – chancery. Plead.That part of a bill which prays that the defendant be compelled to appear and answer the billand abide the determination of the court on the subjectis called prayer of processThis prayer must contain the name’s of all Persons who are intended to be made parties(–Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

PRAYER FOR RELIEF – chancery. Pleading. This is the name of that part of the bill, which, as the phrase imports, prays for reliefThis prayer is either general or special but the general course is for the plaintiff to make a special prayer for particular relief to which he thinks himself entitled, and then to conclude with a prayer of general relief at the discretion of the court(–Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

PRAY – verb intransitive – [Latin precorproco; this word belongs to the same family as preach and reproach; Hebrew, to blessto reproach; rendered in Job 2:9, to curse; properly, to reproach, to rail at or upbraid. In Latin the word precor signifies to supplicate good or evil, and precis signifies a prayer and a curse. See Imprecate.] 1. To ask with earnestness or zealas for a favor, or for something desirable; to entreat; to supplicate. Pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44. 2. To petitionto askas for a favoras in application to a legislative body. 3. In worship, to address the Supreme Being with solemnity and reverence, with adoration, confession of sins, supplication for mercy, and thanksgiving for blessings received. When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:5. 4. I pray that is, I pray you tell me, or let me know, is a common mode of introducing a question. – verb transitive – To supplicateto entreatto urge. We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20. 1. In worship, to supplicate; to imploreto ask with reverence and humility. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee. Acts 8:22. 2. To petitionThe plaintiff prays judgment of the courtHe that will have the benefit of this actmust pray a prohibition before a sentence in the ecclesiastical court. 3. To ask or intreat in ceremony or form. Pray my colleague Antonius I may speak with him. [In most instances, this verb is transitive only by ellipsis. To pray God, is used for to pray to God; to pray a prohibition, is to pray for a prohibition, etc.] To pray in aidin lawis to call in for help one who has interest in the cause(–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)


Like being so lost in The Matrix virtual reality simulation that you have no idea you are even in it, so too have we been tricked and deceived into calling these men in uniform dress and code as our false gods (magistrates/judges) without realizing what we are doing. You pray to these magistrate gods with every question, with every answer, and with every supplication (solicitation) to any government functionary or agency. And this is exactly how the Bible instructs us we will be deceived, by the love of false gods (idolatry). There is no mystery here, just the love of fiction over Nature (Reality). This is not colloquial, not metaphor, and not to be taken lightly. For it establishes the doctrine of master and servant, meaning we voluntarily worship, pray to, and thus are fallen through contract under government oppression and extortion. It is new feudalism by contract law, for the contract makes the law. This is the legal meaning of volunteerism. And what is most misunderstood about volunteerism is that, just like in the military after one has voluntarily joined, the coercion and violence happens only after one has volunteered, not before. In other words, the fallacy of involuntarily or unwillingly receiving services at the barrel of a gun is completely misconstrued, for the service can only be forced once volunteerism, as the doctrine of master and servant, has been contracted (e.g. public, US citizenship). Once under contract (use of person), the contract makes the law, and he who makes the contract makes the law of the contract, and thus is the god over anyone under the contractual relationship (as a user of anothers property). If you use the name, number, signature, or any other mark of identity (sameness) of any legal creation, then you are bound to perform as that legal persona (mask) and pray to these false legal gods for everything. It is they that permit you to fish and hunt and drive on their public lands, feud style. If you have received any such license, then you received it voluntarily by praying (applying for permission) to a magistrate (legal god) for it.

It’s time we are re-taught that the word god is a generic, general term meaning nothing until qualified, and that this word god in its legal sense applies to many political positions (persons/flattering titles) of men. While today we use the words plea (plead) to the judge (lord) of the court, the court records of just 100 years ago show a very different and honest language, revealing clearly that we prayed to the god of the court, which was the judge (magistrate). Even today in rare court cases can we find the word prayer instead of plea. It is even law in England that certain high-ranking judges be called as “lords.” And so we must realize that this word god is not merely a religious one, but also a term of the legal art. A god (lower case) is therefor a construct of the legal matrix, having no authority except over that which it creates and governs as property. And whether you care to admit it or not, your gods are certainly well-defined for you, especially if you are a pensioner.

GOD – noun – …2. A false goda heathen deityan idol. Fear not the gods of the Amorites. Judges 6:10. 3. A prince; a ruler; a MAGISTRATE OR JUDGE an angel. Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. Exodus 22:28. Psalms 97:7… 4. Any person or thing exalted too much in estimationor deified and honored as the chief good. Whose god is their belly. Philippians 3:19. – verb transitive – To deify… (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

MAGISTRATE – noun – [Latin magistratus, from magistermaster;magis, major, and ster, Teutonic steoraa directorsteoranto steerthe principal director.] A public civil officerinvested with the executive government or some branch of it. In this sense, a king is the highest or first magistrate as is the President of the United States. But the word is more particularly applied to subordinate officers, as governorsintendantsprefectsmayorsjustices of the peaceand the like. The magistrate must have his reverence; the laws their authority. (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)


You may not like religion, but you have chosen your anti (false) gods and worship them daily because you have chosen citizenship under them and their legal system. You vote for them and honor them as if you are castrated, sacrificial goats. You allow them power over you in surety of their offered citizenship in personhood and they accept your voluntary sacrifice and thus reward you justly with debt-slavery in the credit form of fiat currency, allowing you freedom (commercial franchise) within their district (open-air debtors prison).

But then, I wouldn’t expect the average joe to know what it is to be confined (interned) in a district, what the word means, and why it is the foundation of debt-slavery as a citizen to it:

DISTRICT – noun – [Latin, to press hard, to bind. See Distrain.] 1. Properly, a limited extent of country; a circuit within which power, right or authority may be exercised, and to which it is restrained; a word applicable to any portion of land or country, or to any part of a city or town, which is defined by law or agreement. A governor, a prefect, or a judge may have his district… (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

DISTRAIN – verb transitive – [Latin dis and stringo. See Strain. Blackstone writes distrein.] 1. To seize for debtto take a personal chatel from the possession of a wrong-doer into the possession of the injured partyto satisfy a demandor compel the performance of a duty; as, to distrain goods from rent, or for an amercement. 2. To rendto tear. – verb intransitive – To make seizure of goods. On whom I cannot distrain for debtFor neglecting to do suit to the lords courtor other personal servicethe lord may distrain of common right. [In this phrase however some word seems to be understood; as, to distrain goods.] (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)


And that’s what you are patriotic about, carelessly and without conscious understanding as to why, waving the US flag of your particular district of Caesar?

The question you should be asking is not when but when aren’t you in the district of the Untied States and its gods (magistrates) and administrative law? The answer, my friend, is never. Why? It’s really simple. Just like a cartoon can’t exist outside of the cartoon realm, nether can a citizen (person/status) exist outside of the fictional district (jurisdiction) that created it. You cannot pretend to be a US citizen-ship unless you worship the law and authority of its gods. So stop pretending you aren’t a volunteer, a servant, and for once in your life acknowledge your free will choice and where it has led you. And don’t you dare call yourself a “Christian” or any other religious flattering title while acting under these false gods under their law and while idolizing them and their system of schemes in mammon with legal “freedom of religion.” If you can’t act like a follower of Christ by penalty of law, then you cannot call yourself as a son of God. You don’t qualify. You aren’t acting the part. Just stop!

IDOLATRY – noun – [Latin idololatria. Gr. idol, and to worship or serve.] 1. The worship of idolsimagesor any thing made by handsor which is not God. Idolatry is of two kinds; the worship of imagesstatuespictures, etc., made by hands; and the worship of the heavenly bodiesthe sunmoon and stars, or of demonsangelsmen and animals. 2. Excessive attachment or veneration for any thingor that which borders on adoration(Webs1828)

IDOLATER – noun – [Latin idololatra. See Idolatry.] 1. A worshiper of idolsone who pays divine honors to imagesstatuesor representations of any thing made by handsone who worships as a deity that which is not Goda pagan. 2. An adorera great admirer(Webs1828)


Why do so many religions cause you to worship angels and saints with halos of light above their heads? Do you know that there are no halos in the Bible, and that the halo appeared upon pre-christian era art of the Egyptian god of Ra, the rays of the sun god? It is idolatry to worship saints (sinners), not the least of all because “saint” is a flattering title, to which the Bible says to never respect. But then, who reads the source of their religion anymore to find out everything they are doing and worshiping and praying for is indeed against Nature’s God and Law.

Whose portrait (image) is on money? Why, its the most celebrated, idolized heads of past magistrate gods, of course — the presidents of the Untied States!

In god(s) we trust… Really?

It would be easier to point out the few things we are not committing idolatry on a daily basis than to point to each instance.

But hey, you don’t believe in God (all of self-Existence/Nature/the Universe)? Then why have you manifestly chosen a replacement, anti-god (president, king, pope) for your idolatrous worship? Why the worship of money and its false existence and valuation (mammon)? Which is more ridiculous, to worship all of Nature as on (monotheist) God, or to worship all things fictional as Real, as a replacement system for Nature and its Law? How can you prove or even consider that God doesn’t exist (i.e. trying to prove a negative, which is impossible) when you have voluntarily voted for so many false, replacement gods in government in Its stead? How can we call ourselves anything but fools in this regard? To be clear, this taking of a false god signifies one and only one thing, an abandonment of God and thus what is called God’s Law, or the Law of Nature, which is where all Natural Rights of men are said to come from even by these legal gods. You do not need to be religious in any way to understand what this means, nor that it is a choice. Only a fool would write this off as just religion when in fact it is all recognized as the foundation and opposing force of (and salvation from) the legal law. It is the common law. For you must realize above all else that the legal system and its false creator gods (magistrates) not only believe in but wholly acknowledge in their law the existence of a higher, uncontrollable power called as “God.” And if they acknowledge it as master, thus so do you as their servant. Again, you have no choice, for they are the lawmakers, administrators, and masters of the persona (property) you pretend to be and use as a districted citizenship.

ACT OF GOD – Inevitable accident;vis major. Any misadventure or casualty is said to be caused by the “act of God“ when it happens by the directimmediateand exclusive operation of the forces of NATUREuncontrolled or uninfluenced by the power of man and without human intervention, and is of such a character that it could not have been prevented or escaped from by any amount of foresight or prudence, or by any reasonable degree of care or diligence, or by the aid of any appliances which the situation of the party might reasonably require him to use. Inevitable accidentor casualtyany accident produced by any physical cause which is irresistible, such as lightning, tempests, perils of the seas, an inundation, or earthquake; and also the sudden illness or death of persons. Under the term “act of God” are comprehended all misfortunes and accidents arising from inevitable necessitywhich human prudence could not foresee or prevent. (Black1)

ACT OF STATE – An act done by the sovereign power of a COUNTRYor by its delegate, within the limits of the power vested in himAn act of state cannot be questioned or made the subject of legal proceedings in a court of law.(Black1)

ACT OF LAW – The operation of fixed LEGAL rules upon given FACTS or occurrencesproducing consequences independent of the design or will of the parties concernedas distinguished from “act of parties.” (Black1)


Stop for a moment and imagine the evil grin upon the face of any judge (false god) towards any fool that stands before him, literally praying (pleading) to him, while claiming at the same time to be an atheist. LOL! Imagine contacting an insurance agency only to be told that an “Act of God” isn’t covered because it’s not a legally sanctioned act of man. To then claim the non-Existence of God would be like dying of thirst because you believe your body needs no water. The author asks not here for the reader to suddenly grasp religion, for religion is not of God (Nature). Religion is a creation of man alone. I simply warn you that only a fool would go down the path of claiming a negative, that God doesn’t Exist, knowing that a negative cannot ever be proven, while at the same time subscribing to a government that not only believes in and acknowledges the power and authority of a God that’s higher than it, but also directly tells you that your only True rights come from God, and that giving up those rights is a necessity to be a citizen in its district.

If it isn’t clear by now, all these things aren’t an effort to attempt to vainly prove that God Exists or does not Exist, but instead to establish the foundation of the entire fiction that is the legal system, which clearly admits of and legislates based on said Existence (God). To participate in such a system while denying the Existence of the very concept and definition of “God” as the source of all things in and as the Universe, in and as Nature (the Universe), and of course the source of all “natural rights” is about as stupid an action as anyone can possibly take. To deny Source is to deny ones own Existence, and that borders on insanity. To deny God is to deny Existence Itself, as nihilism, which in the eyes of any government that bases its entire law and foundational superstructure on the God (verb/action/Existence/Being) of Nature, The Law of God, on self-Existence in self-responsibility, is to necessarily deny the Law of Nature and instead embrace its opposite, the legal law system (doctrine) of man. To declare “atheism” publicly is to declare publicly the need to be enslaved, which is why those that did in recent history were shunned, banished and imprisoned.

Even if this is all fiction, and God doesn’t Exist, I want you to consider that this entire legal, governmental and non-governmental system and its insurances is still based on the fiction, and you are still under that fictional story. It makes no sense whatsoever either way to deny “God” when government elevates “God” as Source and the reason for its existence (opposition). In fact, its really the dumbest “public” thing you can espouse.

I am not spouting my own opinion here, but giving you the definition of God (Jehovah) as it was intended to be read in the Bible and other scriptural (Truthful) sources, and as can be found in the concordances, lexicons, Bible dictionaries, and all other sources. To read the Bible without the definition of God is perhaps the most idiotic thing anyone can do. But then, that’s exactly what we’ve been taught to do, and then to actually debate with each other on whether or not Existence Itself exists? LOL! Brilliant. Oh, the idiocracy we have become…

But then, isn’t that congenial with the whole point of this essay, the mostly unwitting and often purposeful ignorance and irrationality of the public mindset, which can be tricked into actually and publicly not believing in Self-Existence, in what is the self-evident Truth, which is the very definition of God used in the Bible? Not a man in the clouds or a burning bush as used metaphorically to tell a story, but in Nature and all the Universe as a “Living God…” What is God. Its simple. All that is not man-made, including words. Thus “God is Truth.”

Inversely and really quite amazingly, at the same time we have also been completely stupefied and have lost all contemplation that our rulers are our acting replacement gods, or even that as replacement (anti) gods this must necessarily mean that a Higher God must be acknowledge even by them. There is no replacement (anti) without some Source to be opposed to or in the stead of. There can be no alternative immoral (anti-moral), legal law unless first and Highest there is a foundational moral Law. Are these Truths not as well self-evident? We pretend that the current queens (kings), popes, and other rulers are descended from those Kings, Pharaohs and Caesars of old, that nothing has changed accept the ridiculous delusion of active democracy. We are tricked quite handily into voting, or not voting, a wonderfully deceiving false choice. For there is never a choice to vote no. To not vote is a just to abstain, which members of congress do all the time, though the bills the abstain from voting on still get passed. It’s all a trick designed to manufacture at least the illusion of mass consent. And as we now see, the real voting that actually counts — votes for boards of directors and for millions of unelected Executive offices and agency employees in the federal government, which the president appoints — happens behind closed doors without public consent. For the only consent needed is volunteerism. The entirely useless public vote only strengthens the delusion of servitude to these gods. To vote yes or no is to constant to that which you are voting for, no matter the outcome. Thus, a no vote or not voting at all is always counted as a consensual yes vote.

Perhaps the greatest tomfoolery we still suffer to day is the illusion that the public vote ever actually elects the president of the United States. I spent many months dissecting the electoral college process as implemented by the constitution, and attempted to explain it in a short and what I thought would be fun and entertaining documentary with a bit of facial recognition software, which today is all the rage. But, to my chagrin, I mostly received the ultimate fallacy, the ad hominem, a bad case of shoot the messenger. Try something new or different in this crowd, be prepared to be attacked. For there is little brotherly love or organization in the alternative media, just continuous insult and disorganization, the hallmark of any losing side. Try and tell those who believe they have a choice that in reality they don’t, and prepare to be pummeled with belief (faith) based nonsense and insults. But for educational purposes, and if you want to prove to anyone, including yourself, the entire fraud that is our voting system, here it is for better of for worse. This is very important to understand, for it proves without a doubt that the public vote does not count and is never used in federal elections for president. It proves not only our collective idiocracy, but also our idolatry towards candidates (men):



We are so dumbed down that we don’t even realize that political parties are private, non-governmental associations (artificial persons), which steal our choice away from us.

POLITICAL PARTY – A number of persons united in opinion and organized in the manner usual to the then existing political parties. An unincorporatedvoluntary association of persons sponsoring certain ideas of government or maintaining certain political principles or beliefs in public policies of governmentnot a governmental agency or instrumentality. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


Anyone that actually goes to vote for president that has seen and understands this documentary can only be called a complete fool!

Anyone that is still a member of any political party after seeing this documentary and reading this definition should be institutionalized — oh wait, that’s what US public citizenship is! Open-air internment (prison). Political parties, not voters, decide who will be the candidates, and then the electoral college actually elects one of those party members, not you. Does this really make sense to you? Is this what you thought happens? Did you really think your vote was counted? Think again. You are not “the People,” dude! You are a common subject (plebe), not an elector (elite).

Do you actually think that President Donald Trump is not your god as a US citizenship? Silly rabbits… tricks really are for infants (wards). If you use the money and credit (property) and name and number of another, then by default you agree to and accept such a false god (creator) and its legal (false) law governing the use of that property. Like it or not, you’ve already volunteered to be a Trump supporter as a “democrat,” or for that matter, any and everyone and every party member that is president, even “socialists” or “communists.” Remember, no is yes! It is not the man but the office that is a false god, the flattering legal title (mask). It’s all fiction, remember. But you’re actions and participation make it your own virtual reality. It thus controls your actions and keeps you in the legal mindset of this legal matrix and its amoral code.

Perhaps you think that change in your pocket actually belongs to you, that you are not just a user of another’s property?

Perhaps you think that money (mammon) is not the ultimate tool of false judgement, rewarding the criminal element while obfuscating the meek and the charitable? You think the fact that everything Real and artificial being estimated into a fictional, monetary value happened naturally, as if God has a price-gun and marks all things in Nature as commercial products for sale and domination through false valuation (mammon) and inflation in man-made currency?

You think any of this is an Act of the God of Nature? If it was, then government could not control it or tax it, you fool!

You think that government controls us all, including banks, by any other tool than its own persona and money creation and retraction system to create a total welfare state? You think welfare (including pensions) are designed as anything else than to keep you exactly where you are at — middle class or abject poverty, without the power of God’s Law or self-government, and thus in complete and utter dependence and subservience to the government gods that give you your greedy allowance each month because you are to irresponsible to self-govern and do it yourself?

CAPTIO – In old English law and practice. A taking or seizure; arrest; receiving; holding of court.(Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition)

CLERIC – noun – A clerk or clergyman. (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)

CLERICUS – In old English law. A clerk or priest; a person in holy orders; a secular priesta clerk of a court. An officer of the royal household, having charge of the receipt and payment of moneys, etc… In Roman law. A minister of religion in the Christian church; an ecclesiastic or priest. A general term, including bishops, priests, deacons, and others of inferior order. Also of the amanuenses of the judges or courts of the king.(Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition)


Congress, to be exact, is the creator and controller of all these functions regarding the established monetary and financial network. Contrary to the conspiratorial diatribe that floats around the alternative wavelengths and literature like a never-dissipating fart, there is no evil set of “bankers” that control government or its money. If you believe this propaganda, then the real banker that is government can easily get away with its organized crime schemes while you spend all your time looking for that which does not exist. To be clear, by law and even by reason alone, no bank or “banker” (agent) is higher in authority than government (principal), nor is such a status even possible, since that which creates a legal status cannot create such a status that is higher than itself. This is a maxim of law and again self-evident. What is lower cannot create what is higher.

Of course, it was Congress that created the “Securities and Exchange Commission” as an independent agency of government, just as it did the “Federal Reserved System.” All agencies are but government corporations created as congressional aids in the day-to-day business of government (organized crime). One simply cannot be a “banker” unless one receives permissive licensure from government to use that title and benefit to participate in the funny money (fiat) monopoly scheme that is the banking, securities, and stock exchange scam. Again, no person or man may have a status higher than government, than that which creates statuses, for government cannot grant to any man or corporation anything higher than itself. This is a self-evident limitation of all gods and magistrates, though lost on most people. And all maxims of law certainly agree, for the law never requires or allows what is impossible. In more simple terms, the creation can never be higher in status or authority than the creator/inventor. The part is never higher than the whole. The image (idol) cannot actually be greater than the Source.

But the propaganda that some shadowy bankers rule the world is sure a handy cover for the real bankers (world government congresses/legislators) to operate under the cover of public idiocracy, for without even trying they hide their operation under that which cannot exist by their own law!

I bet right now many readers are defending these so-called enemy “bankers” like they defend the central enemy called “the Fed” as they cling to their needed lies and fallacies, for it is much easier to create fictional villains that operate outside of the system than to admit that the true villains are those we ourselves pretend to vote into authority as our gods within the system. And it’s certainly much easier to elect false gods and be subject to the legal law as debt slaves than to follow the Law of Nature and be free from such monetary devices and traps. The self-governing Free man under God — the very concept this country was built upon — is today few and far between.

Just what do you think a banker is?

BANKER – noun – One who keeps a bankone who trafficks in moneyreceives and remits moneynegotiates bills of exchange, etc. (–Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1828)

ARGENTARIUS (plural, Argentarii) – In the Roman law, a money lender or brokera dealer in moneya banker. Argentarium, the instrument of the loan, similar to the modern word “bond” or “note.” (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ARGENTEUS – An old French coin, answering nearly to the English shilling. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ARGENTUM – Silver; money. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ARGENTUM ALBUM – Bullion; uncoined silver; common silver coin; silver coin worn smooth. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

ARGENTUM DEI – God’s money; God’s penny; money given as earnest in making a bargain. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


The corruption of money and bankers is not new, and have never been separate from the church and state. They operate with license from state and forgiveness from church. Ridiculous! There is nothing new under the sun... We are still under the Roman Law as national citizens under Caesar, a word/title that also means district. Again, history hasn’t repeated, for history has no end. History is merely something we talk about as we walk upon its never-ending timeline. Today is tomorrows history. Time is money. As the Eagle’s sang, you can spend all your time making money, or you can spend all your money making time. In the end, they’re the same thing — fiction. Poor and middle class serve time for their crimes, while the wealthy elite pay money instead of giving their time. Time is a creation of man, not God (Nature), for Nature is the unchanging Existence, the God of (Existing as) the permanence of All things. Nature is priceless and timeless. And only in this timeless, priceless garden may men find peace and tranquility.

Government keeps the Fed while the Fed is designated by government to keeps all banks.

Government traffics in money, for the word traffic simply means commerce, trade, and buying and selling of market commodities, and it does so through its independent agency, the Fed, which is and always has been under the authority and law of congress without exception. Any freedoms or independence the Fed or any other agency of government has is because congress made it so. It is ridiculous to believe anything else when all the facts are presented and the shock-jocks and false profit authors are shown to be frauds.

Government is the great negotiator of bills of exchange, being the very creator of the Securities and Exchange system, the stock market, whose corporations are also creations of and under the laws of government.

You will not find a definition for banker that refers to anything but this. The only difference between a “private banker” and an “individual banker” is that the private banker (legal person) is not incorporated as a bank, and is thus merely a trafficker (commercial agent) in mammon by license of government. Both operate within the system and UNDER its laws, and both are required to report their taxable operations to government. And yes, the government is god (creator and lawmaker) of the Fed. There is no mystery here. They are not higher than that which regulates their trade. Government is the only banker (creator), and all other “bankers” fall under its purview and authority. Again, this is self-evident if for no other reason than the very financial reporting requirements we are unveiling here. All so-called “bankers” report to government in one way or the other.

Even the financial and political god “Donald Trump” files tax returns to government, for the name “Donald Trump” and its incorporated conglomerates by that same legal surname only exist inside of government (jurisdiction, corporate limit), not outside. Donald Trump, the person (legal status), simply does not exist in Nature, and neither does your person (legal status). But remember, this is all fiction. None of it is real. It just a trick. It is designed to control you. For there is only one entity in the world that is not controlled by money, and that is its creator, which is government. Money is strictly a tool to bind all men under one false, incorporated god (as a body politic). Money is debt.

The point here is that if you invest in the stock market, stop calling it anything that what it is: gambling. Quit pretending to know what you are doing, and quit pretending that if you happen to do the right thing by chance or even by strategic planning in the markets, you are doing nothing more than supporting this massive scheme to take over the entire corporate structure of the world, especially if you are a pensioner (dependent). For while you may gain some profits in money temporarily, we all lose when in the near-term future the end of these financial schemes comes to fruition and the entire world economy and all its corporation are majority owned by government and thus completely controlled by government in absolute communist style, all the while masquerading as artificial freedom and democracy (i.e. volunteerism).

In essence, pensioners are colloquially like lemmings collectively running while blindfolded towards the edge of a cliff with the rest of us commoners caught in the way, with no other place to go than down. But then, this has always been the goal of implementing a democracy into an other wise self-governing, moral nation.

Don’t like the truth?

Well, don’t shoot this messenger unless you shoot these as well:


Democracy is the road to socialism.”

—Karl Marx


“Democracy is indispensable to socialism.”

Socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interests of the whole people…”

—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, (seperate quotes), excerpted from the pamphlet ‘The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat it, September 1917’ as Lenin’s Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 25, from Lenin Internet Archive.


Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracyand the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.”



A pure democracy is generally a very bad governmentIt is often the most tyrannical government on earth; for a multitude is often rash, and will not hear reason.”

—Noah Webster


“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itselfThere never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

—John Adams


“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.”

—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.”

—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


“There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.”

—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament.”

—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

—Winston Churchill


What is the pension fund system? Democracy in action. For it is when the government and the populace figures out they can vote for themselves personal, vast riches from the public coffers that the true nature of democracy rears its ugly head. And we are watching the consequences even now, as it wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. Yet the average pensioner will sink with the ship rather than repent from that public pension welfare check, as any scoundrel would be expected to do. United we stand MY ASS!

Now, getting back to our subject at hand…

Predicting the stock market, of course, is like predicting a hurricane. Like helpless weathermen with their inept technology designed to somehow fathom the nature of what they call “chaos” (i.e. the unknowable Design of God), these self-proclaimed market gurus report with confidence bleeding into arrogance that which they have no idea is true or false information (the unknowable design of the legal gods in government finance). They attempt to analyze this completely planned, organized, and loosely controlled chaotic system as if they are on the inside — as if they are or at least somehow theosophically have the perspective of its gods. But in reality they are as caught up in the winds of random change in that storm as anyone of us that put our faith (trust) in their apparently magical, even theosophical (god-like) ability to know the direction of the unknown. Yet the chaotic flareups caused by that giant hemorrhoid of a market that keeps growing and shrinking when we least expect it has no readily apparent (public) rhyme or reason, anymore than the Wizard of Oz’s true grand master plan can be understood without revealing the man behind the curtain. Predicting that the stock market will go down (crash) or go up (boom) is like predicting that a tree will eventually grow and die. The guru uses no date, no time, and no reasoning, merely empty time frames and publicly disclosed connections smothered in fallacious logic with no apologies for being wrong in their vague forethoughts or vague timeframes, instead continuously putting forward new possibilities upon the commercial time-line presented on behalf of the latest rhetoric (and now tweets) of market propagandists, who are legally justified, protected, and encouraged to lie to the public.

To this end, we have seemingly trapped ourselves inside our own bubble of shared belief in these publicly disclosed lies. By first respecting the lies by treating them as facts, and then by publicly spreading those lies to others while promoting them as facts, the master plan behind those lies is allowed to come to fruition despite being built upon provable lies and through omission of neutralizing facts. In other words, our mutual lie factories called the mainstream and alternative media feed us not opposing lies, but lies created to suit the disposition and apparent helplessness of the audience. The logical fallacy may go something like this: the mainstream media lies, therefore the alternative media must be true, or, the puppet acting as criminal manager of a pension fund said it publicly, therefore it must be true. It’s not so much that the lie is accepted as truth as much as it is accepted as an excuse. And yet the whole concept behind these audited financial statements is very much to eliminate such public excuses. The CAFR is simply a report of the audited facts and the stated reasons behind those facts. Thus, as we will see, while this pension fund manager of CalPERS is publicly declaring near insolvency for his managed fund through omission of the comparison of any contrary fact, the CAFR says quite the opposite.

But the most horrific part about this is that the rest of us are not really surprised with each new epoch of criminal activity, extortion, and outright pilferage of what was the taxes we paid collectively for what we expected to be taxpayer services. A quick look at just the “non-governmental” investment fund totals for all governments out there, and it’s easy to feel the giant, perfectly designed screw burrowing all the way up our collective, dumb asses.

For now, let us count down the so-called “facts” as publicly presented so far…

  1. CalPERS is somehow near insolvency.
  2. A “pension fund crisis” (future doom) is apparent and seemingly inevitable.
  3. Therefore, CalPERS pension fund (and others) may need a taxpayer reform or bailout soon.
  4. This is apparently true and “confirmed” because of the public heresy spoken by a board member of CalPERS on a tweet and from other publicly spun rhetoric.

You see, while you believe that the public is merely made to bail out banks as private institutions from government when they are caught making bad investments, the truth is that the public is made to bail out government-held and proxy-vote controlled institutions of its own. It is the principal bailing out its agents through public debt, for the sole purposes of continued corporate existence (continuity of government) and to keep the shareholders (mostly government and elite) happy. Now you have the full picture. You are bailing out government’s stock position, not just those corporations, for it is law to make the shareholders profit. Can you say conflict of interest?

Before we address these fallacious fear-porn talking points as completely falsified, designed nonsense, let’s get a little more information about the reasons behind such unverified, veiled public heresy and this all around bad reporting of it. Why lie?

Continuing with the ZeroHedge publicly parroted report:

“Westly was referring to an editorial laying out “the essence” of California’s pension crisis, exposed last week when the $350 billion California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) made a “relatively small changein its amortization policy

Specifically, the CalPERS board voted to change the period for recouping future investment losses from 30 years to 20 years. While this may not sound like much, the bottom line is that it would require the California state government and thousands of local government agencies and school districts “to ramp up their mandatory contributions to the huge trust fund.”

As author Dan Walters observes, with client agencies – cities, particularly – already complaining that double-digit annual increases in CalPERS payments are driving some of them towards insolvency, the new policy – which kicks in next year – will raise those payments even more.

What we are trying to avoid is a situation where we have a city that is already on the brink, and applying a 20-year amortization schedule would put them over the edge,” a representative of the League of California Cities, Dane Hutchings, told the CalPERS board before its vote.”


I dare anyone to find me a city that is actually “on the brink…” not by its public commentary (propaganda) and yearly budgetary nonsense and lack of disclosure, but based on its CAFR audit report? Anyone?

Amazingly, the whole scheme is plotted here in just a couple of sentences, and yet the public seems unable to put the pieces together…

If the reader has not put two and two together yet, you should know that when this article states that the “California state government and thousands of local government agencies and school districts” must “ramp up their mandatory contributions to the huge trust fund,” you must realize that there is only one source of funding for all of these governments — and that’s you. And me. And all other public taxes and fees paid by everyone else in every state and the nation. Yes, that’s right, your taxpayer money is placed into investment funds like this instead of being used for what you imagined it would be used for. But then, who really needs taxpayer services anyway, right? Who doesn’t want nothing for something, after all? Who doesn’t like paying for what you don’t get? And who doesn’t think it’s perfectly reasonable that local governments should bail out a pension fund when it takes a temporary loss on its gambling habits, even if it will cause them to go bankrupt?

It’s the American way…

At this point though, one would think that even the pensioners themselves, those taking benefits, money, insurance, etc. from this fund, would realize the insanity behind such a plan. But then, in the free wage-slave capitalist system, one doesn’t bite the hand that both feeds them and chokes them and their family, neighbors, and friends at the same time. The pensioner is first in line, of course, to support any excuse (public lie) that comes along so that government can extort from the rest of us to support themselves. This is the curse of mammon.

If only the pensioners themselves understood that insolvency means reorganization, and that reorganization means pension fund cuts and the decrease or death of their meager benefits. This lot of loosely organized pensioners is like a parasite that starts eating itself once all the meat and organs of the host are devoured! Not ironically, the pensioner sees him or her self no longer as a taxpayer but as a government-employed pensioner, exactly as a unionized laborer imaginarily sees him or her self as part of that communistically designed, semi-elitist club that artificially raises ones status in commercial society and feeds the ego with flattery of title and benefits unequal to all others not in or allowed to be in the club. We forget, collectively, that we are all in the same boat, paying the same taxes as subjects and hoping for a responsible, honest, and dependable government in exchange for voluntarily extorted taxes. Instead, we are turned against each other and made completely irrational, competitive, and cold-hearted, caught up in whatever mutual excuse the party, union, or group publicly supports to justify our artificial existence as its member. Their continuous flow of money-for-nothing at the expense of all others in their regular and “early” retirement is apparently more important than their support of a stable and mutually beneficial local government.

I pay taxes for potholes to be repaired. They pay taxes to support their own pensions while potholes continue to grow unchecked due to lack of taxpayer money that is instead exacted into keeping the pension fund’s appearance of future solvency based on false actuarial projections in 20-30 years.

The greatest delusion of all here is that pension funds are funded by and strictly for the employees that are members. They are not. They are globalist, governmental investment schemes that are responsible more than any other financial tool in existence for globalism and for unprecedented corporate funding of the worst possible corporations by government-controlled investments. They are a constant flow of required taxpayer money being invested into the future state of global, centralized governance of all corporations, on stock purchase at a time. The pensioner has no stake whatsoever in the funds, which is why what they invest into the pension fund is called a “contribution.” Once a contribution (gift) is made, it is not retainable. The pensioner can only hope they die before the ultimate end-game happens — the sacking of the fund due to military or corporate takeover or bankruptcy reorganization. PENSIONERS HAVE NO EQUITY IN THESE FUNDS.

To be clear, contributions to these funds are an imposition, not a right. The problem with the collective delusion of pensioners is that they don’t realize they are themselves considered as unable to care for themselves, and thus completely dependent on the system the contribute to. Dependence is certainly not in any way freedom, though they’ll sell you that it is.

IMPOSE – To levy or exact as by authority; to lay as a burden, tax, duty or charge. (–Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

IMPOSITION – An impost; tax; contribution(–Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)

CONTRIBUTORY – noun – A person liable to contribute to the assets of a company which is being wound up, as being a member or (in some cases) a past member thereof. (–Webster’s Dictionary of the American Language, 1828)

CONTRIBUTORY – adjective – Joining in the promotion of a given purposelending assistance to the production of a given result(–Webster’s Dictionary of the American Language, 1828)

CONTRIBUTION – In the civil law. A partition by which the creditors of an insolvent debtor divide among themselves the proceeds of his property proportionably to the amount of their respective credits. Division which is made among the heirs of the succession of the debts with which the succession is charged, according to the proportion which each is bound to bear. In common law. The sharing of a loss or payment among several. The act of any one or several of a number of co-debtorsco-sureties, etc., in reimbursing one of their number who has paid the whole debt or suffered the whole liability, each to the extent of his proportionate share(–Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


They take your contribution and divide it among themselves (between persons, for corporations are persons too), and in return for your blind support of their combination of globalist corporate empire, they give you a return on your blanket share and according to its value. But this return is secondary in every way to the plan itself, being only the excuse that allows them to exact from you and from I and all other taxpayers to support globalization and one world “corporate governance.” The pensioner is made to feel as a beneficiary, when in reality he or she is a victim of his or her own blind greed and unreasonable consideration of just what there pension funds really are — tools of total corporate globalization and centralization of all corporations into and under government control through stock ownership and collective shareholder proxy voting. In other words, the main collective shareholder gets to vote for whom is elected as boards of directors for all corporations worldwide. It gets to vote on whether mergers and acquisitions will or will not be allowed. And most importantly, the board it elects then appoints the CEO (president) of the company.

And so your millions and millions of individual little contributions matched and tripled by taxpayer (government-funded) contributions have indeed created such a monster that one cannot even imagine its size, for like The Matrix simulation, it represents the entire corporate structure of the world. It represents every chain-store you shop at, every bank on every corner, every investment firm, every pharmaceutical conglomerate, every car brand and dealer out there, and every war and weapons manufacturer in existence, everywhere. This mix of government and commercial corporations essentially places all citizens into a company store, where government prints the money we earn, taxes and imposes upon us what it desires, allows us to spend what’s left of that money in one of its investment-held corporations as they legally engross us all (charge outrageously high prices/commit legal usury by license), and then allow us to deposit, save, and invest any leftovers in their stock-owned and completely controlled system of international banks.

In other words, we are workers that spend our corporate-earned money in the collective company store, since all companies are not government held and governed. Thus, we are engrossed, extorted, and made to suffer all sorts of usury by such a monopoly.

If you are not familiar with how government agencies like CalPERS proxy votes in corporations, either watch my over 4 hour documentary, The Great Pension Fund Hoax, or just let CalPERS explain from its own website (active links):

Proxy Voting

As a long-term share ownerCalPERS sees voting our proxies as the primary way we can influence a company’s operations and corporate governance. This is why it’s important for shareowners to vote and make their decisions based on a full understanding of publicly available information.

For more information on CalPERS proxy voting, read the CalPERS Governance & Sustainability Principles (PDF).

Proxy Voting Decisions

To view a record of all CalPERS global proxy voting activityvisit Global Proxy Voting Decisions.

CalPERS also publishes additional voting information for high profile votes and company-specific shareowner campaigns. Visit Key Decisions for additional details. All votes are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice.

For more information, read the related article Proxy Access Gains Ground as Companies Reach Pacts with Shareholder Proponents.



While no one government is a majority shareholder, when all governments pool their votes collectively through private, non-governmental associations, then as a single force governments (share-holders) become as one voice, and are when combined as shareholder proxy voters the largest by far of all institutional holders of corporate stock.  E Pluribus Unum, out of many one. So the next time you hear that congress is colloquially owned by corporations as some mainstream or alternative idiot-box news outlet talking point, you’ll laugh as you are one of the few who actually know that the opposite is true, that congress has no ownership stock to be owned, and that all corporations are staffed and operated through collective, organized, government shareholders. And so if you haven’t figured it out yet, through the illusion of competition, corporations are part of (majority share owned by) government. In other words, this spells organized crime to the fullest degree. Some might go a step further and call it socialism, or fascism. But then, this is always the hidden goal of instilling a democracy – total ownership of the commercial world by government. It’s even a plank of the Communist Manifesto, of which all ten planks have been made law in some form in the United States.

For more information, watch The Great Pension Fund Hoax, always free on Youtube and at

But again, I digress…

Let’s address the first glaringly obvious lie listed in the above publicly claimed list of supposedly fearful facts and talking points, at least obvious to any thinking, reasonable man (male or female) that picks up an audited financial statement to verify such publicly reported rhetoric and is able therefore to neutrally put the pieces together. First, let’s find the un-hidable truth. I’d like to point out right here that when they say that the CalPERS investment fund is currently managing $350 billion in assets, we are talking about 350,000 individual bundles of $1 million dollars. One trillion equals a million million. Can you even imagine what that would look like in your head? And so this notion of being on the brink of insolvency is almost laughable when this alone is considered. I mean, seriously, they are saying $350 billion in continuous, overall gains for the life of the fund and also insolvency in the same sentence here!

But perhaps the reader won’t comprehend the laughable obfuscation here until we uncover all the facts as to why this lie is so hilarious. Moving on…

If CalPERS has 2 million members, then at $350 billion in current assets, that means it has $175,000 extra for each member already invested, aside from its yearly costs and pension plan obligations. In other words, these funds are completely separate and have nothing to do with the budgetary requirements of this pension fund and the “contributions” it receives from members and from governments (taxpayers) shown on the budget report. And remember, this is the figure after all expenses and obligations are payed each year to each member. And this gain balance keeps getting exponentially larger each year (on average), while at the same time this board member is claiming the fund is somehow also near insolvency.

In order to understand the gross magnitude of this particular public (unofficial) lie, we must have a look at what this fund’s investment value was less than 5 short years ago before passing any judgements on its performance and possible insolvency. Again, while we can plainly see in the CAFR audit that the fund balance and valuation of the CalPERS portfolio of assets are in truth skyrocketing up and up and up on an overall yearly average, these propagandists are at the same time publicly claiming the opposite is true, that the fund is somehow insolvent. One of these facts is true, documented, and reported in the audited CAFR. One is complete heresy, backed only by artificially projected, actuarial predictions created by attorneys and accountants designed with the purpose to deceive the public and cause an excuse and justification of financial bailouts with taxpayer money. One is in an actual audited accounting while one is certainly not. Yet in the same breath, we find that this fund is being said to contain an increase in investment assets that currently stands at $350 billion while also being close to insolvency.

If you understand this, then you understand the difference between the yearly budget and the comprehensive (from the beginning) audit called the CAFR. The budget is merely an incomplete, dumbed down (public) version of the CAFR. The budget cannot be fully understood, in fact, without the CAFR, and the budget refers to the CAFR when full public disclosures are undesired. In short, the budget is in no way comprehensive, just as most publicly disclosed information is generally incomplete and designed to deceive through obfuscation and omission of all facts involved. But this is not illegal in any way, for what is comprehensive, the audit itself, is made “publicly available.” The lawmakers are the organized crime syndicate (congress) and its legion of non-governmental organizations, like the private Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). In other words, the beneficiaries of the crime and of the fees and tax-extortion makes the rules.

But what use is published information in a dumbed down society? The constitution of the United States and of each state are also publicly available, as is the entirety of the US Code and state laws. Does that mean that most people actually know the full, comprehensive law? Does that mean the common citizenry has any idea what the constitution actually states and intends in its rhetoric? Absolutely not, as I have harshly and painfully uncovered in past endeavors. For if they (we) did, they (we) would not voluntarily be contracted in surety to a United States citizenship unless they (we) were actually insane or inept, which not ironically is exactly what such a national citizenship represents — idiocy, wardship, dependence, and a total lack of the ability to self-govern. This is not so different than membership in a pension fund — dependency on government and its law, benefits and restrictions, due to the lack of ability to self-govern ones own financial situation, which is seen by government agencies as the same form of idiocy. Like children, pensioners and employees are given monthly allowances because they could not possibly handle or responsibly manage their own full estate. Even the state lottery schemes are set up to pay its slave-minded winners in default yearly stipends while each lottery fund run by and benefiting government invests for itself the unpaid remainder (lump sum), taking for itself what would be the interest and investment returns that would have gone to the winner if he or she could handle such a  responsibility!

But they don’t teach this stuff in public school, now do they?

And yes, again, this multifaceted, duplicitous lie is perfectly legal on the public front. It is your fault if you believe the propaganda without verifying its source documentation and audit. You have no excuse, and neither do those re-reporting this crap and thus inevitably, often unwittingly and unintentionally supporting the oppositional plan behind it all.

The truth hurts… I get it. But at the same time the Truth is the only Real thing that can set anyone free. For the truth may only harm or offend those living in or protected by a lie. Is the pain worth it? In Truth, this is all nothing if not the very self-evident nature and consequence of mammon, and why this love of money (belief in the artificial valuation in money of all things) is the root of all this evil. At this point in this essay, one either accepts their own disposition as accurate (as devised by government through trickery and temptation) or one shoots the messenger for telling the Truth. The ill-informed, extorted, and victimized taxpayer or the ill-informed, exacted from, but also monetarily (artificially) rewarded pensioner… which one are you?

Or are you both? You can’t be one (a pensioner) without being the other (a taxpayer) it seems.

Now, let’s add to our list of ever growing fear-based, unsubstantiated concerns here — some true, some not so much:

  1. CalPERS is somehow publicly stated to be near insolvency.
  2. A “pension fund crisis” (doom) is apparent and seemingly inevitable.
  3. Therefore, CalPERS pension fund may need a taxpayer reform or bailout soon.
  4. This is true and “confirmed” by the public heresy spoken by a board member of CalPERS while not under oath.
  5. CapPERS investment fund value is up to around $350 billion in current assets as of this copied  tweet at 1:40 PM – Feb 22, 2018, an increase from the previous fiscal year CAFR reported and audited earnings of about $25 billion so far for this fiscal year. (Note: the fiscal year for CalPERS ends June 30 each year, so that’s a $25 billion gain in less than 8 months, with four more months of performance gains to go, placing it well over or even double the projected actuarially needed investment gain expectations for the year.)
  6. Despite this, its manager claims the need to possibly recoup from previous years the investment losses from taxpayers (as government funded bailouts for bad investments), ignoring completely the good years that not only make up for it, like this current one, but completely ignoring the fact that the fund is solvent and growing by multi-billions on average every year. The goal is to never publicly reveal these positive, over-expected averages by hiding the CAFR through utter silence about its existence.
  7. Taxpayers already pay for (fund) these pensions with their taxpayer money, called as “government contributions,” listed here as “mandatory contributions,” and now they want more, even if it bankrupts local governments to do so.
  8. Because taxpayer money must be collected and used to pay for these pensions, and despite the fact that these pensions are strictly for government employees and do not benefit the vast majority (around 40 million Californians) as average, common, non-pensioned taxpayers in any way whatsoever, the local governments of all common people may go insolvent because these governments (corporations) cannot pay for their other obligations to those other 38 million or so taxpayers.
  9. To be clear, cities, counties, school districts, etc. may declare a special bankruptcy for municipal corporations because they cannot pay for pension fund contributions using taxpayer money, because the rules of the congress of the United States and of the corporate states require pre-funding of pension funds based on artificial, completely unreasonable actuarial reports by corrupt pension fund managers themselves, which are the cause of any appearance (lie) of any shortage of “future funding.


If this last part is not clear, I would point you to my previous exposure of this idiocracy of an investment scam from several years ago, which will bring not only clarity but allow you to do the same simple research into your own local governments within their sourced CAFR audits. You can obtain a city or county CAFR online or at your local library along with the budget reportusually at the resource desk, or as a digital copy online. The amount of assets hidden from each of us by the purposefully obfuscating and inadequate yearly budget report when put in comparison to this full and comprehensive report each year is staggering to say the least. There is literally no such thing as an insolvent government in the United States, including Detroit and Stockton, when considering each governments legally required and CAFR-audited investment funds. But you won’t discover this by reading only the yearly budget, which ignores such accumulated investments returns and interest. There are instead congressional and state laws that purposefully prevent your taxpayer money from being used for taxpayer purposes, even when they are needed. Instead, our taxpayer collections are labeled as “restricted” (for limited use only) by being placed in specialized investment funds, often labeled specifically as “non-governmental” and as “enterprise” funds. The existence of these reserved investment funds is strictly for the purpose of keeping them from being used for any other taxpayer services — to keep them out of the “general fund” (used for “unrestricted” taxpayer use). There is no excuse to not use what is in the general fund, and so these many schemes, pension funds, and other non-governmental (non-taxpayer) and enterprise funds are created to cause funds in the general fund to be transferred out and into those funds that, by law, cannot be used for general purposes (i.e. taxpayer services).

Learn how to quickly spot this “legal” scheme here:


And if you wonder whether this author, that is, myself, is qualified to speak of such things, you can see all of my CAFR research here (many links), including my over 6 hours of documentaries on the subject entitled as The Corporation Nation Part 1 and Part 2: The Great Pension Fund Hoax:


For our purposes, note here that the budget is in no way an official or full audit. The big difference between a basic yearly budget report and this full or “comprehensive” annual report (audit) is that while the CAFR shows everything for every past year as one continuous fund, the budget report shows only assets and liabilities and gains or losses for that particular year. And so one may use that one bad year as an artificially presented and singular public spectacle while ignoring all other average, good, or even extremely great and over-profitable years in between, in order to show falsely that, while over all the fund is incredibly successful and meeting its long-term goals, that one bad year is all they want you to see. If they can focus you on that bad year, and maybe the expected, cyclical bad year from seven years ago due to bad market conditions, thus causing you (the public) to ignore the CAFR report of all good and bad years in balanced combination, then I can cause a fear-based reaction so as to extort even more taxpayer funds while putting forward the scary publictruth (lie) that the fund is in danger of a false-insolvency in the future. Ignore that $350 billion in investments, for you see, through our trickery, it is already somehow pretended to be spent 30 years from now. Nothing to see here…

So that you may see exactly what amounts to the burden for California taxpayers to fund not only these 2 million or so members of the CalPERS system, but the 2,945 CalPERS employees and the over $1 billion paid just as “commissions and fees” to the many, many banks and fund managers involved in this globalist pension investment scheme whether this CalPERS fund wins or loses, let’s take a look at the CAFR (Audit) for both the 2012 and the 2017 fiscal year, and using the currently stated figure above, showing $350 billion in current CalPERS assets.

Firstly, here is an excerpt from one of my older blog entries. In this CAFR-verified report we read:

Press Release
July 16, 2012
External Affairs Branch

CalPERS Reports Preliminary 2011-12 Fiscal Year Performance of 1 Percent.

Real estate portfolio earns nearly 16 percent exceeding benchmark

SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) today reported a 1 PERCENT RETURN on investments for the 12 MONTHS that ended June 30, 2012, falling SHORT of its benchmark that returned 1.7 percent.CalPERS assets at the end of the fiscal year stood at more than $233 BILLION.


You see, this was labeled as a “bad year,” for the fund only because it was a bad year for the never-ending stock market. This is of course on the surface a seemingly logical though completely fallacious conclusion. For let’s be clear that this CalPERS fund admittedly still gained a 1% profit after all obligations were met! That’s 1% on the over 220 billion they already possess! So they only gained in profit 2.2 billion that year. How sad for them… And so it’s not that the fund lost money or even really did poorly considering the market conditions and over $2 billion of profit it made after all expenses and obligations were paid. No, it’s only that the fund didn’t reach its actuarially (artificially) projected goal set out by purposefully deceitful accountants, attorneys, and politicians, in order to completely deceive the public and raise contributory taxes collected from all local and state governments. It made a profit, but not according to its goals. Thus they report to the public they did not meet their margins, though still gaining a fortune after all benefits and obligations are paid. So the fund publicly lost, even though it privately gained. See how that works? Imagine if you reported a loss to the IRS when in fact you obviously and without question made such a huge profit?

And trust me, the taxpayers or pensioners never get a refund for these extra gains because of the next great or outstanding year in returns, say when the gains are in the 10’s of billions. In fact, if you do the math, this fund literally has enough value listed here that it could pay benefits for 30 years as it stands, and more when considering the death statistics for current employees and retirees.

Meanwhile, on the back page of the news, thousands of California children are starving in the streets.

And so we can see that a gain is being cleverly reported as somehow being a loss. This, again, is done through the magic trick of actuarial prediction (projection). The con goes like this… Our gain is a loss because in the very far off future we predict without proof that we will use that gain of today for expenses in 30 or 40 years. Why? Because we say so. Our paid, corrupt, professional consensus of accountants and attorneys agree and have gave their paid for and therefore completely biased OPINION that within this fiscal year, in fact, instead of making an over $2 billion dollar gain in reality, the fund in fact had an imaginary future loss, which means we must consider actual gains in asset value as a current loss based on future, imaginary projections made by us. Get it?

This is the organized criminal lie called actuarial predictions. And it is what government uses in every case to hide any surplus of taxpayer monies, by sticking it all into investment funds that will pay for projected but often non-existent or revokable future expenses or bond issues, thereby declaring that those funds are unusable today for taxpayer purposes. It’s a brilliant scheme, which is why pension and other government funds are literally called as “schemes.” And this future liability compared to current asset scheme is the sole reason used to declare that governments and government pension funds are “insolvent.” It’s not just a lie, its an incredibly well laid out plan to “legally” (by their own law and license) defraud and steal from all of us while at the same time first building and then depleting these funds for their own globalist gains and total control of the majority stock and thus shareholder votes in all corporations across the globe.

This 2013 report continues by stating something very important… something that seems to be lost on or purposefully ignored by any and everyone victimized by this con game:

CalPERS 1 percent return is below the fund’s discount rate of 7.5 percent,a long-term hurdle lowered recently in response to a steady decline in inflation and as part of CalPERS routine evaluation of economic assumptionsCalPERS 20-year investment return is 7.7 percent.”

It’s important to remember that CalPERS is a long-term investor and one year of performance should not be interpreted as a signal about our ability to achieve our investment goals over the long-term,” said Henry Jones, Chair of CalPERS Investment Committee…”


And therein lies the very root of all these fear tactics and lies. This is not a publicly made statement, for the public is not supposed to be aware of let alone read the CAFR, let alone be able to understand it and its mystery of schema and terminology. Here we can see that over 20 years, CalPERS is exactly on track with its projected earnings, attaining a 7.7 percent long-term investment return over that time period, which is .7% more than it projects as its goal for total success and indeed sweet, sweet solvency. In other words, as of this 2013 report, there is absolutely no problem whatsoever with the fund itself regarding its entire, long-term or short-term existence. The fund’s criminal mismanagement, on the other hand, is a totally different topic.

Please understand that this is the essential difference between the CAFR and the budget report. The CAFR is the audit for the life (long-term) of the fund, while the budget is merely a yearly report that excludes long-term information such as this. And it is this distinction, this exclusion of vital information, that allows them to lie and raise taxes while hoarding and hiding taxpayer monies (government funds). Obfuscation of facts is everything. As such, here we show conclusive proof in the CAFR that the fund is over-performing beyond actuarial projections, the opposite of what is being publicly reported in a public (global) con to not only raise taxes but cause insolvency in local governments, an act that will inevitably, even necessarily effect the contracts between those local governments and the CalPERS fund, meaning that contracts will be canceled or rewritten so that the pension fund can renege on its promised obligations — the very benefits paid to contributing and non-contributing retirees. The goal is not to save the pension fund, but to cause it even more profits by lowering its obligations through renegotiations with the very cities, districts, counties and other local governments the fund-board is causing to go insolvent. And you wonder why it’s called pension scheme? Same old ponzi under a different name, folks. This is the very essence of “legal” organized crime by government.

To show the purposeful and sometimes even legally (federally) required mismanagement of this pension investment fund, we need not look into the daily routines of its management team, we only need verify whether or not the actual, stated goals of CalPERS investment returns are being met on a long-term basis. If they are, and we find that this fund is still in 2018 holding on to its long-term (20 year) goal of a 7% return on investment, then we know instantly that all of this fear porn and fallacious rhetoric is a big fat budgetary (public) lie designed to cause chaos at the local and state level – a scam to raise and exact more taxpayer money for government investment funds. For remember, if a city, county, district, or other government municipal corporation declares bankruptcy (insolvency), only then can CalPERS and that local government break with its pension contracts and obligations to its members, lowering or cancelling altogether any retirement payments in the interest of becoming a solvent corporation once again.

It’s a scam, folks. It’s a scam I’ve been uncovering for 7 years! I’m going to write a whole book on the subject, perhaps including this essay. In fact, here is a primer for that book, a look at Stockton, Ca and its artificial crisis and fear of bankruptcy, as an in depth examination of the whole scene and public lies accompanying municipal bankruptcy declarations. The municipal world is indeed by a stage for actors to professionally lie.


If you want to understand the game, this is a very long and detailed look into the lie being perpetrated on us all, using pensions and other non-governmental funding means to declare insolvency and renege on contractual obligations to taxpayers and tax-paying pensioners. And all of this is reported every year right in the CAFR (audit) of the Stockton municipal corporation government. They don’t hide their organized crime, they report it openly. They merely don’t speak of the CAFR, so no one bothers to look. It’s the great open secret, the holy grail of government accounting, and no politician lasts long when he either discovers or speaks honestly about it in public forums.

But let’s get back to our artificial California pension problem, shall we? For we have some new facts to compare.

Here’s our list again, which we will expose as a blatant stack of lies:

  1. CalPERS is near insolvency.
  2. A “pension crisis” is apparent.
  3. CalPERS pension fund may need a reform or bailout soon.
  4. This is “confirmed” by the heresy spoken by a board member of CalPERS.
  5. CapPERS investment fund value is up to around $350 billion
  6. Despite this, it recoups investment losses from taxpayers (as government funded bailouts for bad investments).
  7. Taxpayers already pay for (fund) these pensions with taxpayer money, called as government contributions, and listed here as mandatory contributions.
  8. Because taxpayer money must be collected and used to pay for these pensions, and though these pensions for government employees benefit the vast majority (30 million) average non-pensioned taxpayers in no way whatsoever, local governments may go insolvent because they cannot pay for their other obligations to those same taxpayers.
  9. To be clear, cities, counties, school districts, etc. may go bankrupt because they cannot pay for pension fund contributions using taxpayer money.

Now let’s start a new list of that which we can confirm from the CAFR as the audited facts that completely dispute what has been lied to us in the public and parroted in the so-called news of mainstream and alternative rags:

1. CalPERS assets at the end of the fiscal year (in the 2012 CAFR) stood at more than $233 billion.
2. The CalPERS fund’s discount rate or target rate of return is  over 7.5% over a long-term or 20 year time period.
3. As of 2012, CalPERS 20-year investment return was reported in the 2012 CAFR at 7.7 percent, .2% higher than needed to meet its future obligations of today.
4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this fund as of 2012…

At this point we should be able to take this acquired data and compare it to the most recently published CAFR (audit report) in 2017 (five years later) and according to its currently reported assets ($350 billion in 2018) so as to verify whether or not CalPERS itself is having any problems, as loosely reported by ZeroHedge and based only on quotes from its managers, whom by the way it serves well to have a misinformed public not only ignorant of the actual performance of the fund and its management, but also of the very CAFR (Audit) that would expose their blatant lies and purposeful trickery and misrepresentations.

Hint: The fund has grown by over $117 billion in its asset valuation in only 5 and a half years!

Here is a quote directly from the 2013 CAFR:

CalPERS investments rebounded with a solid net return of 13.2 percent in the 2012-13 Fiscal Yearwhich is WELL ABOVE our long-term annual average assumption of 7.5 percentOur 20-year average annual return is 7 6 percent, and our 30-year average is 9.4 percent.

As of June 30, 2013, net position for the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF) was $262 billion,A GAIN OF $25 BILLION over the previous 12 months.”

Hold up just a minute!

So the 30-year return is actually a whole 1.9% higher than your projected long-term goals? Holy Cow! This thing’s running smoother than a baby’s butt! Obviously this “good” year more than made up for the previous “bad” year, eh? But in the interests of obfuscation towards a public idiocracy, they only publicly used the “bad” year’s temporary results, pretending that the fund is not reaching its long-term goals by focusing attention like a magician on their left hand, only the short-term goal and losses for that one “bad” year while stealing us blind with your right hand, a fully and in fact well over-funded pension plan?

Very clever…

Yet parrots the following “public” (unaudited) information, which stand completely opposite to and absolutely discredited by what is shown in the easy to verify CAFR audit report, if only a bit of due diligence was done before reporting such blatant lies as truths:

“Ironically, it was just a decade ago that CalPERS’ lofty equity allocation resulted in a staggering losses, and the current dead end. The trust fund lost about $100 billion in the Great Recession and never has fully recovered…“

Never fully recovered…? (Insert LOL here)

And what exactly does that mean? What is recovery defined as, anyway? Is the fund short a penny or billions of dollars? Or is this just absolute hogwash? What is that loss based on, exactly? Reality or fiction (actuarial predictions)? Or is this like marking up a resale product only to put it on sale for the same price it already was before its markup? Is this just the grand illusion of future liabilities erasing actual, current assets again? Of course it is…

We just read that this fund is in fact officially reported and audited to be standing far above its short and long-term targeted goals, being completely solvent. So what gives?  Something smells very fishy here, and I am confident that I need not hedge my bet that that smell is coming from the empty, unverified yet arrogantly confident rhetoric over at and all other “news” outlets while calling it the facts.

This one’s easy. Let’s test the theory, this empty and ridiculous proposition, that the CalPERS fund lost and has not recovered 100 billion in its portfolio. For we already know that the scene is above target with its long term goals, a fact that alone disproves this lie.

But let’s simply look at the totals again…

To be clear, the fund has indeed risen since 2006, a year or two before this so-called “Great Recession” where the market was drained, monetized, and rewarded to the financial elite (organized criminals). But a “good” that more than makes up for a “bad” year or “recession” they simply don’t like to talk about. This empty statement of the CalPERS fund not being able to recover from the “Great Recession” is just a flat out lie, completely unable to be substantiated in any way, and therefore absolutely ridiculous in every way. But don’t take my word for it. Remember, look at the audit (CAFR), not the public news and dime-a-dozen websites that parrot each other as if they are primarily sourced. These sites are the very reason there is no truth in the truth movement!

From the 2006 CAFR we read:

“Fiscal year 2005-06 was a year of progress for our organization. In November 2005, we reached a milestone of $200 billion in assets. This remarkable achievement reflects our diversified investment strategy and the diligence of our investment staff…”

CalPERS in 2010 – 13.3 % increase with a $23.2 billion gain in net assets after all benefits paid.

“The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the largest U.S. public pension, earned a 12.5 percent return in 2010, led by gains in private equity and U.S. stocks, Chief Investment Officer John Dear said.

The $228 billion pension fund earned 17.3 percent from domestic equity and 21.5 percent in alternative investments such as private equity, Dear said today. Its real-estate portfolio lost 5 percent while its fixed-income investments gained 12 percent.”

(Source –>

To be clear, in 2010, just 2 years after the so-called “Great Recession,” the CalPERS pension fund is showing a $28 Billion dollar gain in its asset portfolio. Yet the report states clearly that “The trust fund lost about $100 billion in the Great Recession and never has fully recovered,” even though in the same report shows the funds current assets for 2018 standing at #350 Billion, a well over $120 billion gain since then. What gives? How can such irresponsible reporting be accepted by these “fans,” when such an obvious and blatant contradiction is reported in the same article? Amazing…

CalPERS  in 2011 – $41.1 billion gain in net assets after all benefits paid in just this one year.

CalPERS reports 20.7% investment return for fiscal year

“The California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) reported a 20.7 percent return on investments in preliminary estimates for the one-year period that ended June 30, 2011.

This is our best annual performance in 14 years, said Rob Feckner, CalPERS Board President. For the second straight fiscal year, the Pension Fund exceeded its long-term annualized earnings target of 7.75 percent.”


In the 2016 CAFR, we read also that:

CalPERS investments rebounded with a solid net return of 13.2 percent in the 2012-13 Fiscal Year, which is WELL ABOVE our long-term annual average assumption of 7.5 percent.” –Page 4

It’s all about balance, you see? Little reported good years are the cure for over-reported bad years, and there are many more good years than bad years. In fact, it’s so good that CalPERS nest egg has met and overreached all of its long-term goals, despite the open lies (public statements) it tells the public. All one needs to understand is within these audited CAFRs FOR EVERY GOVERNMENT CORPORATION!

But let’s go a step farther here. Let’s look at the 2017 result for the CalPERS fund as quoted in its CAFR (required audit). Here’s the opening statement by its controller to its corporate board:

“November 16, 2017

“Members of the CalPERS Board of Administration:

“I am pleased to present the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS or the System) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017.

“Since coming to CalPERS as the new CEO in October 2016, I have focused on ensuring the LONG-TERM sustainability of the System. During this past fiscal year, we took a number of important steps to strengthen the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF) and move toward our overall goal of fully funding pension benefits promised to members.

With that goal in mindI’m pleased to report that as the financial markets have improved, so have our assetsOur investment assets increased by more than $24 billion and stood at $326 billion as of June 30, 2017, compared with $302 billion as of June 30, 2016. The PERF realized a strong 11.2 percent overall net return on investments in Fiscal Year 2016-17 primarily due to the strong performance of financial markets. Our public equity investments had a 19.6 percent net return, followed by a double-digit return of 13.9 percent for private equity investments, and a 7.4 percent return in real assets.”

Oops! That sounds like a good year! Shhhhh! Don’t talk about it to the plebes…

At this point, the reader of this should be extremely pissed off. I mean out of control, torches and pitchforks pissed. But for some reason all I see is calm. Unfortunately, I cannot explain this phenomenon within the confines of this essay, other than to say the Music Man has sold us instruments without teaching us to play them, though we continue to believe we know. Perhaps if we get band uniforms?

Let’s not forget that the beginning of this so-called “news” report (above) shows current totals for 2018 standing at over $350 billion. I remind you that this is up about $48 billion in profit from just 2016 totals, which is less than 2 years. Does that sound like insolvency to you? Where’s the crisis? Where’s the source of all this fear?

Oh, right. There isn’t any. But the board can use government-only accounting principles and future actuarial projections of artificial debt to cause todays profits to just disappear from the balance sheet, which is what we then see on the stripped-down, dumbed-down, yearly budget report. But remember, the individual year means nothing. Just like all of you, at least I hope, you have some savings and/or investments, even your precious gold and silver, to offset these few bad years. The very fact that you have a surplus is the whole point here.

Because so does government! A massive one. And that’s why it invests in so much debt. Debt is not liquid. It can’t be used for taxpayer services. It’s restricted, as are its returns. To invest in debt is to invest in future assets not ready-at-hand today. Thus, as I’ve reported so often in the past, each government invests in each others’ debts, carries loans, and buys up all the toxic debt both public and private it can. To the average goyim citizen, this sounds insane. But ask most billionaires what they invested in to become the billionaires they are, and the answer will most often be “debt.” Government is a collective debt broker, debt investor, and debt forgiver all in one, running debt prisons under private-contract management for all of us credit-hungry morons in the public purview.

But don’t take my word for it, listen to the Donald himself, here with author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, where Trump says it like it is and hints to you how he made his fortune, just like the scheme that all government agencies and elite continue to practice:


“Debt is a great thing, and to be big and to be very successful,
debt is a very useful weapon.”
–Donald Trump, 2010


Yep, that’s your hero president showing his true, cowardly, feudalistic colors, a false god of gods. That hair must contain magic properties or something…

This form of passive income, the income earned by interest on future debt payments, is what makes or breaks these tycoons and sycophants both in and out of government. Debt is of course a massive tool and hiding place for taxpayer money for pension funds and other government investments on a global scale.

Why? Because investments stuck in future debt cannot be spent today, not until the payments are made on each debt contract, which often barely covers the interest charged. Liquidity is avoided so as to obfuscate taxpayer liabilities. Meanwhile, the interest payments keep pouring in, some even interest only, to the holder of all these loans and debt instruments. And the main holder of debt is government. Perhaps you’ve heard that most of the Social Security fund investments are held through debt instruments? And perhaps you think this is a bad thing? Silly debtor, tricks aren’t just for kids! They’re G-R-E-A-T! Just not for you…

To put this into perspective, while the wealthy elite and government fund managers teach the public through education, entertainment, and outrageously immoral custom to pay our debts at any cost, even towards our own financial well-being, these guys are getting stinking rich off being the holders of the public’s debt. Conflict of interest, perhaps? Of course it is. The entire financial system and its players are a cornucopia of conflicting interests. What exactly do you think organized crime is but the working hand in hand of those who have conflicting interest, hidden behind the publicly displayed illusion of competition?

And all they have to do is passively wait for the payments to come in every month from a completely illiterate, indebted public while they play the moral agents instructing us from birth to be good debt-slaves, to pay our debts, and to respect the authority behind those debts. While they greedily love, purchase, and worship all other’s debt, we the debt-slaves are indoctrinated to despise it and believe that our morality depends upon continuing to struggle to pay the ultimately un-payable interest and fees, as if this will bring financial freedom. We forget that as part of the public, we are under the collective burden of public debt and required to perform accordingly as citizens, while at the same time we are convinced that no personal debt equals freedom. It’s a cosmic, global joke on each of us, since we never seem to understand that we are the punchline. Yet the real version of such personally debt-free financial freedom literally requires exactly what they have created, a completely indebted public brainwashed to pay perpetual (passive) interest payments to fat cats that do nothing but purchase debt contracts (as financial instruments) for profit and passively reap that interest over many years. This is so-called financial freedom (franchise) — the financial enslavement of as many others as possible, sold to the public with a bit of hope that one day (probably in old age) you too can  be personally debt free. But your public (performance) debt can never be paid any more than a puppet can perform without its strings.

The income potential here as a debt-contract holder has no limits, except of course what government itself, as the main investor in these same debt securities and other financial instruments, loans, bonds, and mortgages, set and regulate for itself. This, of course, is the ultimate conflict of interest. And public and private pension funds as well as these collective governments in general, are in fact the main investors in all of these toxic and non-toxic debt instruments. They then “legally” combine them, bundle them, sell them, bet on them, use them as collateral, and even give them fancy names. But most important to our topic… they use them exactly as Trump described — as great, financial weapons against all of us.

Perhaps that’s why the call them mortgages. Mort (dead) engagement (pledge). A mortgage is defined as a dead pledge. Of course it is, because the mort-gage is not actually attached to the home. It’s a promise to pay, nothing more. And guess who is the largest investor in mortgage debt and toxic mortgage securities? You got it. Collective government through pension fund and other investment schemes.

If you’d like to see what CalPERS invests in this category, take a look at its investment report again. You’ll be amazed…

And you wonder why Trump is president? The United States is a business, man. It’s just commerce, silly! And your very civil life is an actuarial commercial projection in a fictional commercial district that cons, extorts, exacts, engrosses, taxes, and uses (employs) you at every step.

Now, let us do some quick calculations to see what the numbers above actually represent, when these last few years are accounted for as one continuous fund balance, as shown in the CAFR, where the good years and the bad years are balanced over the total, long-term existence (legal life) of the fund.

In essence, the fund has gained in value from 2013 (a good year), when it stood at $262 billion, and in 2018 the CalPERS portfolio now reportedly stands at $350 billion in its investment value. A bit of simple math means that this fund has had an increase in value since 2013 fiscal year of approximately $88 billion dollars and counting in just this five year period. That works out to be an average of about $17.6 billion gain per year! And remember, this is the amount after all obligations, fees, salaries, and all the other organized criminal activity is paid off.

But does $17.6 billion a year average from this starting point of 2013 cover the goal of a 7.0 growth rate in investment return to meet the long-term (20-year) artificial goals?

Well, 7.0% of the 2013 valuation of the fund ($262 billion) would be, according to my basic, handy-dandy calculator, exactly $18.34 billion. In other words, every year, the stock of corporations and valuation (in mammon) of other combined investments has to magically create an extra revaluation out of thin air of over $18.34 billion dollars in order for CalPERS to meet its artificially projected, actuarial-based (i.e. out of thin air, bullshit) goals.

OMG! This means that the actuarial (out of thin air) projections are off by over 700 million dollars! The sky must certainly be falling!

But wait a minute. This is just a snapshot of 5 years, not 20, or 30 years.

If I look again, I can see that the fund made a $24 billion gain just in 2017, which represents, as the report clearly states: “a strong 11.2 percent overall net return on investments in Fiscal Year 2016-17 primarily due to the strong performance of financial markets.”

  • “The Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF) realized a money-weighted rate of return (MWRR) of 11.2 percent in Fiscal Year 2016-17 resulting from positive performance across most globally diversified asset classes. Drivers of the PERF’s investment return include strong performances from public equity, private equity and real assets investments. Additionally, fixed income and liquidity asset classes outperformed their respective benchmarks.” –Page 20
  • Net investment income increased from $1.4 billion in Fiscal Year 2015-16 to $33.0 billion in Fiscal Year 2016-17, as returns were higher due to strengthened market conditions.” –Page 22
  • The PERF net position increased by $27.8 billion or 9.3 percent compared with the prior year primarily due to favorable market conditions.”  –Page 22


Well now, that’s a whole 4.2% over the target year goal, now isn’t it? So this was apparently one of those extra good years we aren’t supposed to talk about in the news, right? It messes up the fear equation of only looking at the bad ones.

As a side note, I want people to understand what is happening here. The entire success or failure of these pension funds around the world relies on the stock market. Therefore, they rely on the continuous growth of that stock market worldwide. This means ALL SECTORS must grow, inducing military weapons manufacturing for the profitable war machine and illegal arms sales by our government to its enemies. This means Monsanto and other companies must grow, which means all food must be patented through genetic reorganization and modification, so that the stock can have some legitimate avenue to also artificially grow and cause inflation and other side effects of patenting and monopolization of basic, God-given necessities. And the list goes on. For this pension to grow, so too must corporations, at what is approaching an exponential rate that, while sustainable for the growing pension fund, is wholly unnatural for this polluted earth and its poisoned people. This means more pointless pollution, more waste, more consumption, more credit (debt), and thus more poverty and class division — all in the name of profiteering from corporate investments. This means an unfathomable expansion in the valuation of the money supply — not just the worship of it, but the incremental construction and reinforcement of this system of mammon.

Oh, and by the way, it is actuarially speaking in the best interest of the “plan” that you die at an early age, so that you don’t collect on your retirement benefits. Not ironically, pension funds of course hold huge investments in the pharmaceutical, medical, and food production corporations that will very likely get that actuarially projected job of murder by injection and poisoned food and water intake done, through what these fund managers call and keep as its non-industrial death statistics. It’s sorta like racially motivated genocide, but for age-related funding liability purposes. So it’s pretty much like we are all “contributing” to your own necessarily planned and organized, unnatural demise.

Incidentally though, you’ll be happy to know that “industrial deaths” are extremely low. After all, we don’t want our wage slaves dying until after they retire or get too old to work. It’s not ironic at all that the word retire is a synonym for death, now is it?

To be clear, this thing was designed to fail and thus doomed to fail from the beginning, as any such uncontrollable cancer that grows to live will eventually deplete its resources like a parasite and finally outgrow and kill its host’s ability to keep it alive — just like any ponzi scheme is so designed.

At the very least has figured this part of the game out:

“Last In December we also reported that the increasingly panicked fund, decided to boost its stock allocation to 50% in order to raise its FUTURE LIABILITY discount rate to 7%, as any reduction in stock allocations would also lead to a lower discount rate which in turn which would require more contributions from cities, towns, school districts, etc. and could bring the whole ponzi crashing down. Amusingly, one Calpers board member argued to raise the equity allocation even higher, to 60%, so that the discount rate was greater than the current 7% in order to make the books appears “better.”


No comment on the grammar, since I self-edit. But come on!

You see, the pieces are all there, but the author of this report just hasn’t put them together because he isn’t looking at the source (CAFR). It’s all about appearances. Form without substance, as any lie is built upon. It sounds good. It causes fear, and that’s all that matters. But think about it, if they can raise the discount rate by just manually altering the actuarial projections of what will be future liabilities, and can cause the books appear better than they are by the same method, then we instantly know the whole thing is a lie. We know instantly that they are fudging the actuarial numbers in an effort to hide current assets and massive gains for the fund for the sole purpose of extracting even more “contributions” from taxpayers, through mandatory funding of governmental pensions by cities, counties, districts, states, etc.

The author at least gets it right here when he refers to the psychopathy and sophistry of the average pensioner in defense of that which feeds or will feed their passive lives and incomes based on bankrupting their own local and state governments, where he states:

“However, the CalPERS board, dominated by public employee organizations and sympathetic politicians, has spurned such pleas: it is almost as if, once promised generous retirement benefits, public workers would rather take the entire system down, than see their own pensions reduced, even modestly.


Again, this attitude of the average pensioner is a parasitic, even narcasistic mentality. It is best described as the opinion of a completely dependent wage-slave that knows not or callously dismisses the burden he puts on others to fulfill  his goals. The hardest thing for a pensioner to hear is that pensions are nothing but welfare for the middle class, and that to fulfill these pension schemes just for federal employees, cost taxpayers nationally over $1 trillion dollars, more than even the taxes for education.

For the harsh truth, see my essay on the welfare system itself as compared to pensioners, whom even as they receive their taxpayer funded, passive retirement (welfare) checks each month, are the loudest criers of “foul” towards the extremely underfunded and relatively tiny public taxpayer funds used to support the actual “Welfare system” in the United States. It’s shocking to see and compare these statistics, and is certainly a destruction of any egotistic, fallacious arguments made by pensioners and fund managers:


It’s a simple equation, really, that anything that must grow to survive will eventually overgrow its available resources, and thus must be destroyed or allowed to destroy that which feeds it. It’s your basic parasite/host model, really, with accountants, attorneys, and brokers leading the charge. And so the fear porn we are seeing now is more to nip this exponential, actuarially projected growth in the butt before it actually begins to cause a serious problem and expose pensions for the scam (scheme) they are. And so they will suck this fund dry and leave all of us out to dry, pensioners and taxpayers alike. We are all the unwitting victims of this ponzi scheme, and bankruptcy is the most logical and “legally” legitimate move they can make. But remember, de facto means illegitimate, and that’s what our United States and State governments are as municipal corporations. So we shouldn’t be at all surprised.

And that makes me wonder if the CAFR tells us wether or not the 20-year goal is still over its projected target, which would mean all of this fear is for nought!

Well of course it does:


“Exhibit B, Funding Progress — Solvency Test, demonstrates System solvency as measured using the System’s own assumptions and liability calculation methods.” –Page 119

So the fund is quite solvent after all. What a shocker…

Where’s this information in your many fearful reports and warnings, Mr. Zero Hedge, and for that matter every other news outlet that supports this artificial, nihilistic pension scheme propaganda?

But how does this possibly compute, considering our CalPERS board member is blathering and waxing philosophically quite the opposite in his public account (lies), that the fund is inexplicably, dangerously close to insolvency and that we should all be very, very afraid?

What kind of test is this inside, system-wide “solvency test” anyway?

From the CAFR:

“A short-term solvency test is one means of checking a system’s funding progress. In a short-term solvency test, the plan’s present assets (investments and cash) are compared with 1) member contributions on deposit, 2) the liabilities for future benefits to persons who have retired or terminated, and 3) the liabilities for projected benefits for service already rendered by active members. In a system that employs level contribution rate financing, the liabilities for member contributions on deposit (liability 1) and the liabilities for future benefits to present retirees (liability 2) will be fully covered by present assets, except in rare circumstances.”

“In addition, the liabilities for service already rendered by members (liability 3) will be partially covered by the remainder of present assets. Generally, if the System has been using level contribution rate financing, the funded portion of liability 3 will increase over time.” –Page 121

So according to the audited reporting of current assets, that is, when current assets are taken into consideration instead of being magically ignored, then suddenly everything is right as rain.

For the 10 or so years I’ve been following this particular pension fund, I now can report that I have seen it grow by over $120 billion dollars. And yet all the while its agents have stated time and again that somehow the fund is also, at the same time it grows, dangerously close to being a problem. As I uncovered above and in my previous research on this blog, it’s actually a really simple concept. Just hide what assets you have today by claiming that they magically disappear when considering the debts of tomorrow. But only government can do this type of quirky accounting. Imagine if you told the IRS that the $60,000 dollars you earned as your paycheck couldn’t be counted as assets today because of all your future payments you’ll have to make on your home, car, and kids college fund over the next twenty or thirty years. Well, that’s exactly what government gets to do with its actuarial projective nonsense. Its law is its own. It’s all about balance… that is balancing billions and billions of dollars today by pre-spending them as future liabilities.

You can read all about this little trick here:

It’s not like this is the first time, nor will it be the last, that the accounting gurus at CalPERS use the bad year scenario to try and ramrod even more mandatory contributions and the false flag fear of insolvency down the publics throat.

In fact, I started my article out with exactly this same scenario back in 2013, when the newspaper rags were reporting exactly what this present article is demonstrating. This is called predictive programming. There is no surprise. They did exactly what they warned they would do, using these same fear tactics back then.

Here’s my blog from 2013:

USA Today put out the following story in 2012, which was of course originally printed from the false-news clearing house, Associated Press (AP):

“SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The nation’s largest public pension fund collected a dismal 1% annual return on its investments, a figure far short of projections that will likely bring pressure on California’s state and local governments to contribute more money, officials said Monday.

The return reported by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System was well below its projected return of 7.5% for the fiscal year that ended June 30.

The investment returns are critical BECAUSE TAXPAYERS ARE ON THE HOOK FOR THE DIFFERENCE if the pension funds fail to meet their performance targets.

The last 12 months were a challenging period for all investors as the ongoing European debt crisis and slowing global economic growth increased market volatility and reduced equity returns,” said chief investment officer Joe Dear. “It’s a clear reminder that we must remain focused on performance, risk and internal controls in today’s financial environment.”

The fund was most impacted by a negative -7% return on global equities. Half the pension’s assets are in equities, Dear said.

The fund, known as CalPERS, runs a $234 billion pension system for more than 1.6 million state employees, school employees and local government workers…”


In this first three paragraphs we can see the entire scam (scheme) spelled out in front of us, as told from a master story-teller who is trying to sell sunglasses to a blind man. But even a blind man should be able to read between the lines here…

So far, we have learned that the CalPERS Pension fund has earned a 1% increase in its investment portfolio, which for this now past year would have been over $2.2 billion dollar in gains on investments. Yes, that’s $2,200,000,000 when spelled out properly. And this is of course reported as bad news!


Sound familiar? Same scary pig, different scary lipstick. Same rhetoric, same threats, same lies.

And gee, look what happened. Exactly what they predictively programmed us would happen. Local governments ended up paying more taxpayer money to the pensions instead of to taxpayer services as it should. All this because pensioners don’t fund their own retirement, and instead rely on all of us to keep them comfy as they do nothing but expect more salary in retirement than most taxpayers make while working. Isn’t that nice.

Hey, dummy, it was planned this way from the beginning!

Never forget, this is organized crime, disguised as legitimate government.

When you lose they win. When you win, they win.

In another 5 or 6 years we will look back at this “news” report and have a good laugh again at how we were predictively programmed as to what would happen and did nothing to stop it. And the fund will probably be up to over $400 billion by then, even as we will find board its members still claim to be in fear of insolvency, while we find ourselves in the middle of the largest collective local governments bankruptcy scheme in history, while these pensioners find themselves up shit creak without a paddle or toilet paper.

What was it that Samuel Johnson defined pensioners as back in the pre-United States corporation 1700’s?

PENSION – An allowance made to any one without an equivalent. In England, it is generally understood to mean pay given to a state hireling for treason to his country(Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1755)


Could extortion and exaction of taxpayer money from all the resident, common people in each territorial State as citizenships of the nation to pay for all state hireling pensioners retirement benefits be considered as treason to ones country? I’ll leave you to decide that one. {Hint: your country is your State (land) and people thereof, not your nation (district), though they call the nation colloquially as “the state.” And all local and state governments are under federal (national) law and funding. You do the math.}

In the notes to financial statements section we find some pieces of the root cause of what in public appears to be some issues with the fund, but in reality (when audited) we find they are all just made up actuarial projections and unnecessary contractual obligations.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make significant estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates


…The total pension liabilities and net pension liabilities disclosed in Note 8 to the Basic Financial Statements for the cost-sharing multiple-employer and single-employer defined benefit pension plans are measured based on certain assumptions, including the long-term rate of return on pension investmentsinflation rates, and employee demographicsall of which are subject to change

Due to uncertainties inherent in the estimations and assumptions processes described in this section, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in these estimates and assumptions in the near term would be material to the financial statements

Upon initial investment with a general partnerCalPERS commits to a certain funding level for the duration of the contractAt will, partners may request that CalPERS fund a portion of this amount.


Total Management Fees: $513,556,000

Total Management and Performance Fees: $598,795,000

Total Consultant and Professional Services Expenses $331,645


Did I mention that all these banks, brokerage houses, and other “administrative” and “management” corporations are also stock-owned corporations held by this very pension fund? This gets ridiculous after a while… and predictable.

So let’s put this into the proper long-term perspective, which is the whole point of this integral CAFR auditing report system:

In 2017, local and state governments paid $12.4 billion in “mandatory contributions” from taxpayer money into just the fiduciary funds of this one government pension scheme (Page 40 of 2017 CalPERS CAFR), which was increased around $10 billion from just the previous year!

Now lets compare this number, which represents non-pensioner taxpayer money from ALL Californian residents (taxpayers) as government contributions to this one fund, to the reported budget deficit (another lie when researched in the CAFR) reportedly suffered by California taxpayer base. Could there possibly be a correlation? LOL!

How can taxpayers sit back and watch as the same amounts they are paying to fund pension funds are causing, at the same time, the budget report to be short by that same amount or more? This is group insanity.

Here is yet another very recent example of this completely fallacious and unchecked, unverified fear porn being pushed to support this false flag bankruptcy scam and bailout of a well-over-funded pension plans. Nowhere, of course, is the CAFR mentioned within this article. Notice right off that it states pensions are under water by $1.4 trillion, even while our CalPERS alone reports assets that equal almost 30% of 1.4 trillion. There are thousands of public pension plans across the United States, big and small, and all of them are as successful as CalPERS because they all are essentially required to invest the same. So where is this great flood and crisis? It simply does’t exist.

America’s Sinking Public Pension Plans Are Now $1.4 Trillion Underwater

Taxpayer contributions to pension plans have doubled in the past decade, but pension debt continues to increase.

Eric Boehm|Apr. 13, 2018 12:40 pm

After several years of steady investment growth and higher contributions from taxpayers,most of America’s public sector pension plans are still awash in red ink.

(**Authors note: this is a totally contradicting statement! We are highly successful but also a failure. LOL!)

According to a new reportfrom the Pew Charitable Trusts, the states collectively carry more than $1.4 trillion in pension debt—and only four states have at least 90 percent of the assets necessary to meet their long-term obligations to retirees. The Pew paper, which is based on states’ 2016 financial reportsshows that pension debt increased by about $295 billion since the previous yearmaking 2016 the 15th consecutive year in which state-level pension debt increased.

(**Authors note: Yet according to those CAFR’s this is a completely impossible statement… unless the problem isn’t the massive profits and gains, but that the actuarial reporting and projections are where the whole scam exists. It matters not how much they make, the accountants can always make their projections higher than their profit model. In this way, we will never see any recovery, because even though it has already fully recovered, they can change their actuaries to show the opposite. In other words, you, the taxpayers, can’t win. This is ultimate corruption.)

The really scary part is that pension debt keeps increasing despite the fact that taxpayers’ contributions to state-level pension plans have doubled as a share of state revenue in the past decade. Also worrisome: Pension plans are chasing increasingly risky investments. The gap between returns on safe investments and state pension plan investment assumptions was the highest in decades, the Pew researchers note, leaving pensions more vulnerable to market volatility and raising concerns that another downturn could drive already deeply indebted systems over a cliff.

(**Authors note: Key word: SCARY! But untrue, just the same. Pension debt does not keep increasing, obviously, because these profits reported in the CAFR are after all obligations are paid. There is only actuarial false projections that cannot be met, made completely out of thin air without reference to reality, that causes the appearance of debt 30 years in the future. Today, however, there is absolutely zero debt, or there would be no profits and gains over that which the fund is obligated to pay out as liabilities each year. This is all a big fat lie based on creative accounting tricks — the hiding of current, tangible assets with the projection of future debts that do not exist today and that will not be paid (amortization schedule) for 30 years! Now imagine again if you told the IRS that you cannot pay them today because you will have to pay them way in the future, which counts against your assets today? You’d be put in jail for fraud! To be clear, the system is not indebted, but the opposite, it is the holder of others debt instruments as a profit model.)

Higher contributions from taxpayers and good returns in the market should bring well-structured pension plans back to good health. But only four states—New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin—have at least 90 percent of the necessary assets to cover their retirement liabilities, Pew says.

(**Authors note: At this point, they are just talking out of their ass, with nothing backing up their statements but the lies they create.)

There are two problems here. One is embedded in the very design of public sector pension plans. The other involves the politicians who are trusted to keep those plans funded properly….

(**Authors note: Finally, something everyone can agree on!)

The systemic problem is that pension plans generally assume unrealistic investment returns…

Of courseevery dollar spend on public pensions is a dollar that state’s can’t spend on roads, schools, or anything else

Removing politicians from the equation is a major benefit of transitioning away from traditional defined benefit pension plans and into 401(k)-style plans where individual workers control their retirement accounts. That also helps get taxpayers off the hook for having to make up the difference when markets or political will falls short of pension plans’ expectations.

But for now, taxpayers will continue to pay more to finance public sector workers’ retirements—and another recession could be a catastrophic blow for all involved.



The Pew Research Center was founded originally as the Times Mirror Company, a newspaper conglomerate, and thus a corporation that is majority owned by stock investment by government. Round and round… you get the picture.

There is a maxim of law that applies to each of us, at every moment of every day, and especially to this scheme happening right out in the open.


“Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.”

–Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


“One cannot complain of having been deceived when he knew the fact and gave his consent.”

–Nemo videtur fraudare eos qui sciunt, et consentiunt. Dig. 50, 17, 145. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


“He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived.”

–Non decipitur qui scit se decipi. 5 co. 60. (–Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


Now you know, but knowing is only half the battle, as G. I. Joe reminds us.

We are deceived not merely through trickery and word (and number) magic, but because most of us are happy in our deceit — happy because we have not foreseen the consequences of our purposeful ignorance and inaction.

Now I could go on and on rehashing what I’ve already reported in my countless CAFR articles, movies, and radio shows, but there is really no point. If you don’t get it after this, then you simply won’t ever get it.

Here at the end is where people ask for solutions. I tell them time and again there is no such thing in the legal world, and that the word solution means one and only one thing — the end of contract. This global takeover will not be fixed from within their own system that they control and make the law over, and it will not be solved by you or any other contracted citizenship acting in the property (person) of government. It will only stop when you stop respecting it, stop contracting with its agents, stop using its money (property) and relishing in its debt, stop preforming under its contractual law of citizenship, and start self-governing without such artificial means, the only means that governments can provide.

Globalism is upon us, and I have just laid out its financial and control-grid blueprint and why each of us is personally responsible for making it happen. It cannot be defeated, for it is not ours to defeat or change. But it can be avoided, as can national and global citizenship, the digital ID in the virtual world of this coming Beast system. One thing is for sure, their network of financial enslavement will never die until the common citizenry stop allowing themselves to be deceived by it, stop participating in it, and most importantly, stop respecting any value whatsoever in its currencies, stocks, and instruments.

I won’t hold my breath…

Hell, I can’t even get an interview anymore, for no-one wants to hear the truth.

And so I leave this wealth of knowledge and collective research is here for posterity, so that someone may know that at least there were some that tried to change the course of these gods. But alas, Huxley’s Brave New World model shines true, so I think I’ll just grab a bong and a lawn chair and watch the shitshow play out.

See you on the other side, if you figure out the code.


–Clint < richard-son (
–Friday, May 11th, 2018



