$500 TRILLION Lawsuit

Scott Workman, Friends of the Original Constitution announces $500 TRILLION Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS

Important Warning:
Scott Workman has horrible issues of his own to contend with, despite the fact that what he says in his video about the Federal/Corporate crimes is totally true as can be.  Click Here for help

Report | By: Ramola D | August 9, 2021

Friends of the Original Constitution has announced a $500 Trillion lawsuit against the Federal Government corporation, which they invite all Americans to participate in as a plaintiff and as a signee of the Declaration of Restoration of July 6, 2021 they have posted. In a pointed and candid video announcement, they detail the criminality issuing forth from the Federal Government and indicate both who will be sued in addition (all pharmaceutical companies, CDC, WHO, Bill Gates as well), and what all plaintiffs will be awarded after the lawsuit is won and damages paid (debt jubilee and many financial rewards).

Scott Workman

This video (posted below) posted on several channels a couple days ago after Youtube removed it in a few hours of posting–now reinstated at Youtube–has been making waves worldwide, for good reason; its resolute determination to rid the world of the illegal and criminal Federal corporation at head of all other corporations running assault and battery operations on us of a hundred different kinds, including currently the COVID Vaccine Tyranny, is powerfully persuasive and music to all our ears.

Speaking in the video is Scott Workman, author The Map of Thieves and Trojan Virus, and the group is Friends of the Original Constitution. Intended is the restoration of the original Constitution and Republic.

The group says your signature on their Declaration of Restoration authorizes it.

Excerpt: “The history of the present so-called FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is a history of repeated secrecy, injuries, usurpations, corruption, theft, malpractice, and despotism, all having in direct object the establishment of self-service, money and power, over and above service to these States and to the people; its rightful masters.

To prove this, let these Facts be submitted to a candid world:

They conspired to form a “Legal Fiction” or “FEDERAL” Corporation called THE UNITED STATES to secretly “go around” the Constitutional Government that We the People ordained by the hands of our Founding Fathers.

They conspired to form a “Legal Fiction” or “FEDERAL” corporation called the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to secretly “go around” the original Constitution for the United States of America.

They created this “Legal Fiction” or “secret jurisdiction” to subjugate us, override our Rights and Liberties and to fulfill their nefarious objectives of monopoly, greed, tyranny, monarchy and control.

They are allowing the secret, subtle and gradual dismantling of our Constitutional Republic and the installation of a monarchy (or oligarchy).

They are participating in Collusion, Conspiracy, Fraud, False Pretense, Racketeering and other secret and nefarious activities with the objective and end goals of money, power and total control.”

Full Declaration of Restoration, July 6, 2021 here.


Their mission statement spells out the founder’s awakening to the reality of a crime-syndicate running the Federal Government:

Excerpt: “The Problem: Our Government is not the Constitutional Government that the Founding Fathers established.

Our government is in fact a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION which was established (starting in 1871) by evil and conspiring men who supplanted our Constitutional Government with this CORPORATION. This FOREIGN CORPORATION is masquerading as our government. You can simply detect that it is not a Constitutional Government by reading the original Constitution which grants ZERO authority to issue mandates, rescind freedom and Liberty, for any reason, except by legitimate due process of Constitutional law (only if a crime is suspected and only by oath and affirmation).

This Band of Thieves’ (who effectively own this FOREIGN CORPORATION) ultimate goal is to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations and countries. This Band of Thieves, which I call in my writings the “Monopolists” are psychopathic genocidal wannabe dictators that love money and power more than people. They, like many dictators throughout history, (including Adolph Hitler) will do anything to obtain absolute power; even if it means that millions of people die as a result.  

Wars are generally armed conflicts, with armies engaging in battles to conquer and gain control of nations by force. Today’s world war is much more sophisticated, without the initial need for armies. The war they’re waging on us today, in this country and many more, is a psyop (psychological operations) war; their most effective weapon is “Information Control.”  They use fear, divisiveness and endless false narratives to control us. They have control of the main stream media and big tech and both are engaged in disinformation, censorship and controlling the narratives that you and I see, read and hear every day.

Prime example: This so-called “pandemic” A.K.A COVID-19 narrative. They’re using a simple virus; the “Coronavirus” (common cold/flu virus) and have hyped it up and into a “pandemic.” Just look at what they were (and are) able to accomplish with their campaigns of fear about the “COVID-19 virus.” People are submitting to mandates, lock-downs, shut-downs, mask mandates, vaccines and vaccine passports; all because they fear what used to be called “the common cold/flu Coronavirus.”

Further Excerpt, from Scott Workman’s mission statement:

Why has nothing changed for the better? Why has no movement gotten anywhere with a solution to fix this huge gargantuan problem?

 Because up until now, we’ve been playing in their ballpark, by their rules: That’s the problem! Their ballpark = their rules! That’s why nothing has changed and why no movement has gotten anywhere; until now! Because when you play by their rules – You are not standing in a constitutional ballpark or jurisdiction. What Friends of the Original Constitution has done is expose their fraudulent ballpark and revoked their authority and jurisdiction. We’ve declared that we are restoring the original ballpark – where We the People are its rightful authority! They must now play in our ballpark; by our rules! They are now under our authority and our jurisdiction. We the People can do whatever we agree to do at the Constitutional Convention & Court and your signature (as a US Citizen) on the Declaration of Restoration – authorizes it!

What is the general outline of the plan to fix this huge problem?

  1. You can read the full plan which is contained in the Books: Map of Thieves and The Trojan Virus and the Complaint/Lawsuit. All are available on this website. This plan is 8 years in the making.
  2. I’ve written a Declaration of Restoration to be signed by millions of US Citizens, which is our authorization to call for and hold a Constitutional Convention & Court where we will restore our Constitutional Government. It authorizes the interim Constitutional Government and it authorizes the prosecution of all the defendants in our lawsuit.
  3. We have exposed the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as a fraudulent government. They are in fact a FOREIGN CORPORATION that is masquerading as our government. We have revoked all of our signatures on any contracts with them, thus removing their jurisdiction over us. Friends of the Original Constitution is the interim Constitutional Government authorized by We the People’s signatures of the Declaration of Restoration
  4. We are going to incentivize scientists throughout the world, with billions of dollars, to develop a reversing agent for the COVID-19 vaccine.
  5. We are going to restore Liberty, our Constitution and our Constitutional Government.
  6. We are going to remove all leadership from the fraudulent FEDERAL CORPORATION masquerading as our government.


Who they are suing:

Friends of the Original Constitution®,
a trademarked organization,
We the People of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America  


et al.:
(Left and Right Columns below)
Judges: First Delegate Scott Workman and the Delegates at the Constitutional Convention and Court  
President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, Secretary of State, Members of Congress, Judges, ALL Leadership of all Agencies, Departments and Bureaucracies, Military Industrial Complex, The Pentagon, American Bar Association, All Lobbyists, All Political Action Committees (PACs), Quasi-Governmental Agencies, Cecil Rhodes Foundation for World Government, The Ford Foundation, The Carnegie Endowment, The Guggenheim Foundation, United  Nations (UN), Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR) The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, The New World Order, The One World Government, Round Table Group, A.C.L.U., NATO, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, American Medical Association (AMA), Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), American Hospital Association (AHA), Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA), American Chemistry Council (ACC), American Pharmacists Association (APha), Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck & Co, Abbott Laboratories, Amgen Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, AbbieVie Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene Corporation, Shire PLC, Zoetis Inc, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., Baxter International Inc., Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc, McKesson Corporation, INCYTE Corporation, AmerisourceBergen Corporation, Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc, Cardinal Health Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Novavax, Emergent BioSolutions, CSL, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, BASF, Bayer-Monsanto, Dow-Dupont, Syngenta, Huntsman Chemical, Boeing, Celanese, Mitsui, Northrop Grumman, Parker-Hannifin,

Honeywell International, Southern Company, DTE Energy, AES Corp., ArcelorMittal, LyondellBasell, Nestle, U.S. Public Health Service and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes (27) of Health (NIH), Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Rockefeller Empire & All Assets owned or Controlled (AAC), American Cancer Society (ACS), National Cancer Institute (NCI), World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates & AAC, Charlie Munger & AAC, Warren Buffett & AAC, The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), The Tides Foundation, Mark Zuckerberg & AAC, Bill & Hillary Clinton & AAC, George Soros & AAC, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. & AAC, Deborah L. Birx, M.D. & AAC, Federal Reserve Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), American Bankers Association, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, ChexSystems, US Oil & Gas Association, American Petroleum Institute (API), Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA), Southern Company (Gas & Utilities), Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil Corporation, BP America (British Petroleum), Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips Co., Shell Oil, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Valero Industries, EOG Resources, Phillips 66, Pioneer Natural Resources, Marathon Petroleum, Anadarko Petroleum, Verizon Communications Inc, Vodafone, A T & T, China Mobile Limited, General Communications Inc,  


A note at their website today says they are seeing an unprecedented response. You can join as a plaintiff in the lawsuit and sign their Declaration of Restoration by registering with them. You can also gain great rewards later they say by donating currently to their cause. Whistleblowers are also encouraged to get in touch with information.

Many of Us Are Fully Aware America Has Fallen Far into Profound Atrocity

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower has previously alerted the world to the murderous criminality of the fallen US Government Corporation:

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations: Egregious Assault and Persecution with Anti-Personnel DEWs, ELF Neuroweaponry

And Memos to Trump posted by this writer and reporter in 2017 and 2019–and signed by hundreds of Americans and people worldwide–detail the depravity of assault and battery using sophisticated Stealth EMF and Neuroweaponry being visited on innocent Americans and people worldwide all through the delinquent brutality of the Secret-Society-and-Rogue-Military-Intelligence-Complex using DHS, Fusion Centers, FISA courts, NSLs, and classification to conceal crimeatrocity, and huge profit, under cover of “National Security” “War on Terror” “Surveillance” “Investigation” and other gargantuan lies:

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Facts regarding weapon-use on Americans and citizens in every country by abject criminals in Law Enforcement (LE, FBI, DHS) and Homeland Security, Military, and Intelligence–and a cohort of private partners in telecom, local governments, utilities, public works, delivery companies like UPS, FEDEX, USPS, AMAZON, and many other private companies–using stealth microwave/infra-red/radar/milliwave/acoustic weaponry being hidden in homes, antenna systems, portable devices, drones, helicopters, planes as “crowd-control technology” and “peace-enforcement technology,” who are hiding behind classifications and compartmentalizations while running brutal and sadistic 24/7 Torture Programs on people can be found here:

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Dear Scott Workman, et. al.  (sent March 23, 2023)

You HAVE NOT corrected your own political status, nor have your people, not the we can see. What this means, is that you're just like a Walmart Employee, accusing your retail store chain executives of something horrible, yes no lies there, that will lead them to simply walk you out the door empty handed, or worse, call the armed cops or armed swat teams on you. You have to be an American before you can take American's victimizations to Court - a properly convened court. You remain a U.S. Citizen of that De Facto establishment. If I am wrong, then where are your documents and recordings to prove otherwise? Great job otherwise, and I back you for the nice production work.

James Allen, state National on Minnesota, in the Homyak family
retired, state National, Minnesotan, non-person, non-U.S. Citizen, beneficiary, donor