A to Z Doorway 101

Youthful Starter Homes

By: James Allen Homyak

Best Content Management System for Generating Proper Uses of Software, Hardware, Network, Transport, Architecture, and Configuration in the new Starter Home industry for a Young Adult in the General Contracting and Facilitating in their own New Home Construction Project. 


During my early 40's I began to actively explore new career choices in an effort to reinvent myself... as the technologies I'd grown up in became obsolete. I am now in my late 50's. I had apparently lived an unruly and borderline self-inflicted mentally-ill lifestyle. 

This is a new project with a focus on these three areas:

  • free markets
  • personal liberties
  • western hemisphere

Why do such a thing as this?  I had to ask myself:

  1. Was the life I had been living the right life for me? I was getting bored with the same old. A free man is gonna do whatever he's gonna do.
  2. Could a different venue in life make all that much difference? I gotta know, so I developed 30 skillsets and became self-taught in varying capacities. Then I ventured out!
  3. How about roughing it in the wilderness? That nearly killed me. Would I go back to it? Yes.
  4. Now that I like researching & writing how about I make a "[A to Z Doorway 101 Series] that gives people a pointer on success?  I found out how easily that I could do all of [that] too; so here we are at doing 'word' swaps into the indexing idea ideaset, as described below for a moment. Enjoy! Once you've figured this out, See ya round! 


After relying on lots of processed foods, canned goods, plastic wrapped treats, etc. while doing nearly 90% travel & exploring for over 9 years, I faced the risk of blowing out my entire renals, among other concerns, namely, losing my mind.

Let's Get Started - 

All too often, as I begin to write another essay article, I use the web, like I used to use a library. I figure out my index that I am gonna pursue. 

Any Smartphone or Device -

Here is what lots of folks do online now....

Turn to their favorite search; especially more and more alternatives to Google... 

Click the next link that follows, for searching my topic: "Starter Homes 101" - at Google

-----> link follows:


After that link opens... get a load of word swapping as you learn to boost your AI queries and web searching.

Boost the Quality of Search Results -

Tuck this little tidbit under your belt:   

You can replace the words 'Starter Homes' with any other 'word string' you can think of... and search that too; such as 'eyes'. 

Also this tidbit:  Enclosing a "search phrase" inside "double quotes" instructs your search to look for that exact phrase.

Example: "heart healthy foods" searches your phrase instead of every occurrence of heart; every occurrence of healthy; every occurrence of foods.  The [trick] is a simple thing, lots of people never knew but some search engines do [it] better than others. 

Word swapping: 

Inside the phase "Renal Food Choices 101" I want you to spend a moment to imagine switching any of these words to further shape the direction you wish to take yourself in seeking knowledge and indexing it quickly.  

"Heart Exercise Plans 301"

Now if you "Google Search" this exact phrase, the search will construct various returns that will be quite exciting as you dig into the list of various parts of your physique followed by the depth of study you may feel you are ready for....   101, 201, 301, etc. 

But if you leave out the double quotes you won't get much help prior to ads galore..


What's In This For Everyone: 

  1. The ability to design a living environment virtually for zero cost...
  2. Stay tuned for training videos...
  3. A to Z Doorway link follows:  https://mightyhomes.net/atoz/index.php


Unruly Behavior:

Any time that any people, companies, organizations and their policies are caught running roughshod over your rights and then resulting in them destroying your ability to maintain a clear conscience in your own affairs -- namely your health and wellness --  that, ladies and gentlement, is unruly behavior and it's now a matter of your rights to advocate for yourself and to deal with these matters and seek your own resolve. Do NOT settle for anything less.