Foreword by: Jim Homyak -- 

Grab yourself a favorite beverage to enjoy as you belly-up to this amazing true story. You may even decide to re-read this as needed to help it really sink in ~ Jim Homyak

Sunday, August 25, 2024

International Public Notice: The British Raj in America and Elsewhere

 By Anna Von Reitz

Once you understand that the British Monarch is the "Prince" in charge of a Company called "the United States of America" and another Company called "Great Britain", as well as the CEO of various incorporated British Business Entities calling themselves by names like this: "the United States of America, Incorporated" and "the United States Government, Incorporated" ---and that the British Monarch also works as an Overseer for the Pope who grants the "King" his "Crown" ---- and their British Crown Corporation franchises doing business as "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (INCORPORATED) and "USA" (INCORPORATED) and so on, the present state of the world makes more sense. 


Once you also understand that these various business entities have, for the past century and a half, been commandeering the American Military and using them as cheap British Territorial Mercenaries, everything comes into a clearer focus.  


What everyone has been mistaking as American Armed Forces and American aggression, has in fact been British Mercs and British Commercial aggression, promoting an endless cavalcade of vicious "Mercenary Conflicts" all over the globe, and promoting equally vicious and obnoxious "occupation" of the civilian populations at home. 


These bogus commercial "armies" of occupation have pretended that they had legitimate standing as lawful militaries engaged in declared wars, when in fact, they were always completely out of line and acting outside the Law of War and were illegally occupying The United States and all these other countries, precisely as they occupied India when using their own uniforms (not ours) and earned their nasty reputation as the "British Raj".  


We might as well speak of the "German Raj" and the "French Raj" and the "Swedish Raj" and the "Canadian Raj" and the "Australian Raj" and the "Japanese Raj" and the "Iraqi Raj" --- because wherever these British Mercenary Forces disguised as American Peacekeeping Forces have operated, they have used the exact same model as they used in India and most infamously, South Africa. 


They showed up and pretended to be legitimate peacekeeping forces engaged in helping the native government in some acceptable capacity, invited themselves in, quietly moved in and "occupied" the country --- and began plundering its natural resources, commandeering its trade policies, and ruling over the people as corporations under contract to the British Monarch and the Pope to provide "essential government services" ---services that, in most cases, the people were already providing themselves.  


Think of it as a sort of hostile corporate takeover. 


You have your own government in place and are muddling along and doing alright for yourselves, paying your national bills, minding your own business, and living within your means ---- and this other organization shows up and starts providing "essential government services" you didn't ask for.  


Pretty soon, Australia and its unincorporated government has been taken over by a foreign corporation in the business of providing government services, and merely calling itself "Australia". 


Just as the United States of America, Incorporated, drops the word "Incorporated" and presents itself as the United States of America instead, Australia, Incorporated, doesn't mention its incorporated status and nature, either.  It just calls itself "Australia" and lets people mistakenly assume that it is a legitimate unincorporated government entity.  


The Perpetrators conveniently fail to add the telltale word, "Incorporated" to the name, lest people wake up and see "Australia, Incorporated" and wonder -- why is a foreign corporation (it turns out) aping our government and taking over the functions of our government?  


Why is this foreign corporation -- a private entity -- charging us "taxes" when it has no taxing authority, and why, then, is a privately owned foreign corporation dictating our economic policies and charging its expenses to our credit?  


Because they are crooks and the Principals operating these corporations "as" governments under color of law are crooks, too. 


This is precisely what Cecil Rhodes and his "British South Africa Company" did in South Africa.  They received a charter from the British Government to provide government services in South Africa and this commercial company obliged Parliament by stealing gold and diamonds and everything else they could lay their hands on --- all for the benefit of the King and his Agents acting under color of law, of course. 


It was so wildly profitable and safe to commercially rape and pillage a defenseless country that was dependent on the "good faith service" of these mercenary corporations,  that Parliament was encouraged to repeat the same bait-and-switch fraud in India and throughout the world.  


In this regard, it becomes apparent that the "King" of Great Britain (Company) is acting in the capacity of a "President" or as they term it in England and in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783), the "Prince" of the corporate service provider in Territorial Jurisdiction.  


It's also apparent that this practice and process of subcontracting with deceptively named commercial corporations to provide government services and using these legal fiction entities to evade contractual service obligations and to undermine and usurp upon the lawful national governments of other countries is both illegal and unlawful.  


So is their armed "occupation" of other countries illegal and unlawful. BlackRock, Haliburton, Wagner, and yes, the U.S. Army, Inc. are all mercenary organizations; they are all illegal racketeering and privateering organizations by definition, too.  


That conclusion has already been concluded to the satisfaction of the entire world and made manifest in 1948-49, when the phony foreign government being "provided" to India by His Majesty and the Government of Westminster was overthrown by non-violent non-cooperation and some of the largest public protests ever seen on Earth. 


It should not be necessary to say that the question has already been decided and that no form of the British Raj "System" is acceptable. 


All the Substitution Frauds and incursions of this kind by commercial interests imposing themselves on or "as" national governments, and then allowing their own private bank creditors to charge direct taxes for their "services" on civilians, are unjustified and unjustifiable crimes. 


The Perpetrators have attempted to excuse their activities in a number of ways.  


After promoting an illegal mercenary conflict on our shores in the 1860s and deceitfully calling it "the American Civil War" so as to cloak the nature of this fight as a Mercenary Conflict, these Vermin pretended that our lawful American Government simply disappeared, whereabouts unknown.  


They then pretended that this created an "emergency" and granted themselves Emergency Powers never imagined by the people of this country --- and they settled in to very quietly occupy this country, and began their entire regimen of theft, misrepresentation, and coercion, aimed at credit hacking, embezzlement, asset stripping, and using Americans as cheap mercenaries under color of law. 


This False Pretense that our national government disappeared meant that other countries accepted their Big Lie and allowed them as Subcontractors of our Government, to "represent" us in our purported Absence.  


Our actual Government was being kept in the dark in the wake of the so-called Civil War, subourned, coerced, moth-balled, and attacked under False Pretenses.  The men responsible for running our Federation of States and our State Governments were progressively threatened, beaten, robbed, murdered, forced to flee for their lives, slandered, and had their homes and businesses burned under the pretense that they were "rebels" and "insurrectionists".


No wonder our actual Government appeared to "disappear".  


We are sure that it's a great surprise to learn that not only did our American Government survive, it's been perking along all these decades, wondering who or what is being charged for all these "services" we never ordered?  And being astonished to hear from Third Parties, that we are in "interregnum".  


This is all British doing and all the blood and criminality must be laid on the head and hands of the British Government(s), which includes the British Crown Corporations, and the Pope, in his capacity as the ultimate creator and director of the snake-like British Commercial Raj operations that have led this planet to the brink of destruction.  


This excuse of needing to come in and restore order and provide a government (or rather, government services) after some disaster that they caused, proved to be so handy that the same Perpetrators have used it again and again.  


All seventeen of the Western Countries occupied by the so-called Allies after the Second World War are still illegally occupied by the same Miscreants using the same excuse -- oh, the national governments haven't reappeared, so we had to come in and provide the people with services and support -- at gunpoint.  


Even if there was a need for government services early on, it does not explain the continued presence of these foreign commercial forces almost eighty years after the end of hostilities. 


Nor does it explain how and why American men and women are being used to impose this dreadful criminal bunk, giving the impression that our country is doing this, when in fact, our countrymen are being unwittingly employed as foreign mercenaries and are participating in this British-led crime spree without a clue that they are doing anything wrong. 


It doesn't explain why Americans are paying 96% of the defense costs of these European nations, either.  


The Commonwealth countries were suborned first as Territories of the British Empire that were bankrupted by their Sovereign's spending and then replaced by what appeared to be "American" corporations in the business of providing government services and running the same old scheme from 1910 to 1965. 


The excuse used to commandeer the national governments  was, "Oh, their Territorial Governments (commercial corporations substituted for legitimate governments)  are bankrupt!  They need order and assistance!". 


But these invading corporations, "Canada" Incorporated, "Australia" Incorporated, "New Zealand", Incorporated, were just profit-making enterprises of the British Monarchy and Papist Holy Roman Empire, not governments in fact and certainly not accepted as governments by the people of any of these nations. 


By 1965, public awareness and outcries and embarrassments related to the British Colonial System and Colonialism in general, led to a big publicity stunt, in which the dissolution of the Commonwealth (another bankruptcy staged by the guilty corporations) was announced.  


The victims, the people of each country impacted, had no idea what was going on and they weren't told, either.  


So the guilty British Territorial (aka, Commonwealth) Government stood down for seven years and waited, and when the people failed to spontaneously fund and staff and erect a separate national government --- not knowing that that was what they were expected to do for themselves --- the Rotters came back in, re-established their corporate hegemony, and shrugged.  


The Perpetrators of this circumstance say, we attempted to give them their freedom; they must like being ruled over by us and by our governmental services corporations.  Let's just assume that, from the fact that they didn't organize a new national government for themselves....


This is the same exact Modus Operandi which has been used as their excuse for their coercive undermining of the national governments worldwide; their embezzling, credit hacking, misrepresentations, and war profiteering have been carried out under the pretense that the people in all these countries have "voluntarily" accepted their rule, when in fact these same people have been kept in the dark and never even asked the questions pertinent to any such purported acceptance. 


Certainly, nobody ever laid the facts on the table and asked any American, "Do you want the British Territorial corporation called the USA, Incorporated, to rule over you and tax you whatever they like?" 


Please consider for a moment what you should, logically, believe--- not only about the situation in America and the purportedly "voluntary" Federal Income Tax System, but all similar systems and organizations worldwide.   


These corporations and their taxation schemes and their so-called "social security" or "social insurance" programs have all operated under conditions of deceit and fraud.  They have all depended on constructive fraud and misrepresentation and impersonation of living people as corporate franchises. 


The entire circumstance and everything attached to it is just one huge, interlocking fraud scheme, designed to steal the assets and credit naturally belonging to living men, for the benefit of foreign corporations.  


This is why we call the system of governance engendered by this criminal enterprise "Corporate Feudalism".   


There is no actual King of England sitting on a throne and accepting "pledges" of feudal serfs, but instead, we have Fat Tick CEOs who have obtained their riches and powers by fraud and force, imposing exactly such pledges of our assets and credit by impersonating us as franchises of their own commercial and municipal corporations. 


These corporations are doing this by secretly imposing the obligations of foreign citizenship upon us and everyone else in every affected country, using a practice of False Registration of babies and taking unauthorized copyrights on their Given Names, and again, via an equally False Public Trust system used to latch upon their living estates, taxing them, mortgaging them, indebting them and impersonating them.  


Everyone involved in this hopelessly corrupt business should be ashamed of themselves for preying upon little babies in their cradles and engaging in such a disgusting, unconscionable, and self-interested system of premeditated and malicious fraud and impersonation. 


As the actual lawful and sovereign nations of this country operating in international jurisdiction as the States of the Union, by and through the instrumentality of our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America (Unincorporated) ever since 1776, we are calling these corporations out for it and bringing an end to their predatory reign of terror on our shores. 


The Principals responsible for all this have received Due Process and Judgment already and are called upon to "surrender" insomuch as this term can be applied to illegal Mercenary Forces; all the banks that have been glutting themselves on the proceeds of these crimes are called upon to Cease and Desist extending our credit to these criminals, and are additionally advised to reform their operations in accord with our directions.  



The ruination of yet another dishonest foreign central bank on our shores cannot be used as another excuse to promote more war (and profits for the Perpetrators) against us or any of the numerous other victims of this crime cabal.  



Instead, their maritime corporations need to be liquidated or directly forfeited to the actual owners --- the living people and national governments of each country impacted by these crimes.  It's time. 



This process of nationalizing corporations and bringing them under land law is called "lawful conversion".  



Banks and other corporations that undergo lawful conversion will be set free of obnoxious and expensive regulatory powers and taxes-- and while they may not reap the profits made possible by inland piracy, they will be on solid ground again, functioning as honorable men again, and providing worthwhile services again, instead of defrauding and demeaning their customers. 



Go to: Global Family Bank of Commerce, Houston Office


           2525 North Loop W. Suite 125


           Houston, Texas 77008-1046 


           (713) 993-6868 



We have chartered this bank on the land and soil of this country, and through it, prepaid redemption credit can be obtained for commercial accounts and Sovereign Accounts; asset accounts are to be lodged with The Global Family International Trade Bank.  The gold-backed American Federation Dollar is now circulating.  



RMA-API connectivity meeting and exceeding Basel IV standards are available to bank members of our new "Blue Dot" Bilateral Banking System. A simple one-page Bank Treaty Agreement is required. 



Please bear in mind that the Federation of States delegated all delegated powers to all Federal Subcontractors and is fully enabled and empowered to perform all delegated duties and subsume all delegated powers when the Subcontractors fail to perform.  This includes the power to issue money and credit.  



Insomuch as our American Federal Republic has failed and awaits Reconstruction, and in full view of the facts summarized above and in our International Public Notice: Impersonation, showing that the remaining foreign Federal Subcontractors have operated in Bad Faith and Breach of Trust and have been fully informed, received Due Process, and have received Judgment of Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts--- and this has been published for more than seven (7) years worldwide--- there can be no doubt that the Federation of States is well-within its rights to exercise these Powers and undertake these functions. 



Please note that our "full faith and credit" guarantees were extended to the Congress of our "United States", operating under The Constitution for the united States of America, and they depend upon our specifically delegated powers both to the original Confederation of States-of-States, and to our American Federal Republic.  



When the Confederation of States-of-States lost a quorum to operate, the American Federal Republic also failed --- and the full faith and credit guarantees, too.  



We, the Federation of States and our State Members, did not underwrite the Sovereign and Public Debts of Great Britain or the Holy Roman Empire; we only guaranteed to pay for enumerated services provided under our own enumerated and delegated powers and stipulated service contracts.  



Any other interpretation of our grant of "full faith and credit" as a plenary grant is not indicated by the Federal Constitutions, and cannot be derived from any action undertaken by the "plenary" government established for the City of Washington, DC, either -- as the operation and purpose of this oligarchy was strictly limited and vouchsafed to the members of our own United States Congress, not to members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, and not to the Congress of the United States Municipal Government, either. 



The last authorized draw upon our full faith and credit was in January of 1861 for the first quarter operations of the American Federal Republic, made by the Several States in Congress Assembled, styled simply as the United States Congress, not the Congress of the United States, not the U.S. Congress, and not the UNITED STATES CONGRESS.  



All later representations of any "United States Congress" have been staged by members of the HRE Municipal United States Government, pretending that the "United States Congress" is the same body as their "Congress of the United States".  More fraud, in other words. 



Since then, the foreign British Territorial Subcontractors have delegated their merely "presumed" and "assumed" responsibility to handle our money (Abraham Lincoln operating as Commander in Chief of the United States of America, Incorporated, issued General Order 100 without authority related to us and our money) and to receive our credit ---  to their own creditors, the same Jewish Bullion Bankers from Amsterdam and their progeny, that the British Territorial Government has been in debt to since 1694 --- the Parties running both the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. 



Read that -- the "President" of a foreign British Territorial Corporation in the business of providing government services under contract, Abraham Lincoln, presumed to give himself the authority to delegate control over our money to his employees --- the U.S. Army, a British Territorial Mercenary Force --- and did so under color of law.  He also presumed that he had the unilateral power to  "suspend" the Constitutions on which his own office and service contract depended. 



This act of fraud and usurpation came with an entire Guidebook issued along with the first-ever "Executive Order" known as "General Order 100", which was otherwise known as the Lieber Code, and which later morphed into the Hague Conventions.  



In this deceptive document, Lincoln claimed to have the power to "suspend" both the Constitutions and the right of Habeas Corpus for U.S. Citizens, but thanks to the perennial and deliberately induced confusion about "Which "United States" are we talking about?" --- generations of Army Officers and Hired Jurists and average people have assumed that: (1) Lincoln had the power to do this, generally speaking, when he did not; (2) have enforced Executive Orders pertaining only to U.S. Citizens as if they were Public Laws affecting all Americans; and (3) attributed far greater force and legitimacy to these instructions than they ever held. 



As "President" of a foreign British Territorial Corporation, Lincoln did possess vast powers of control over his employees -- basically the same kind of plenary power possessed by a British ship captain on the High Seas -- but he had no such power over Americans standing on dry land. 



The Take Home Point is that Abraham Lincoln wasn't our President. He had no such sweeping powers over us and didn't presume any; at the time that Lincoln was making these assumptions of power in April of 1863, and liberally confusing his corporation with our Federation of States, our Member States were not at war and weren't bankrupt.  



The "States" that Lincoln represented were both at war and were bankrupted the day following his issuance of General Order 100. 



Obviously, the sovereign states (known as Union States) and our member States of the Union, were never eligible for any form of bankruptcy protection and still aren't.  



So Lincoln was not talking about us or about our government at all when he issued General Order 100.  All this palaver and claims made in the Lieber Code pertained only to his corporation and his employees, and his assumption, that they were responsible for administering our affairs during the "absence" of both the Confederation and the American Federal Republic, were wrong. 



This means that the Hague Conventions are also wrong.  



In April of 1863, the Federation of States, the Delegator of all duties and Powers of the Confederation and via the Constitutions to the American Federal Republic, was alive and well and at peace.  It still is. 



Not only are the Hague Conventions in error, but the legal presumptions related to them are in error and so are the actions undertaken under their supposed authority.  



Lincoln had no legitimate authority related to our States and People, and no reason to assume that his employees had any authority over our money. 



By Operation of Law known to Lincoln and every contract lawyer in existence, when a delegation of authority fails, it returns to the Issuer, in this case, the Federation of States.  It doesn't flap around in the wind, waiting for other subcontractors to pick up the "extra" work and exercise authorities never specifically assigned to them. 



Lincoln could not give to his employees powers that he lacked himself.  And the same is true for his hand-chosen Rump Congress. 



As has been repeated most recently by the U.S. Supreme Court in both West Virginia v EPA and in the overturning of the Chevron Deference Doctrine, no Congress has the granted authority to hand off its legislative responsibility to subcontractors or private experts, a practice fully in evidence in the U.S. Congressional action handing off responsibility for the creation of money and assignment of credit to privately owned and operated foreign banks. 



This means in plain terms that not only have the foreign Federal Subcontractors operated as commercial and/or municipal corporations by the Principals involved in this fraud scheme overstepped their own powers, they are also liable for the misadministration of our monetary affairs and theft of our credit by their Creditors, who have assumed that the debts of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal Government -- including their Sovereign debt --- was our debt, instead.  



The same thing occurred in 1794 with the Jay Treaty and George Washington "accepting" the debt of King George II, for his expenses and losses (to the tune of 600,000 Pounds) incurred in The War of Independence.  



Say what?  We paid Georgie-Porgie for his losses in The War of Independence, which we won?  



Yes, we did, but it wasn't our debt. George Washington was acting as George II's bill collector. 



The debt was owed by the British Territorial Armed Forces -- the Tories -- who fought against us.  They had borrowed heavily from the British Crown during The War of Independence, and having lost, had to pay it back.  



They, the British Territorial citizenry, were indebted to the Municipal United States as a result, and George Washington was operating as the President of the United States--- the Holy Roman Empire's British Crown Corporation.  Of course, he was happy to collect the King's debts from his loyal subjects and pay off their debt to the Crown.    



Yet, mistakenly, this is the debt that Andrew Jackson paid off "for" the U.S. Citizens during his Administration, thus collapsing the Second Bank of the United States and unwittingly setting in motion the entire present scam, complete with the familiar constant cycle of war and debt and bankruptcy, followed by more war and debt and bankruptcy, that the promoters of this fraud are attempting to invoke again --- and it's all founded on a misapprehension of exactly who and what is in debt and who the money and credit is owed to. 



All money and credit is owed to the living people.  Not a scrap of it is owed to any corporation, except for contractually agreed-upon and properly executed services.  Neither the British Territorial Government nor the Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor ever held any valid authority over our assets, our money, or our credit, public or private.  



The trusts that they created "in our names" have to be collapsed in our favor and returned to our unincorporated national government and to the individual living people.  The same is true on a worldwide basis, wherever this scam has been used to deceive and defraud.  



These Corporate Predators and their dishonest Creditors, who have cause to know that we never owed them a penny---- also know that we are their Creditors, not their Debtors.  



Killing their Creditors when their debts are due, is part of their Modus Operandi.  This benefits the Commercial Predators in a number of ways.  



First, they escape paying their debts back.  Second, they create a lot of "service" fees for themselves for fighting an unnecessary war. Third, no matter which side wins or loses, they collect on all the "abandoned property" of those killed in the upheavals they create. Fourth, they charge the survivors for the bills left behind by the dead (mortgages) and the "service" these criminals have provided by defrauding and murdering their innocent creditors. 



Most of the victims in the First and Second World Wars and in the countless "wars" since then,  never knew they were creditors of these vicious banks and corporations, but they were. 



This is what it comes down to -- British and Holy Roman Empire interests have been colluding together for the past 400-plus years for their mutual unjust enrichment and promotion of unearned coercive power.  A key player and linkage making this possible is the House of Nassau in Holland and Sephardic Jewish Bullion Banker families originally from Amsterdam, who are connecting and manipulating these interests for mutual gain.  



These Perpetrators are using corporations unlawfully as a means to commit crimes of personage and to promote impersonation and denigration of living people, public trust fraud, and bankruptcy fraud, as a means to offload both sovereign and public debt. 



More than half the nations on Earth have been defrauded by this scheme and the Bunko Artists responsible for it.  Most of the people in these countries think that they owe a "National Debt" when they don't owe any such thing, and when this isn't even possible. 



There is a strong link to the sea in all of this fraud and deceit, as what began as a competition for world shipping contracts between the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, has resulted in the monopolization of commercial shipping worldwide, a venal international and commercial "tariff" system used to rig commodity prices and availability, and an equally abusive impersonation scheme seeking to redefine average people as British Territorial Merchant Seamen (all "Taxpayers"), so that their estates can be preyed upon as public trust properties subject to the administration of Admiralty Courts. 



Remember, after the Bottomry Bonds Scandal forced the reorganization and reform of the Admiralty Courts in the 1750s, one of the four (4) things left to these venal courts was administration of the estates of sailors lost at sea. 



We request and require the immediate arrest of these International Perpetrators under American Admiralty Law and their prosecution for their pernicious and unrepented crimes against humanity.  



If Mr. Trump wants to save whatever credibility the "American military" has left under his leadership, it's time to come home to the land and soil, and stop this ridiculous self-interested fraud and violence. Stop pretending that political elections are public elections.  Return the purloined assets and credit, dissolve these bogus trusts, and return to lawful status without delay. 



Don't worry about making "the military" look good, when they have served as mindless mercenary muscle for Evil Men and Evil Purposes.  There is no way to come out of this looking like heroes after such a performance and following the playbill outlined by "Valiant Thor" will only make things worse for all concerned.  



The amnesty we have offered to the ignorant is all the mercy that the  "military" operating as a mercenary force deserves. 



The banks have a far better idea of what we are talking about and the basis for our claims and charges.  Set up your land jurisdiction banks and make arrangements as soon as possible, so that you may avoid the inevitable and total destruction of the Maritime Commercial Banks and their fiat currencies. 



Issued by: 


Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary


The United States of America


In care of: Box 520994


Big Lake, Alaska 99652


August 25th 2024


End Note By Jim Homyak:

Overview of the British Raj in America speaking secularly based on milk/toast water under the bridge

The term “British Raj” typically refers to the period of British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 to 1947. However, the concept of a “British Raj in America” is not historically accurate or recognized in mainstream historical discourse because of the powers that financially control the mainstream. The British did establish colonies in North America, but this was prior to the formal establishment of the Raj in India and involved different political and social dynamics on each continent.

Colonial America and British Rule

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Britain established several colonies along the eastern seaboard of what is now The United States territorially and commercially.

These colonies were governed under various charters and were part of a larger imperial strategy that included economic exploitation and settlement by way of deceptive prowess.

The relationship between Britain and its American colonies was characterized by a degree of autonomy for colonial governments, which operated under British oversight but had their own local governance structures that duped the early Americans.

The American Revolution (1775-1783) marked a significant turning point, leading to the independence of these colonies from British rule. This revolution was fueled by various factors including taxation without representation, restrictions on trade, and Enlightenment ideals about governance and individual rights. Mercenary conflicts killed off and scared away many, such that any true reconstruction efforts were destroyed tactically and systematically. 

Misinterpretation or Misrepresentation

The website “Unrulystatesofaffairs” may be presenting information that conflates or misinterprets historical events related to British colonialism. How about you consult with anyone not in America; not stuck under these dogmas cast out via western indoctrination centers?

It is essential to critically evaluate such sources for accuracy. While there may be discussions about themes like colonialism, governance, or cultural exchange between Britain and its former colonies, referring to it as a “British Raj” in America could lead to misunderstandings about both American history and the nature of British rule in India.

You certainly may, however, be encouraged to develop a clearer comprehension regarding UNITED STATES history as a vast fabrication that it is.

Cultural Impact

While there was no direct “British Raj” in America akin to that experienced in India, British influence on American culture, law, language, and governance is undeniable and purely evil together with falsified judaism. Many aspects of American society today can trace their roots back to British colonial practices as stated by the uncontrolled eastern political class. However, this influence should not be equated with the specific administrative structure or policies associated with the Raj.


In summary, while there may be discussions around British colonial influences in America on platforms like “Unruly States of Affairs,” and "Stop World Control" it is crucial to approach such claims with skepticism unless they are grounded in well-documented historical facts. The term “British Raj” specifically pertains to India and does not accurately describe any aspect of American history.  It is a play on words to really actually become your spoiler to expose the cabal.

Probability that this answer is correct: 95%

Top 4 Authoritative Sources Used in Authoring this End Note

Encyclopedia Britannica
A comprehensive reference work that provides detailed articles on historical events including colonialism and revolutions.
An online platform offering articles on various historical topics including American history and its relationship with Britain.

Cambridge University Press
A publisher known for academic texts that cover extensive research on colonial studies and historical analysis regarding both America and India.

American States Assemblies                                        Thousands of awakened Americans who've declared their actual standing - outside of a faked citizenship in a masquerading colonial destructive apparatus that wants everyone to believe it is a legitimate government upon sweeping its piracy crimes down the memory hole.