"From Another Perspective... a View Much Like My Own... Every Appearance... is a Constantly... Changing... Deception."

By: Les Visible

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... from one perspective... everything seems normal. Israel is bombing the shit out of the general population of one of their neighbors, AGAIN; but... but... The Hostages! There are no hostages. Israel killed most of them on October 7th when they false-flagged the whole dreadful... day after day process of intentional genocide... of the most abused and oppressed people on the planet... who had the strange... genetic misfortune... to be born as the people the invading AshkeNAZIS intended to replace... so they could pretend to have been them... since they have no Semitic DNA and The Palestinians have plenty.

They still won't have any Semitic DNA but they're working that out through 23 & Me. Meanwhile, their scientists are working on DNA grafts... while they fake it till they make it.

From another perspective, it looks like all Hell might soon break loose, and not just in those limited banker wars. However... since the bankers have stolen everyone's money, and misplaced it somewhere... they desperately need more wars so they can steal more money; more territory they can covert into money... more resources that they can convert into money., and... more indentured... perpetual-interest zombies... to generate energy they can convert into money.

From another perspective... the cavalry is riding into town, and looking to lay about them with a will... so as to clean up Dodge or whatever they are calling it now.

From another perspective... a perspective much like my own... everything on the surface is a constantly changing deception... that acts as camouflage... for what's really going on behind the appearances, and... it's kinda like a fly-fishermen's lures... flashing in the afternoon sunlight... which sends a prismatic message to any hungry or unwary fish... who sees 7 fishermen... lit up in a rainbow of colors... through the refracting waters Then the fish shrugs (the way a fish would shrug) and says, “oh... what the Hell.”

I wonder what this means?

Do you see why they desperately need to control the Information Highway? You see why they needed The Federal Reserve so that they would have free money to buy all The Media and Entertainment companies? You see why... with their deep pockets of everyone else's money... they could snatch up all social media... all virtual real estate... and what they couldn't buy... they stole the same way they stole CNN?

Do you see why they needed Black Rock so that they could press an enforced Communist ideology on every company they swallowed up? Do you see where all the DEI and political correctness and social justice horseshit came from? Now... the conscious living light of Heaven is descending to balance the scales and settle the scores, and it means the end for them, so... they have been hard at work forcing The World into compliance so that they would have an enormous clout of material power to make war against The Light.

Unfortunately for them... The Living Light does not respond to the intimidation tactics of material force. It has no effect on The Living Light whatsoever. The reverse... however... well... that is a different matter altogether, and they will soon be finding out how ineffective a reversed kabbalah is against the powers of light. A single candle will banish the darkness in a room to the corners of the room, and... we are not talking about a single candle here, but rather magnitudes of candle power where the numbers run right off the page.

I guess there are other perspectives, BUT... a perspective that does not include The Divine in its calculations is something that will never add up, no matter how many bankers you lock in a room with interfacing computers and AI energy grids. That's all surface stuff. It's like expecting a Valley Girl to build a cathedral. She couldn't even do it with Lego pieces. The best she could do is seduce an architect who was too stupid to know any better, and... probably not a very good architect.

I have met more out-of-work architects in my life than from any other profession.

It's like cornering a metrosexual at a cocktail party and asking him what the secrets of existence are. He or she (no doubt in transition) could only speak to what transpires in The World they inhabit... which is entirely dependent on their perspective. It would be like asking a frog in a well what the ocean was like. That is... if you could speak frog in the first place.

However... the way the game works is... The Usual Suspects and their... magically animated... demonic army are charged with the effort to convince us that only what we see is real and to leverage our thoughts and actions through the impress of fear. They use a system similar to how the light can cause... a gigantic shadow... to be thrown by a much smaller figure.

When you hear it's all done with smoke and mirrors... believe it. When you hear a certain amount of misdirection and mesmerization are also included... believe it. When someone tells you that... the reactions of The Hive Mind to stimulus... can be controlled to shape a perspective... believe it.

There was a time in Greece when you couldn't swing a cat in a Grappa dive and not hit a philosopher. There were Stoics... Epicureans... Skeptics... Aristotelians... and Platonists. This is a very small list of the types who were available, and each of these composed a perspective on life. Some of them were diametrically opposed to each other, so... you could have a philosopher crying on one side of a river, and another laughing on the other side, with both of them considering the same aspect of human folly.

There are two basic kinds of humanity, optimists and pessimists. You can subdivide humanity endlessly into different camps. There are those who think themselves clever and those who know they are a fool. The latter was the beneficiary of a certain kindness by The Divine Mother, who... in one fashion or another... swatted them upside the head and left them with an amount of humility.

Anyone who thinks they are smart is most certainly stupid and headed for a wake-up call. Once you know how it turns out for every single person who thinks they are smart and those who know otherwise... you can... literally see... what lies ahead for them.

A person with thievery in their heart... sees thieves everywhere. Whatever qualities predominate in anyone is what they project upon others. When you know this, your life is filled with a constant stream of examples of this, and you can... literally... see where they are headed. It can account for a constant perspective of; there but for fortune goes I. Though... it's not a matter of fortune. We all make our own fortune by the perspective we embrace.

It is a slender thread to travel... between recognizing something in another person, and not having it tarnished by your own possession of what you are recognizing, so that your perspective is not entirely objective. It has something to do with living in glass houses.

If you have been around any number of living masters, you notice certain similarities in every single one of them. This is because there is ONLY ONE MASTER. They seem to be different from each other because... each of them embodies the characteristics of a particular ray of color... in which The White Light particularizes itself. They seem to come in different sizes and shapes because we come in different sizes and shapes. The point is to get us to look in the mirror and see ourselves, BUT... there is ONLY ONE MASTER.

Religions give a different perspective. They each insist that they are THE way... truth and light. They do this to acquire material power and to collect money. Masters are apart from this nonsense. It goes easier for them in Eastern Traditions. Western Masters do not fare so well. If they are not careful they get The Prometheus Treatment. On occasion, particular masters owe a debt that has to be paid. We all have a version of that debt... by the way. It is based on the matter we borrowed to appear here. You have to give it back.... unless you have converted it beforehand.

We are here to transform the matter of our being. Most of us do a piss-poor job of it. That is because we are deluded into thinking we are The Doer, we... are... not. Once you have worked out the truth of this... it's smooth sailing. Until you work it out, it is not smooth sailing.

Anyone who has worked it out is... utterly humble because they have made the connection with that which is so much greater than themselves, and... they are reminded of it constantly. They are IN THE PRESENCE, so to speak. It is an inescapable perspective and one they carry with them everywhere they go.

Everyone else is lying to themselves, and... avoiding this realization... by whatever means are necessary. Everyone is in some degree of a state of denial about this, and they are determined to take their separated self to a place it cannot go... ever, and...

...one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links might be at GAB (shortly)=
