Open Letter To President Donald John Trump
By: James Allen Homyak
From the bold and courageous mind of one James Allen of the Homyak family
March 11, 2025
Dear President Donald John Trump;
We are Americans. We are not a British property. We are not a Papal property. We are not a servant to the interests of other Countries. You've told us about horrible theft and fraud. You've told us it is your goal to 'Return Power to The People' as you've said many times in our quest to MAGA. I study your efforts very closely. I would like to have an opportunity to make a difference in your life and in our lives as Americans. I am doing so from my humble bench seat here in front room America.
Therefore, as a retired and disabled American -- living by way of the Social Security System programs, Medicare and Medicaid, and my Care Team of Doctors and Nurses -- I propose all of the following:
In order to return American's Power back to all of us, Mr. President, please make the following effective determinations over your Administration and all future Federal Administrations to come...
1. Americans have all, for the most part over 97% of us, had our identities stolen and converted (how many actually volunteered into or conscription into indentured servitude) into fictional characterizations under the schemes of many former Administrations of the various past and present Corporations and Governments here upon The United States of America under a massive THING known as Uniform Commericial Code. Certain noteworth authors have dubbed this problem as "the dead baby scam" where hypothecation exists in a manner that breeds corruption, jealousy, greed, grif, graft, impersonation, theft and fraud -- as you know -- and quadrillions of dollars in wasted economic opportunity;
2. During the Woodrow Wilson Administration between 1913 and 1921, and at other times over the past 165 years, it was decided somewhat in secret, via closed-door late-night holiday-break sessions of Congress and other political bodies, that all Americans would be forced to register our biological property, namely the births of our sons and daughters -- as forced by way of various mercenary activities;
3. Every one of our Sons and Daughters, having been born at the hands of State Licensed Medical Doctors, Obstetricians, etc. and State Licensed Nursing Staffers inside Corporation Hospitals, have had their/our identities converted into foreign capacities, namely British Territorial United States Citizens under the Crown Corporation as well as Municipal Citizens of the United States under the Holy Roman Empire, et. al.;
4. These fictional identies [named deceptively similar to our Given Proper Name] have been used to rob our people blind -- according to the words of Colonel Edward Mandel House during his [early 1900's] meeting with Woodrow Wilson, where he stated the following:
"[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National System designed to keep track of [The People] and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge-back for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the Law Merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading [Certificate Of Live Birth] to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans; and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government [as a pirate would attempt to do], by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call "Social Insurance (SSI)".
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur, and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption; and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."
5. From an Administrative perspective, the identity of every American -- who was actually born on lands that had not been owned by or ceded to 'the United States' and lands that exist inside the continental 50 states -- upon the American Continent, such as Arizona, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire, etc. -- had been turned into a Commercial Vessel as stated above. Therefore, this current Administration needs to issue a blanket conversion process for every American to be administratively returned back to the given respecive home state, to be stood up back on their land and soil jurisdictions;
Reference: ;;
6. While seeing the identity of every American being converted into a foreign entity, we see that all of us suffer from having a large number of attributes, rights and abilities stolen from us all:
- Our State birthright national citizenship, such as I being born on Minnesota, which makes me a Minnesotan and native American --- NOT a US CITIZEN;
- Our identity as 'sons' and 'daughters' have been converted to LEGAL PERSON and our gender has been converted from 'son' and 'daughter' into child, person, male, female, debtor, consumer and many other commercialisms which are administrative statutory fictions at law;
- The recognition of our home state (I.E. Nebraska) as our primary dwelling place has been corrupted, stolen and converted into a Citizenship that is very difficult to define as being some sort of THING IDENTITIED which is then propped up upon the District of Columbia, thus completely destroying our individual sovereignty, by setting us onto the High Seas;
- Having been converted to a FOREIGN COMMERCE VESSEL, our people have been stripped of our rights to own property outright and have been converted to words such as 'RESIDENT' and 'TENANT' and 'DEBTOR' and 'TAXPAYER' and 'CONSTITUENT' and 'CONSUMER' and 'SUBJECT' and 'INDENTURED SERVANT' and thus stripped of our ability via the Probate Court to be forced to pledge every item of value against a foreign debt obligation [as our ESTATE] of a foreign corporation which we can not possibly owe, and not possibly repay;
7. Commerce, as you will remember, is business between incorporated "public" entities, while trade is business between private and unincorporated entities;
8. I call your attention to author Anna Maria Reizinger at where you can index, read and study some 5,200+ various postings to open the eyes of her readers. Here is a link to an example of what she writes: ;
9. If would be fabulous for you to write and give a speech that clearly presents these topics. Your speech could read like this as follows:
"Americans will enjoy our newly reconstructed powers at home of empowering Americans once again to oversee State, County and Local Government by having all of our Administrative, Political and Commercial standings reverted back from the obsoleted '[U.S. Citizen Contraption]' back to becoming free state national inhabitants on the land and soil. Effective Immediately all sovereign Americans will be issued pre-paid credit via 'Direct Express' in the sum total of all amounts you've ever paid in to 'Federal Income Tax' + all amounts you've ever paid on 'so-called bank financing' + all amounts you've ever paid as 'Interest Payments' over your entire lives + all amounts you've ever paid in 'Property Tax' and 'Motor Vehicle Registration' and other types of federal taxation listings which will be accounted for by our Administration. Our entire American monetary system IS TO BE completely revised back to Constitutional Money [aka sound money we've been hearing about] having very soon terminated the currently fraudulent systems of Taxation and Social Insurance. Before we terminate the Federal Programs, all Americans will have received liquid funds deposits on account in order to maintain our households without interruption in our ability to survive -- all of us. The United States Treasury will resume full and complete set-off of the entire purported National Debt using the set-off which has become available to us all using our American National Credit. All Americans will receive implied and intentional 'International Will And Testament' that fully anticipates passing on everything you've got to your next of kin duty free. There will no longer be any Inheritance Tax. Our Administration is preparing our entry to a New Financial System that fully terminates foreign influence over our household private finances. Every State will receive back all powers which have not been enumerated to the Federal Government by way of the Federal Constitutions and State Constitutions. Every County will be reconstructed back to the Organic Law which clearly includes four parts -- namely:
- The Declaration of Independence -- July 4, 1776;
- The Articles of Confederation -- November 15, 1777;
- The Northwest Ordinance -- July 13, 1787 ;
- The Constitution for the united States of America -- Sept 17, 1787
-- each one the documented original. Every State will be reconstructed back to the original standing during the days when each state was being admitted into the union on equal standing. All Americans who are not serving in Government as their daily work effort, will once again be regarded as our private American civilian populations in an administrative private capacity -- duty free. I am asking all 50 State Governors to receive back every power that belongs amongst the States and People. This means changes such as:
- No longer will everyone be required to register personal automobiles as COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES, and;
- Every American will instantly be indemnified to an upwards of 100,000,000 million each in the event of accidental loss or theft, and;
- All Americans will now be carefully educated regarding the various LEGAL PERSONS which had been propped up under the fictional FULL LEGAL NAME which had included or may have included the following distintions:
- foreign;
- domestic;
- not for profit;
- ecclesiastic;
- scientific;
- agricultural;
- residential;
- medical;
- engineering;
- mobility;
- municipal;
- educational;
- All Americans who recognize that 'We Are At Peace In This Country' are now encouraged to obtain and fly the American Civilian Flag of Peace (vertical stripes) in place of the current War Time Flag (horizontal stripes).
All Americans will be re-educated to know that there are no such thing as the items on this following short listing:
- Constitutional Rights - no such thing - it does not give rights
- Sovereign Citizens - an oxymoron - terms are mutually exclusive
- Civil Rights - are NOT a contrived benefit of an actual free people
Instead, Americans derive our freedoms and rights from God in Heaven as our Creator and as equals created by God. We are sovereign and receive unalienable rights from the time we are born on this Country. We the Sovereigns are The People who institute Governments amongst men in order to protect our borders and insure our rights. We guarantee Americans a Republican Form of Government that we are owed. No longer will we be abused by any foreign country, nor any foreign state, nor any foreign cartel nor any foreign confusing religions. We will no longer support the former intelligence agencies to foment division between nations around the planet. This spells the end of the Shadow Government. This spells the end of the Deep State. This spells the end of the robery and collusion. This spells the end of the industrial pharmeceutical military complex that tried its damnedest to destroy America and destroy our relationship with other peoples around the planet. We will immediately stop weather modification; stop cloud seeding; stop chemtrails; stop graphene oxide poisoning; stop DNA manuipulation; stop mRNA experiementation; stop the practice of attempting to patent our people; stop water poisoning; stop food poisoning. We will stop indoctrination of our young people according to age old tendencies of the dead and gone robber barrons. The balance of what this Administration will be doing from now on -- effective immeditately -- will be demanding all funds moving into or out of [our bank account(s)] to be denominated in lawful money, such as US Notes. This is pursuant to 12 USC 411 and this is our right and our choice, as we apply this designation to all of our bank transfers and direct deposits as well. All Americans will also be educated at properly indorsing all deposits with this exact verbiage to safely indorse the back of a check and thus denominate the funds in "lawful money" --- as follows:
By: Private Bank Patron ©
All rights reserved.
Redeemed in lawful
money. 12 USC 411.
I am sure you can write other pertinent content into this type of speech to completely void any and all unlawful and fraudulent taxation plus any and all unlawful government overreach plus any and all reconstruction of Americans away from British Territorial U.S. Citizenship and back to American national state citizenship as free sovereigns." ;
10. Effectively Immediately this Administration will terminate all Executive Orders attempted by the prior fraudulent administrations from the days of Abraham Lincoln forward to the Biden Administration -- EOs which became overreach outside the original 18 or 19 enumerated powers;
11. Effective Immediately this Administration will seek to posthumously impeach former U.S. Presidents who had committed treason crimes against Americans. Reparations, Restitution, Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchange and Reversionary Trust Rights and Exemptions according this this article: will be applied to all Americans very quickly ;
12. As you've said to us all a number of times, we are returning power to the people. The People are The Sovereign. The people have had it with corruption running rampant in our lives and in the lives of our so-called elected leaders as they've successfully made American worse off than every in our history as a People;
13. These steps seek to adopt, support, preserve, protect, revise, extent, apply, observe, uphold and appreciate the entire substance of what this President has been saying to Americans along the campaign trail prior to becoming elected;
14. Educational and required content:
- ;
- ;
15. Effective immediately this Administration will instruct all of our 'soon to be former combined Agencies [such as Homeland Security]' to be separated -- as independant States -- and restored back to the reconstructed States -- honoring the efforts of Constitutional Sheriffs and Constitutional Law Counsel and 50 State Departments of Education resconstructed to stand independantly once again;
16. Effective immediately this Administration will censure the BAR ASSOCIATIONS and their brotherhood club of ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES who have victimized -- and would continue to victimize -- our people under the falsified standings and corruption in our Courts;
17. Effective immediately our County Sheriffs will oversee the ending of Law Enforcement pursuit of people who have been accused of 'so-called victimless administrative infractions' and will arrest, investigate, indict and seek charges, trials and convictions against LEO who harass people without having just cause and/or valid warrants for arrest, search or seisure ;
I can go on all day in this proposal. However, I stop now with an invitation to contact me for a very thourough discussion.
James Allen Homyak, retired
a free dwelling American on the land and soil at Minnesota,
The united 'States of America'
...seeking to reconstruct, rebuild and restore...
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Not In Commerce
periodic editing and modifications pending