The Courts and Their Administrative Law Judges -- the Corrupt Ones Who Know It Too

By: Jim Homyak
March 6, 2025

Disclaimer:  Absolutely ALL of what any one can read, as entertainment, at Unruly States of Affairs is NOT meant for the following:

  1. Not suitable for legal advice, we are NOT your legal counsel
  2. Not construed as legal guidance; there are professionals out there
  3. Not to take the place of your own thoughtful research an due diligence
  4. Not to be used for commercial purposes; not trying to make money 
  5. Not to stand-in as your administrative chairperson or sounding board
  6. Not meant to get myself harassed by greedy cheating government people

Views expressed by other authors found here are merely the opinions, content and various life experiences of those authors. 


I've had the good pleasure of interacting in the past with Guy Neighbors for a relatively short amount of time. He's doing one heck of a great job helping common ordinary people to take the lawfare industry to task. Here is an example for you all to study on a web site which Guy Neighbors publishes.  


Let this content speak for itself!

BONUS!  Enjoy reading a huge hot short story where this is as unruly as it gets, in damaging the American people, inside Courts which are way off the mark compared to the original intent. 

I am also going to send you out to read one very fitting article ... here

The rest of what you do in these kinds of pursuits is now up to you.  Hey! You do you. 

