Over many years...

We've compiled a repository...

Volumes of solutions-oriented content... 

Keep your eyes on this part of the Unruly States portal to find steps you can take to live a better life by setting yourselves free of the clutches of a tyranical establishment that's run amok for nearly 200 years.

It is now 2023 (gregorian) and planet earth has been filling up with screaming mouth-piece authors, reporters and alternative media personalities who go to great lengths to gripe and complain about various situations.

Mind you, there are some very real situations taking place.

The most astonishing is that we recently witnessed the CEO of Phizer telling an audience (full of appaluse) that...  "our goal of reducing the number of people who can't afford our medicines by 50% during 2023 is becoming a very real purpose" ...in so many words. See for yourself. 

But what has since happened in the alternative press was a horrible editing to make it sound like Bourla said "...reducing global population by 50% in 2023..." and people believe the resulting disinformation.

This is why we have to be very careful with what these cash-seeking alternative media presenters are pushing. 

The sad reality is we have huge problems that are not being properly diseminated to the people. 

A list of reporters, authors and presenters who put a huge amount of time into getting the news out:

A list of authors who have a significant amount of solution topics...

Find actionable steps you can take in getting yourself converted back to being a documented American (which is a natural inhabitant) instead of a documented U.S. Citizen (which is British and Territorial commercial vessel) or getting yourself documented into the Kingdom of the Lord (to exit the commercial government entirely)

Justice Anna Von Reitz –
—  A “right” is a material asset just as much as gold in your hand.
—  A material “right” is what you have in abundance with all the constitutional guarantees.
—  Those are material rights.

Additional Reading:
—  Why Every Non-Federal American Needs to Declare Their Actual Political Status
—  Understand the difference between  State Citizens and US Citizens Status
—  Be Clear, there are Five Different Political Statuses, Five Different Estates

Two related sites in speedy education and document preparation. Requires upwards of $217 to $797 to spend using easy click-throughs to generate document sets to be downloaded and printed.

So many of these have implemented expensive Internet presence.

But let me ask you:

Would not some proper dissemination also include the kinds of practical solutions that we can each put into effect for dirt cheap prices? Tell me why you would want to spend upwards of $300 to print 25 pages? For some of you, it is a small price to pay for the convenience. Preparing your documents correctly can take a lot of time. So an automated solution is great to find.   

Important content is missing from all of them in the midst of their urgent invitation to buy their best sellers for your ultimate survival:

Missing are:

  • Very low cost steps you can take to free yourselves from a corrupt generation? Nope. Nada.

  • Ultra low priced steps you can take to self-govern inside your lifestyle and household?  Nope. Crickets.

  • The truth about your standing as an American under natural law instead of contrived law? Nope. Deer in the headlights.

Most of these links feature their sponsored goods, etc.... and their "click-bait" but try finding any practical solutions. Lots of them are clearly in this for the money to bait you deeper and deeper. 

Hmmm.  I wonder why...  I am sure it's because they're deathly affraid of being construed as giving "legal advice" or worse, being attacked for being over the true target.

American people are granted protected free speech rights but U.S. Citizen persons are not.

Read that last line again. Read it again. 

This fact today stands as another one of the greatest deceptions in all of mankind. We're led to believe we're protected under the free speech laws. Yet we largely have no idea that there are 5 classes of Citizen, three which have no such protections at all. 

You won't be inticed to buy my products here at this free public resource center.

Everything you can find here is out in the open -- not behind a paywall. 

For some of you, just by being informed, it's enough to get you involved in coming up with your own solutions. Take it from me, a huge number of good folks such as yourself have tried and failed. The successful ones are those who get free and keep their wits about them. As has been said, "Loose lips sink ships."

Now let's cut to the chase on solving YOUR problem.

Each of these points below will be documented in the Solutions Listing, as separate discussions for you.

This entertaining approach is meant to spur you into action. After all, this is YOUR LIFE and not theirs, right?

  1. Correct your American state political status. Your citizenship and political status is/was presumed upon you at birth to be made into a 2nd class Citizen. Your parents bore you as a first class citizen but they weren't told a thing about this. The bought and paid for public education system wasn't doing you any favors either. You need to put a stop that while you still can. Why? Because of the proven facts of what has happened to you and your identity, this ought to shock you and wake you up. Pronto!

  2. Decide right now that evil deeds have no place in you. Famous guys, who made the headline news, got themselves into trouble -- as evil people made an example out of them. Their troubles were not because of the ascertion that their discoveries were wrong. No! It was because they were onto something. But they had money and wealth and status which had gotten them attacked by certain self-interested lawyers / attorneys / banks / cabal members who garnered decades of false yet powerful financial and industrial standings.

  3. Establish for yourself a new record keeping method focused on your freedom and breaking your self free from "the system" ....  Today's commerce has grown to become a destructive and fraudulent system which has done a damn good job of enslaving you over your whole life. It's not just you that they've been after. It is everyone much younger in your lives too. The schmucks are ruining children and there's no ifs and or buts about it. Make no mistake about it -- our children have been under attack.

  4. Set up a working method of printing, mailing, documenting your mailings and filing any written responses you've received after your stack of letters go out. Your calendar of "non reponses" is equally important to the lists and dates of mailings you've sent. Using the Postal Service and the Public Notary Service will be like your new best friends.

  5. Write, rehearse and publish your own Declarations. Your failure to make any Declarations about yourselves since your own emacipation has meant that you too are just like everyone else. 

  6. Restore your household/county/state by beginning at your own kitchen table. This country has been destroyed in so many ways but nobody is being told exactly how this has happened in any workable context. We're basically supposed to all be clueless serfs and debt slaves. It is mathematically impossible to resolve these problems without your first-hand awareness. Yes, there are the above sorts of whistleblows, etc... but you still have got to dig far too hard to get anything done about it; so we all just keep going along for the ride to our ultimate destruction. The country doesn't even have an "actual guy" as president anymore. Huge numbers of people are saying, "Oh my god! That's not even the original guy! WTF?! Over?!" 

When this blog starts to develop, we are going to make it so viewers can input moderated comments too. People can read til the cows come home but they still clamor for proof and how-to information. 

Enjoy, and look out for your own best interests... it is D-I-Y time.

Problems our society must embrace are all very real:

  • We all have had our identities stolen and continually used against us 24/7

  • Most of us are not federal employees, so why are we continuing to falsely report that we are?

  • So many of us think we own a house, but our paperwork names us as the tenant. That is a renter!

  • Our children are uptaking countless chemicals which have not been studied for long term affects.

  • There are war mongers in charge of enormous budgets who are beating up on innocent countries.

  • Your use of a FULL LEGAL NAME has become one of the most obscured victimizations of all time.

  • Your own private stance, "Oh well, not much I can do!"  is problem #1.

  • Your fear of "a government" (that is supposed to be run by you) is problem #2.