Donald J. Trump May Be Israel's Savior...

But He Certainly Is NOT America's Savior

By: James Allen Homyak

September 20, 2024

Americans had gotten any semblance of legitimate government virtually destroyed by the 1860's... as you hopefully will learn here at my U.S.O.A. infotainment resource site. Lots of information is now at your fingertips. Some articles will be getting revised as time permits, such as when errors are found or repeats or broken links.

Today, in our lifetimes, we've got foreign interests "acting as" the original 'American sovereign' and doing plenty of mischief "for you" while purportedly acting in your names globally. Just ask Anna Von Reitz. She has decades of cold hard facts beneath her.

The sad state of affairs have left a lot of people clamoring for reform....  however reform would undercut our needs, as Americans, to fully reconstruct the broken pieces from over 160 years ago... that is, if we are to have any chance at truth, freedom and the American way left to us in the late 1700's via the once republican form of standing. I don't mean "the Republican Party" in that statement either.

Today's new "hit piece" calls our attention to an article linked below from author Henry Makow, “Hitler was a Godsend for Israel.”

Now we may easily lose count how many of this 'certain few Judaism denominations' are sitting in Congress as dual citizens between America and Israel. Why can this even be allowed to happen?

Out of the yammering Donald J. Trump: "If I lose the election, Jewish people will ‘have a lot to do with’ it." The aging GOP nominee fumes over most of the other kinds of Jews, who aren't in government, but are backing "Harris/Walz" instead of "Trump".

This may intensify the real warning of Israel’s annihilation to ‘within 2 years’ if Harris/Walz win, or put out calls to rescued hostages to their grand stage.

Way back in the past we had Zionists and Nazis working hand-in-hand, as The Transfer Agreement by Jewish author Edwin Black documents for us.

Zionists like Netanyahu are Jewish Nazis. Look at Ukraine, controlled by a 'certain denomination' of Jews, that stands full of Nazis. They think Palestinians, indeed all non-satanists, are “subhuman.”

“The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote.

[Trump represents the Zionist (Right, Nazi) wing of Freemasonry. Harris represents the Left, Communist wing for masons. World wars have all been charades mounted by these two wings to impose social and political change. The most unruly behavior on earth.]

“Thanks to Hitler, the kernel of the German Jewish community was lifted up and transferred to Palestine along with their property. “Many of these people were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories –indeed rough replicas of their very existences.”

Hitler was a Godsend for Israel, [as was the British Balfour Declaration, which since has expired].

from May 1, 2016

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

The numbers from Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement tell the story. In 1927, about 15,000 of Germany’s 550,000 Jews considered themselves Zionists. That’s less than 2%.

The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote.

Thanks to Hitler, 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Israel between 1933 and 1941. Thanks to a “Transfer Agreement” between Nazis and Zionists,  Jewish property valued at $100 million was transferred to Israel in the form of German industrial exports used to build Israel’s infrastructure. The Transfer Agreement brought in tools, raw materials, heavy machinery, appliances, farm equipment as well as labor, and capital to finance expansion. Many of Israel’s major industries, like textiles and the national waterworks, were thus founded.

This at a time when there were only 200,000 Jews in Palestine, including many anti-Zionist religious Jews. The daily wage of a Jewish worker in Palestine was $1 a day. There were 800,000 Palestinian Arabs.


Thanks to Hitler, the kernel of the German Jewish community was lifted up and transferred to Palestine along with their property. “Many of these people were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories –indeed rough replicas of their very existences.”

In 1937, when the British proposed dividing Palestine into two states, the Nazis wondered if they hadn’t made a mistake by creating “a Jewish Vatican” dedicated to Germany’s demise. But Hitler overruled all dissenters and insisted the Transfer Agreement be continued and even expanded to other countries. Italy, Rumania, Hungary and several other countries under fascist influence signed similar agreements.

Hitler hated Jews so much he built a country for them. He could have taken all their property and kicked them out but that would have been anti-Semitic.

(More on this symbol of Nazi Zionist cooperation) 

What did he get out of it? Well the Zionists actually expanded Nazi trade by reselling German goods throughout the Middle East. Yes, they didn’t just trade with the Nazis, they acted as their agents. The Nazis also got a lot of Jaffa oranges and got rid of a lot of Jews.

The World Jewish Congress had to act pretty offended because they had a world boycott of Germany goods. But this only endeared the doughty Zionists to the Nazis. And gave the Nazis an excuse to boycott and persecute German Jews.


As soon as the Nazis assumed power in 1933, the Zionists gained a protected political status. After the Reichstag fire, the Nazis crushed virtually all political opposition and closed 600 newspapers. But not the Zionists nor their newspaper which was hawked from every street corner, and saw its circulation multiply five times to 38,000. Zionism was “the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich.”

The Zionist uniform  was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany.  Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still, German Jews wanted to stay in Germany “even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted.” But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

Zionists pandered to the Nazis comparing their racial ideologies: “a common fate and tribal consciousness must be of decisive importance in developing a lifestyle for Jews too.”

This explains how ” a fringe minority of German Jews took emergency custody of 550,000 men, women and children…” Black says. This was confirmation “of what Diaspora Jews had always feared about Zionism–it would be used as the legal and moral pretext for forcing Jews out of European society.”

It explains also why Israel behaves like Nazi Germany.  They have a common racist pedigree. Not only did the Nazis build Israel, but Israel built Nazi Germany by providing an export market. They worked together. Many Jews didn’t get all their money when they arrived in Israel. Thus, the Zionists participated directly in the looting of Europe’s Jews which was called “Aryanization.”  


Increasingly Israelis, and Jews in general, are realizing that Zionism is a ruse and Israel’s behavior bears an uncanny resemblance to Nazi Germany’s. For example, Israeli academic Yeshayahu Leibowitz said everything Israel has done since 1967 is “either evil stupidity or stupidly evil.” He refers to the Israeli army as “Judeo-Nazi.”

“Thanks to Hitler, the kernel of the German Jewish community was lifted up and transferred to Palestine along with their property. “Many of these people were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories –indeed rough replicas of their very existences.”

Hitler hated Jews so much he built a country for them. He could have taken all their property and kicked them out but that would have been anti-Semitic.

(More on this symbol of Nazi Zionist cooperation) 

What did he get out of it? Well the Zionists actually expanded Nazi trade by reselling German goods throughout the Middle East. Yes, they didn’t just trade with the Nazis, they acted as their agents. The Nazis also got a lot of Jaffa oranges and got rid of a lot of Jews.

The World Jewish Congress had to act pretty offended because they had a world boycott of Germany goods. But this only endeared the doughty Zionists to the Nazis. And gave the Nazis an excuse to boycott and persecute German Jews.

The Zionist uniform  was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany.  Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still, German Jews wanted to stay in Germany “even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted.” But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

Zionists pandered to the Nazis comparing their racial ideologies: “a common fate and tribal consciousness must be of decisive importance in developing a lifestyle for Jews too.”

This explains how ” a fringe minority of German Jews took emergency custody of 550,000 men, women and children…” Black says. This was confirmation “of what Diaspora Jews had always feared about Zionism–it would be used as the legal and moral pretext for forcing Jews out of European society.” 

It explains also why Israel behaves like Nazi Germany.  They have a common racist pedigree. Not only did the Nazis build Israel, but Israel built Nazi Germany by providing an export market. They worked together. Many Jews didn’t get all their money when they arrived in Israel. Thus, the Zionists participated directly in the looting of Europe’s Jews which was called “Aryanization.”  

Increasingly Israelis, and Jews in general, are realizing that Zionism is a ruse and Israel’s behavior bears an uncanny resemblance to Nazi Germany’s. For example, Israeli academic Yeshayahu Leibowitz said everything Israel has done since 1967 is “either evil stupidity or stupidly evil.” He refers to the Israeli army as “Judeo-Nazi.”

This is not the place to show how Hitler was put into power by Anglo-American (i.e. Illuminati and Jewish)  finance, the same people who created Communism and Zionism. But it is the place for Jews and Americans to consider this lesson. Historical events are created in order to brainwash and manipulate people into advancing the agenda of the New World Order.  European Jews were uprooted, robbed and massacred in order to build the capital of Rothschild world government in Israel. 


First Comment from Tutus Return:

Hitler was a crypto jewish puppet and a homosexual just like the other top nazis. With Hitler the Jews achieved more for the black Jewry than people can imagine: 1) He got rid of all anti zionistic orthodox jews in Europe. 2) Created the holocaust shield of protection against criticism of jews – while the black jews should be persecuted day and night by real jews. 3) He created the state of Israel to fulfill prophecies and control the middle east 4) He destroyed the mental  and physical strength of Germany and the rest of Europe and the German people by deceiving them with a jew parading as against the jew. 5) Established full jewish political control of Europe after WW II – thanks to Hitler.

Why did Goering say during Nuremberg trial he would have a statue in 60 years ? He knew the NWO and the role he played for the black crypto Jews to control the world.

Things are not what they look like. Just my two cents.


Not all jews are the bad ones. Hopefully you will figure this out that the fake ones were even called out by Christ, our Savior, back in the day, as the synagogue of Satan; Revelation 3:9; and there were enough of them to put him down fairly routinely. We know that ALL God's children are chosen as whomever He may call as well as when we come calling out too.