Why on God's Blue Planet Would Any One Wish to Correct One's Own Political Status?

By: James Allen of the Homyak family

Four September, Twenty Twenty-four Gregorian calendar....   and/or....

Elul 1, 5784 - Hebrew Calendar

Jimmy, could you please explain and coach us on why or how any one, namely an English or American or Jewish man or woman, would venture into "correcting one's own political status administratively" when otherwise not doing so tacitly accepts a "STATE run default status" which enforces or implies or interposes "a standing in commerce in indentured servitude".... whereas a corrected status reverts one back to a more powerful status in an effective standing capacity as a man or woman on the land instead of presuming to stand as A THING IDENTIFIED which undoubtedly can then be presumed to be lost at sea?

Glad some one, at least, asked me! 

Given enough of my educational and entertainment value herein, I seek to set one up for effective "self coaching" so I am not construed as giving too powerful of serious advice.

At the starting and at the ending of each day, THIS TOPIC IS PARAMOUNT!

It is BEST to get yourself corrected! Correct errors in the record too...  (thinking caps on now) (just not CAPS LOCK STUCK ON while seeing/accepting/condoning your real names in UPPER CASE PRINT)

Understanding the Concept of Correcting One’s Political Status

To address the thought process concerning the why an individual, particularly an English or American man or woman, might choose to correct their political status administratively, it is essential to break down several key concepts and implications involved in this process.

1. Default Political Status and Its Implications

In many jurisdictions, individuals are assigned a default political status by the state upon birth or legal recognition. This status often aligns with citizenship in a nation-state, which comes with certain rights and responsibilities but can also imply limitations on personal autonomy and freedom, such as the free right of unrestricted motor travel using your modern methods of the day, namely your private non-commercial cars, trucks, vans, etc.

The term “STATE run default status” refers to the legal framework that governs individuals under the jurisdiction of that STATE OF STATE (i.e. STATE OF IOWA) where one understands to "stand under" in place of "standing over" or comprehensive "innerstanding" as it were.

We can delve deep on "legal" significance and "lawful" significance in other writings in contravention by definition. 

When one does not actively engage in correcting their political status, they may be seen as accepting this default position. This acceptance can lead to interpretations of being subject to various forms of governance that some argue resemble “indentured servitude.” In this context, indentured servitude refers to a situation where individuals are bound by legal obligations that limit their freedoms and autonomy. Any one who governs their affairs to a far higher standard than legislative impost, can rise within their own self-governance to innerstand the primary goals of harming no one. 

2. The Concepts and Actuality of Indentured Servitude

The notion of being in “indentured servitude” is rooted in historical practices where individuals were contracted to work for a specific period under conditions that often favored the employer significantly. In modern terms, some proponents argue that citizens are similarly bound by laws and regulations that restrict their freedoms and impose duties without adequate representation or consent.

This perspective posits that by remaining in a default status, individuals inadvertently accept these limitations on their rights and freedoms. The argument follows that such acceptance leads to a loss of agency over one’s life choices and circumstances.

3. Correcting One’s Political Status

Correcting one’s political status involves taking administrative steps to redefine how one is recognized legally within the state system of commerce. This process may include filing specific documents or declarations that assert an individual’s identity as a sovereign entity rather than as a mere citizen subject to state control.

Advocates for correcting political status argue and prove that doing so reverts an individual back to a more empowered standing—essentially reclaiming their rights as a man or woman on the land rather than being treated as an abstract entity (or “thing”) within commerce. This shift is believed to restore personal sovereignty and provide greater control over one’s legal identity and affairs.

4. Legal Frameworks Supporting Correction

The legal frameworks surrounding citizenship, sovereignty, and individual rights vary significantly across jurisdictions but often include constitutional provisions, international law principles, and common law traditions. Understanding these frameworks is crucial for anyone considering correcting their political status.

Individuals who pursue this correction typically engage with legal documents such as 'testimony in the form of an affidavit' or eye-witnessed declarations of self- sovereignty or acknowledged 'as a foreign sovereign', which articulate their intent to operate outside the confines of state-imposed definitions of citizenship. They may also seek guidance from legal experts familiar with these processes provided such experts are not jaded for BAR association's undue influence.

5. Potential Benefits of Correcting Status

By correcting one’s political status:

Individuals may claim certain rights associated with being recognized as sovereign entities while at the same time NOT consenting to be labeled 'a sovereign citizen' (nut jobber) in law enforcement communities.

They true sovereign (without subjects) could potentially reduce their exposure to certain taxes or obligations imposed on citizens. There may be, when acting in prudence, increased opportunities for self-determination in legal matters as well as lawful matters. 

However, it is essential to note that outcomes can vary widely based on local laws and enforcement practices for all those wearing default labels internal to most enterprise-generated citizenships.

Appropriate conclusions (which does not yet include one's commercial statuses, later on this one) in these matters do not need to be complicated. 

In summary, the choice to correct one’s political status administratively stems from concerns about personal autonomy under state-imposed definitions of citizenship. By taking action towards correction, individuals aim to reclaim their identity as sovereign beings rather than subjects within a commercial framework perceived as limiting freedom and subjecting one to obsolete democratic practices or assumptions.

Top 4 Authoritative Sources Used:

1. U.S. Constitution
The foundational document outlining the structure of government and individual rights in the United States provides critical insights into citizenship and sovereignty issues.

2. Black’s Law Dictionary
A comprehensive legal dictionary offering definitions and explanations related to law terms including those relevant to citizenship, sovereignty, and indentured servitude.

3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
An international treaty providing standards for civil liberties which includes discussions on self-determination and individual rights relevant for understanding political statuses globally.

4. Unruly States of Affairs portal site (USOA)                  Upon exhaustively checking into this web portal and the MANY AUTHORS cited therein, the courses and the reasoning becomes quite clear in order to stop leaving one's self at A STARK DISADVANTAGE by remaining as defaulted by the enterprises at YOUR STATE'S COMPANIES.

Probability the dialog above is correct: 100%



Resource Separation of Powers: An Overview

https//www.ncsl.org › about-state-legislatures › separation-of-powers-an-overview

Resource Separation of Powers: An Overview

Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core ...

Branches of the U.S. government | USAGov

https//www.usa.gov › branches-of-government

Branches of the U.S. government | USAGov

The Justices of the Supreme Court, nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, can overturn unconstitutional laws.

Separation of Powers in Action - U.S. v. Alvarez

https//www.uscourts.gov › educational-resources › educational-activities › separation-powers-action-us-v-alvarez

Separation of Powers in Action - U.S. v. Alvarez

The US Constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law ...

(Check back later for updates to include web links you can click --- for now, simply copy phrases into your search engine(s) where you put "the phrase" inside "double quotes" to maintain your specificity in results you may obtain. )




https//www.govinfo.gov › content › pkg › CDOC-108hdoc94 › pdf › CDOC-108hdoc94.pdf



A tie vote means that the decision of the lower court is allowed to stand. Such a vote could occur when one or three Justices do not take part in a decision.


The Declaration of Independence

https//www.legislature.mi.gov › documents › historical › Declaration_of_Independence.htm

The Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume ...


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