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Introduction to a Huge Problem

By: James Allen Homyak

February 2025

Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This... Banned From Nearly All Platforms


Stopping Big Pharma, the Food and Drug Administration, Hospitals and the propagandized Medical Media Establishment in what they have been doing.... all the colluding....

It seems that whenever you start investigating a money trail within the world of “modern healthcare” or big business, the results usually reveal lies and corruption. For example, big pharma, our so-called government health agencies, big food producers, and now the telecom industry are filled with deceptive practices. All of these examples represent multi-billion dollar industries. But, more significantly, all of these entities have been caught lying to the public and compromising our health in the process.


Should someone who needs solid organ transplant and associated care be hiring a law firm or some form of private special counsel, many paygrades above a social worker, in order to help navigate the playing field between a patient, doctors, hospitals, manufacturers and care teams, especially when egregious errors and misrepresentations are occurring inside the patient's own very large medical record?

The recorded mess can run so deep that it stands in violation of one's own conscience to NOT BE ABLE TO address these problems immediately. 

The process of navigating the complex field of organ transplantation can be overwhelming, especially when errors and misrepresentations occur within the medical record. Especially when errors advance to the point of damaging a patient permanently in any number of areas physically, emotionally, mentally and economically. 

Patients, doctors, manufacturers, and care teams are all involved in this intricate process, and the stakes are high. The question arises as to whether hiring a law firm can help mitigate these issues and ensure that the patient’s rights are protected.

Understanding the Role of Law Firms in Medical Cases

Law firms specializing in medical malpractice and patient advocacy can play a crucial role in navigating the complex landscape of organ transplantation. They can help patients understand their rights, ensure that medical records are accurate, and represent them in cases of egregious errors or misrepresentations. With their expertise, patients can better navigate the system and make informed decisions about their care.

The Benefits of Hiring a Law Firm or Special Consultant

Hiring a law firm can provide several benefits to patients undergoing organ transplantation. Firstly, they can help ensure that medical records are accurate and complete, which is critical for making informed decisions about care. Secondly, they can represent patients in cases of medical malpractice or negligence, helping to hold healthcare providers accountable for their actions. Thirdly, they can facilitate communication between patients, doctors, manufacturers, and care teams, helping to prevent errors and misrepresentations.

The Potential Drawbacks of Hiring a Law Firm

While hiring a law firm can be beneficial, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. Firstly, the cost of hiring a law firm can be prohibitively expensive, which may be a barrier for some patients. Secondly, the involvement of a law firm can create tension between patients and healthcare providers, potentially compromising the patient-provider relationship. Thirdly, the legal process can be time-consuming and may not always yield the desired outcomes.

The Potential Drawbacks of Hiring a Specialized Consultant aside from a Medical Doctor

While hiring a sort of a medical concierge can be beneficial, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. Firstly, the cost of hiring a private specialist can be prohibitively expensive, which may be a barrier for some patients. Secondly, the involvement of a specialty advocacy firm can create tension between patients and healthcare providers, potentially compromising the patient-provider relationship. Thirdly, the various administrative due process can be time-consuming and may not always yield the desired outcomes.

Patients are asked to provide a FULL LEGAL NAME as well as any number of other documents for the purposes of insurance, medications, contacts, care plans, etc.

Thus it seems fitting a potential patient would not want to go into LEGAL matters without wise legal counsel, correct?

Introduction to the Importance of Legal Counsel

When patients are asked to provide a full legal name and other documents for insurance, medications, contacts, care plans, and other purposes, it is essential to consider the potential legal implications. This is particularly true when accessing medical services with a Federal Government program as the payor. The complexity of the healthcare system, combined with the legal requirements for insurance and medical services, can create a daunting task for patients to navigate alone.

The Role of Legal Counsel in Healthcare

Having wise legal counsel can be invaluable in ensuring that patients’ rights are protected and that they receive the best possible care. Legal counsel can help patients understand their obligations and responsibilities when accessing medical services with a Federal Government program as the payor. This includes understanding the terms and conditions of their insurance coverage, the requirements for eligibility, and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

The Complexity of Federal Government Programs

Federal Government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, have complex rules and regulations that govern eligibility, coverage, and reimbursement. Patients who are not familiar with these rules and regulations may inadvertently violate them, which can result in denied claims, delayed care, or even legal action. Legal counsel can help patients navigate these complex rules and regulations, ensuring that they comply with all requirements and receive the care they need. 

Astute patients, those who advocate for themselves in their care teams, now legally and lawfully speaking, would also be expected to recognize equal protections under the law; to thus hold program administrators, providers and supply chains accountable as well to any proven abuses, negligence, malpractice or policy violations -- all of which can injure a patient -- the primary concern of everyone substantially involved.

The Benefits of Legal Counsel in Healthcare

The benefits of having legal counsel in healthcare are numerous. Legal counsel can help patients:


Exposed – 5 Forbidden Healing Secrets the Elites Tried to Bury w- Dr. Ed Group



Make Yourself Healthy Again

  1. Education and Skill Development

  2. Apply your skills and education to reviewing:

    1. huge debates happening which are unfortunately based on many contradictions and contraindications (see below)

    2. steps people had taken by the use of mistaken information

    3. steps to begin taking based on corrected information

Musk Video Posted Of Victor Davis Hanson, Alex Jones, et. al.



Advisor To RFK Jr., Brigham Buhler, tells Alex Jones how the health insurance industry controls health care, including hospitals, and keeps drug prices high then gets a 30% kick back from prescription drug sales while keeping you sick and killing you.


Huge Debates

Get ready to consume several moments of your time, applying your skills and education as you review this content published by SPLC  --  Southern Poverty Law Center. They use a particular phrase in their premise, that, in and of itself, would open the curious mind of an eighth grader. 

     Question: Hand raised in civics class, Johnny asked, "Mr Johnson, What is a sovereign citizen?"

     Answer:  "Great question, Johnny. The quick answer is these two words are mutually exclusive. Using them together would be an oxymoron. To apply the phrase onto somebody would be as laughable as it would be ridiculous and absurd. There can't really be such a person, because in order to be a citizen, you've got to subject yourself to a manner in which you are governed. To be a sovereign, puts you somewhere out in front of such a citizen -- namely a corporate citizen or a societal or municipal citizen. To be ahead of them, as a sovereign, or more specifically a foreign sovereign, you would not be their subject. However, you can potentially be their Creator. If you'd happen to have enough like-minded people, you can together institute new governments amongst men. Sovereign people create a government, as listed in the Organic Law."

sovereign American national

In the writing of my article, and during my time researching this information, several concerns came to mind -- concerns based on subjects we either know or should know. To be the most informational as possible, we believe these are topics we need to know in the face of obvious problems. 

  1. How was America, in particular our union of States, founded? 

  2. Was it people? Was it information? Was it events which have transpired? Who else or what else besides the people was involved in America's founding? Was it a series of documents? 

  3. Did our nation's founders use the English language to found America? Did they use the pen and ink or did they use the printing press or did they agree on reasons to utilize one mode or another?

  4. Was America founded using legalese, in terms of the language used?

  5. Was the language rooted in common law or some other form of law?

  6. If certain contracts were used to establish law or policy, were all those involved fully informed of everyone's intent?

  7. Many people today regard America as a nation of laws. That said, then let's start with the first part of America's laws....  some education tells us that we can look for what is known as 'the organic law' for the united States of America.  Has anyone deeply searched for such a thing as 'the organic law'? 

  8. When the American states, the earliest of states, formed out of the original colonies, what kind of language and documents were used to form the methods of governing the people in order to construct the jurisdiction known as the state?

  9. Given how America is a nation of laws, who then would be most likely to cause a problem for America?  How about people who break the law? 

  10. Given that America has a lengthy history of people who break the law, who then wants to be the first powerful group who would run interference for people who are upset about law breakers?

  11. If law breakers were powerful enough, with economic or financial ability to make events happen, who then, among them, would be the first ones to prevent people from rising up to hold America's government accountable to the law that applies to the inside of all of their public or private capacities or activities?

  12. Is there a group so powerful that they are able to give rise to the topics contained in this report? How about SPLC? What grants them such optimal powers?

  13. Let's expose them for giving rise to a large concocted methodology to reduce the population on this planet. Does that make someone want to label me as an anti-government sovereign citizen nut job who wants armed conflict with law enforcement personnel? Am I an antisemite because of any of this? 

    No!  The use of foods, drugs, licensed administrators, physical procedures, tools and products used for these topics are being used by people inside certain kinds of enterprises, which are breaking laws -- effecting the death of humanity. Effecting theft amongst humanity.

Americans who decide to open up and study the Declaration of Independence as the first part of America's acknowledged organic law, will see to it, that whenever America's government rises up to become destructive of the freedoms, rights and properties of the people, this may and will trigger the lawfully permissible result of seeing Americans institute new government. That is how sovereigns did it. That is how sovereigns will continue to do it.

American people who would like to use original roadmaps to achieve the desired aim of new government will also see so much value in piecing together every aspect of the written law -- namely where and to whom such law can be applied and enforced. 

How can American's do this?  Americans can, but U.S. CITIZENs cannot!

The American way (breaking free from the King/British Royalty) tells us all that the PEOPLE are the SOVEREIGN unless they make a giant change to their identity. To become captivated into false flag havens of exclusive privatization under the headings of public and civil.  A false public. 

Conducting ourselves in a civilized and peaceful manner will help to ensure we achieve our goal -- to remove people who are bad. Certain bad people have shown signs of repentence. Certain others haven't shown any sign of being reformed or responsive to disciplinary actions.

Causing yourself to be shot, and possibly killed, is definitely the opposite of peace.

Causing yourself to be injured, by problems with foods, drugs and policy manuals, is definiety the opposite of peace as well -- especially when done under nefarious circumstances. Voluntarily eating foods filled with problematic ingredients over time, is largely on you -- especially if you don't know any better.  

When thinking of ORGANIC LAW we are not thinking of food as much as we are to be thinking of purity and originality.

The four Organic Laws listed, in the order of their occurrence, are:

  1. The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

  2. The Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777

  3. Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787

  4. Constitution of September 17, 1787

Not only do Americans have our national organic laws...

We also have the several components each State observed years ago in order to bring each of the States into the Union of States -- as States of America united


  2. The Enabling Act for  the State of Minnesota, February 26, 1857

  3. The Constitution for the State of Minnesota, October 13, 1857

  4. The Minnesota Bill of Rights

This Huge Debates section is here to call people back to law as your guide. Law is vastly different from Legal. Please use your education and skills to delve into the difference between what is legal and what is lawful.  You will realize that a large part of what James Timothy Turner was doing was completely lawful. However, one of the largest parts of what he was doing was predicated on failing to resolve a very serious roadblock -- he was still administratiely regarded as a U.S. Citizen -- a LEGAL PERSON that is not even close to being a sovereign with the standing needed to conduct acts of state. He failed to first correct his political status and to publish his restoration back to his home state onto its land and soil jurisdiction.   

Important Note:   None of the above listed Corporations, Governments and Public Persons exist administratively on the land and soil jurisdictions. Instead, they all exist inside Admiralty and Maritime which is a sea jurisdiction, governed territorially in part by the British Navy, the Crown and the Pope.  [THEY/They/they] do this by way of Incorporation into a defunct sub-contractor which started up under similar name deceit as discussed on these next several advanced discussions:

  1. 5281. International Public Notice: Notice to Solicitor General

  2. 5290. International Public Notice: Notice from the Solicitor General 

  3. In preparing our minds for possible solutions, let's be aware at all times, that this next list grows and grows. The content listed in these links below also grows all the time.  Lots of revision is taking place. Check out these up-to-date sources of info and resources by going online to our Home Page:


Why is all of this important? Well -- think of it like this:  Being lied to and taken advantage of should be important to you, right? 

Because, until everyone undergoes the correction of your political status, you don't have standing [in public] to get outside of government and to rise up and to institute new government. If you get this wrong, you too may find yourself serving a sentence brought about by corrupt courts, corrupt judges, corrupt procecutors and other jealous money grubbing bullies.   You need to re-adopt your legs to stand on.

Conclusions and Answers

Considering the potential benefits and drawbacks, the answer to the question is: yes, someone who needs an organ transplant should consider hiring a law firm to help navigate the playing field between patient, doctor, manufacturers, and care teams, especially when egregious errors and misrepresentations are occurring inside the very large medical record. This is because the stakes are high in organ transplantation, and patients need all the support they can get to ensure that their rights are protected and that they receive the best possible care.

Yes, someone who seems to continue to find devastating misrepresentation in sloppy medical records, has it in their own best interest to advocate for themselves and to fully rectify such problems before committing to endure a broad scope of potential new problems associated with organ replacement, associated therapy and potentially lifelong treatments. 

Given the complexity of the healthcare system and the potential legal implications of accessing medical services with a Federal Government program as the payor, it is highly recommended that patients seek wise legal counsel to ensure their rights are protected and that they receive the best possible care. This is particularly true for patients who are navigating the system for the first time or who have complex medical needs. By having legal counsel, patients can ensure that they are making informed decisions about their care and that they are complying with all relevant rules and regulations.

Somehow the American government, so full of our public servants, needs to step up to the microphone in a press conference to tell all Americans that we are taking our government back to our founding ideals. Inside of five minutes, someone such as a President of The united States of America can muster the courage and the articulation to correct everyone's political status in one act of telling the truth to everyone. 

Once our status is corrected, we then have standing to claim the injuries brought upon us -- all at the hands of the large list of criminals who are hurting people and getting paid to do so while doing their deeds to attempt to earn our trust in them. Once your status is corrected, you'll have more than enough standing to hold court and to indict, try, cross-examine and to ultimately convict and sentence wrong doers as you hold them and yourselves accountable.

My Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the importance of legal counsel in healthcare cannot be overstated. Patients who are accessing medical services with a Federal Government program as the payor would be well-advised to seek wise legal counsel to ensure that their rights are protected and that they receive the best possible care. By doing so, patients can navigate the complex healthcare system with confidence, knowing that they have a trusted advocate on their side. 

In conclusion, hiring a law firm can be a crucial step in navigating the complex field of organ transplantation. While there are potential drawbacks to consider, the benefits of hiring a law firm can far outweigh the costs. By providing expert guidance and representation, law firms can help patients make informed decisions about their care and ensure that their rights are protected.

On top of all of that, your Job #1 is to be your own best advocate and to implement your version of your Advance Healthcare Directive (seen at the page bottom here   >> re: BONUS GIFTS for those who've made it this far. Downloads: PDF  Word Template for making your own Advance Healthcare Directives) over all of your Care Team participants and Agents.

Top 4 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering these questions of retaining certain experts, such as hiring a Law Firm, etc.:

Now, if you are able, always remember this: 

They Lie Because They Know the Truth!



What is the Huge Problem afterall?   

The huge problem is summed up like this ~ Many lifetimes of lies, half-truths, omissions and ongoing bending of the facts to suit the mainstream narratives of our days and times.

Laid at our feet are the pathways that leads ahead into the distance, with various forks in the road. 

Decide wisely; Question everything; Trust no one.



~ James Allen Homyak