
Could Their Donald Trump Use Our Jim Homyak’s Help?

By: Yours Truly, Twin Cities' Jim Homyak

January 29, 2025 Gregorian

The American People get too wrapped up in generalization. For instance -- the entire mainstream wrapped into A.I. when we've still got the entire balance of the alphabets to consider.

Why stop and expend so much resource on letter A? As in Artificial? If we'd at least get to B, we could be talking Biological in some new and lasting ways. 

Americans now realize "the Donald" apparently doesn't really read all that much. How can he? Why would he? He actually does and you'd be quite surprised. Has he got videos or witnesses of him being a major bookworm? No?

Well at least and at most, he's got major bookworms, plenty video feeds, thousands of eyewitnesses, many advisors, employees and other citizens helping him work like he does. Like a boss. 

New York? Florida? Barron? Melania?

I leave it up to you all to flesh out how this hard working guy really rolls. Me? I'd work early and late 7 days a week.

I just want to start by saying this:

If he really hasn't been a bookworm, then at least we can also start thinking of that library. Because I'm also not too much of a bookworm anymore, yet this would be one library that I'd visit fairly often.


Right-sided populations == can equal == right-sized populations


Within Don's position, he doesn't have to read and study like an academic. 


Same goes for all of Congress.

They're naturally gifted individuals. 



He and They just pick up their phones: Q & A

Attends their meetings: Q & A

Initiate Press Conferences: Announcements and FAQ


At The Capitol:  (fill in the blanks) ____________, __________, _____________



Clearly Don takes THEIR/Their/their word for it from so many of his advisors, moguls, philanthropists, elites, donors, tech titans, etc. that we see him agree and scratch out his autograph super fast -- hundreds of times consecutive in one sitting.

Hoping Don goes in search of some kind of authorware, software and content generator; running all latest tech.

Now straight out of southern Minnesota, little Jimmy is proposing tech analyst and entrepreneurial ideas to the rescue of big tech spending mistakes;  based on a solid 37 year private research discovery. Just as Don seems to very quickly agree with all those accolades pouring in and all their big money, he seems open to developing our people. 

But most important is this, these interested citizens are articulating a varity of various aspects, which everyone needs. Solutions for betterment of the people can now be designed, redesigned, redeveloped and marketed through innovation.


Not being critical here. Just my observation. As we get squeezed and squeezed some more out here.


Admittedly,  while I canceled my voter registration and consent to being governed a very long time ago, I too am moved to reconsider in making DJT my president.

But in doing so, I would have to trade-in my sovereignty for Public Office Opportunities, Rewards, Benefits and Public Policy Governance.

I really like a big part of all the Trump rallys and speeches --- a big part of rolling with everything as it is --- and business.

Real talk of returning power to the people seems to be traveling in a completely different lane from the one I travel in. I can explain. As can you.



How many pages of reading material was inserted behind all those EXECUTIVE ORDERS and does anybody sit [their President] down like a school kid and read all of that to him?

Does he look for fully informed consent that same way that we Americans ought to be doing?

Some know. Some assume. Some haven't a clue. Some doubt this all so very much. People are cautiously optimistic or worried sick. Where's the actual balance gonna be over the coming decades?

Yet if he's doing social media, texting and other stuff through a device in his hands, he is at least reading snippets. He is at least writing a three second quip as often as needed.


Now, enter your Jim Homyak --  an actual American


The Twin Cities own Jim Homyak, invites you all to see just how much he/himself and thine, actually reads, comprehends, studies, reflects, journals, reviews, reports and finally generates content. Only doing so with an upper midwest and western rural level of experience and skills.

Yet my body and my mind are being rescued from nearly gone for a lot of years.

Jimmy/Jim/JamesAllen pulls together so much detail, from so many authors, and so much exposure, that I literally cry about it in happiness and optimism -- tears and all.

"I have estimated it can take me another 15 years of my life if I were to sit down again at my Web Portal here, and read everything I can find here. All the links. All the references. All the great opportunities and optimism."

That is why, please, somehow, let's get moving on a super-ultra-low-budget.

That's how I roll

EO to me, means

Engineering & Operations

Let's dream big and imagine huge ideas in thinking outside the box --> like this 

It hasn't taken me $125 million to get this far. Nope.

Moreover, I saved $250 million by re-developing within open source. The whole portal runs me $220 per year. I'm a DIY expert. If I got paid today's street rate for expert IT and Software Engineering consulting, at a rate of $138 per hour doing this my whole past 35 years... how much value is in my development sandbox? Try over $8 million dollars. Yes. Try that on for size. But I digress.

Nobody is behind the curtain grooming me to keep a record so clean. I do it myself. I call it stewardship.

But where is that anymore in Washington?

How about we rebuild 50 states. How about we prototype it with my really easy to pay-for prototype concepts?

Here is what I mean -

When you first click into it, you get what I dub as "my wireframe" which at least presents the logged out componentry. But the logged in componentry inside the apparatus is vast and compelling. It's got two sides too. A Public Side where the servants and stewards go. A Private Side where our American people go. More later if you're interested. 

That is an open source sandbox that can generate an entire self-directed AI (Actual Intelligence) to remake over 3,080 counties, all the many parishes, and all 50 states in a manner where every necessary government service can be streamlined so drastically that even Jim blows any DOGE saving out of the water by factors of xyz. (billions and trillions)

Okay now. There you have it. Trillions upon trillions in redirecting wasteful spending and out of control corruption back to the independent humility here at our homes states.

Let's do our job once again America. We The People.

Hit me up

jim at homyaksystems dot net 


james at unrulystatesofaffairs dot com


Most people are glad they did or do. Going viral anyone? 

Now for a name comparison in Gematria:
james allen homyak
 in Hebrew Gematria equals 1311

 in English Gematria equals 990

 in Simple Gematria equals 165

elon reeve musk

in Hebrew Gematria equals 1240

in English Gematria equals 990

in Simple Gematria equals 165

donald trump code 

in Hebrew Gematria equals 651

in English Gematria equals 990

in Simple Gematria equals 165


Western Hemisphere, Peace, Harmony, Abundance and Love Always,
