
The Racket

By: [James Madison] Homyak

26 Jan 2025 -- Gregorian 


This following essay report is not inspired by The Racketeer by John Grisham yet I realized his work existed after getting finished with my own ideas leading me to write this:  

The Racket by Yours Truly

I expect to position The Racket and my exposure of what's going on as one of my powerful efforts toward stepping up to the plate and batting cleanup. The intention is for this work and the works of other similar thinkers, is to see our information become 'the seed and fertile soils' for other dedicated researchers and authors. 

I've already gotten teased a little bit for being like our James Madison -- but a reincarnation from this 4th U.S. President from 1809 to 1817. 

The Racket, (my all original), is based on my delving into the 2019 Connecticut 42 State plus Puerto Rico racketeering, price fixing and conspiracy lawsuit between various State's Attorneys General and the medication and drug pushing pharmaceutical industry. (linked below). However, no actual patients were named as victims, but instead the United States Government was named as the victim and I believe were co-Plaintiffs in the suit. Oh, really? Yes. Here is more about the actual settlement.

I find life so intriguing, from a legal and lawful perspective, when somewhat greedy administrative STATE and FEDERAL BUREAUCRATS go after statutory business organizations which are also proven to be greedy; everyone seems to leave out the actual harmed patient in terms of the scope of this matter. No patient affected by this matter received any compensation. 

With this following study and my twenty-one itemized hypothetical conclusions I've drawn, Americans now can begin to consider litigating a massive new GIGANTIC MATTER (aka allegations which may qualify to initiate class action and/or criminal matters) against “the Crown” and “the UN” and “the WHO” and “the WEF” and "the UNITED STATES" and "the STATE" and "Big Pharma" and every other ‘apparently oblivious to organized crime Davos group player’, plus a whole lot more under certain councils, societies, closed door elite groups, influential or collaborative unions and various roundtables.

Other reports found here at my USOA portal will deep dive with you into who these foreign, domestic and intercontinental entities are with respect to the American continent and global geo-politics -- in what can basically be described as the matrix of illusion which envelopes us from cradle to grave. Some call it the 'Deep State' or 'the swamp.' They've had centuries under their belts -- which bring us to today. 


Many various ‘nameable defendants’ have broke in some news reports. Certain pre-emptive presidential pardons had caught my attention recently prior to the end of the Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Administration.

Why would Biden pardon a sizable group of so-called scientists and influential people when none of them have actually been indicted, charged or convicted as yet? Weird huh? 


When news breaks of what [THEY/They/they] have all been embroiled in since the days of J.D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil Company's created petro-medicines, as medicine had overtaken quality foods by design and by opportunity, we can uncover what's has taken place within their intentions and foreknowledge since the late 1800's.

J.D. Rockefeller and a dozen other Robber Barons had systematically planned the destruction of quality whole foods farmers via mass industrialization of foods and drugs.

So much so, that a Food and Drug Administration was devised to oversee U.S. matters in regard to the administering of foods and drugs and the development of any item, any device, any medicine, any food or any service associated with the care and feeding of the human body -- by way of an emmense pipeline and interconnected array of corporations in the public and private sectors. This report intends to illustrate how Big Government is being operated on many fronts now in the global theater.


Even worse, virtually no real information regarding the full spectrum of mRNA injections, GMO foods and hidden dangers to the biologically diverse living brings -- dubbed as men, women, sons and daughters (ah, um, statutory legal persons, rather).

We're all just expected to trust the science!

In the more recent 40 years, so many of you now know their names such as Gates, Fauci, Birx, and dozens if not hundreds of others. Company Executives. Agency Heads. Literary Authors. Lobbyists.

I am not going to go into the vast network of people who grease each other skids. At least not in this report.

It's very easy to do your own homework for any who want to dig in to research, download and study.


As mentioned above: Here is just one link to one of the 42 states recorded during 2019.

Any of my readers here are now encouraged to personalize this entire matter to your self if you too were harmed in the past or present, likewise, by what is about to shock you in this developing report.

I have discovered an even larger and more G I G A N T I C    R A C K E T E E R I N G    C R I M E   S C E N E   in the entire medical industry regarding the administrative backend of Doctor/Patient relationships, the clinical settings and even the drug billing games played to, essentially obscure the causes for all these ailments, in favor of rapid diagnosis and reimbursement via adjustable medical coding. How could it be any larger? When you're with your Doctor, that is your point of sale. Ca-ching. 

Here is one simple Google Search to open a list of related indexing found on the topic to date.

Question: Does anyone remember this plastered all over in every big mainstream media outfit?

Answer: I sure don't. 

Question: As I've said, this is a developing report and so at this point is anyone curious about what kind of settlement is sought or was reached and who benefitted by any potential monies that usually change hands in corporations suing other corporations?

Answer: If you readers want to chime in, look way down below for how to send me your thoughts. You can help contribute to this smashingly huge exposure.


In 2019, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison participated in a multi-state lawsuit as some 40+ states, beginning with Connecticut, as several folks out there had smartly discovered what Big Pharma was doing to price fix and supply chain manipulate in order to get everyone in the industry highly compensated to ram as much dangerous drugs into everyone as much as possible... further, the adoption of ICD-10-CM (line item billing codes) in order to bilk insurance companies for treatments -- only to make money while prescribing more counteracting treatments to reduce or alleviate adjunct symptoms.

Every clinically charted line item, to be billed out, turned into gradual billions of annual dollars (trillions over time) in profits for doctors, hospitals, clinics, suppliers, manufacturers and Congressional manipulators. After billions in spending, disease and death rates skyrocket.

These ongoing stories are frequently squelched by our highly controlled and scripted MSM Coverage at best.

Get a load of massive stock price appreciation in all of the stock markets. How about bond markets? How about medical real estate? How about diminishing salaries and overloaded medical facilities?

Patients are so backed up in 'the pipeline' that people have to become 'medical borders' as they await a room. People lay in ER beds for hours and days before 'icu rooms' can open. People are deprived of foods while being mostly sedated especially if they are upset. 

Question: What do we suppose was or is going through the minds of Doctors and Nurses? They are virtually tongue tied, aside from maybe uttering 'Jesus Christ' every now and then.

Answer: I love my Doctors, Nurses, Care Teams and my Practical Care Technicians (PCT) because they do care and they prove it every day with me as I help to direct everyone in my care. This Racket is NOT their faults but they too are caught up in it. I AM PATIENT WITH THEM TOO.

But we are losing both our patients and our patience due to the racketeering! 

Here is an estimation (my own estimation with firsthand knowledge in my arsenal) of what must be going through the minds of certain [High-level Crime Spree Players] who need to be stopped:


The Big Picture, To Wit:

1. They will adopt ICD-10 Medical Coding systems;

2. They will adopt the 'to be clinically modified' ICD-10-CM coding model designed to be modified by all individual clinics and healthcare provider organizations;

3. They will modify all of ICD-10-CM code base by adding thousands of subspecialty diagnosis codes;

4. They will calculate possible reimbursement values for each diagnosis and treatment and follow requirements per code item as developed by all industry partners in both the public sector and the private sector;

5. They will tryout their new money making schemes herein on the unsuspecting and trusting populous by diagnosing our every ailment, according to a particular well-paying code per item in a patient record;

6. They will now start diagnosing 'PATIENTS' (people) with our "designer diseases" rather than guiding anyone to the truthful free home kitchen/pantry/meal prep ideals where healthy meals can be around 5 dollars per meal in modern whole foods;

7. Their FDA Partners, NIH, CDC and various public/private Partners will guide food and chemical producers to gradually and covertly make people sick and overweight and increasingly ill by gradual environment, food and medication poisoning; 

8. People's new health or ailment complaints will align perfectly with all new UNITED NATIONS and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION intentional diagnosis and treatment codes, both supported and underwritten by the likes of some of the highest ranks in government such as the Surgeon General and every manufacturer;

9. They will diagnose and prescribe their medicines and procedures and send forth their revised medical coding and then begin using modern means to analyze trends and communicate various goals and outcomes and surgical body part removals deemed as emergent; 

10. They will bill everyone's insurance accordingly,  to such extent that their internal Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement rates will be driven so obismally low that practitioners have to write-down their losses for any hope of maintaining quality of care and to satisfy stakeholders to one extend or another;

11. They will issue gag orders to their licensed practitioners so they don't learn about or decide to steer good people (PATIENTS) outside of patented or generic pharmaceuticals, devices and treatment protocols;

12. They will keep Registered Nurses and Doctors oblivious, or otherwise railroaded into being their highly trained 'agents' with regard to administering the medicines and treatment protocols;

13. They will laugh their butts off all the way to the Commercial Banks, Wall Street Banks, State Street, Blackrock, etc., etc. and around the globe;

14. All industry players can now repeat these plans year after year, decade after decade;

15. These medications will make people feel better via symptom management by induced deadening of body sensory systems as people rest and wait it out;

16. These international crime partners will support the cartels behind the scenes at 'the Crown, the UN, the WHO and the Davos WEF and various secret societies" of every flavor imaginable like a deep-state swamp of various interlocking directorates;

17. Affected people will be dead before their retirement payouts can begin, and guaranteeing virtually nothing to be forwarded on to their heirs apparent. They've got the BAR ASSOCIATIONS in their pockets along with the entire 'intelligence apparatus' of so-called researchers, universities and governments; 

18. Due to their plans, the American people aren't trained in any public education regarding the how and why to properly lock their belongings, property and valuables for their heirs and estates into wills, codicils or common law contract trusts, and thus our probate system will swoop in to reaquire anything possible to be be further obtained administratively from their PATIENT LEGAL PERSONS and their STATUTORY PERSONS -- even by Court Order as necessary;

19. All mainstream partners will continue propaganda and distraction over the masses so NOBODY will figure out any of this in a countless number of decades. If they do, we will have in our arsenal plausible deniability;

20. Twentieth Century Fox, MGM, Disney, The Simpsons and all of Hollywood and News Corporations will touch on these matters, though fictionally over time.

21. Regulators detect, expose, challenge, litigate and settle matters among other Perpetrators proven to be affecting Americans indirectly in terms of insurance, logistics, manipulation and price-fixing without helping to settle as many complaints as possible that  Americans have regarding these same products and services -- hanging so many people out to dry.

In terms of actual Americans, almost no one knows how deep this 'rabbit hole' goes but as Americans, we owe it to ourselves to get to the bottom of it.

Now, if that isn't enough for you all, I suggest you take this report freely from me and fashion it into your own versions as you backtrack through your own 'medical history' and begin to iron out your own new 'malpractice / constructive fraud / personal injury claims' regarding what may have been done with your PERSON or PERSONS, respectively.

You've all got several PERSONS at play under various likenesses of your own name.

Who did this to YOU / You / you? 

I've got plenty of other reports outlining not only "the who" but also the what, when, where, why and how. Like I've said, it really is a Racket. Only, the worst part about all of this is that, by and large, we've all most likely volunteered to participate and to give our consent because it's "the system" and we go along with it just like everybody else. 

Now imagine this

Look at your BIRTH CERTIFICATE as printed

on BANK NOTE paper....


My certified original BC document reads JAMES ALLEN HOMYAK (without exposing that THING as a tacit silent ESTATE franchisee) owned by its creators --- STATE OF MINNESOTA -- PROBATE COURT -- DEPT OF VITAL STATISTICS -- all of those incorporated into the UNITED STATES as another of its THINGS IDENTIFIED under specialty industrial controls such as UCC -- Uniform Commercial Code and fictional strawman id-entities (both duplicate and triplicate).

I've Taken A Step Back

So I (a man) get regarded as an 'encounter' making its 'appearance' every time I go see any Doctor or Medical Establishment. Same for any Courts of law; any agency locations; on and on; while getting told to 'zip my lip' by just about every law practitioner -- who's affraid of the mistaken liability if I were to openly admit fault or to unknowingly self-incriminate.

I am the living soul running inside the 'male meat suit' created by Daddy & Mommy.

While they (Mom & Dad) unknowingly got directed under some kind of necessary 'STATE MARRIAGE LICENSE' where by and via a 'BIRTH REGISTRATION' (a complete gifting away) of baby James Allen, they had already put me up for adoption to THE STATE, which then in exchange, turned right around and placed my tiny body back under the guardianship of my parent (also a taxable and statutorily subject frachisee). The STATE owned its FULL LEGAL NAME and its future ESTATE in order to commercialize every aspect. 

The little newborn baby came into this world in two parts:

1. It's amnion and afterbirth tissues (supposedly discarded as the deceased baby)

2. It's actually body (weighed, checked in, evaluated,  etc. as a piece of received cargo, berthed and delivered upon the water.)

That was the physical part of being born. Mommy did her informing and reporting too.

But now for the STATE OF MINNESOTA administrative process in childbirth by it's statutory parent, THE STATE PROBATE SYSTEM, as their dead baby scam and biological property began establishment for INTERNAL charge-back purposes, and other "applications" to get under way--- as plotted by some of the most ruthlessly evil people in the entire history of planet Earth during our more modern times around 1913 to 1947, 1954, 1965, and even more recent. The birth of a kid and the birth of its LEGAL PERSON. (with civil rights and bankruptcy protection).

THEIR hocus-pocus LEGAL PERSON got made 5/19/66 as my own several monopoly game tokens got underway. What a nice thing to have huh? A FULL LEGAL NAME. Yep! Nice for [THEM/Them/them] as they stand. I was led by them to "Sign" for them. On the dotted line! Their Authorized Representative! Our wet-ink signature underwrites their thriving CAPITALISM to approve the engagment. To close the deal. 

Please "sign" here Mr. HOMYAK.

My Instant Rebuttals:

I am not a Mr., and not a Sir. In retirement, I am only just Jim or James Allen


I don't "sign" anything but I will "Autograph my By: Line as the author" -- with my express reservation of my rights.



I N D I C T I N G  T H E I R

R A C K E T E E R I N G 

Using the "power of the pen"

I can begin to put various parts of the "establishment" on notice. I can draft various notices of liability with opportunity to cure. 

I can write to every Medical Records Department involved in the records of my care, and request from them a full documentiary audit of my entire medical history. With that, I can request the ICD-10-CM codes used in every line item sent in to my insurance providers. If I encounter push-back in this, I can then legally invoke Powers Of Attorney to legally require them to administratively comply with my request. Once I get through the nearly four foot stack of paper, I can then clear anyone of wrong doing or isolate areas of concern. ICD means international classification of diseases. We have version ten in play now with options to modify the code to align with a given purpose. 

Show me a bigger racket!

Check out Clif High

Is it really true? The end of the Deep State?

I'll dig in and write about that too, as you can see in my latest content found here at Unruly States of Affairs. 


The attention to detail is stunning – from the weathered wooden boardwalks to the swinging saloon doors. Each character has been meticulously transformed into their Western alter ego: Trump as the steely-eyed Sheriff, Tulsi Gabbard as the skilled deputy with lightning-fast reflexes, Kristi Noem as the fearless frontier woman, and Don Jr. as the sharp-shooting enforcer keeping order in the wildest parts of town.


Putting A Stop To The Racket

Let us all say enough is enough!

Using the vast amount of good credible information, even from sources such as PragerU and their amazing 5 minute videos; for example: Drugs dot com; Dr. Alan Mandell; Dr. Eric Berg; and others; we have got to seek better education and awareness for ourselves outside of the massive mainstream medical and medicine industries, if we're gonna have a fighting chance to just be well again.

Use your touchphone to browse YouTube and BitChute and inside these media choices, search for your one-word or two-word health concern, such as back pain.

Be open minded to find out what other real people are discussing.  Don't jump to buying all the products being presented. Research into the new or suggested remedies.

Share with your Doctor via electronic means if you can, such as MyChart as offered by the more well-established care providers. 

Question: Why not just keep trusting our Doctors and their science?  

Answer: Doctors are trained to compare symptoms and procedure outcomes in order to take an educated approach to fitting you with suggested uses of pharmaceutical products to treat and alleviate symptoms. You get informed. You give consent. You get started. You wait and see what happens. You make your disciplined plans happen as directed. Like a boss.

Question: Does that answer possibly come even close to what you already know or what else you'd want to know about causes for your ailments?

Answer: If given the chance, literally millions of people adopt a certain kind of nescience to follow the path of least resistance -- by consenting to accept and use Doctor prescriptions.

Question: What can we do to ensure that our own best interests are in focus in our Care Team setting?

Answer: Become your number one best advocate for your body and good conscience. Prepare your advance care directive. Question everything. Make and maintain a journal for your wellness. Use modern resources to validate advice given. Don't rush in to new treatments without employing critical thinking. Ask for printed documents regarding all products introduced into your body by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment. Study the information to decide if any aspect is of concern to you such as potential side-effects or issues that may arise if other products might cause adverse reactions when used together. Take notes. Ask questions. Direct your Care Team with confidence. 

Question: Can or should the people who are involved in providing medical products and services also be helpful in spearheading change in these matters?

Answer: Absolutely they can -- by encouraging patients to step up to being their own Care Team director and be preparing and recording an Advance Care Directive to guide everyone in patient advocacy.

Reference:  The Real News Network (I invite you to look them up online.)

In this next video, we're joined with three men speaking of known and proven alternative cancer remedies, IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOL in particular, (sold as Horse Paist and Dog De-wormer from Tractor Supply and other online retailers) being totally suppressed by all medical and oncology establishments in favor of radiation, chemotherapy and resection/removal of body parts or being sent home to pass away.

People are quietly applying said alternative remedies without necessarily divulging this information to a Doctor. Why not? Doctors cannot recommend products outside of their established protocols.

Depending on how well you direct your Care Teams, you may be able to feel confident that you're taking a two-pronged approach.


I'd grown up close to a man who'd gotten a bladder turbo-cancer. He lived a sincere life in his focus on core values. He believed his mainstream care teams. Once in hospice, his life ended very soon thereafter. When he died, I'd lost a true friend. He never actually had his own sufficient opportunity to try his own ideas freely without a fear of causing confrontation, friction or controversy. He would likely have not tried a dog dewormer or a horse disinfectant because of "internet claims" not possible to be supported in mainstream oncology.

And We Know 1.27.25 – Trump Drops BOMBSHELL “We Are Ready for the Arrests”; Mainstream Media (MSM) Destroyed

The age of the "Stopping of The Racket" in, on and for Americans begins now.

I, Jim Homyak, ask for you all to join in with me, and to hopfully agree, that we do not want these racketeers -- those spelled out or eluded to in The Racket -- to be in the midst of our rights, hopes and plans to live a life of health and wellness. After all, these are our private matters that should not be getting bandied about behind our backs.

Peace, love, hope and optimism!

Jimbolini of the Homyak family

james at unrulystatesofaffairs dot com

where dot com doesn't mean commerce

Note: There are lots of real people with lots of spot-on perspectives. So much media is left up for the people to now decide on; as to whether it's all just an elaborate technology-aided sandbox; or, whether these actual counts of soldier's boots on the ground really are kickin' it for us this time as they failed to do for way too long.

Segment Regarding Zinc 

Voluntarily and freely included by a decision of our USOA Publisher without compensation in any way

Worthwhile daily Zinc Supplement regimen suggested by another wise Doctor...

Fair Use Segment By: Dr. Edward F. Group

It’s a fact that Zinc is highly involved in the health of your body.

Of all the 59 Trace Elements, Zinc participates in every activity of the human body. Even though zinc is a trace mineral, meaning that the body only needs small amounts, it is required for almost 100 enzymes to carry out vital chemical reactions.

Zinc also plays an essential role in making DNA, growth of cells, building proteins, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, and supporting a healthy immune system. Since zinc is not stored in your body, you can see why you need a good source of Zinc daily.

Let’s talk about the significance of Zinc and why it can be difficult to get enough.

Minerals are the most significant deficiency on the planet due to our soils being depleted and sprayed. They are also at the heart of being cofactors for enzymes, making vitamins, like B-12, and making antioxidants and even phytonutrients.

Zinc is one of the most widespread micronutrient deficiencies in crops and pastures worldwide and causes considerable losses in crop production and crop quality.

Zinc’s primary function in the soil is to help plants make chlorophyll. Plant leaves can lose their normal color, and plant growth becomes stunted when soil is Zinc deficient. Phytates (phytic acid) in whole grains, bran, rice, and corn also block zinc. So many things in today’s world can block a sufficient amount of zinc and cause zinc deficiency.

Estimates indicate that more than two billion people are zinc deficient. Zinc is considered the most known micronutrient deficiency and the fifth most important risk factor for disease in developing countries, which is likely due to it being challenging to get and maintain.

Cadmium, a very toxic metal, also inhibits zinc. If you have the proper amount of zinc in your body and then experience exposure to cadmium, there is less of a toxic effect. However, the opposite is also true — the less zinc you have, the more poisonous cadmium becomes. Also, taking an antacid, a Diuretic, or Statins can deplete your zinc, which means you quickly become zinc deficient.

Things That Can Hinder Your Absorption of Zinc:

Many foods and diseases can hinder zinc absorption. Some include:

Tannins in tea

Sulfites in wine

Glyphosate from GMO foods

Alcohol alone without sulfites

Gastric bypass surgery

Any digestive damage such as IBS, crohn’s, diverticulitis, liver disease, or cirrhosis

Overuse of antibiotics

Refined sugars

Pancreatitis and pancreatic insufficiency


As you age, you lose the concentration of stomach acids compared to what you used to have when you were younger. Stomach acid is needed to absorb zinc.

The beauty of Global Healing’s Organic Plant-Based Zinc is that your stomach acids are not required for the body to absorb it because it is already in a digested state allowing the body to absorb it immediately. It’s also perfect for people with preexisting digestive issues like the ones I mentioned above.

Remember, back in Dr. Norman Walker’s day, the soils weren’t as depleted, people weren’t eating as much refined sugar, grains, and GMO foods as they do today, and people weren’t on as many meds and antacids. Even though Dr. Norman Walker was described as a nutrient-calculating doctor genius who didn’t consume alcohol, eat processed or GMO foods, take medication, and have digestive issues, he still felt the need to take zinc every day. It is a simple trace mineral; taking it can prevent and potentially resolve many health issues.

Now let’s look at just a few of the possible issues resulting from Zinc Deficiency. Maybe a concern that you are having is listed below.

Immune System

Zinc is a critical component needed for your immune system. If you have an infection or are sick, you will most likely have a zinc deficiency because your immune system will use any zinc you have to fight the infection. Zinc can decrease the total time that the common cold lasts. If you can take zinc right at the beginning of a cold, you can considerably shorten the time.

One significant symptom of zinc deficiency is the loss of smell and taste. As I said above, when you get an infection, your immune system will use the zinc you have to fight off that infection. Consequently, a side effect of zinc deficiency could cause the loss of taste and smell. In my opinion, zinc is the best option to recover your smell and taste.

Our mast cells involve histamines, and asthma symptoms need zinc as their main mineral. Therefore, taking zinc can act as a natural antibiotic, a natural anti-inflammatory, and reduce inflammation and mucus. The superficial internal layer surrounding your airways is loaded with zinc, and you have all these mast cells waiting to deal with foreign particles, such as pollen. What’s even crazier is that certain fungi like candida grow with zinc and other minerals, which will steal your zinc and other minerals like manganese. When they steal your zinc and leave you deficient, they can survive better because they weaken your immune system resulting in an underlying battle between your immune system and microbes trying to snatch up and steal all the zinc.


Let’s talk about the prostate for a minute. Zinc levels are much more significant in a normal prostate, whereas mild hypertrophy and chronic prostatitis in an enlarged prostate gland contain about 35% less zinc. And prostate cancer has an average of 70% less zinc than a normal prostate. A zinc deficiency can also lead to hypogonadism, resulting in smaller testicles and a smaller output of testosterone because zinc is needed to make testosterone. People with low testosterone are usually zinc deficient. Sperm is rich in zinc as well. Sperm travels through a tube into the prostate area, where other glands are located that produce fluid with the fluids of the prostate gland, all mixing into semen.


So we’ve looked at the prostate and the immune system. Now, look at the brain with mood, mental, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Many clinical studies indicate that zinc can act as a natural antidepressant. Patients with major depressive disorders are almost always deficient in zinc. Why is this? When you lack zinc, the nerves of your nervous system begin to degenerate. There is a good amount of zinc concentration in the neurons around the amygdala and the hippocampus, which directly affect one’s mood. Dopamine, for example, binds to zinc, which is essential for memory, focus, and feeling good. Zinc is heavily involved in making proteins, and neurotransmitters are proteins. So if you have any depression or mood disorders concerns, you will find that zinc can significantly help you.

As we see, zinc is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in brain health. In a clinical study, children who experienced a deficiency of zinc can also present with ADHD symptoms like concerns with attention span, shakes, anxiety, and hindered cognitive development. Research also indicates that supplementing with zinc may only be effective in children with a high risk of zinc deficiency.


The third most zinc-abundant tissue in your entire body is skin. If zinc is deficient, you can experience acne, eczema, cracked skin, fissured skin, rosacea, and many different types of dermatitis. A zinc deficiency can dry out the oil (sebum) in the skin and can lead to superficial and internal skin ulcers such as stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, or even bed sores. One of the treatments suggested for many of these issues is skin creams containing zinc, such as diaper rash creams. Therefore we can say that zinc also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

As seen in research and a clinical study here, the highest zinc concentration in the human body is measured in the eye. Zinc deficiency has a dramatic effect on ocular development, primarily when it occurs during the early prenatal period. The study also indicates that it is well known that zinc deficiency causes functional damage in various parts of the eye. Age-Related Macular Degeneration and other eye issues are definite symptoms of zinc deficiency.


Zinc is an essential cofactor in some of the significant reactions in the body that help manage inflammation. When zinc is deficient, it can heighten the inflammatory response and, over time, cause damage to your body. Over time, a zinc deficiency can contribute to systemic inflammation and is possibly linked to impaired immune function often seen in older adults. Zinc supplementation in elderly adults indicates zinc can decrease the production of inflammatory cytokines, lower oxidative stress, and diminish the frequency and severity of infections.

The Bottom Line

Zinc is an essential mineral with many vital functions in the body. Zinc supports your immune function, keeps your prostate healthy, keeps your skin healthy, supports brain health, attenuates inflammation, and helps protect your eyes. Because your body cannot make its zinc, you need to get it through by implementing a healthy diet or complementing your diet with an organic, plant-based zinc supplement. Taking zinc supplements ensures you’re also getting enough copper (most adults need 1 milligram per day).

I highly suggest supplementing your diet with zinc, especially if you are not consuming foods that contain zinc. A perfect zinc supplement is Global Healing’s liquid Zinc supplement, made from organic guava leaves with Energized Trace Minerals™ to enhance absorption and optimize benefits. When deciding to take a supplement, be sure to do your research concerning the many different types of zinc supplements: They are not all created equal.

About the author in this segment:

Dr. Edward F. Group III (DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM) founded Global Healing Center in 1998 with the goal of providing the highest quality natural health information and products. He is world-renowned for his research on the root cause of disease. Under his leadership, Global Healing Center earned recognition as one of the largest natural and organic health resources in the world. Dr. Group is a veteran of the United States Army and has attended both Harvard and MIT business schools. He is a best-selling author and a frequent guest on radio and television programs, documentary films, and in major publications.

Dr. Group centers his philosophy around the understanding that the root cause of disease stems from the accumulation of toxins in the body and is exacerbated by daily exposure to a toxic living environment. He believes his personal mission is to teach and promote philosophies that produce good health, a clean environment, and positive thinking. This, he believes, can restore happiness and love to the world.

For more, please visit Global Healing Center.


Suggested Supplement Regimen By: Jim Homyak 

* Look up Brazilian Mounjaro

The Brazilian Mounjaro (also see below) recipe is one you constitute in a few moments using a juice blender if you can. Otherwise grind and combine those three ingredients (or more to suit your taste) with pure warm water. Consume as directed for your own intents and desires.

Use your own favorite "Web Browser" to search for my listed supplements.  Always consult with your Dietician and Doctor before adding mineral, vitamin and dietary products into your body.

The Dream

Please let me know if you can ever develop a regimen to be paid for or reimbursed by your insurance policy as recovery and prevention. Lord knows we have no problems getting our health insurance to pay for all the pharmaceuticals and medical procedures which slowly ruin our physiology and reduce the size and number of components of our bodies (resection, amputation) when infection or diseases set in to become chronic or life threatening. 

More peace needed if you feel the urge to get riled up! 

Clif High, is one of many, who are going to expose the whole damn thing! I takes time to get through all the layers of peeling an onion. 

P.S. Health & Wellness Care Team Practitioners, STATE LICENSED or otherwise -- read this as your "so long" to COVID (schmovid) everything, hopefully. 

BONUS GIFTS for those who've made it this far. Downloads: PDF  Word Template for making your own Advance Healthcare Directives.

ORGANIC FOODS -- buyer beware... >here<


 The Racket

by: Jim Homyak