
Government Has Been Told Where It Stands

By: James Allen Homyak 

11 / 11 / 2024

The registered American voter, granting voluntary consent of the governed, whether active in their district or not, participate to help comprise a quorum of constituencies with respect to the interim legislatures and congress. The American people haven't been at home administratively speaking; once they go onto Admiralty and Maritime or active duty or employed in the office of person or staff: JOHN M. DOE or DOE, JOHN M

Many times, and via the hands of many people here at home on America, this THING called "your Government" or perhaps "our Government" and certainly "their Government" for any of you voters or office people, have been told where they all stand. Let's reiterate... 


It is a mess entirely that men such as former U.S. PRESIDENT BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA are NOT in prison for the rest of their lives or gone completely according to their rules of their laws. We can name lots and lots of their names. Who isn't wrapped up in their centuries of messes?

I rest my case to some extent, but not before getting more of my words out here -- again. 

Very Sincerely,

James Allen